Associate Professor, Department of Earth & Space Sciences, University of Washington

Endowed Professor for the College of the Environment in Earth Systems









full CV.pdf

Kate Huntington received a BS in Geology and Economics from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and a PhD in Geology from MIT. Following a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Caltech, in 2008 she joined the faculty in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington, where she holds the Endowed Professorship for the College of the Environment in Earth Systems. Kate is a geologist and geochemist who uses field-based, laboratory, and numerical modeling approaches to study how tectonics, erosion and climate interact to shape Earth's surface and crust, from deep time to human time. Her research team develops approaches using geochronology and clumped isotope geochemistry to examine paleoenvironments, surface processes, and the thermal evolution of the crust from Himalaya-Tibet to the Andes mountains and western North America. For her “extraordinary contributions to the application of geomorphological, geochemical, and geochronological observations to tectonic problems” she won the Donath Medal (Young Scientist Award) from the Geological Society of America. She is the recipient of a NSF CAREER Award and a Fellow of the Geological Society of America. Kate is currently serving on the Council of the Geological Society of America and on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine CORES (Catalyzing Opportunities for Research in the Earth Sciences) Committee.

Katharine W. Huntington, née Ruhl

Endowed Professor for the College of the Environement in Earth Systems

Department of Earth & Space Sciences

University of Washington


CV - brief


- Interactions of tectonics, erosion and climate in shaping Earth's surface and crust;

- Paleotopography, paleoclimate, diagenesis and fluid-fault interactions;

- Geochemistry, including geochronology, thermochronology and clumped isotope thermometry; field geology, geomorphology, structural geology, sedimentology, thermo-kinematic modeling, flood modeling.


2006-2008         California Institute of Technology, Postdoc in Geology and Geochemistry

Ph.D., 2006        Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geology

B.S., 2001          University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Geological Sciences and Economics


2019-present      Professor, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington

2018-present      Endowed Professor for the College of the Environment in Earth Systems

2014-2019          Associate Professor, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington

2008-2014          Assistant Professor, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington

2006-2008          Geology Option Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Geological and Planetary

                           Sciences, California Institute of Technology

2001-2006          Research/Teaching Asst., Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT

1999-2000          Undergraduate Research Fellow, Geological Sciences, University of North Carolina


Best Paper Award, Society for Sedimentary Geology - SEPM (2014); doi: 10.2110/jsr.2011.51

Fellow of the Geological Society of America (2013)

Bassett Distinguished Teaching Award (2013)

Donath Medal, Geological Society of America Young Scientist Award (2012)

NSF Early Career PI invitee to White House (2011)

NSF Geosciences Directorate Distinguished Lecturer (2011)

NSF CAREER Award (2010-2015)

Geological Society of America Bulletin Exceptional Reviewer (2009)

Geosphere Exceptional Reviewer (2009)

California Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Fellowship (2006-2007)

MIT Presidential Fellowship (2001-2002)

Cornell University Sage Fellowship (2001, declined)

Phi Beta Kappa (2001)

UNC Davies Scholar (1997-2001)

Op White Prize in Geological Sciences, UNC (2001)

Ingram Grant in Geological Sciences, UNC (2001)

North Carolina Science Opportunity Fellowship (1999)


NSF Geobiology & Low-Temperature Geochemistry Program EAR-1713275. ""EAGER:  Reducing uncertainty in clumped isotope thermometry by evaluating the effect of 17O excess." 9/2017-8/2018: $69,304. PI Casey Saenger, Co-PIs Eric J. Steig, Katharine Huntington.

NSF Instrumentation and Facilities. EAR-XXXXXXX. "Collaborative Research: Development of Tunable Infrared Laser Direct Absorption Spectroscopy (TILDAS) for clumped isotope analysis of CO2." Start 7/2017, Co-PI with David Dettman and Jay Quade (U of Arizona) and David Nelson (Aerodyne).

Quaternary Research Center. "Paleoenvironmental constraints from paleosol-loess sequences: evaluating clumped (∆47) isotopic records in biogenic and pedogenic carbonate." 9/2016-11/2016: $5700, sole PI.

NSF Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics Program EAR-1349279. “Impact of Quaternary megafloods on erosion of the Tsangpo River gorge, southeastern Tibet.”

4/15/2014 to 4/14/2017: $224,001, sole PI.

NSF Geobiology & Low-Temperature Geochemistry Program EAR-1252064 & 1342695. “Collaborative Research: Interpreting clumped isotope temperatures and d18O records from pedogenic carbonate: influence of climate, seasonality, and elevation.”

4/2013 to 3/2015: $170,709 (UW portion), Co-PI with Greg Hoke (Syracuse University).

NSF Instrumentation and Facilities Program EAR-1156134. “Early Career: acquisition of a gas-source isotope-ratio mass spectrometer for research and education in tectonics and paleoclimate.”

9/2012 to 8/2013: $365,362, sole PI.

NSF Tectonics Program EAR-0955309. “CAREER: The detrital record of focused rock uplift and exhumation, Northeast Indian Himalaya.”

5/2010 to 4/2015: $487,197, sole PI.

American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund grant #49704. “The use of carbonate ‘clumped isotope’ thermometry to quantify temperatures of burial and diagenesis from 0-200ºC.”

1/2010 to 12/2011: $100,000, sole PI.

Royalty Research Fund grant #65-2771. “Development of a sample preparation system for measurement of clumped isotopes in carbonate for paleoclimate and paleoelevation reconstructions.”

3/1/2010 to 2/28/2011: $35,503, sole PI.


2020    (scheduled) University of Michigan

2019    American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Invited talk

2019    34th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, Keynote

2019    Princeton University, Department seminar

2018    Chinese University of Geosciences Beijing, Lecture series

2018    Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, Invited talks

2018    Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Invited talk

2018    Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Colloquium

2018    University of Texas Austin, DeFord Lecture and Lithospheric Dynamics Seminar

2018    Biannual Structural Geology & Tectonics Forum, Invited talk

2017    Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Invited talk

2017    Canadian Geophysical Union, Vancouver Canada, Invited talk

2017    Utah State University, Forster Lectures

2017    Texas A&M University

2016    Universty of Utah

2016    Rice University

2016    University of Wollongong, Australia

2015    Oregon State University

2015    University of California Berkeley

2015    University of Oregon

2015    Syracuse University

2015    Weeks Lecture, University of Wisconsin Madison

2014    GSA annual meeting, Keynote

2014    University of Idaho

2014    4th Clumped Isotopes Workshop Keynote, ETH Zurich

2014    Goldschmidt Annual Meeting

2014    University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

2014    GSA Penrose Conference Keynote

2014    UC San Diego

2014    UCLA

2013    American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

2013    GSA Pardee Keynote Symposium

2013    University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology

2013    Northwest Geological Society Research Symposium

2013    University of Washington, Tacoma

2012    Gold Medal Lecture, Geological Society of America National Meeting

2012    Lehigh University

2012    University of Arizona, GeoDaze Keynote Lecture

2012    University of Southern California

2012    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2012    Brigham Young University

2012    Western Washington University

2011    American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

2011    Penn State University

2011    NSF Geosciences Directorate Distinguished Lecture

2011    Dickinson College, Potter Lecture, and Department Seminar

2011    University of California Santa Barbara

2010    American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

2010    GSA Keynote Lecture, Structural Geology & Tectonics Division

2010    Central Washington University

2010    Washington State University

2009    American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

2009    Yale University

2009    University of Colorado at Boulder

2009    AGU Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada

2009    University of Wyoming

2009    University of Chicago

2008    University of Oregon

2008    University of Montana

2008    University of Southern California

2007    University of Washington

2007    California Institute of Technology

2007    California State University Long Beach

2006    Arizona State University

2006    Georgia Institute of Technology

2006    California State University Northridge

2006    Colorado College

2006    ExxonMobile Exploration Company Technical Exchange

2005    American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

2005    Dickinson College