El Junco Lake, San Crisobal Island, Galapagos
Christmas Island Public Library
Washington Island, Republic of Kiribati
Hypersaline Pond on Chrismas Island
Spooky Lake, Palau, Coring Platform
NIce Interface Core, Palau
Paul Colinvaux, Miriam Steinitz-Kannan, Julian Sachs, Rienk Smittenberg (kneeling), Mike Miller
Lugging Coring Gear through the Jungle, Palau
Coconut Crab! Palau
Galapagos '04 Team, Charles Darwin Research Center, Santa Cruz, Galapagos
Darwin's Finches, Galapagos
Cotopaxi, Ecuador
El Junco Coring Team, Galapagos
Paul Colinvaux, The Master, El Junco Galapagos
Marine Iguanas, Galapagos
Hell Hole, Palau
Jellyfish Lake, Palau
Rock Islands of Palau
Palau Sunset
Jeff Bowman & Chase Stoudt, UW Undergraduates, June 2007
Chase Stoudt, UW Undergraduate Oceanography major
SW Saskatchewan
Mastigias Jellyfish, Clear Lake, Palau
Croccodile Carcass, Hell Hole, Palau
Orange Filter - Great Salt Lake
Saline Lakes-Chaplin, Saskatchewan
Ducking Fences in Saskatchewan
Great Plains of Western Canada
Postdocs Valerie Schwab & Dirk Sachse, May 2006
SaltCicles, Great Salt Lake, Utah
Sampling Chesapeake Bay Tributaries
Valerie, Julian & Rienk-Chesapeake Bay
Plumbing, Chesapeake Bay
James River Bridge, Chesapeake Bay, VA
River Water, Chesapeake Bay
Satellite image of Flamingo Lagoon on the north side of Floreana Island, Galapagos. We cored this lagoon in June 2008.
This manual water filtration system was used throughout our Galapagos trip in June 2008. Though slow it allowed us to get to many sites without batteries or access to electricity. The filter diameter is 142 mm and it is a Whatman GF/F filter with 0.7 um pore diameter.
Graduate student Alyssa Atwood measures chemical and physical properties of a salt pond on Isabela Island, Galapagos, in June 2008.
Team Salt, Great Salt Lake, June 2007
Giant Tortoises, Galapagos
Marine Iguana, Galapagos
Flamingo Lagoon, Floreana
Manual Filtrations System
Alyssa Probes Isabela Salt Pond
A hotel door and overturned inflatable boat were among the many "innovations" we introduced during our June 2008 Galapagos trip. Here we (Julian shown) are setting off to core Posa Verdes on Isabela Island.
Sea lions like to sun themselves on boat decks in the harbor on Isabela Island!
South Carolina Congressman Bob Inglis (center) discusses climate change with Dr. Matthias Wolffe (left) of the Charles Darwin Research Station and Dr. Simon Haberle (right) of the Australian National University during our June 2008 Galapagos trip. One of our activities was to lead a delegation of US Congressmen from the House Science & Technology Committee concerned about climate change.
Microbial mats covered many areas of Flamingo Lagoon on Floreana Island in June 2008. The salinity during our visit was 44 psu, about 35% higher than in the seawater just over the beach!
Julian & graduate student Dan Nelson spool cable for the data sonde while en route from San Diego, California to Clipperton Atoll--a 1,600 mile trip that lasted 7 days.
Some of the ~675 palm trees on tiny Clipperton Atoll can be seen in this beautiful March 2008 sunset.
Makeshift Coring Platform
Sea Lion on the Aloha Deck
Rep. Bob Inglis Discusses Climate Change
Microbial Mat, Flamingo Lagon
Spooling Cable en route to Clipperton
Clipperton Atoll Sunset
Graduate students Alyssa Atwood (left) and Dan Nelson (right), along with Dr. Julian Sachs (center), pass the time on the sportfishing vessel SHOGUN, somewhere in the eastern tropical North Pacific Ocean, en route to Clipperton Atoll in March 2008
No shortage of boobies on Clipperton Atoll....
We teamed up with a team of 20 French, Canadian and America amateur radio operators (DXers) who set up shop on Clipperton Atoll for 10 days in March 2008. They were a fun, interesting and resourceful bunch!
Julian and Dan section a U-core from Clipperton Lagoon in March 2008.
Here a brown boobie sings in "Bougainville" on Clipperton Atoll, March 2008.
Here are the tents of the science team members on Clipperton Atoll, March 2008. Notice the short plastic fence around the camp--to keep out the ever-curious land crabs.
Clipperton '08 Team
Clipperton Boobies!
Clipperton DXpedition Team
Core Sectioning
Singing Boobie
Sleeping Quarters on Clipperton
Approach to Lib Island in the Marshall Islands, 21 July 2009. Photo by Conor Myhrvold.
Lib Island, Republic of the Marshall Islands
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