Downloading John's Utility Files

 You can download files by clicking on the links.

   jmfuns.rda: This is my file of R functions. It is current as of 2/15/2014. To use any of these functions, attach this file to the R search path. After attaching jmfuns.rda to the search path, you can view documentation for an object in jmfuns.rda by using the doc function that is in jmfuns.rda. For example, doc(o.type) will result in a display of documentation for the o.type function.

   jm.utilities.rda (documentation for the functions in jm.utilities.rda):  jm.utilities.rda contains my R utility functions.  These functions are also contained in jmfuns.rda, but this subset of functions is provided so that the user does not have to deal with all of the objects in jmfuns.rda, many of which will not be useful to other users.  

   jmbugs.rda (documentation for the functions in jmbugs.rda): These are a subset of the functions in jmfuns.rda that are used in the analysis of OpenBUGS, WinBUGS and JAGS output. After attaching jmbugs.rda to the search path, you can view documentation for an object in jmbugs.rda by using the doc function in jmbugs.rda. For example, doc(plot.chains) will display documentation for the plot.chains function.

   Rnote:   This pdf contains my recommendations for configuring R in a way that makes for easier computing. 


·     To view the contents of jmfuns.rda, run R; attach "jmfuns.rda" to the search path; then use the and doc functions to look at functions in jmfuns.rda.  For example, run R.  Then give the following R commands:


# You may have to modify the following to

# identify where you have put jmfuns.rda on

# your computer. 


attach("c:/jmfuns.rda", pos = 2)


# Compare ls and functions.

ls(2)    #this my of 'ls'

