Business of Radiology 101

Balance Sheet: Equity

The equity of a practice is normally divided into two main parts: capital and retained earnings.

Capital is the amount initially invested by owners or partners in the practice that hasn't yet been repaid. Retained earnings are funds that the business has decided to hold in reserve rather than pay out as dividends or bonuses. Retained earnings can be useful for future purchases or covering volatility in the need for the groups services.

Period ending:  3/30/14 (all values represent 1,000's of $)
Total Assets $ 5,000 Total Liability & Equity $ 5,000
Total Current Assets $ 330 Total Liabilities $ 3,450
Cash $ 50 Current Liabilities $ 50
Accounts Receivable 200 Accounts Payable 30
Inventory 80 Accrued Liabilities  20
Total Noncurrent Assets 4,670 Long-term Liabilities 3,400
Net book value 3,420 Equipment Loans 2,000
Scanners & Equipment 3,000 Building Mortgage 1,400
Buildings 820
Accumulated depreciation - 400 Total Equity 1,550
Land 1,250 Dr. Hamurabi's Equity 500
Dr. Solomon's Equity, A 250
Dr. Solomon's Equity, B 250
Dr. Nebakanezer's Equity 500
Retained Earnings 50