Catalyst SimpleSite

Usage statistics for jjones2/ on

Summary Period: January 2010
Generated 01-Feb-2010 03:46 PST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2010
Total Hits 1393
Total Files 1360
Total Pages 993
Total Visits 455
Total KBytes 38732
Total Unique Sites 117
Total Unique URLs 133
Total Unique Referrers 34
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 17
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1 74
Hits per Day 44 111
Files per Day 43 109
Pages per Day 32 99
Visits per Day 14 20
KBytes per Day 1249 6053
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1360
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 19
Code 304 - Not Modified 7
Code 404 - Not Found 7

Daily usage for January 2010

Daily Statistics for January 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 35 2.51% 31 2.28% 28 2.82% 14 3.08% 9 7.69% 187 0.48%
2 31 2.23% 30 2.21% 23 2.32% 10 2.20% 5 4.27% 156 0.40%
3 91 6.53% 90 6.62% 72 7.25% 18 3.96% 5 4.27% 2960 7.64%
4 57 4.09% 57 4.19% 46 4.63% 18 3.96% 10 8.55% 3250 8.39%
5 65 4.67% 63 4.63% 44 4.43% 15 3.30% 12 10.26% 384 0.99%
6 49 3.52% 49 3.60% 31 3.12% 19 4.18% 7 5.98% 3317 8.56%
7 34 2.44% 31 2.28% 21 2.11% 15 3.30% 5 4.27% 116 0.30%
8 24 1.72% 24 1.76% 15 1.51% 9 1.98% 8 6.84% 158 0.41%
9 37 2.66% 37 2.72% 27 2.72% 14 3.08% 4 3.42% 203 0.52%
10 49 3.52% 48 3.53% 33 3.32% 14 3.08% 7 5.98% 275 0.71%
11 51 3.66% 51 3.75% 39 3.93% 18 3.96% 8 6.84% 345 0.89%
12 49 3.52% 48 3.53% 27 2.72% 15 3.30% 8 6.84% 6053 15.63%
13 59 4.24% 58 4.26% 37 3.73% 18 3.96% 7 5.98% 3188 8.23%
14 38 2.73% 37 2.72% 26 2.62% 19 4.18% 5 4.27% 96 0.25%
15 51 3.66% 48 3.53% 28 2.82% 13 2.86% 11 9.40% 321 0.83%
16 48 3.45% 48 3.53% 32 3.22% 14 3.08% 7 5.98% 314 0.81%
17 26 1.87% 25 1.84% 21 2.11% 13 2.86% 7 5.98% 371 0.96%
18 38 2.73% 37 2.72% 33 3.32% 15 3.30% 5 4.27% 3258 8.41%
19 29 2.08% 29 2.13% 21 2.11% 15 3.30% 5 4.27% 157 0.41%
20 45 3.23% 44 3.24% 36 3.63% 10 2.20% 8 6.84% 453 1.17%
21 23 1.65% 22 1.62% 22 2.22% 6 1.32% 7 5.98% 315 0.81%
22 37 2.66% 37 2.72% 23 2.32% 14 3.08% 10 8.55% 631 1.63%
23 50 3.59% 50 3.68% 34 3.42% 15 3.30% 6 5.13% 317 0.82%
24 31 2.23% 30 2.21% 22 2.22% 14 3.08% 4 3.42% 3209 8.28%
25 29 2.08% 26 1.91% 20 2.01% 16 3.52% 6 5.13% 83 0.21%
26 32 2.30% 30 2.21% 20 2.01% 13 2.86% 7 5.98% 3255 8.40%
27 30 2.15% 29 2.13% 18 1.81% 13 2.86% 7 5.98% 113 0.29%
28 111 7.97% 109 8.01% 99 9.97% 20 4.40% 7 5.98% 1255 3.24%
29 59 4.24% 59 4.34% 38 3.83% 15 3.30% 9 7.69% 479 1.24%
30 48 3.45% 48 3.53% 34 3.42% 17 3.74% 6 5.13% 216 0.56%
31 37 2.66% 35 2.57% 23 2.32% 17 3.74% 4 3.42% 3297 8.51%

Hourly usage for January 2010

Hourly Statistics for January 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1 55 3.95% 1 55 4.04% 1 37 3.73% 26 819 2.11%
1 1 61 4.38% 1 57 4.19% 1 40 4.03% 9 269 0.70%
2 1 51 3.66% 1 49 3.60% 1 40 4.03% 9 276 0.71%
3 2 69 4.95% 2 65 4.78% 1 61 6.14% 12 373 0.96%
4 1 58 4.16% 1 57 4.19% 1 44 4.43% 8 254 0.66%
5 1 53 3.80% 1 52 3.82% 1 38 3.83% 14 425 1.10%
6 1 61 4.38% 1 60 4.41% 1 45 4.53% 11 338 0.87%
7 2 69 4.95% 2 67 4.93% 1 60 6.04% 18 569 1.47%
8 2 64 4.59% 1 60 4.41% 1 45 4.53% 110 3425 8.84%
9 4 124 8.90% 3 123 9.04% 3 111 11.18% 40 1237 3.19%
10 1 59 4.24% 1 57 4.19% 1 37 3.73% 13 413 1.07%
11 1 50 3.59% 1 49 3.60% 1 35 3.52% 110 3425 8.84%
12 1 51 3.66% 1 48 3.53% 0 28 2.82% 9 267 0.69%
13 0 24 1.72% 0 24 1.76% 0 16 1.61% 102 3157 8.15%
14 1 42 3.02% 1 42 3.09% 0 29 2.92% 138 4289 11.07%
15 0 29 2.08% 0 29 2.13% 0 18 1.81% 12 360 0.93%
16 1 50 3.59% 1 48 3.53% 1 32 3.22% 148 4580 11.82%
17 2 72 5.17% 2 71 5.22% 1 39 3.93% 9 285 0.73%
18 1 36 2.58% 1 36 2.65% 0 26 2.62% 6 191 0.49%
19 2 63 4.52% 1 61 4.49% 1 38 3.83% 12 372 0.96%
20 1 44 3.16% 1 44 3.24% 0 25 2.52% 9 288 0.74%
21 2 76 5.46% 2 75 5.51% 1 59 5.94% 213 6598 17.03%
22 1 55 3.95% 1 55 4.04% 1 36 3.63% 104 3237 8.36%
23 2 77 5.53% 2 76 5.59% 1 54 5.44% 106 3285 8.48%

Top 30 of 133 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 438 31.44% 4675 12.07% /jjones2/webstats/
2 83 5.96% 47 0.12% /jjones2/
3 33 2.37% 677 1.75% /jjones2/webstats/usage_201001.html
4 20 1.44% 129 0.33% /jjones2/Peer review/
5 18 1.29% 26 0.07% /jjones2/Practicum/
6 16 1.15% 13 0.03% /jjones2/MC issues/
7 16 1.15% 13 0.03% /jjones2/MC issues/applebaum 2003.pdf
8 15 1.08% 13 0.03% /jjones2/MC issues/Kailin 1999.pdf
9 15 1.08% 12 0.03% /jjones2/MC issues/Root 2003.pdf
10 14 1.01% 11 0.03% /jjones2/Cognitive/
11 14 1.01% 12 0.03% /jjones2/MC issues/Root 1994.pdf
12 14 1.01% 12 0.03% /jjones2/MC issues/jervis_1996.pdf
13 13 0.93% 11 0.03% /jjones2/MC issues/McIntosh.pdf
14 12 0.86% 450 1.16% /jjones2/Peer review/report shell.doc
15 11 0.79% 9 0.02% /jjones2/Cognitive/resources.shtml
16 11 0.79% 204 0.53% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200808.html
17 11 0.79% 90 0.23% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200811.html
18 10 0.72% 8 0.02% /jjones2/Cognitive/Assignments.shtml
19 10 0.72% 562 1.45% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
20 10 0.72% 85 0.22% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200809.html
21 9 0.65% 8 0.02% /jjones2/Cognitive/lecture outlines.shtml
22 9 0.65% 7 0.02% /jjones2/Cognitive/schedule.shtml
23 9 0.65% 7 0.02% /jjones2/Cognitive/syllabus.shtml
24 9 0.65% 7 0.02% /jjones2/MC issues/schedule.shtml
25 9 0.65% 7 0.02% /jjones2/MC issues/syllabus.shtml
26 9 0.65% 7 0.02% /jjones2/MC issues/takaki_ch_4.pdf
27 9 0.65% 82 0.21% /jjones2/Peer review/assignments.shtml
28 9 0.65% 194 0.50% /jjones2/Peer review/syllabus.shtml
29 9 0.65% 26727 69.01% /jjones2/extended_log
30 9 0.65% 179 0.46% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200901.html

Top 10 of 133 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 9 0.65% 26727 69.01% /jjones2/extended_log
2 438 31.44% 4675 12.07% /jjones2/webstats/
3 2 0.14% 2071 5.35% /jjones2/Practicum/syllabus 08.doc
4 33 2.37% 677 1.75% /jjones2/webstats/usage_201001.html
5 10 0.72% 562 1.45% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
6 12 0.86% 450 1.16% /jjones2/Peer review/report shell.doc
7 8 0.57% 284 0.73% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200902.html
8 5 0.36% 252 0.65% /jjones2/Peer review/evalform.doc
9 3 0.22% 243 0.63% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200912.html
10 7 0.50% 237 0.61% /jjones2/Practicum/RTI manual.pdf

Top 10 of 59 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 83 5.96% 55 12.56% /jjones2/
2 438 31.44% 50 11.42% /jjones2/webstats/
3 33 2.37% 33 7.53% /jjones2/webstats/usage_201001.html
4 16 1.15% 15 3.42% /jjones2/MC issues/
5 20 1.44% 12 2.74% /jjones2/Peer review/
6 18 1.29% 12 2.74% /jjones2/Practicum/
7 14 1.01% 11 2.51% /jjones2/Cognitive/
8 9 0.65% 9 2.05% /jjones2/MC issues/schedule.shtml
9 10 0.72% 9 2.05% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
10 11 0.79% 9 2.05% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200811.html

Top 10 of 59 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 83 5.96% 65 14.61% /jjones2/
2 438 31.44% 58 13.03% /jjones2/webstats/
3 33 2.37% 32 7.19% /jjones2/webstats/usage_201001.html
4 20 1.44% 14 3.15% /jjones2/Peer review/
5 14 1.01% 13 2.92% /jjones2/Cognitive/
6 18 1.29% 13 2.92% /jjones2/Practicum/
7 16 1.15% 9 2.02% /jjones2/MC issues/
8 10 0.72% 9 2.02% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
9 11 0.79% 9 2.02% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200811.html
10 9 0.65% 8 1.80% /jjones2/MC issues/syllabus.shtml

Top 30 of 117 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 549 39.41% 535 39.34% 19638 50.70% 239 52.53%
2 159 11.41% 155 11.40% 6726 17.37% 68 14.95%
3 88 6.32% 88 6.47% 978 2.52% 7 1.54%
4 74 5.31% 74 5.44% 1031 2.66% 2 0.44%
5 44 3.16% 44 3.24% 489 1.26% 4 0.88%
6 44 3.16% 44 3.24% 489 1.26% 4 0.88%
7 37 2.66% 36 2.65% 111 0.29% 18 3.96%
8 32 2.30% 31 2.28% 26 0.07% 1 0.22%
9 30 2.15% 30 2.21% 333 0.86% 5 1.10%
10 17 1.22% 15 1.10% 39 0.10% 9 1.98%
11 11 0.79% 11 0.81% 122 0.32% 1 0.22%
12 11 0.79% 11 0.81% 122 0.32% 1 0.22%
13 11 0.79% 11 0.81% 122 0.32% 1 0.22% 77-105-28-117.adsl-1.sezampro.yu
14 11 0.79% 11 0.81% 122 0.32% 1 0.22% 77-105-50-10.adsl-1.sezampro.yu
15 11 0.79% 11 0.81% 122 0.32% 1 0.22% 79-175-73-232.adsl-a-1.sezampro.yu
16 11 0.79% 11 0.81% 122 0.32% 1 0.22%
17 10 0.72% 10 0.74% 2350 6.07% 1 0.22%
18 8 0.57% 8 0.59% 7 0.02% 0 0.00%
19 8 0.57% 8 0.59% 27 0.07% 8 1.76%
20 7 0.50% 7 0.51% 31 0.08% 6 1.32%
21 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% 1 0.22%
22 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% 1 0.22%
23 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% 1 0.22%
24 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% 1 0.22%
25 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% 1 0.22%
26 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% 1 0.22%
27 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% 1 0.22%
28 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% 1 0.22%
29 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% 1 0.22%
30 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 42 0.11% 5 1.10%

Top 10 of 117 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 549 39.41% 535 39.34% 19638 50.70% 239 52.53%
2 159 11.41% 155 11.40% 6726 17.37% 68 14.95%
3 3 0.22% 3 0.22% 2938 7.59% 1 0.22%
4 10 0.72% 10 0.74% 2350 6.07% 1 0.22%
5 74 5.31% 74 5.44% 1031 2.66% 2 0.44%
6 88 6.32% 88 6.47% 978 2.52% 7 1.54%
7 44 3.16% 44 3.24% 489 1.26% 4 0.88%
8 44 3.16% 44 3.24% 489 1.26% 4 0.88%
9 30 2.15% 30 2.21% 333 0.86% 5 1.10%
10 2 0.14% 2 0.15% 235 0.61% 2 0.44%

Top 30 of 34 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 968 69.49% - (Direct Request)
2 60 4.31%
3 50 3.59%
4 36 2.58%
5 36 2.58%
6 24 1.72%
7 20 1.44%
8 20 1.44% http://
9 20 1.44%
10 10 0.72%
11 10 0.72%
12 10 0.72%
13 10 0.72%
14 10 0.72%
15 10 0.72%
16 10 0.72%
17 10 0.72%
18 10 0.72%
19 10 0.72%
20 10 0.72%
21 9 0.65% review/
22 5 0.36% review/syllabus.shtml
23 5 0.36% review/assignments.shtml
24 5 0.36%
25 4 0.29% review/assignments.shtml
26 4 0.29% review/index.shtml
27 4 0.29%
28 4 0.29% review/syllabus.shtml
29 3 0.22%
30 2 0.14%

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 2348 6.06% 1 0.22% jjones2

Top 15 of 17 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 745 53.48% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
2 343 24.62% Mozilla/4/0"
3 80 5.74% Googlebot/2.1
4 61 4.38% msnbot/2.0b (+
5 45 3.23% Mozilla/5.0
6 10 0.72% MSIE 6.0
7 8 0.57% Exabot/3.0
8 8 0.57% MSIE 7.0
9 5 0.36% psbot/0.1 (+
10 3 0.22% Googlebot/2.1 (+
11 2 0.14% Jyxobot/1
12 2 0.14% MSIE or Firefox mutant
13 1 0.07% MSIE 8.0
14 1 0.07% Mozilla/4.61
15 1 0.07% Opera/8.01

Usage by Country for January 2010

Top 14 of 14 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 906 65.04% 887 65.22% 30621 79.06% Network
2 276 19.81% 263 19.34% 4800 12.39% US Commercial
3 95 6.82% 94 6.91% 1328 3.43% Unresolved/Unknown
4 44 3.16% 44 3.24% 489 1.26% Sweden
5 33 2.37% 33 2.43% 367 0.95% Yugoslavia
6 8 0.57% 8 0.59% 300 0.77% Poland
7 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% Canada
8 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% France
9 6 0.43% 6 0.44% 67 0.17% Italy
10 5 0.36% 5 0.37% 132 0.34% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
11 3 0.22% 3 0.22% 128 0.33% Czech Republic
12 2 0.14% 2 0.15% 2 0.00% US Educational
13 2 0.14% 2 0.15% 241 0.62% Russian Federation
14 1 0.07% 1 0.07% 126 0.33% Germany

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01
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