John G. Cramer
Professor of Physics
Department of Physics
University of Washington
P.O. Box 351560
Seattle, WA 98195-1560
Tel: (206) 543-9194
FAX: (206) 685-0635
- Professor:
Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle.
Winter Quarter, 2005; Physics 122C - Electricity & Magnetism.
- Experimental
Physicist: Research in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics at
CERN and Brookhaven.
- Theoretical
Physicist: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Bose-Einstein
Interferometry, etc.
- Human
Aging Studies: Investigations of Mitochondrial Dysfunction
and Aging
- Videos: YouTube Videos with John Cramer.
- Recent
Talks: Recent talks by John Cramer in MS PowerPoint (.ppt)
- Science
Columnist: "The Alternate View" published in Analog
- The
Sound of the Big Bang: Audio simulation of the sound waves present
in the first 760,000 years of the birth of the universe, based on WMAP
- Novelist:
Science Fiction Novels Twistor and Einstein's Bridge.
[Note: The 22 page Afterword and the Glossary for Einstein's
Bridge is available at a simulation of the old Avon/Eos
Web site.]
- Radio
Personality: Hear John discuss "The Science in Science
Fiction" on Ira Flatow's Talk of the Nation: Science Friday
with Leonard Nimoy and Rob Sawyer (11/20/98). (Needs RealAudio
- Photo
Collector: Pictures from everywhere (preliminary, not much here
- Links of
Interest: Other SF writers, physics sites, etc.