[UW Campus] John G. Cramer's
Picture Collection

[photo of John]
This is the book-flap photo used with
the hardcover edition of Twistor.

[photo of John]
John in a Munich beer garden
during his 1994-95 sabbatical
at Munich and CERN.

[photo of John]
John holding a "Masskrug" (1 liter beer glass)
at the Munich Oktoberfest
during his 1994-95 sabbatical
at Munich and CERN.

[John in bubble]
John in a "Twistor Sphere" (actually a fish-eye lens photo).

[Cramer Family]
Cramer Family, Christmas, 1997.

Here are our Shetland Sheepdogs Alex, Viviane, and Lance. (2005)

To John's
Home Page.
To descriptions
of John's SF Novels.
To index of John's
Analog columns.

Send mail
to John.

This page was created by John G. Cramer on 7/16/96.
It now has an access count of: