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Psychology 317-318: Daily Updates (in reverse chronological order of relevance)

UPDATE: Monday, May 31, 2005, 9:30 PM

Exam 4 coverage

Final Homework: Due Friday June 3, 2005 at noon

Final Exam coverage

More detailed coverage on all kinds of statistical stuff

Everything below this line is here for historical reference only

Homework #4: Answers can be picked up here.

Readings #9 (to be quizzed Monday, May 23, 2005)

Homework #4: Due Friday, May 27, 2005 at noon

Homework #4: Problems to be dropped

Exam-3 Statistics

Readings #8 (to be quizzed Monday, May 23, 2005)

Readings #6 (to be quizzed Monday, May 16, 2005)

Exam 3 coverage

Grade sheet updates.

Homework #3: Due Friday, May 13, 2005 at noon.

Homework #3: Problems to be dropped

HW #3 answers.

Readings #6: To be quizzed 5/9/04

Readings #5: To be quizzed 5/2/04

Jonathan's office hours

HW #2 answers.

Readings #4: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 4/25/05 and will be quizzed on Monday, 4/25/05.

Exam-2 coverage

Excel Section this week!

Homework #2: Due Friday, April 22, 2005 at noon.

Homework #2: problems to be dropped.

HW #1 answers.

Exam-1 Statistics

Readings #3: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 4/18/05 and will be quizzed on Monday, 4/18/05.

Sections this week.

Homework #1: Due Friday, April 8, 2005 at noon.

Homework #1: Problems to be dropped, which will show up on HW #2.

Sections AE and AF Locations

Readings #2: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 4/11/05 and will be quizzed on Monday, 4/11/05.

Exam-1 coverage


Office hours changes from syllabus

Psychology 318 stuff

Readings #1: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 4/3/05 and which, along with Readings #0, will be quizzed on Monday, 4/3/05. Quiz will begin when the bell rings (8:28 by the classroom clock) and will end at 8:35 by the classroom clock.

Psychology 317 Final Exam Statistics

Grade sheet

Final Exam coverage

Exam-4 Statistics

Final Exam coverage

Exam-4 Statistics

Final Homework: Due Friday, March 11, 2005 at noon.

On Friday, 2/18/05 after 12:00 PM noon, you can download HW #3 anwers from here.

Summary scores

Readings #9: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 3/7/05 and will be quizzed on Monday, 3/7/05.

Exam-4 coverage

On Friday, 3/4/05 after 12:00 PM noon, you can download HW #4 anwers from here.

Homework #4: Due Friday, March 4, 2005 at noon.

Homework #4: Problems to drop, which will show up on the final HW.

Readings #8: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 2/28/05 and will be quizzed on Monday, 2/28/05.

Jonathan's section this week

Exam-3 Statistics

Exam-3 coverage

Readings #7: Relevant to lecture to be given on 2/22/05 and will be quizzed on Tuesday, 2/22/05.

Homework #3: Due FRIDAY, 2/18/2005 at 12:00 PM.

Homework #3: Problems to be dropped (which will show up on HW #4).

On Friday, 2/18/05 after 12:00 PM noon, you can download HW #3 anwers from here.

Readings #6: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 2/14/2005 and will be quizzed on Monday, 2/14/05.

Exam-2 Grades

Readings #5: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 2/7/2005 and will be quizzed on Monday, 2/7/05.

You may download the HW2 answer sheet from here.

Readings #4: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 1/31/2005 and will be quizzed on Monday, 1/31/05.

Exam-2 coverage

Homework #2: Due FRIDAY, 1/28/2005 at 12:00 PM. NOTE: The 12:00 due time has changed from what the syllabus says and what was true for HW 1. The turn-in time will continue to be noon on Friday.

Homework #2: Drop the following problems. They will be added to HW #3 (see below).

HW answers in the back of the book

Exam-1 Grades

Rules about exam complaints

Readings #3: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 1/24/2005 and will be quizzed on Monday, 1/24/05.

Everything below this line is obsolete and remains for historical purposes only

Readings #2: Relevant to lectures to be given week of 1/17/2005 and will be quizzed on Tuesday, 1/18/05

Exam-1 coverage

Homework #1: Due FRIDAY, 1/14/2005 at 12:30 PM

You may download the HW1 answer sheet from here after 12:30 on Friday, 1/14/05.

By popular demand, here are TA email addresses:

"Aimee N. Ha" <>

"Jason M. Jacobson" <>

Jeff Boatman <>

Jonathan Sabo <>

Kennet Belenky <>

"Meghan B. McCourt" <>

Sean Campbell <>

TA office hours corrections

Section information


Lecture room

Same course from last year

Documents that you will need. These will be available in paper form on the first day of class, but should you need them, you can download them.

Section assignments

Emailing questions to me

Readings #0 and #1: (Relevant to lectures to be given weeks of 1/5/2003 and 1/12/2003)

Homework #1: Due FRIDAY, 1/14/2003 at 12:30 PM


There is a limited amount of space in Psychology 317. I will not be giving out entry codes until the first week of class, at which time, I'll know how many people are in the class. In the meantime, I have established a waiting list, and people will be given entry codes on a first-on-the-waiting-list-first-come basis. If you want to be on the waiting list, please email me.