Psychology 317-318: Daily Updates (in reverse chronological
order of relevance)
UPDATE: Thursday, June 10, 2004, 8:30
Final Exam and Final Grade Information
- You can pick up information about final
exam grades and final grades from here.
More detailed coverage on all kinds of statistical stuff
- You can download a chapter I wrote on statistics
and data presentation from here.
Confidence intervals around Pearson r
- Ignore anything in the book about
confidence intervals around Pearson r. Believe in the handout which, if you
haven't done so already, you can get from here.
Final Exam coverage
- The Final Exam, which will occur next Tuesday 6/8/04
will cover all lectures in the course. It will cover the textbook, Chapters
10 - 15.
Extra office hours on Monday 6/7
- Dorothy: 3:00-6:00
- Iris: 9:30-10:30
Exam 4 Data
- Mean 73, Median 75, Standard Deviation
10, Minimum 22, Maximum 100.
Answers to HW#4 can be downloaded from here.
Exam 3 coverage
- Exam 2, which will occur next Wednesday 6/2/04
will cover lectures through Wednesday, 5/26/04. It will cover the textbook,
Chapter 14 from p. 352 to the end of the chapter, and all of Chapter 15.
Homework #4: Due May 28
Readings #9 (to be quizzed Tuesday, June 1, 2004)
- Loftus article on hypothesis testing, which
can be downloaded from here
- Chapter 14: 1 (Pearson r part), 2cde, 3cde, 7. For problems
2 and 3, compute 95% confidence intervals around the Pearson r and the Pearson
- Chapter 15: 1, 3, 11, 13b-c, 14, 16, 22 (problem 8 only),
23 (problem 1 only), 24 (problem 1 only), 25 (problem 1 only)
- NOTE: No problems will be dropped from this homework
Trashing hypothesis testing
- A number of you have asked for the article
I've alluded to about problems with hypothesis testing. It will be assigned
reading later in the quarter, but if you like you can get it any time from
Exam 3 Data
- Mean 87, Median 89, Standard Deviation
10, Minimum 60, Maximum 100.
Readings #8 (to be quizzed Monday, May 24, 2004)
Confidence intervals around Pearson r
- Download handout from here.
Excel session: Thursday 5/20/04
- No Excel section this week
Exam 3 coverage
- Exam 2, which will occur next Wednesday 5/19/04
will cover lectures through Wednesday, 5/12/04. It will cover the textbook,
Chapter 12, pp. 371-end of chapter, Chapter 13, and Chapter 14 through p.
Answers to HW#3 can be downloaded from here.
Readings #6 (to be quizzed Monday, May 17, 2004)
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15 through p. 490
Excel session: Thursday 5/13/04 in MGH 044
- Repeated measures designs.
Homework #3: Due Friday May 14, 2004
- Chapter 12: 1f, 2b, 8a, 8c, 8d, 9d-f, 10, 11
- Chapter 13: 1, 4, 5, 9 (NOTE: for Part e, the deviations
should be: subj 1 add 1.0; subj 2 add 2.0; subj 3 leave alone; subj 4 subtract
3.0), 11, 12.
- Chapter 14: 1, 2, 3, 7. For problems 2 and 3, compute 95%
confidence intervals around the Pearson r and the Pearson r2.
Homework #3: Problems to be dropped
- Chapter 14: 1 (Pearson r part), 2cde, 3cde, 7. Do not compute
95% confidence intervals.
Readings #5
- OK. I forgot to assign readings last week
for this week, so everyone gets an automatic 12 on the non-quiz.
- However, I'll begin discussing correlation
this week, and correlation will be on the exam next week. So it's definitely
in your interests to read Chapter 14, which would have been the reading for
this week.
Exam 2 Data
- Mean 80, Median 81, Standard Deviation
13, Minimum 41, Maximum 100.
Readings #5: To be quizzed 5/3/04
Iris will be away between April 28 and May 5. Her section students
should go to Russell's section (Lowe 218)
Excel session: No Excel section this week (of 4/26)
Exam 2 coverage
- Exam 2, which will occur next Wednesday 4/28/04
will cover lectures through Wednesday, 4/21/04. It will cover the textbook,
Chapter 11 from p. 332 to the end of the chapter, and Chapter 2 pp. 357-370,
Homework answer sheet
- Please pick up HW#2 answer sheets from
here and here.
Readings #3: To be quizzed 4/26/04
Information below this line is out of date and is provided for
historical purposes only
Excel session: Thursday 4/22/04 in MGH 044
- ANOVA and confidence intervals
Homework #2: Due FRIDAY, 4/23/04 at 12:30 PM
- Chapter 11: 1h, 3c, 4b, 5, 6, 8
- Chapter 12: 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11
Homework #2: Problems to be removed (they'll show up on HW#3)
- Chapter 12: 1f, 2b, 8a, 8c, 8d, 9d-f, 10, 11
Exam 1 Data
- Mean 79, Median 84, Standard Deviation
16, Minimum 26, Maximum 100.
Readings #3: To be quizzed 4/19/04
- Chapter 12 p. 363 through the end of the
- There were several errors in the answer
key for last year's exam and for HW #1. An erratum sheet can be picked up
Exam Packets
- Unfortunately, we are not certain whether
the old-exam packet will be on reserve in time for next week's exam. However,
you can pick up last year's Exam 1, with an answer sheet appended, from here.
Exam 1 coverage
- Exam 1, which will occur next Wednesday 4/14/04
will cover lectures through Wednesday, 4/7/04. It will cover the textbook,
Chapter 10 and Chapter 11 through p. 332.
Excel session: Thursday 4/8/04 in MGH 044
Psychology 318: Homework
#1: Due FRIDAY, 4/9/04 at 12:30 PM
- Chapter 10: 1, 4, 6, 8, 13, 14, 16
- Chapter 11: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
Psychology 318: Homework
problems to be dropped (they will show up on HW #2)
- Chapter 11: 1h, 3c, 4b, 5, 6, 8
Homework answer sheet/review
- This quarter we will append a list of review
hints to the homework answer sheet. This list will take the place of similar
review hints that were e-mailed to some of the class last quarter.
- You may download the answer/review-hint
sheet from here after 12:30 PM Friday 4/9/04.
Readings #2: To be quizzed 4/12/04
- Chapter 12 through p. 363
Quiz section assignments
- Please go to whichever quiz section you
want. Please tell the TA that you are there. By default, we suggest that you
go to the section headed by your Psych 317 TA
Reassignment of Section AA Friday quiz section
- Now meets F 8:30 in CHL 021.
Excel session
- No Excel session this week.
TA Office hours
- Iris: Tu 9:20-11:30, 2:30-3:30
- Dorothy: F 9:30-12:30
- Tyson: Tu 11:30-1:20; F 11:30-12:30
- Russell: Tu 10:30-12:30; Th 10:30-11:30
Psychology 318: Readings #0 and
#1: (Relevant to lectures to be given weeks of 3/29/04 and 4/5/04), and both
to be quizzed on Monday, 4/5/04
- Chapters 7- 11 (note: Chapters 7-9 should
be review)
Psychology 317: Final Grades
- Final exam scores and final grades may
be viewed here.
Psychology 317: Final Exam data
- Mean=79; median-80; SD=14; range=35.5-100.
Psychology 317: Final Exam coverage
- The final exam will occur on Tuesday 3/16/04
from 8:30-10:30 in the usual lecture hall. It will cover all lectures in the
course through Tuesday, 3/9/04. It will cover the textbook through Chapter
Homework Answer Sheets
- Answer sheets for the final HW can be downloaded
from here.
Exam 4 Data
- Mean 77, Median 82, Standard Deviation
16, Minimum 39, Maximum 100.
Extra office hours on Monday,
- Dorothy: 3:00 - 5:00
- Russell: 10:30 - 11:20
- Tyson: 10-30 - 11:20
Final Homework: Due Friday 3/12/04, and worth potentially 2.5
points added to the Final Exam
Exam 4 coverage
- Exam 4, which will occur next Wednesday 3/10/04
will cover lectures through Wednesday, 3/3/04. It will cover the textbook,
Chapter 6 from p. 184 through the end of the chapter, plus Chapters 7 and
Tyson's office hours
- Due to an unavoidable conflict, Tyson will
have to skip his office hours today. Apologies.
- Tyson will have an extra office hour on
Thursday 10:30-11:30
Readings #9: To be quizzed 3/8/04
Homework Answer Sheets
- Answer sheets for HW 4 can be downloaded
from here.
Excel section (Thursday March 4)
- Excel section will cover sampling distributions
and calculating power.
Homework #4: Due FRIDAY, 3/4/2003 at 12:30 PM
Chapter 6: 15, 16
Chapter 7: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15.
For Problems 7, 8, and 12, compute a 95% confidence interval around each
of the two means and the mean difference
Chapter 8: 2, 5, 10 (part a: compute 90% confidence intervals around the
Seattle and Portland means; part c: what would the 90% confidence intervals
be with the sample sizes that you choose?)
Chapter 9: 2, 3, 4, 6
Homework #4: Drop the following problems
Exam 3 Data
- Mean 72, Median 76, Standard Deviation
19, Minimum 16, Maximum 100.
Readings #8: To be quizzed 3/1/04
Excel section (Thursday Feb 19)
- Excel section will cover probability distributions
with examples from homework.
Homework #3: Due FRIDAY, 2/20/2003 at 12:30 PM (NOTE: Chapter
7 problems will almost certainly be dropped)
- Chapter 3: 7-10
- Chapter 4: 1, 2, 4, 6
- Chapter 5: 1 (list 5 situations only), 2, 4, 8, 10
- Chapter 6: 1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 15, 16, 21
- Chapter 7: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 14
Homework #3: Problems to be dropped (they will appear on HW#4)
- Chapter 6: 15, 16
- Chapter 7:
1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 14
Homework Answer Sheets
- Answer sheets for HW 3 will be downloadable
from here on Friday 2/20/04 after 12:30 PM.
Readings #7: To be quizzed 2/23/04
Exam coverage
- Exam 3, which will occur next Wednesday 2/25/04
will cover lectures through Wednesday, 2/18/04. It will cover the textbook,
Appendices A-C, Chapter 3, from p. 105 to the end of the chapter, Chapters
4, 5, and 6 through p. 184.
Readings #6: To be quizzed Tuesday 2/17/04
- Chapter 6 (note: the section through p.
179 should be review, as it was on last week's readings)
Readings #5: To be quizzed Monday 2/9/04
- Chapters 4-5, Chapter 6 through p. 179
Exam 2 Data
- Mean 80, Median 82, Standard Deviation
14, Minimum 25, Maximum 100.
Excel section
- No Excel section this week (Week of 2/9).
Sections this week (2/9)
- People in Doroth's section, please go to
Iris's section this week in Chem Library 105.
HW #2 answer sheets can be downloaded from here
Exam coverage
- Exam 2, which will occur next Wednesday 2/4/04
will cover lectures through Wednesday, 1/28/04. It will cover the textbook,
Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, through p. 105.
Readings #4: To be quizzed Monday 2/2/04
Additional readings for this week
- I forgot to assign Appendixes A and B for
this week. You should read them as soon as possible if you haven't already,
because they are necessary for the Chapter-3 material. They will, in any event,
be part of Readings #4 which will be quizzed next Monday.
Homework #2: Due FRIDAY, 1/30/2003 at 12:30 PM
- Chapter 2: 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 15
- Chapter 3: 1, 2, 7-10
Homework #2: Drop the following problems. They will
show up as part of Homework #3.
Excel section for this week (Thursday 1/29)
Readings #3: To be quizzed Monday 1/26/04
- Finish Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
Exam 1 Data
- Mean 61, Median 67, Standard Deviation
17, Minimum 26, Maximum 97.
Sections this week
- People in Iris's section, please go to
Dorothy's section this week in BAG 108.
Exam coverage
- Exam 1, which will occur next Wednesday 1/21/04
will cover lectures through Wednesday, 1/14/04. It will cover the textbook,
Introductory Chapter, and Chapter 1.
Readings #2: To be quizzed Tuesday 1/20/04
Homework Answer Sheets
- Answer sheets for HW 1 will be downloadable
from here on Friday 1/16/04 after 12:30 PM.
Dorothy's Office Hours: Week of 2/16 only
- Iris will be busy taking her general exams.
Dorothy will change office hours which will be: 1:30-3:20 on Tuesday instead
of 9:30-11:30 Thursday
Change in Russell's office hours
- Russell will have office hours Tu 11:30
- 12:20; Thurs 10:30-11:20, and Fri 11:30-12:20
Homework #1: Due FRIDAY, 1/16/2003 at 12:30 PM
- Chapter 1:1-4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18,
Homework issues
- Please put your section number on your homework
when you turn it in
- A point will be deducted if,
- a question is incomplete or missing
- work is not shown
- homework is done in ink
- the paper is messy or illegable
- your section is not indicated at the
Excel lecture this week
- The Excel lecture this week (on 1/15) will
provide an introduction to Excel basics.
Readings #0 and #1: (Relevant to lectures
to be given weeks of 1/5/2003 and 1/12/2003)
- Preface, Introduction Chapter, and Chapter
- Readings #0 and Readings #1 will both be
quizzed next Monday, 1/12
Excel lecture cancelled this week
- Due to all the meteorological confusion,
there will be no Excel lecture this week (1/8). The first Excel lecture will
be Thursday, 1/15.
Syllabus corrections
- Iris's office hours will be in the Gould
coffee shop, just like everyone else's
- The Thursday Excel lectures will be in OUGL
Collab 1. Everyone who wishes to attend Excel lectures should go there on
Thursdays at 8:30. There is very limited seating.
Emailing questions to me
- I get 100 - 200 email messages a day and
it takes me a very long time to go through them. So I'd like you to be circumspect
in emailing questions to me. If you have a question that needs an urgent answer,
then phone me, stop by, or email me. However, if the question can be answered
by a TA, then please direct it to your TA or any TA. If the question can wait,
ask someone during office hours, or raise the question in section or in class.
There is a limited amount of space in Psychology
317. I will not be giving out entry codes until the first week of class, at
which time, I'll know how many people are in the class. In the meantime, I have
established a waiting list, and people will be given entry codes on a first-on-the-waiting-list-first-come
basis. If you want to be on the waiting list, please email