NOTE: In this errata sheet, Some Greek symbols (e.g., "s" have been translated into their roman counterparts ("s" in this example). Likewise, various superscripts and subscripts don't show up as such. None of this shouldn't impede your ability to make the corrections. If they do, please ask the Instructor or one of the TAs about it.
p. 9 last paragraph, should be 3=3, not 3=4.
p. 35 2nd paragraph "flip the coin" should be "throw the die"
p. 37 1st sentence should be 120 - 95 = 25, not 120 - 90 = 25.
p. 66 bottom of page should be 0.0625, not 0.625.
p. 77 paragraph 2, lines 5-7 should read: "...that is, 7% of these people are between 68.0 and 68.1 inches, 8% of them are betwen 68.1 and 68.2, and so on."
p. 86 problem 8: Note that Antoine shuffles the deck prior to each draw, and replaces each drawn card back in the deck.
p. 109 Table 3-11 raw data x62 = 4 and x72 = 0
p. 112: The middle of Table 3-13 should read, "(b)...prior to obtaining a 6" (not a 2).
p. 123 Problem 8b 230 = 1,073,741,824 (not 1,073,741,842)
p. 129 14th line from the bottom "heads" should be "6s."
p. 136 second equation should be p (r) not p (i).
p. 139 second equation should be (r/N) not (r N).
p. 144 second equation from bottom should be (1 - p) not (1 - P).
p. 142 N = 11 middle numbers should be 462, not 362.
p. 143 step D5 denominator should be "(i - 1)!(N - i)!", not "(i - 1)!(N - 1)!."
p. 181 bottom half of page: "correlation for continuity" should read "correction for continuity."
p. 182 figure 6-9. Top, left-hand rounded little piece should be shaded (in general, it is the area under the normal that should be shaded).
p. 187 Figure 6-12: Shaded area should extend further left, all the way to the criterion.
p. 188 Figure 6-13: Area under the curve to the right of the criterion should be shaded.
p. 189 last sentence "different from the mean of unprocessed bulbs..." (not "processed bulbs...")
p. 190: figure 6-14 criterion lines are not quite in the right places (they should be closer to the middle in order to actually correspond to 91.8 and 108.2).
p. 191 criteria lines are not in quite the right place on the abscissa (e.g. x = 109.8 is not between 110 and 115).
p. 212 near the middle,should read: p(513 < M < +oo) = p (1.30 < z < +oo) (where the "<" should be a less-than-or-equal-to sign).
p. 214 3rd line from the bottom, "s2n" should be "s2/n".
p. 230 #11 2nd line: "that does Crest" should be "than does Crest". Also, on #12, reader should consider why 9 of the 10 plants die, and how that affects the conclusions.
p. 236 first equation should read
p (-oo < M < 532.8) = p (-oo < z < 1.29).
p. 241 bottom of Figure 8-6, power should be 0.41, not 0.38.
p. 242 near the middle: 1 - 0.59 should be 0.41, not 0.61.
p. 244 top of page "Reaction" not "Rection"
p. 248 Step 3, step 3, third line: "s2/" should be "s2/n."
p. 248 Step 3: third line should be "... = 4.00/13 = 0.308" (not "400/13(0.308)").
p. 249 in Figure should be "Erroneously" not "Erroniously".
p. 254 on Figure 8-11, a should be 0.05, not 0.5. Also, in the caption, n should be 435 subjects, not 480 subjects . Also, the value of m should be 514, not 114, and this mean should be indicated on the figure itself. Also, the second sentence ("Now we want...") might better read, "Now we want to calculate the n that will cause all this to be true."
p. 255 second line: sM calculates to 4.79, not 2.79.
p. 257 3rd paragraph "characerize" should be "characterize."
p. 291 in gray box, should be commas after "s^2", and "is two-tailed"
p. 315 Problem 4b: SD should be 3 inches rather than 3 feet.
p. 317 Problem 9: Eliminate parts 8, 9, 11, and 12.
p. 319 Problem 14: Eliminate Part d.
p. 320 Problem 15, middle of the page notation x should be notation x'.
p. 325 Second line from bottom, numbers within square roots should be divided by 9, not 8.
p. 326 second equation, denominator should be dfj, not df1.
p. 327 middle of the page, criterion t should be 2.064, not 2.026.
p. 334 last paragraph, eliminate "10".
p. 340 bottom line: should be SSxij2 (not SSxij).
p. 341 limits of j = 1 to j = J should be noted in lower right term on page
p. 342 , 4th equation from bottom, second to last term on the right should be 32, not 92.
p. 343 first equation, second term, denominator should be nj, not N.
p. 353 Question 1 part e: Should be: "...same answer as you do for question d" (not c).
p. 362 middle of page dfW should be N - (JK) not N - J.
p. 273 about 2/3 of way down page should refer to Appendix B, not Appendix C.
p. 374 line 3: Should be Case II, not Case I.
p. 378 Table 12-8. crit F(2, 12) should be 3.80, not 3.89.
p. 383 bottom of page, Table 12-10 mR2 should be mR1.
p. 385 last line, Total Sum of Squares should be 167,400, not 16.74.
p. 395 Problem 1, bottom right corner of table should be N = 40, not n = 40.
p. 419 eliminate one of the identical footnotes.
p. 420 last row of Table 13-6: df. should by N - JK (not N - J)
p. 424 top right hand of table should be just MS (not MSA)
p. 432 Problem 6: Eliminate Part 8.
p. 433 subjects 1, 2, 3, and 4 should have: one point added, two points added, nothing added, and three points subtracted, respectively (not 3, 6, 0, and 9 as stated)
p. 452 errors in footnote: "Now note that SYi/n and SYi/n are..." (insert S signs). Also, on second-to-bottom line, should be bMx, not nMx.
p. 460 the section on confidence intervals for Pearson r is incorrect and should be eliminated.
p. 467 under Digression, "Let us refer to S(Yi - Yi)2 as E..." (not S(Yi - Yi)).
p. 470 Part b: r = -.75; Part f: b = -1.6; Part g: r = .99
p. 472 Problem 5 should refer to Chapter 5 problem 6 (not 8).
p. 480 Second equation should be (J 2) not (j/2). Also, equation in middle of page: "direction" should be "decision".
p. 486 denominator of last equation, should be w, not W
p. 489 line 7, should be F(3, 25) = 1.07, not F(3, 20).
p. 503 2nd paragraph, "cars", not "cards."
p. 511 top of page should be sM not sm.
p. 513 second to last equation, should be 180, not 90, and 36,144, not 36,144.
p. 514 top: second "dependent" should be "independent."
p. 519 4th equation from the bottom, should be 2T1T2 not T1T2 both places in the equation where that term appears. Also, second to last equation, second term should not be squared.
p. 521 5th line of text, should be n/J, not n/J2.
p. 549 Problem 6: Should be Chapter 5, Problem 9 (not 11).
p. 590 3rd paragraph, "...these six..." should be "...these 60...".
p. 601 Several problems with this table. Bottom right hand entry of matrix should be xnJJ (first J is a subscript of the n). Just below that, should be xiJ, not xiJF. In the T row, third entry should be Tj = Sxij.
p. 602 second equation, lower limit on the summation should be i = 1. Also, under point 1, should be "last column" not "least column".
p. 632 answers for Chapter 6, #1: last three letters should be "g, h, i" not "h, i, j."
p. 633 Chapter 8, #11: 50% and 95% confidence intervals should be plus-or-minus 1.431 and 4.158, respectively.
p. 633 Chapter 11 #5b: ignore t-value (there isn't any t-value).
p. 634 Chapter 13, #5b: should be M plus or minus 0.641 (NOT 1.11).
p. 634 Chapter 13, #11b: dfW should be 8, not 3