Peer-Reviewed Publications

Books & special volumes

  1. Teng, F.-Z., Arevalo, R. D., Liu, X.-M., Tang, M. eds. (2025) Geochemical insights into planetary evolution: from core to surface, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, in progress.

  2. Teng, F.-Z. and Wu, F.-Y. eds. (2024) Himalayan Leucogranites. Elements. Vol. 20, no.6, 76 p.
  3. Teng, F.-Z., Lee, C.-T, Aulbach, S., and Liu, X.-M. eds. (2020) The continents: Origin, evolution and interactions with other reservoirs. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 278, 404 p.

  4. Teng, F.-Z., Watkins, J., Dauphas, N. eds. (2017) Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes. Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry. Vol. 82, 885 p.

  5. Teng, F.-Z. and Ma, L. eds. (2016) Deciphering isotope signatures of Earth Surface and Critical Zone processes, Chemical Geology, Vol. 445, 220 p.

  6. Sun, W., Tatsumi, Y., Teng, F.-Z., Yang, X.-Y. and Ling, M.-X. eds. (2014) The Subduction Factory: Geochemical perspectives, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 143, 330 p.


    Peer-reviewed papers & chapters

    * graduate student; ** postdoc; *** undergraduate


    In Progress

  1. He, Y., Rudnick, R. L., Teng, F.-Z., Wu, H. and Ke, S. (2025) Iron isotopic evidence for the dominance of continental crust growth at convergent margines, in review.
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  3. Chen, Z.-X., Teng, F.-Z., Stern, R.J., Li, J., Wang, X. and Zeng, Z. (2025) Molybdenum isotopic evidence for subduction-modified mantle beneath the mid-ocean ridges. Earth and planetary Science Letters, in press.
  4. Easthouse, G.***, Hoover, W.**, Teng, F.-Z., Condit, C., Pike, C., Wang, Z.-Z.**, Berg, A.*** and Wynn, P.* (2025) Subduction interface talc controlled by Mg loss, not Si gain: Insights from Mg isotopes, Geology, in press.
  5. Luo, K., Ma, J.-L., Teng, F.-Z., Wei, G.-J., Zhu, G.-J., Zeng, T. and Wang, Z.-B. (2025) Magnesium isotope fractionation during basalt weathering: An index of weathering fluxes and CO2 consumption, JGR-Earth Surface, 130, e2024JF007774.
  6. Liu, P.-P.**, Liu, L., Teng, F.-Z. and Wang, Z.-C. (2025) Revisiting magnesium isotope constraints on the petrogenesis of the Fe-Ti oxide-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions, Geochim. Cosmo. Acta, 389,100-109.
  7. Teng, F.-Z. and Williams H. M. (2025) Non-traditional stable isotope geochemistry of oceanic basalts. In: Earth's Interior, C. Chauvel, editor, Treatise on Geochemistry, Third Edition, Volumne 1, (eds. Weiss, C. and Anbar, A.). 463-511. Elsevier-Pergamon, Oxford,
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  9. Tian, H.-C.**, Teng, F.-Z., Chen, X.-Y.**, Bindeman, I. N. and Ryan, J. C. (2024) Tracing island arc petrogenesis using potassium isotopes, Earth and planetary Science Letters, 646, 119016.
  10. Che, Y., Liu, D., Zhao, Z., Niu, Y., Teng, F.-Z., DePaolo, D. J., Xu, X., Zhu, D.-C., Qi, N. and Mo, X. (2024) Miocene alkaline basaltic magmatism in Northeastern Tibet: Implications for mantle evolution and plateau outward growth, Geochem. Geoph. Geosys. 25, e2024GC011601.
  11. Teng, F.-Z. and Wu, F.-Y. (2024) Himalayan leucogranites: Petrogenesis and significance, Elements, 20, 367-372.
  12. Wang, Z.-Z**, Teng, F.-Z., Zeng, L.-S. and Liu, Z.-C. (2024) Himalayan Leucogranites: A geochemical perspective, Elements, 20, 395-400.
  13. Shi, Q., He, Y., Zhu, J.-M., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Wu, H., Wang, P., Yang, R., Sun, A., Zhang, Y., Wu, G., Wan, R., Lu, Z., Teng, F.-Z., Li, C., Yang, W., Zhang, C., Han, Z. and Ke, S. (2024) Elemental differentiation and isotopic fractionation during space weathering of Chang'E-5 lunar soil, Geochim. Cosmo. Acta, 378, 127-143.
  14. Xing, K.-C.*., Wang, F., Teng, F.-Z., Xu, W.-L., Wang, Y.-N., Yang, D.-B., Li, H.-L., and Wang, Y.-C (2024) Potassium isotopic evidence for recycling of surface water into the mantle transition zone, Nature Geosciences, 17, 579-585.
  15. Sun, Y**., Teng, F.-Z., Rooney, T. O., Pang, K.-N. and Wang, Z.-Z.** (2024) Magnesium isotope beahvior during titanomagnetite fractionation in basaltic lavas, Chemical Geology, 655, 122088,
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  17. Liu, S.-A., Rudnick, R. L., Liu, W.-R., Teng, F.-Z., Wu, T.-H. and Wang, Z.-Z.** (2023) Copper isotope evidence for sulfide fractionation and lower crustal foundering in making continental crust, Science Advances, 9, eadg6995.
  18. Chen, L.-M., Lightfoot, P. C., Zhu, J.-M., Teng, F.-Z., Duan, Q., Yin, R., Wu, G.-L., Yu, S.-Y. and Hu, R.-Z. (2023) Nickel isotope ratios trace the processof sulfide-silicate liquid immiscibility during magmatic differentiation, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 353, 1-12.
  19. Qu, Y.-R., Liu, S.-A., Busigny, V., Wang, Z.-Z.** and Teng, F.-Z. (2023) Carbonate-silicate interaction in subducting slabs recorded by Zn isotopes in weatern Alps metasediments, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 616, 118234.
  20. Yang, X.-M*, Wang, S.-J., Zhang, Y.-W., Dong, X.-H., Teng, F.-Z., Helz, R. T., Huang, J., Li, X.-H. and Huang, S. (2023) Nickel isotope frationation during magmatic differentiation, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24, e2023GC010926.
  21. Wu, J., Lei, H., Ma, Q.*, Zhao, Z., Teng, F.-Z., Zhang, S., Cousens, B., Miao, Z., Yang, Y., Liu, D., Wang, Q., Zhu, D.-C., Hou, Z. and Mo, X. (2023) Petrogenesis and dynamic significance of Miocene-Holocene alkali basalts in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Lithos, 448-449, 107165.
  22. Chanda, P.*, Kohli, A., Teng, F.-Z., and Fantle, M. S.. (2023) Clay authigenesis in carbonate-rich sediments and its impacton carbonate diagenesis, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 346, 76-101.
  23. Nie, X. K.*, Chen, X.-Y.**, Zhang, Z. J., Hu, J. Y., Liu, W., Tissot, F. L. H., Teng, F.-Z., Shahar, A. and Dauphas, N. (2023) Rubidium and potassium isotopic variations in chondrites and Mars: Accretion signatures and planetary overprints, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 344, 207-229.
  24. Huang, T.-Y.*, Teng, F.-Z., Wang, Z.-Z.**, He, Y.-S., Wu, F.-Y. and Liu, X.-C. (2023) Potassium isotope fractionation during granitic magmatic differentiation: Mineral-pair perspectives, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 343, 196-211.
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  26. Kettler, R. M., He, Y., Ke, S., Teng, F.-Z. and Loope, D. B. (2022) Iron isotope evidence for siderite precursors to iron oxide concretions from the Navajo sandstone, Utah, Chemical Geology, 612, 121146.
  27. Wang, Z.-Z**, Teng, F.-Z., Wu, F.-Y., Liu, Z.-C., Liu, X.-C., Liu, S.-A. and Huang, T.-Y.* (2022) Extensive crystal fractionation of high-silica magmas revealed by potassium isotopes, Science Advances, 8, eabo4492.
  28. Lei, H., Zhao, Z., Ma, Q.*, Teng, F.-Z., Zhang, S., Cousens, B., Liu, D., Zhu, D.-C., Wang, Q., Miao, Z., Yang, Y. and Wu, J. (2022) Petrogenesis of the Paleogene potassium-rich volcanic rocks in the western Yangtze Craton, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Lithos, 430-431, 106886.
  29. Xing, K.-C.*, Wang, F., Teng, F.-Z., Xu, W.-L., Li, M., Sun, Y.-W. and Yang, D.-B. (2022) High-latitude climatic response across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary recorded by Mg-Cu-Zn isotopes, Chemical Geology, 610, 121085.
  30. Li, W.-S.*, Liu, X.-M., Hu, Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Dong, S. and Chadwick, O. A. (2022) Potassium isotope fractionation during chemical weathering in humid and arid Hawaiian regoliths, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 333, 39-55.
  31. Tian, H.-C.**, Teng, F.-Z., Chen, X.-Y.**, Guo, Z.-X., Peng, X.-T., Yang, W. and Xiao, Y.-L. (2022) Multi-mode chemical exchange in seafloor alteration revealed by lithium and potassium isotopes, Chemical Geology, 606, 121004.
  32. He, Y.-S., Sun, A.-Y., Zhang, Y.-C., Yang, R.-Y., Ke, S., Wang, Y. and Teng, F.-Z. (2022) High-precision and high-accuracy magnesium isotope analysis on multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry using a critical mixture double spike technique, Solid Earth Sciences,
  33. Li, W.-J., Cui, M.-M., Pan, Q.-Q., Wang, J., Gao, B.-Y., Liu, S.-K., Su, B.-X., Zhao, Y., Teng, F.-Z. and Han, G.-L. (2022) High-precision potassium isotope analysis using the Nu Sapphire collision cell (CC) MC-ICP-MS, Science China Earth Sciences, 65, https://doi.orgt/10.1007/s11430-022-9948-6.
  34. Huang, K.-J., Teng, F.-Z., Shen, B., Ma, L., Zhang, H., Zhang, P. and Wang, Q. (2022) Tracing surficial processes by stable magnesium isotopes: Principles and applications, Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry (in Chinese), 41, 231-234.
  35. Wang, Z.-Z.**, Liu, S.-A., Rudnick, R. L., Teng, F.-Z. and Wang, S.-J. (2022) Zinc isotope record of carbonate alteration of oceanic crustal protoliths of cratonic eclogites, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 580, 117394.
  36. Wang, Z.-Z**, Teng, F.-Z., Busigny, V. and Liu, S.-A. (2022) Evidence from HP/UHP metasediments for subduction of isotopically heterogeneous potassium into the mantle, American Mineralogist, 107, 350-356.
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  38. Nie, N. X.*, Chen, X.-Y.**, Hopp, T., Hu, J. Y., Xhang, J. Z., Teng, F.-Z., Shahar, A. and Dauphas, N. (2021) Imprint of chondrules formation on the K and Rb isotopic compositions of carbonaceous chondrites, Science Advances, 7, eabl3929.
  39. Lei, H., Zhao, Z., Niu, Y., Zhang, S., Cousens, B., Ma, Q., Teng, F.-Z., Liu, D., Miao, Z., Yang, Y., Wu, J., Wang, Q. and Zhu, D.-C. (2021) Identifying deep recycled carbonates through Miocene basalts in the Maguan area, SE Tibetan Plateau, Lithos, 400-401, 106356.
  40. Wang, Z.-Z**, Teng, F.-Z., Prelevic, D., Liu, S.-A. and Zhao, Z. (2021) Potassium isotopic evidence for sediment recycling into orogenic lithospheric mantle, Geochemical Perspective Letters, 18, 43-47.
  41. Chen, L.-M., Teng, F.-Z., Song, X.-Y., Luan, Y., Yu, S.-Y. and Kang, J. (2021) Origins and implications of magnesium isotopic heterogeneity in Fe-Ti oxides in layered mafic intrusions, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 308, 273-290.
  42. Li, W.-S*., Liu, X.-M., Hu, Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Hu, Y. and Chadwick, O. A. (2021) Potassium isotopic fractionation in a humid and an arid soil-plant system in Hawaii, Geoderma, 400, 115219. https//
  43. Sun, Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Pang, K.-N., Ying, J.-F. and Kuehner, S. (2021) Multistage mantle metasomatism deciphered by Mg-Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes in the Leucite Hills lamproites, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176, 45. https//
  44. Li, W.-S*., Liu, X.-M., Hu, Y.**, Teng, F.-Z. and Hu, Y. (2021) Potassium isotopic fractionation during clay adsorption, Geodchimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 304, 160-177.
  45. Nie, N. X.*, Dauphas, N., Alp, E. E., Zeng, H.*, Sio, C. K., Hu, J. Y.*, Aarons, S. M., Zhang, Z., Tian, H.-C.**, Prissel, K. B., Greer, J., Bi, W., Hu, M. Y., Shahar, A., Roskosz, M., Teng, F.-Z., Krawczynski, M. J., Heck, P. R. and Spear, F. S. (2021) Fe, Mg, and Ti isotopic fractionations between garnet, ilmenite, fayalite, biotite, and tourmanline: comparison between NRIXS, ab initio, and study of mineral separates from the Moosilauke metapelite, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,  302, 18-45.
  46. Moynier, F., Hu, Y., Wang, K., Zhao, Y., Deng, Z., Moureau, j., Li, W., Simon, J. and Teng, F.-Z. (2021) Potassium isotopic composition of various samples using a collision-cell inductively coupled plasma mas spectrometer, Nu Instrument Sapphire, Chemical Geology, 571. 120124.
  47. Hu, Y**, Teng, F.-Z., Helz, R. T. and Chauvel, C. (2021) Potassium isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiation and the composition of the mantle, JGR-Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB021543.
  48. Sun, Y.**, Teng, F.-Z. and Pang, K.-N. (2021) The presence of paleo-Pacific slab beneath northwest North China Craton hinted by low-d26Mg basalts at Wulanhada, Lithos, 386-387, 106009.
  49. Wang, F, Xing, K.-C., Xu, W.-L., Teng, F.-Z., Xu, Y.-G. and Yang, D.-B. (2021) Permian ridge subduction in the easternmost Central Asian Orogenic Belt: magmatic record using Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Mg isotopes, Lithos, 384-385, 105966.
  50. Hu, Y**, Teng, F.-Z. and Chauvel, C. (2021) Potassium isotopic evidence for sedimentary input to the mantle source of Lesser Antilles lavas, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 295, 98-111.
  51. Wang, S.-J., Wang, W.-Z., Zhu, J.-M., Wu, Z.-Q., Liu, J., Han, G.-L., Teng, F.-Z.,  Huang, S.-C., Wu, H.-J., Wu, G.-L. and Li, W.-H. (2021) Nickel isotopic evidence for late-stage accretion of Mercury-like differentiated planetary embryos, Nature Communications, 12, 294.
  52. Hu, Y.** and Teng, F.-Z. (2021) Non-traditional stable isotope geochemistry, in Alderton, D. and Elias, S. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Geology, Elsevier, 2nd edition. Vol. 5, 114-124. United Kingdom: Academic Press. [Invited contribution].
  53. Li, M.Y.H.*, Teng, F.-Z. and Zhou, M.-F. (2021) Phyllosilicate controls on magnesium isotopic fractionation during weathering of granites: Implications for continental weathering and riverine system, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 553, 116613.
  54. Mendybaev, R. A., Kamibayashi, M., Teng, F.-Z., Savage, P. S., Georg, R. B., Richter, F. M. and Tachibana, S. (2021) Experiments quantifying elemental and isotopic fractionations during evaporation of CAI-like melts in low-pressure hydrogen and vacuum: Constraints on thermal processing of CAI in the protoplanetary disk, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 292, 557-576.
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  56. Hu, Y**, Teng, F.-Z., Plank, T. and Chauvel, C. (2020) Potassium isotopic heterogeneity in subducting oceanic plates, Science Advances, 6: eabb2472.
  57. Chen, X.-Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Huang, K.-J. and Algeo, T. J. (2020) Intensified chemical weathering during Early Jurassic revealed by magnesium isotopes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 287, 263-276.
  58. Liu, Y.D., Ying, J.-F., Li, J., Sun, Y.** and Teng, F.-Z. (2020) Diverse origins of pyroxenite xenoliths from Yangyuan, North China Craton: implications for the modification of lithosphere by magma underplating and melt-rock interactions, Lithos, 372-373, 105680.
  59. Chen, X.-Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Sanchez, W. R., Romanek, C. S., Sanchez-Navas, A. and Sanchez-Roman, M (2020) Experimental constraints on magnesium isotopic fractionation during abiogenic calcite precipitation at room temperature, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 281, 102-117.
  60. Teng, F.-Z., Hu, Y.**, Ma, J.-L., Wei, G.-J. and Rudnick, R. L. (2020) Potassium isotope fractionation during continental weathering and implications for global K isotopic balance, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278, 261-271.
  61. Pang, K.-N., Teng, F.-Z., Sun, Y., Chung, S.-L. and Zarrinkoub, M. H. (2020) Magnesium isotopic systematics of the Makran arc, Iran: Implications for crust-mantle Mg isotopic balance, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278, 110-121.
  62. Tian, H.-C., Zhang, C., Teng, F.-Z., Long, Y.-J., Li, S.-G., He, Y.-S., Ke, S., Chen, X.-Y. and Yang, W. (2020) Diffusion-driven extreme Mg and Fe isotope fractionation in Panzhihua ilmenite: Implications for the origin of mafic intrusion, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,278, 361-375.
  63. Hu, Y.*, Teng, F.-Z.and Ionov, D. A. (2020) Magnesium isotopic composition of metasomatized upper subarc mantle and its implications to Mg cycling in subduction zones, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278, 219-234.
  64. Cuozzo, N.*, Sletten, R., Hu, Y.*, Liu, L.**, Teng, F.-Z.and Hagedorn, B. (2020) Silicate weathering in Antarctic Ice-rich permafrost: Insights using magnesium isotopes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278, 244-260.
  65. Huang, T.-Y.*, Teng, F.-Z., Rudnick, R. L., Chen, X.-Y.**, Hu, Y.*, Liu, Y.-S. and Wu, F.-Y. (2020) Heterogeneous potassium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278, 122-136.
  66. Sun, Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Hu, Y.*, Chen, X.-Y.**, and Pang, K.-N. (2020) Tracing subducted slab components in the mantle by using potassium isotopes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278, 353-360.
  67. Lv, Y.*, Liu, S.-A., Teng, F.-Z., Wei, G.-J. and Ma, J.-L. (2020) Contrasting zinc isotopic fractionation in two mafic-rock weathering profiles induced by adsorption onto Fe (hydr)oxides, Chemical Geology, 539, 119504,
  68. Brewer, A.*, Harrold, Z., Chang, E., Gorman-Lewis, D. and Teng, F.-Z. (2020) Magnesium isotope fractionation during microbially enhanced forsterite dissolution, Geobiology, 18, 225-236..
  69. Tian, H.-C., Teng, F.-Z., Hou, Z.-Q., Tian, S.-H., Yang, W., Chen, X.-Y. and Song, Y.-C. (2020) Magnesium and lithium isotopic evidence for a remnant oceanic slab beneath central Tibet, JGR-Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB018197.
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  71. Teng, F.-Z., Wang, S.-J. and Moynier, F. (2019) Tracing the formation and differentiation of the Earth by non-traditional stable isotopes, Science China Earth Sciences, 62, 1702-1715.
  72. Hille, M.***, Hu, Y.*, Huang, T.-Y.* and Teng, F.-Z. (2019) Homogenous and heavy potassium isotopic composition of global oceans, Science Bulletin, 64, 1740-1742.
  73. Berg, R. D.*, Solomon, E. A. and Teng, F.-Z. (2019) The role of marine sediment diagenesis in the modern oceanic magnesium cycle, Nature Communications,
  74. Su, B.-X., Hu, Y.*, Teng, F.-Z., Xiao, Y., Zhang, H.-F., Sun, Y., Zhu, B., Zhou, X.-H. and Ying, J.-F. (2019) Light magnesium isotopic composition of mantle-derived lavas caused by chromite cyrstallization, instead of carbonatite metasomatism, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 522, 79-86.
  75. Huang, H.**, Niu, Y.-L., Teng, F.-Z. and Wang, S.-J.** (2019) Discrepancy between bulk-rock and zircon Hf isotopes accompanying Nd-Hf isotope decoupling, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 259, 17-36.
  76. Chen, X.-Y.**, Teng, F.-Z. and Catling, D. (2019) Fast and precise boron isotopic analysis of carbonate and seawater using Nu Plasma II multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and a simple sample introduction system, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 33, 1169-1178.
  77. Xu, Y.-K., Hu, Y.*, Chen, X.-Y.**, Huang, T.-Y.*, Sletten, R., Zhu, D. and Teng, F.-Z. (2019) Potassium isotopic composition of international geological reference materials, Chemical Geology, 513, 101-107.
  78. Inglis, E.**, Moynier, F., Greech, J., Deng, Z., Day, J., Teng, F.-Z., Bizzarro, M., Jackson, M. and Savage, P. (2019) Isotopic fractionation of zirconium during magmatic differentiation and the stable isotope composition of the silicate Earth, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 250, 311-323.
  79. He, Y., Meng, X., Ke, S., Wu, H.*, Zhu, C., Teng, F.-Z., Hoefs, J., Huang, J., Yang, W., Xu, L., Hou, Z., Ren, Z.-Y. and Li, S. (2019) A nepelinitic component with unusual d56Fe in Cenozoic basalts from eastern China and its implications for deep oxygen cycle, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 512, 175-183.
  80. Hu, Y.* and Teng, F.-Z. (2019) Optimization of analytical conditions for precise and accurate isotope analyses of Li, Mg, Fe, Cu, and Zn by MC-ICPMS, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 34, 338-346.
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  82. Brewer, A.*, Teng, F.-Z., and Dethier, D. (2018) Magnesium isotope fractionation during granite weathering, Chemical Geology, 501, 95-103.
  83. Zhang, H.*, Wang, Y.*, He, Y., Teng, F.-Z., Jacobsen, S. B., Helz, R. T., Marsh, B. D. and Huang, S. (2018) No measurable calcium isotopic fractionation during crystallization of Kilauea Iki lava lake, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 3128-3139.
  84. Shen, J.*, Li, S.-G., Wang, S.-J.**, Teng, F.-Z., Li, Q.-L. and Liu, Y.-S. (2018) Subducted Mg-rich carbonates into the deep mantle wedge, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 503, 118-130.
  85. Huang, K.-J.*, Teng, F.-Z., Plank, T., Staudigel, H., Hu, Y.* and Bao, Z.-Y. (2018) Magnesium isotopic composition of altered oceanic crust and the global Mg cycle, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 238, 357-373.
  86. Li, W.-Y.**, Teng, F.-Z. and Xiao, Y.-L. (2018) Magnesium isotope record of fluid metasomatism along the slab-mantle interface in subduction zones, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 237, 312-319.
  87. Hu, Y.*, Chen, X.-Y.**, Xu, Y.-K., Teng, F.-Z. (2018) High-precision analysis of potassium isotopes by HR-MC-ICPMS, Chemical Geology, 493, 100-108.
  88. Teng, F.-Z. (2018) Magnesium, in White, W. M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, Springer. Doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_327-1. [Invited contribution]
  89. Teng, F.-Z. (2018) Magnesium Isotopes, in White, W. M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, Springer. Doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_328-1. [Invited contribution]
  90. Amsellem, E.*, Moynier, F., Day, J., Moreira, M., Puchtel, I. and Teng, F.-Z. (2018) The stable Sr isotopic composition of oceanic island basalts, mid-ocean ridge basalts and komatiites. Chemical Geology, 483, 595-602.
  91. Brewer, A.*, Teng, F.-Z. and Mullen, E. (2018) Magnesium isotopes as a tracer of crustal materials in volcanic arc magmas in the Northern Cascade arc, Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 6:21. doi:10.3389/feart.2018.00021.
  92. Chen, L.-M., Teng, F.-Z., Song, X.-Y., Hu, R.-Z., Yu, S.-Y., Zhu, D. and Kang, J. (2018) Magnesium isotopic evidence for chemical disequilibrium among cumulus minerals in layered mafic intrusion, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 487, 74-83.
  93. Wu, H.*, He, Y., Teng, F.-Z., Ke, S., Hou, Z. and Li, S. (2018) Diffusion-driven Mg and Fe isotope fractionation at a gabbro-granite boundary, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 222, 671-684.
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  95. Su, B.-X., Hu, Y.*, Teng, F.-Z., Qin, K.-Z., Bai, Y., Sakyi, P. A. and Tang, D.-M. (2017) Chromite-induced magnesium isotope fractionation during mafic magma differentiation, Science Bulletin, 62, 1538-1546.
  96. Sun, Y.*, Teng, F.-Z., Ying, J.-F., Su, B.-X., Hu, Y.*, Fan, Q.-C. and Zhou, X.-H. (2017) Magnesium isotopic evidence for ancient subducted oceanic crust in LOMU-like potassium-rich volcanic rocks, JGR-Solid Earth, 122, 7562-7572.
  97. Badullovich, N.*, Moynier, F., Greech, J., Teng, F.-Z. and Sossi, P. (2017) Tin isotopic fractionation during igneous differentiation and Earth's mantle composition. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 5, 24-28.
  98. Wang, S.-J.*, Teng, F.-Z., Li, S.-G., Zhang, L.-F., Du, J.-X., He, Y.-S. and Niu, Y.-L. (2017) Tracing subduction zone fluid-rock interactions using trace element and Mg-Sr-Nd isotopes, Lithos, 290-291, 94-103.
  99. Magna, T., Hu, Y.*, Teng, F.-Z., and Mezger, C. (2017) Magnesium isotope systematics in Martian meteorites, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 474, 419-426.
  100. Hu, Y.*, Teng, F.-Z., Plank, T., and Huang, K.-J.* (2017) Magnesium isotopic composition of subducting marine sediments, Chemical Geology, 466, 15-31. [Invited research article]
  101. Su, B.-X., Hu, Y.*, Teng, F.-Z., Xiao, Y., Zhou, X.-H., Sun, Y., Zhou, M.-F. and Chang, S.-C. (2017) Magnesium isotope constraints on subduction contribution to Mesozoic and Cenozoic East Asian continental basalts, Chemical Geology, 466, 116-122.
  102. Liu, P.-P.**, Teng, F.-Z., Dick, H.J.B., Zhou, M.-F. and Chung, S.-L. (2017) Magnesium isotopic composition of the oceanic mantle and oceanic Mg cycling, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 206, 151-165.
  103. Kato, C.*, Moynier, F., Foriel, J., Teng, F.-Z. and Puchtel, I. S. (2017) The gallium isotopic composition of the bulk silicate Earth, Chemical Geology, 448, 164-172.
  104. Teng, F.-Z., Dauphas, N. and Watkins, J. (2017) Non-traditional stable isotopes: Retrospective and prospective, Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry, 82, 1-26.
  105. Teng, F.-Z. (2017) Magnesium isotope geochemistry, Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry, 82, 219-287.
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  107. Huang, K.-J.**, Teng, F.-Z., Shen, B., Xiao, S., Lang, X.-G., Ma, H.-R., Fu, R. and Peng, Y.-B. (2016) Episode of intense chemical weathering during the termination of the 635 Ma Marinoan glaciation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (52), 14904-14909. Doi:10.1073/pnas.1607712113.
  108. Hu, Y.*, Harrington, M. D.***, Sun, Y.*, Yang, Z.***, Konter, J. and Teng, F.-Z. (2016) Magnesium isotopic homogeneity of San Carlos olivine: a potential standard for Mg isotopic analysis by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 30, 2123-2132.
  109. Gao, T.*, Ke, S., Teng, F.-Z., Chen, S., He, Y. and Li, S. (2016) Magnesium isotope fractionation during dolostone weathering, Chemical Geology, 445, 14-23.
  110. Li, F.-B.*, Teng, F.-Z., Chen, J.-T., Huang, K.-J.**, Wang, S.-J.**, Lang, X.-G., Ma, H.-R., Peng, Y.-B. and Shen, B. (2016) Constraining ribbon rock dolomitization by Mg isotopes: Implications for the 'dolomite problem', Chemical Geology, 445, 208-220.
  111. Li, W.-Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Xiao, Y., Gu, H.-O.*, Zha, X.-P. and Huang, J. (2016) Empirical calibration of the clinopyroxene-garnet magnesium isotope geothermometer and implications, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 171: 61. Doi:10.1007/s00410-016-1269-1.
  112. Teng, F.-Z., Hu, Y.* and Chauvel, C. (2016) Magnesium isotope geochemistry in arc volcanism, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, (26) 7082-7087. Doi:10.1073/pnas.1518456113.
  113. Ke, S.**, Teng, F.-Z., Li, S., Gao, T.*, Liu, S.-A., He, Y. and Mo, X. (2016) Mg, Sr and O isotope geochemistry of syenites from northwest Xinjiang, China: Tracing carbonate recycling during Tethyan oceanic subduction, Chemical Geology, 437, 109-119.
  114. Wang, S.-J.**, Teng, F.-Z. and Scott, J. (2016) Tracing the origin of continental HIMU-like intraplate volcanism using magnesium isotope systematics, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 185, 78-87.
  115. Hu, Y.*, Teng, F.-Z., Zhang, H.-F., Xiao, Y. and Su, B.-X. (2016) Metasomatism-induced mantle magnesium isotopic heterogeneity: Evidence from pyroxenites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 185, 88-111.
  116. Day, J., Qiu, L., Ash, R. D., McDonough, W. F., Teng, F.-Z., Rudnick, R. L. and Taylor, L. A. (2016) Evidence for high-temperature fractionation of lithium isotopes during differentiation of the Moon, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 51, 1046-1062.
  117. Li, W.-Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Halama, R., Keller, J. and Klaudius, J. (2016) Magnesium isotope fractionation during carbonatite petrogenesis at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 444, 26-33.
  118. Xiao, Y., Teng, F.-Z., Su, B.-X., Hu, Y.*, Zhou, M.-F., Zhu, B., Shi, R.-D., Huang, Q.-S., Gong, X.-H. and He, Y.-S. (2016) Iron and magnesium isotopic constraints on the origin of chemical heterogeneity in podiform chromitite from the Luobusha ophiolite, southern Tibet, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17, 940-953, doi:10.1002/2015GC006223.
  119. Yang, W.**, Teng, F.-Z., Li, W.-Y.**, Liu, S.-A.*, Ke, S.**, Liu, Y.-S., Zhang, H.-F. and Gao, S. (2016) Magnesium isotopic composition of the deep continental crust. American Mineralogist, 101, 243-252. [Invited Centennial Article]
  120. Sedaghatpour F.* and Teng, F.-Z. (2016) Magnesium isotopic composition of achondrites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 174, 167-179.
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  122. Wang, S.-J.*, Teng, F.-Z., Rudnick, R. L. and Li, S.-G (2015) Magnesium isotope evidence for a recycled origin of cratonic eclogites, Geology, 43, 1071-1074.
  123. Liu, D, Zhao, Z., Zhu, D.-C., Niu, Y., Widom, E., Teng, F.-Z., DePaolo, D. J., Ke, S., Xu, J.-F., Wang, Q., Mo, X. (2015) Identifying mantle carbonate metasomatism through Os–Sr–Mg isotopes in Tibetan ultrapotassic rocks, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 430, 458-469.
  124. Su, B.-X., Teng, F.-Z., Hu, Y.*, Shi, R.-D., Zhou, M.-F., Zhu, B., Liu, F., Gong, X.-H., Huang Q-S., Xiao, Y., Chen, C. and He, Y.-S. (2015) Iron and magnesium isotope fractionation in oceanic lithosphere and sub-arc mantle: Perspectives from ophiolites, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 430, 523-532.
  125. Teng, F.-Z., Yin, Q.-Z., Ullmann, C. V., Chakrabarti, R., Pogge von Strandmann, P.A.E., Yang, W.**, Li, W.-Y.**, Ke, S.**, Sedaghatpour, F.*, Wimpenny, J., Meixner, A., Romer, R. L., Wiechert, U. and Jacobsen, S. B. (2015). Interlaboratory comparison of magnesium isotopic compositions of 12 felsic to ultramafic igneous rock standards analyzed by MC-ICPMS, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16, 3197-3209, doi:1002/2015GC005939.
  126. Wang, S.-J.*, Teng, F.-Z., Rudnick, R. L. and Li, S.-G. (2015). The behavior of magnesium isotopes in low-grade metamorphosed mudrocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 165, 435-448.
  127. Teng, F.-Z., Li, W.-Y.**, Ke, S.**, Yang, W.**, Liu, S.-A.*, Sedaghatpour, F.*, Wang, S.-J.*, Huang, K.-J.*, Hu, Y.*, Ling, M.-X.**, Xiao, Y.**, Liu, X.-M.*, Li, X.-W.*, Gu, H.-O.*, Sio, C. K.*, Wallace, D. A.***, Su, B.-X., Zhao, L., Chamberlin, J.*, Harrington, M.***, Brewer, A.* (2015). Magnesium isotopic compositions of international geostandards. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 39, 329-339.
  128. He, Y., Ke, S., Teng, F.-Z., Wang, T., Wu, H., Lu, Y. and Li, S. (2015). High-precision iron isotope analysis of geological standards by high resolution MC-ICPMS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 39, 341-356.
  129. Wang, S.-J.**, Teng, F.-Z. and Bea, F. (2015). Magnesium isotope systematics of metapelite in the deep crust and implications for granite petrogenesis. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 1, 75-83.
  130. Ma, L., Teng, F.-Z., Ke, S.**, Yang, W.**, Jin, L. and Brantley, S. L. (2015) Magnesium isotope fractionation during shale weathering in the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: Accumulation of light Mg isotopes in soils by clay mineral transformation. Chemical Geology, 397, 37-50.
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  132. Liu, S.-A., Teng, F.-Z., Li, S., Wei, G.-J., Ma, J.-L. and Li, D. (2014). Copper and iron isotope fractionation during weathering and pedogenesis: Insights from saprolite profiles. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 146, 59-75.
  133. Wang, S.-J.*, Teng, F.-Z., Li, S.-G. and Hong, J. (2014). Magnesium isotope systematics of mafic rocks during continental subduction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 143, 34-48.
  134. Wang, S.-J.*, Teng, F.-Z. and Li, S.-G. (2014). Tracing carbonate-silicate interaction during subduction using magnesium and oxygen isotopes. Nature Communications, 5:5328 doi: 10.1038/ncomms6328.
  135. Dauphas, N., Burkhardt, C., Warren, P. H. and Teng, F.-Z. (2014). Geochemical arguments for an Earth-like Moon-forming impactor. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 372: 20130244.
  136. Liu, X.-M.*, Teng, F.-Z., Rudnick, R. L., McDonough, W. F. and Cummings, M. (2014). Massive magnesium depletion and isotope fractionation in weathered basalts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 135, 336-349.
  137. Li, W.-Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Wing, B. A. and Xiao, Y. (2014). Limited magnesium isotope fractionation during metamorphic dehydration in metapelites from the Onawa contact aureole, Maine. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15, 408-415, doi: 10.1002/2013GC004992.
  138. Teng, F.-Z., Yang, W.** (2014). Comparison of factors affecting accuracy of high-precision magnesium isotope analysis by MC-ICPMS. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 28, 19-24.
  139. Liu, S.-A., Li, D., Li, S., Teng, F.-Z., Ke, S., He, Y. and Lu, Y. (2014) . High-precision copper and iron isotope analysis of igneous rock standards by MC-ICPMS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 29, 122-133.
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  141. Sio, C. K.*, Dauphas, N., Teng, F.-Z., Chaussidon, M., Helz, R. T. and Roskosz, M. (2013). Discerning crystal growth from diffusion profiles in zoned olivine by in-situ Mg-Fe isotopic analyses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 123, 302-321.
  142. Teng, F.-Z., Yang, W.**, Rudnick, R. L. and Hu, Y.* (2013). Heterogeneous magnesium isotopic composition of the lower continental crust: A xenolith perspective. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14, 3844-3856, doi: 10.1002/ggge.20238.
  143. Sedaghaptour, F.*, Teng, F.-Z., Liu, Y., Sears, D. W. G. and Taylor, L. A. (2013). Magnesium isotopic composition of the Moon. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 120, 1-16.
  144. Huang, K.-J.*, Teng, F.-Z., Elsenouy, A., Li, W.-Y.** and Bao, Z.-Y. (2013). Magnesium isotopic variations in loess: Origins and implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 374, 60-70.
  145. Chen, H.*, Savage, P. S., Teng, F.-Z., Helz, R. and Moynier, F. (2013). Zinc isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiation and the isotopic composition of the bulk Earth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 369-370, 34-42.
  146. Xiao, Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Zhang, H.-F. and Yang, W. (2013). Large magnesium isotope fractionation in peridotite xenoliths from eastern North China craton: Product of melt-rock interaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 115, 241-261.
  147. Ling, M.-X.**, Liu, Y.-L., Williams, I. S., Teng, F.-Z., Yang, X.-Y., Ding, X., Wei, G.-J., Xie, L.-H., Deng, W.-F. and Sun, W. (2013). Formation of the world's largest REE deposit through protracted fluxing of carbonatite by subduction-derived fluids. Scientific Reports, 3, 1776; DOI:10.1038/srep01776.
  148. Ling, M.-X.**, Li, Y., Ding, X., Teng, F.-Z., Fan, W., Xu, Y. and Sun, W. (2013). Destruction of the North China craton induced by ridge subductions. Journal of Geology, 121, 197-213.
  149. Teng, F.-Z., Dauphas, N., Huang, S. and Marty, B. (2013). Iron isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 107, 12-26.
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  151. Wang, S.-J.*, Teng, F.-Z., Williams, H. and Li, S. (2012). Magnesium isotope variations in cratonic eclogites: Origins and implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 359-360, 219-226.
  152. Huang, K.-J.*, Teng, F.-Z., Wei, G.-J., Ma, J.-L. and Bao, Z.-Y. (2012). Adsorption and desorption-controlled magnesium isotope fractionation during extreme weathering of basalt in Hainan Island, China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 359-360, 73-83.
  153. Telus, M.*, Dauphas, N., Moynier, F., Tissot, F. L., Teng, F.-Z., Nabelek, P. I., Craddock, P. R. and Groat, L. A. (2012). Iron, zinc and magnesium isotopic fractionation during continental crust differentiation: The tale from migmatites, granites and pegmatites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 97, 247-265.
  154. Yang, W.**, Teng, F.-Z., Zhang H.-F. and Li, S. (2012). Magnesium isotopic systematics of continental basalts from the North China craton: Implications for tracing subducted carbonate in the mantle. Chemical Geology, 328, 185-194.
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  156. Ling, M.-X.**, Sedaghatpour, F.*, Teng, F.-Z., Hays, P.D., Strauss, J. and Sun, W. (2011). Homogenous magnesium isotopic composition of seawater. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25, 2828-2836.
  157. Liu, S.-A.*, Teng, F.-Z., Yang, W.** and Wu, F.-Y. (2011). High-temperature inter-mineral magnesium isotope fractionation in mantle xenoliths from the North China craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,308, 131-140.
  158. Teng, F.-Z., Dauphas, N., Helz, R.T., Gao, S. and Huang, S. (2011). Diffusion-driven magnesium and iron isotope fractionation in Hawaiian olivine. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 317-324.
  159. Li, W.-Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Xiao, Y. and Huang, J. (2011). High-temperature inter-mineral magnesium isotope fractionation in eclogite from the Dabie orogen, China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304, 224-230.
  160. Ke, S.**, Liu, S.-A.*, Li, W.-Y.**, Yang, W.** and Teng, F.-Z. (2011). Advances and application in magnesium isotope geochemistry (in Chinese; invited review). Acta Petrologica Sinica, 27, 383-397.
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  162. Teng, F.-Z., Li, W.-Y.**, Rudnick, R. L. and Gardner, L. R. (2010). Contrasting behavior of lithium and magnesium isotope fractionation during continental weathering. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 300, 63-71.
  163. Li, W.-Y.**, Teng, F.-Z., Ke, S.**, Rudnick, R. L., Gao, S., Wu, F.-Y. and Chappell, B. W. (2010). Heterogeneous magnesium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 6867-6884.
  164. Liu, S.-A.*, Teng, F.-Z., He, Y.*, Ke., S.** and Li, S. (2010). Investigation of magnesium isotope fractionation during granite differentiation: Implication for Mg isotopic composition of the continental crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 297, 646-654.
  165. Teng, F.-Z., Li, W.-Y.**, Ke, S.**, Marty, B., Dauphas, N., Huang, S., Wu, F.-Y. and Pourmand, A. (2010). Magnesium isotopic composition of the Earth and chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 4150-4166.
  166. Dauphas, N., Teng, F.-Z. and Arndt, N. T. (2010). Magnesium and iron isotopes in 2.7 Ga Alexo komatiites: Mantle signatures, no evidence for Soret diffusion, and identification of diffusive transport in zoned olivine. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 3274-3291.
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  168. Yang, W.**, Teng, F.-Z. and Zhang, H.-F. (2009). Chondritic magnesium isotopic composition of the terrestrial mantle: A case study of peridotite xenoliths from the North China craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 288, 475-482.
  169. Dauphas, N., Pourmand, A. and Teng, F.-Z. (2009). Routine isotopic analysis of iron by HR-MC-ICPMS: How precise and how accurate?. Chemical Geology, 267, 175-184.
  170. Teng, F.-Z., Rudnick, R. L., McDonough, W. F. and Wu F.-Y. (2009). Lithium isotopic systematics of A-type granites and their mafic enclaves: Further constraints on the Li isotopic composition of the continental crust. Chemical Geology, 262, 415-424.
  171. Richter, F. M., Dauphas, N. and Teng, F.-Z. (2009). Non-traditional fractionation of non-traditional isotopes: Evaporation, chemical diffusion and Soret diffusion. Chemical Geology, 258, 92-103.
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  173. Richter, F. M., Watson, E. B., Mendybaev, R., Teng, F.-Z., and Janney, P. (2008). Magnesium isotope fractionation in silicate melts by chemical and thermal diffusion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, 206-220.
  174. Teng, F.-Z., Rudnick, R. L., McDonough, W.F., Gao, S., Tomascak, P.B. and Liu, Y.-S. (2008). Lithium isotopic composition and concentration of the deep continental crust. Chemical Geology, 255, 47-59.
  175. Teng, F.-Z., Dauphas, N. and Helz, R. T. (2008). Iron isotopic fractionation during magmatic differentiation in Kilauea Iki lava lake. Science, 320, 1620-1622.
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  177. Teng, F.-Z., McDonough, W. F., Rudnick, R. L. and Wing, B. A. (2007). Limited lithium isotopic fractionation during progressive metamorphic dehydration in metapelites: A case study from the Onawa contact aureole, Maine. Chemical Geology, 239, 1-12.
  178. Teng, F.-Z., Wadhwa, M., and Helz R. T. (2007). Investigation of magnesium isotope fractionation during basalt differentiation: Implications for a chondritic composition of the terrestrial mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 261 (1-2), 84-92.
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  180. Teng, F.-Z., McDonough, W. F., Rudnick, R. L. and Walker, R. J. (2006). Diffusion-driven extreme lithium isotopic fractionation in country rocks of the Tin Mountain pegmatite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 243 (3-4), 701-710.
  181. Teng, F.-Z., McDonough, W. F., Rudnick, R. L., Walker, R. J. and Sirbescu, M.-L. C. (2006). Lithium isotopic systematics of granites and pegmatites from the Black Hills, South Dakota. American Mineralogist, 91, 1488-1498.
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  183. Teng, F.-Z., McDonough, W. F., Rudnick, R. L., Dalpe, C., Tomascak, P. B., Chappell, B. W. and Gao, S. (2004) Lithium isotopic composition and concentration of the upper continental crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68(20), 4167-4178.