Fang-Zhen Teng
Maggie Walker Endowed Professor
College of the Environment
Professor & Associate Chair & GPC
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
435 Johnson Hall

Scott Kuehner
Lab Manager (emeritus)
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
425 Johnson Hall
Email: kuehner@u.washington.edu
Phone: 206-543-8393

Dr. Yinbiao Peng
Postdoc Associate
Key Lab of Submarine Geosciences
Ocean University of China
436 Johnson Hall
Email: ybpeng@uw.edu

Dr. Yiding Zhao
Postdoc Associate
Department of Geosciences
University of Hong Kong
423 Johnson Hall
Email: zhaodingyi@connect.hku.hk

Dr. Linzhang Wang
Postdoc Associate
Institute of Oceanography
Chinese Academy of Sciences
423 Johnson Hall
Email: wlz372@uw.edu

Pete Wynn
PhD student
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
432 Johnson Hall
Email: pwynn@uw.edu

Winnie Fan
PhD student
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
432 Johnson Hall
Email: fanxuefe@uw.edu

Giancarlo DeFrancesco
PhD student
Department of Earth Sciences
The University of Hong Kong
423 Johnson Hall
Email: gdefran@connect.hku.hk

Lauren Woods
Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: lwoods21@u.washington.edu

Your Name Here
Summer 2024 Intern
The Top High School
Email: yourname@thetophigh.com

Dr. Jong-Sik Ryu
Dept. Earth & Environmental Sciences
Pukyong National University
Email: jsryu@uw.edu

Dr. Hai-Yang Liu
Assistant Professor
Institute of Oceanography
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: hyliu@qdio.ac.cn
Lab Alumni

Dr.Xiangsong Wang
Postdoc Associate
Department of Geosciences
University of Hong Kong
423 Johnson Hall
Email: u3006391@connect.hku.hk

Dr.Will Hoover
Postdoc Associate
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
427 Johnson Hall
Email: wfhoover@uw.edu

Dr. Yan Hu
Postdoc Associate
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
323 Johnson Hall
Email: yanhu@u.washington.edu

Dr. Ze-Zhou Wang
Postdoc Associate
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
436 Johnson Hall
Email: zzwang74@uw.edu

Dr. Hui Huang
Visiting Postdoc Associate
China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Email: breccia001@163.com

Shui-Jiong Wang
Postdoc Associate
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
436 Johnson Hall
Email: sxw057@gmail.com

Dr. Xin-Yang Chen
Postdoc Associate
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
436 Johnson Hall
Email: icanswer@gmail.com

Dr. Pingping Liu
Visiting Postdoc Associate
University of Hong Kong
Email: liupp@hku.hk

Dr. Kang-Jun Huang
Visiting Postdoc Associate
Peking University
Email: kjhuang@pku.edu.cn

Dr. Yang Sun
Visiting Postdoc Associate
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
Email: sunyang11@mails.ucas.ac.cn

Dr. Shan Ke
Visiting Postdoc Associate
China University of Geosciences
Email: keshan@cugb.edu.cn

Dr. Wang-Ye Li
Visiting Postdoc Associate
University of Science and Technology of China
Email: wyli@ustc.edu.cn

Dr. Dong-Yong Li
Visiting Postdoc Associate
University of Science & Technology of China
Email: ldy@ustc.edu.cn

Dr. Racheal Johnsen
Visiting Postdoc Associate
Department of Geoscience
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Email: fear.the.pumice@gmail.com

Dr. Ming-Xing Ling
Visting Postdoc Associate
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: mxling@gig.ac.cn

Dr. Yan Xiao
Visting Postdoc associate
Institute of Geology and Geophysics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: xiaoyan@mail.igcas.ac.cn

Dr. Heng-Ci Tian
Visiting Postdoc Associate
Institute of Geology & Geophyscis
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: tianhengci88@qq.com

Dr. Wei Yang
Visiting Postdoc associate
Institute of Geology and Geophysics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: yangw@mail.igcas.ac.cn

Yin-Ce Ma
PhD student
Institute of Geology & Geophysics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
423 Johnson Hall
Email: igg-myc@mail.iggcas.ac.cn

Tian-Yi Huang
PhD student
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
423 Johnson Hall
Email: tianyih@uw.edu

Jiyeong Lee
PhD student
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Pukyong National University
423 Johnson Hall
Email: jylee@pukyong.ac.kr

Wan-Ting Ge
Visiting PhD student
Institute of Geochemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: 350906435@qq.com

Fatemeh Sedaghatpour
PhD student
Currently postdoc
Harvard University
Email: fsedaghatpour@fas.harvard.edu
Yan Hu
PhD student
Currently postdoc
University of Washington, Seattle

Aaron Brewer
PhD student
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
432 Johnson Hall
Email: aaronwb@u.washington.edu

Jing-Jing Yan
Exchange PhD student
China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Email: jjyan2017@cugb.edu.cn

Ning Yang
Exchange PhD student
China University of Geosciences, Bijing
Email: yncugb@hotmail.com

Yu Li
Visiting PhD student
Jilin University
Email: liyu19900821@126.com

Qian Ma
Visiting PhD student
China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Email: ma_qiann@163.com

Johnnie Chamberlin
PhD student
Currently PhD student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: johnnie.chamberlin@gmail.com

Martin Li
Visiting PhD student
The University of Hong Kong
Email: martinli@connect.hku.hk

Sheng-Ao Liu
Exchange PhD student
Currently Associate Professor
China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Email: lsa@cugb.edu.cn
Shuijiong Wang
Exchange PhD student
Currently postdoc
University of Washington, Seattle

Kang-Jun Huang
Exchange PhD student
Currently postdoc
Peking University
Email: kjhuang@pku.edu.cn

Corliss Sio
Visiting PhD student
The University of Chicago
Email: ksio@uchicago.edu

Hai-Ou Gu
Visiting PhD student
University of Science & Technology of China
Email: ghost205@mail.ustc.edu.cn

Hui Huang
Visiting PhD student
Durham University
Email: hui.huang@durham.ac.uk

Hongjie Wu
Exchange PhD student
China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Email: wuhongjie.cugb@gmail.com

Hebin Shao
Visiting PhD student
WHOI/Tongji University
Email: hshao@whoi.edu

Yang Sun
Exchange PhD student
Institute of Geology & Geophysics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: sunyang11@mails.ucas.ac.cn

Yufei Liu
Visiting PhD student
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: 0040yufei@163.com

Chris DeFelice
Visiting PhD student
Department of Geoscience
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Email: defelc1@unvl.nevada.edu

Xiao-Wei Li
Visiting PhD student
Peking University
Email: lixiaowei@pku.edu.cn

Xian-Fang Li
Visiting graduate student
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
Email: xianfl@uw.edu

Xiao-Ming Liu
Visiting PhD student
University of Maryland, College Park
Email: xliu235@umd.edu

Dalton Reynolds
Master student
Department of Chemistry
Email: dreyn97@uw.edu

Elvis Bello
Summer Intern
Currently PhD student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: ebello@uark.edu
Eben Jones
Summer Intern
Department of Geosciences
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: dejones0226@uark.edu

Leiaka Welcome
Summer Intern
Department of Geosciences
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: lwelcome@uark.edu

Julie Jacobs
Summer Intern
Department of Geosciences
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: jajacobs@uark.edu

Eric Grulke
Summer Intern
Department of Geosciences
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: mgrulke@uark.edu

Jeff L. Ward
Master student
Currently Geologist
Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
Email: jlw005@uark.edu

Klay Wu
Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: jwu27@u.washington.edu

Melissa Harrington
Currently PhD student
Arizona State University
Email: mharrington@email.arizona.edu

Anna Berg
Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: anna2286@u.washington.edu

Griff Easthouse
Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: gfin186@uw.edu

Ava Kamm
Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: ava.s.k@icloud.com
Lucy Jiang
Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: lucjia@u.washington.edu

Elizabeth Urban
Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: eurban@u.washington.edu

Xin Yang
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Science & Technology of China
Email: yx961103@mail.ustc.edu.cn

Bing Yu Lee
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: bingyu@u.washington.edu

Madeline Hille
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: hillem2@u.washington.edu

Yangfan Ling
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: alicialing22@gmail.com

William L. Fleming
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Columbia University
Email: wlf2114@columbia.edu

Peiyu Wu
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: peiyuw3@u.washington.edu

Mary Benson
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: makb@u.washington.edu

Florence Yuen
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: flo_yuen916@hotmail.com

Jiarui Zhou
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: jrzhou@u.washington.edu
Patrick Watts
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: pwatts15@hotmail.com

Khadijah Homolka
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: khomolka@u.washington.edu

Daryn White
School of Oceanography
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: darynw@u.washington.edu

Esten King
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: estenking@gmail.com

Pan Zhang
Department of Geology
Northwestern University, Xi'an
Email: zahngp@outlook.com

Joel Atwood
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: joelatwo@u.washington.edu

Taylor Kenyon
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: tkenyon1992@hotmail.com

Lucas Holloway
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: lucas.holloway@gmail.com

Emily Bundick
Department of Earth and Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle
Email: bund1026@u.washington.edu

Shelby Fitch
Department of Geoscience
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Email: fitchshelby@gmail.com

Yong-Shu Huang
China University of Geosciences
Email: youngshuhuang@gmail.com

Melissa Hornick
Currently Master student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: melissahornick@gmail.com

Evan Thaler
Currently Master student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: ethaler@uark.edu

Debra A. Wallace
Currently Master student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: dawallac@email.uark.edu
David Nance
Department of Geosciences
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: dln001@uark.edu

Zhe Yang
China University of Geosciences
Email: yangzhe199@outlook.com

Gabby Salinas
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: gsalinas@uark.edu

Rodney Ballard
REU Student
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Email: rodneyballarduapb@yahoo.com

Janvier Kwizera
Currently Master student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: jkwizera@uark.edu

Ryan Rowley
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: rowley@uark.edu

Brendan Clement
REU student
Keene State College
Email: brendan_clement_10@hotmail.com
Debra Davis
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: dkchrist@uark.edu
Anthonini Francaviglia
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: afrancav@uark.edu

Clara Kirk
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: cjk001@uark.edu

Oanh H. Nguyen
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: ohn001@uark.edu
Crystal Countee
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: ccountee@uark.edu

Grant Scarsdale
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: slgrant@uark.edu

Chven Mitchell
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: camitche@uark.edu

Dale Stendel
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: dstendel@uark.edu

Anna Rouse
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: arouse@uark.edu

Addie Clark
REU Student
Currently PhD student
Baylor University
Email: aclark07@ehc.edu

Suzi Gordon
REU Student
Florida Institute of Technology

Colin Brooks
Currently master student
Vanderbilt University
Email: cebrooks@vanderbilt.edu

Misty Trinkle
Undergraduate Student
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Email: misty.trinklel@uark.edu

Kaia Mattioli
Summer Intern
Currently PhD student
Harvard University

Jayden Zhang
Summer 2022 Intern
Eastside Catholic High School
Email: jaydenpzhang@outlook.com

Kesler Lee
July 2021 to January 2022
Interlake High School
Email: tokeslerlee@gmail.com

Amanda Li
Summer 2019 Intern
Bellevue High School
Email: amandali182@gmail.com

Katherine Zhang
Summer 2019 Intern
Eastside Catholic High School
Email: kyiranzhang@gmail.com

Mariya Haveliwala
Summer 2018 Intern
The Overlake School
Email: m_haveliwala@hotmail.com

Maggie Jiang
Summer 2018 Intern
Juanita High School
Email: maggie.jiang2000@hotmail.com

Elijah Lorraine Tugade
Summer 2017 Intern
Rainier Beach High School
Email: elijahlorrainetugade@yahoo.com

Mark Liu
Summer 2016 Intern
Redmond High School
Email: liu.mark.8@gmail.com

Grant Libby
Summer 2015 Intern
Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts
Email: grantlibby@gmail.com

Kevin Ma
Summer 2015/2016 Intern
Bellevue Senior High School
Email: yanjun_ma@yahoo.com

Alex Yang
Summer 2014 Intern
Inglemoor High School
Email: ay2344@columbia.edu

Dr. Anupam Banerjee
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
436 Johnson Hall
Email: anupamb@iitk.ac.in

Dr. Dandan Li
China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Email: ldd@cugb.edu.cn

Dr. Zuxing Chen
Associate Professor
Institute of Oceanography
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: chenzuxing@qdio.ac.cn

Mr. Paulo Dias
Geological Survey of Brazil
421 Johnson Hall
Email: paolo.dias@sgb.gov.br

Dr. Ardi Koeshidayatullah
Assistant Professor
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
421 Johnson Hall
Email: akoeshidayatullah@kfupm.edu.sa

Dr. Zhigang Zeng
Institute of Oceanography
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: zgzeng@ms.qdio.ac.cn

Dr. Ming-Zhu Liu
Associate Professor
China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Email: 2004011836@cugb.edu.cn

Dr. Feng Wang
Associate Professor
Jilin University
Email: jlu_wangfeng@jlu.edu.cn

Dr. Maoyong He
Associate Professor
Institute of Earth Enviroment, CAS
Email: hemy@ieecas.cn

Dr. Shihong Tian
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
Email: s.h.tiani@163.com

Dr. Lie-Meng Chen
Associate Professor
Institute of Geochemistry, CAS
Email: chenliemeng@vip.gyig.ac.cn

Dr. Kang-Jun Huang
Northwest University
Email: kjhuang@pku.edu.cn

Yi-Hsuan Chiang
Research Assistant
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
Email: shelly@earth.sinica.edu.tw

Dr. Jin-Long Ma
Associate Professor
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: jlma@gig.ac.cn

Dr. Yong-Sheng He
Associate Professor
China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Email: heys@cugb.edu.cn

Dr. Zhuang Ruan
China University of Geosciences, Beijing
Email: ruanz0103@cugb.edu.cn

Dr. Ming-Xing Ling
Associate Professor
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: mxling@gig.ac.cn

Dr. Ying-Kui Xu
Assistant Professor
Institute of Geochemistry, CAS
Email: xuyingkui@vip.gyig.ac.cn

Dr. Kwan-Nang Pang
Assistant Research Scientist
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
Email: knpang@earth.sinica.edu.tw

Weimin Feng
Assistant Professor
Valdosta State University
Email: wfeng@valdosta.edu

Qiuli Li
Associate Professor
Institute of Geology & Geophysics
Email: qiuli8@yahoo.com.cn

Dr. Wang-Ye Li
Associate Professor
University of Science and Technology of China
Email: wyli@ustc.edu.cn

Li Zhao
Research Assistant
University of Hong Kong
Email: 46490414@qq.com

Dr. Weidong Sun
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: weidongsun@gig.ac.cn
Dr. Lin Dong
Assistant Professor
Peking University
Email: lindong@pku.edu.cn
Dr. Bing Shen
Peking University
Email: bingshen@pku.edu.cn

Dr. Benxun Su
Associate Professor
University of Hong Kong