We are a group of PhDs, PhD candidates, master students, undergraduates and high school students focused on the development and application of non-traditional isotopes in studies of geological, planetary and biological processes. Our techniques involve both purification of targeted elements through column chromatography in a clean sample preparation laboratory and high-precision isotopic analyses using Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICPMS).
- February 23 2025, Congratulations to undergraduate student researcher Lauren Woods! Lauren just accepted an offer from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she will pursue a PhD degree in Earth Sciences!
- February 3 2025, Undergraduate student Griff Easthouse's work on constraining petrogensis of subduction interface talc using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Geology.
- January 25 2025, Dr. Linzhang Wang, a postdoc scholar from Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Linzhang!
- January 1 2025, Happy New Year!
March 3 2025, Dr. Jong-Sik Ryu, a professor from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Pukyong National University, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Jong-Sik!
March 1 2025, Our collaborator, Dr. Zu-Xing Chen's work illustraing the presence of subduction-modified mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges using Mo isotopes is accepted for publication in EPSL.
- December 10 2024, Congratulations to undergraduate student Lauren Woods for the Mary Gates fellowship, the second time!
- August 17 2024, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng is selected as the recipient of The Alumni Excellence Awards For Research from the University of Maryland Alumni Association.
- August 6 2024, Dr. Feng Wang, a professor from the Jilin University, visits the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Feng!
- August 5 - 9 2024, PhD student Winnie Fan attended the Cascades24 workshop at the University of Oregon.
- July 7 2024, postdoc Ze-Zhou Wang's review article on constraining the petrogenesis of Himalayan leucogranites by elemental and isotopic geochemistry is accepted for publication in Elements.
- July 1 2024, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng has been appointed to the Maggie Walker Endowed Professorship in the College of the Environment.
- June 15 2024, PhD student Winnie Fan received a graduate research grant from GSA. Congratulations, Winnie!
- June 14 2024, Our collaborator Yongsheng He's manuscript on investigation of space weathering of lunar soil by combining Mg-Fe-Ca isotopes is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- May 31 2024, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng is elected as a Fellow of the Geological Society of America.
- May 29 2024, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on non-traditional stable isotope geochemistry of oceanic basalts is accepted for publication in Treatise on Geochemistry.
- May 14 2024, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng has been selected to deliver the 2024 Earl Ingerson Lecture by the Geochemical Society, which is named after Fred Earl Ingerson, a founder and the first president of the Geochemical Society.
- May 10 2024, at the ESS annual Awards ceremony, PhD student Winnie Fan received the Earth Science Endowed Fund, Pete Wynn received the Inquisitive Student Support Fund and the Howard A. Coobs Endowed Fellowship in Geological Sciences for Excellence in Teaching. Undergraduate students Klay Wu received the Douglas E. Merrill Prize for Excellence, and Lauren Woods for Julian D. and Marajane Barksdale Endowed Fund and the Geology Undergraduate Feild and Research Fund! Congratulations Lauren, Klay, Winnie and Pete!
- May 6 2024, Mr. Giancarlo DeFrancesco, a PhD student from the University of Hong Kong, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Giancarlo!
- April 12 2024, Visiting PhD student Kai-Chen Xing's manuscript on recycling of surface water into the mantle transition zone by K isotopes is accepted for publication in Nature Geosciences.
- April 5 2024, Former Postdoc researcher Dr. Yang Sun's work on deciphering titanomagnetite fractionation in basaltic lavas by Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- April 4 2024, Congratulations to undergraduate student researcher Klay Wu! Klay just accepted an offer from Harvard University, where he will pursue a PhD degree in Earth and Planetary Sciences!
- April 3 2024, Congratulations to PhD student Winnie Fan for winning the College of the Environment Travel & Meeting Award!
- March 28 2024, Prof. Ardi Koeshidayatullah from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Ardi!
- March 12 2024, Congratulations to undergraduate student Lauren Woods for the Mary Gates fellowship!
- February 26 2024, Mr. Giancarlo DeFrancesco, a PhD student from the University of Hong Kong, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Giancarlo!
- February 12 2024, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng is elected as a Fellow of the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry.
- January 29 2024, Prof. Zhigang Zeng from Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Zhigang!
- January 17 2024, Mr. Paulo Dias, a researcher from the Geological Survey of Braizil, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Paulo!
- January 16 2024, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng accepted the offer to become the Co-Editor in Chief of Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- January 2 2024, after working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Lab for four years, postdoc reseacher Dr. Ze-Zhou Wang takes a full professor position at China University of Geosciences, Beijing. Congratulations, Ze-Zhou!
- January 1 2024, Happy New Year!
December 24 2024, Prof. Hai-Yang Liu from Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Hai-Yang!
December 19 2024, our collaborator Dr. Jin-Long Ma's work on constraing CO2 consumption rates and weathering fluxes in continental basalts using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in JGR- Earth Surface.
December 16 2024, Dr. Xiangsong Wang, a postdoc scholar from the University of Hong Kong, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Xiangsong!
December 16 2024, Mr. Giancarlo DeFrancesco, a PhD student from the University of Hong Kong, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Giancarlo!
December 10 2024, PhD student Winnie Fan has been awarded the 2024 Mineralogical Association of Canada Scholarship. Congratulations, Winnie!
December 9-13 2024, PhD student Winnie Fan attended the Fall AGU conference at Washington, D. C.
December 2 2024, after working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Lab for over three years, postdoc reseacher Dr. Will Hoover takes a full time position at Ramboll. Congratulations, Will!
November 14 2024, a research grant from the College of the Enviroment Seed Grant Funding is awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (Co-PI: Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng).
September 21 - 24 2024, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng attended the GSA Annual Meeting at Anaheim, CA.
September 18 2024, former postdoc scholar Dr. Ping-Ping Liu's manuscript on constraing magmatic differentiation processes by Mg isotopes in Fe-Ti oxides in layered mafic inclusions is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
September 14 2024, former postdoc scholar Dr. Heng-Ci Tian's manuscript on K isotope geochemistry of arc lavas is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
September 13 2024, our collaborator Dr. Dong Liu's work on constraing mantle evolution and Tibetan plateau outward growth by Miocene alkaline basalts in Tibet is accepted for publication in G-cubed.
August 28 2024, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng's review article on Himalayan leucogranites is accepted for publication in Elements.
August 19 - 23 2024, Winnie Fan, Paulo Dias, Dingyi Zhao, Feng Wang and Fang-Zhen Teng attended Goldschmidt Conference at Chicago, IL.
- December 20 2023, Prof. Zuxing Chen from Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Zuxing!
- December 11-15 2023, Drs. Will Hoover and Anupam Banerjee attended Fall AGU conference at San Francisco, CA.
- September 25 2023, Dr. Dingyi Zhao, a postdoc scholar from the University of Hong Kong, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Dingyi!
- August 30 2023, Dr. Yinbiao Peng, a postdoc scholar from the Ocean University of China, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Yinbiao!
- August 4 2023, Our collaborator Sheng-Ao Liu's manuscript on constraining the role of sulfide fractionation and lower crustal foundering in making continental crust using Cu isotopes is accepted for publication in Science Advances.
- July 10 - 14 2023, Drs. Will Hoover and Fang-Zhen Teng attended Goldschmidt Conference at Lyon, France.
- July 2023, Lauren Woods, an undergraduate student from the University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Lauren!
- June 9 2023, Dalton Reynolds successfully finished his master degree after working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory for one and a half years. He will work at Brooks Applied Labs. Congratulations, Dalton!
- June 6 2023, PhD student Winnie Fan received a graduate research grant from GSA. Congratulations, Winnie!
- June 2 2023, Postdoc Will Hoover's NSF proposal has been recommended for funding! Congratulations, Will!
- May 30 2023, PhD student Tian-Yi Huang successfully defended his PhD dissertation. He will work as a postdoc researcher at LBNL starting in July! Congratulations, Dr. Huang!
- May 29 2023, Prof. Anupam Banerjee from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory as a Fulbright Scholar. Welcome Anupam!
- May 26 2023, Former PhD student Yan (Emma) Hu just accepted an assistant profesor position at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where she will lead the Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory. Congratulations, Yan!
- May 26 2023, Yin-Ce Ma, a PhD student from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yin-Ce!
- May 23 2023, Our collaborator Lie-Meng Chen's manuscript on tracing sulfide-silicate liquid immiscibility during magmatic differentiation by nickel isotopes is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- May 19 2023, Klay Wu and Ava Kamm present their work at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at UW.
- May 19 2023, Our collaborator Yuan-Ru Qu's manuscript on carbonate-silicate interaction in subducting slabs recorded by Zn isotopes in western Alps metasediments is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- May 17 2023, our collaborator Xi-Ming Yang's manuscript on tracing magmatic differentiation by Ni isotopes is accepted for publication in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
- May 12 2023, at the ESS annual Awards ceremony, PhD student Winnie Fan received the Inquisitive Student Support Fund. Undergraduate students Ava Kamm received the Livingston Wernecke Memorial Scholarship, and Klay Wu received the Undergraduate Award for Field Camp Support and Afton Woolley & James William Crooks Scholarship! Congratulations, Ava, Klay and Winnie!
- April 15 2023, Congratulations to undergraduate student researcher Anna Berg! Anna just accepted an offer from Harvard University, where she will pursue a PhD degree in Earth and Planetary Sciences!
- April 7 2023, Congratulations to undergraduate student Klay Wu, who won the "Rising Rockstar" Award for best undergraduate talk at ESS Research Gala today!
- March 31 2023, our collaborator Zhi-Dan Zhao's work on petrogenesis and dynamic significance of Miocene-Holocene alkali basalts in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau is accepted for publication in Lithos.
- March 24 2023, Jiyeong Lee, a PhD student from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Pukyong National University, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Jiyeong!
- March 14 2023, Congratulations to undergraduate student Klay Wu for the Mary Gates fellowship!
- February 1 2023, Our collaborator Piyali Chanda's manuscript on effects of clay authigenesis in carbonate diagenesis using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- January 4 2023, Our collaborator Xike Nie's manuscript on K and Rb isotopic constraints on planetary accretion is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- January 3 2023, Winnie Fan, a PhD student from the Department of Earth and Space Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Winnie!
- January 1 2023, Happy New Year!
- December 28 2022, Profs Zhigang Zeng and Zuxing Chen from Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, start working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome Zhigang and Zuxing!
- November 10 2022, PhD student Tian-Yi Huang’s work on potassium isotope fractionation during the differentiation of felsic magma is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- October 2022, Griff Easthouse, an undergraduate student from the University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Griff!
- October 2022, Ava Kamm, an undergraduate student from the University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Ava!
- September 27 2022, our collaborator Dick Kettler's manuscript on Fe isotopic evidence for siderite precursors to iron oxide concretions from the Navajo sandstone is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- September 26 2022, postdoc Ze-Zhou Wang's work on constraing crystallization of high-silica magmas by K isotopes is accepted for publication in Science Advances.
- September 20 2022, our collaborator Zhi-Dan Zhao's work on petrogenesis of K-rich volcanic rocks in Tibetan Plateau is accepted for publication in Lithos.
- August 26 2022, Visiting PhD student Kai-Chen Xing's manuscript on tracing high-latitude climatic response across the T-J boundary by Mg-Cu-Zn isotopes is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- July 11 - 15 2022, Pete Wynn, Tian-Yi Huang, Dr. Ze-Zhou Wang, Dr. Will Hoover and Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng attended Goldschmidt Conference at Honolulu.
- July 2022, Congratulations to PhD student Tian-Yi Huang for winning the College of the Environment Travel & Meeting Award!
- July 2022, Congratulations to postdoc scholar Dr. Ze-Zhou Wang for winning the College of the Environment Travel & Meeting Award!
- June 30 2022, Visiting PhD student Wenshuai Li's manuscript on K isotope fractionation during chemical weathering in Hawaiian regoliths is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- June 24 2022, Our collaborator Heng-Ci Tian's manuscript on tracing multiple-stage chemical exchange in seafloor alteration by Li and K isotopes is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- June 2022, Jayden Zhang from Eastside Catholic High School starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Jayden!
- June 2022, Klay Wu, an undergraduate student from the University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Klay!
- May 13 2022, at the ESS annual Awards ceremony, PhD students Tian-Yi Huang received the Harry Wheeler Fellowship and Pete Wynn received the Richard E. Fuller Endowed Fund and Inquisitive Student Support Fund. Undergraduate student Anna Berg received the Undergraduate Service Award, Livingston Wernecke Memorial Scholarship and Undergraduate Award for Field Camp Support! Congratulations, Anna, Tian-Yi and Pete!
- May 12 2022, Our collaborator Yongsheng He's manuscript on high-precision analysis of Mg isotopes by double spike technique is accepted for publication in Solid Earth Sciences.
- April 27 2022, Our collaborator Benxun Su's manuscript on high-precision analysis of K isotopes by Nu Sapphire MC-ICPMS is accepted for publication in Science China Earth Sciences.
- February 22 2022, Our collaborator Kang-Jun Huang's manuscript on review of low-temperature Mg isotope geochemistry is accepted for publication in Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry.
- February 16 2022, a research grant from NASA is awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (Co- I: Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng).
- January 17 2022, Postdoc reseacher Dr. Ze-Zhou Wang's manuscript on using Zn isotopes to trace carbonate alteration ofoceanic crustal protoliths of cratonic eclogites is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- January 1 2022, Happy New Year!
- December 10 2021, Congratulations to Anna Berg for the Mary Gates fellowship!
- October 26 2021, Dalton Reynolds, a master student from the Department of Chemistry starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Dalton!
- October 6 2021, Our collaborator Xike Nie's manuscript on K and Rb isotopic constraints on the chonrule formation is accepted for publication in Science Advances.
- September 2021, Dr. Will Hoover (supervised by Drs. Cailey Condit and Fang-Zhen Teng) starts working as a postdoc researcher in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Will!
- July 8 2021, Our collaborator Dr. Hangsheng Lei's manuscript on identifying deep recycled carbonates through Miocene basalts in SE Tibetan Plateau is accepted for publication in Lithos.
- July 2 2021, Postdoc reseacher Dr. Ze-Zhou Wang's manuscript on potassium isotopic evidence for sediment recycling into orogenic lithospheric mantle is accepted for publication in Geochemical Perspective Letters.
- July 2021, Kesler Lee from Interlake High School starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Kesler!
- June 9 2021, Visiting scholar Dr. Lie-Meng Chen’s manuscript on origins and implications of magnesium isotopic heterogeneity in Fe-Ti oxides in layered mafic intrusion is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- May 27 2021, PhD student Tian-Yi Huang received a graduate research grant from GSA. Congratulations, Tian-Yi!
- May 13 2021, at the ESS annual Awards ceremony, PhD students Tian-Yi Huang received the Robert G. and Nadine E. Bassett Endowed Fellowship and Pete Wynn received the Harry Wheeler Fellowship, and Robert and Jenny Winglee Endowed graduate support fund. Congratulations, Tian-Yi and Pete!
- May 12 2021, Visiting PhD student Wenshuai Li's manuscript on K isotope fractionation during soil-plant interactions is accepted for publication in Geoderma.
- April 30 2021, Former Postdoc researcher Dr. Yang Sun’s work on deciphering multi-stage mantle metasomatism by Mg-Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes in the Leucite Hills lamproites is accepted for publication in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.
- April 22 2021, Visiting PhD student Wenshuai Li's manuscript on K isotope fractionation during clay adsorption is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- March 11 2021, Our collaborator Xike Nie's manuscript on equilibrium Fe, Mg and Ti isotope fractionation between garnet, ilmenite, fayalite, biotite and tourmaline is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- March 2 2021, Postdoc reseacher Dr. Ze-Zhou Wang's manuscript on recycling heterogeneous sedimentary K isotopes into the mantle is accepted for publication in American Mineralogist.
- March 2 2021, Congratulations to PhD student Tian-Yi Huang, who passed his General Exam today!
- February 24 2021, Postdoc reseacher Dr. Yan Hu's manuscript on K isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiaiton and the composition of the silicate Earth is accepted for publication in JGR Solid Earth.
- February 24 2021, Our collaborator Dr. Fred Moynier's manuscript on high-precision K isotopic analysis by Nu Sapphire MC-ICPMS is accepted for publication in Chemcal Geology.
- January 20 2021, Former Postdoc researcher Dr. Yang Sun’s work on tracing subducted paleo-Pacific slab beneath the northwest North China Craton by Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Lithos.
- January 1 2021, Happy New Year!
- December 31 2020, our collaborator Dr. Feng Wang's manuscript on constraining Permian ridge subduction in the easternmost Central Asian Orogenic belt by using multiple isotopic records is accepted for publication in Lithos.
- December 16 2020, Postdoc reseacher Dr. Yan Hu's manuscript on tracing subducted sediments in the sourc of arc lavas by potassium isotopes is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- November 30 2020, our collaborator Dr. Shui-Jiong Wang's manuscript on tracing late-stage planetary accretion by Ni isotopes is accepted for publication in Nature Communications.
- October 16 2020, Anna Berg, an undergraduate student from the University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory remotely. Welcome, Anna!
- October 9 2020, after working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Lab for two years, postdoc reseacher Dr. Yan Hu starts a new postdoc position at IPGP. Congratulations, Yan!
- October 2 2020, Postdoc reseacher Dr. Yan Hu's manuscript on potassium isotope geochemistry in subducting slabs is accepted for publication in Science Advances.
- September 28 2020, visiting PhD student Martin Li's manuscript on phyllosilicate controls on magnesium isotopic fractionation during granite weathering is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- Septermber 3 2020, Our collaborator Ruslan Mendybaev’s manuscript on isotope fractionation during evaporation is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- August 2020, UW are in Phase 2 of the COVID-19 recovery and the Non-Traditional Isotope Lab partially reopens for operation.
- July 23 2020, Postdoc reseacher Dr. Yan Hu's invited article on non-traditional stable isotope geochemistry is accepted for publication in Encyclopedia of Geology.
- July 5 2020, Our collaborator Ya-Dong Liu's manuscript on origins of Yangyuan pyroxenite xenoliths is accepted for publication in Lithos.
- May 7 2020, PhD student Tian-Yi Huang received the Harry Wheeler Fellowship at the ESS annual Awards ceremony. Congratulations, Tian-Yi!
- April 29 2020, Postdoc reseacher Dr. Xin-Yang Chen’s manuscript on constraining magnesium isotope fractionation during abiogenic calcite precipitation at room temperature is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- April 8 2020, after working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Lab for two and a half years, postdoc reseacher Dr. Xin-Yang Chen starts a new postdoc position at the University of Minnesota. Congratulations, Xin-Yang!
- March 25 2020, UW has moved to restricted operations in response to Governor Inslee's "Stay Home, Stay Healthy" order for slowing the spread of COVID-19. The Non-Traditional Isotope Lab, for the first time since founded in 2008, closes for operation.
- February 26 2020, Postdoc reseacher Dr. Xin-Yang Chen’s manuscript on constraining the intense chemical weathering during the early Permian by Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- February 19 2020, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on K isotope fractionation during continental weathering is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- February 10 2020, Our collaborator Ms. Yiwen Lv’s manuscript on behaviors of Zn isotopes during basalt weathering is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- January 21 2020, Dr. Yingkui Xu, an associate professor from the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yingkui!
- January 13 2020, Elizabeth Urban, an undergraduate student from the University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Elizabeth!
- January 1 2020, Happy New Year!
- December 19 2019, Postdoc scholar Dr. Heng-Ci Tian’s manuscript on constraining the tectonic evolution of central Tibet by Li and Mg isotopes in Qiantang volcanic rocks is accepted for publication in JGR Solid Earth.
- December 9-13 2019, Postdoc scholars Dr. Yan Hu and Dr. Xin-Yang Chen attended Fall AGU conference at San Francisco, CA.
- November 27 2019, Dandan Li, a lecturer from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Dandan!
- November 5 2019, PhD student Aaron Brewer’s work on Mg isotope fractionation during microbially enhanced forsterite dissolution is accepted for publication in Geobiology.
- November 2019, Congratulations to postdoc scholar Xin-Yang Chen for winning the College of the Environment Travel & Meeting Award!
- October 10 2019, Dr. Ze-Zhou Wang starts working as a postdoc researcher in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Ze-Zhou!
- October 2 2019, Visiting scholar Dr. Kwan-Nang Pang’s manuscript on constraining Mg isotopic budget of the continental crust by studies of Makran arc in Iran is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- October 1 2019, Postdoc scholar Dr. Heng-Ci Tian’s manuscript on diffusion-driven extreme Mg and Fe isotope fractionation in imenite from Panzhihua layered mafic intrusions is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- September 25 2019, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s invited review article on tracing evolution of the Earth using non-traditional stable isotopes are accepted for publication in Science China Earth Sciences.
- September 16 2019, Pete Wynn, a PhD student from the Department of Earth and Space Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Pete!
- September 9 2019, PhD student Yan Hu’s work on magnesium isotopic cycling in the subduction zone is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- September 4 2019, Undergraduate student Madeline Hille’s work on potassium isotopic composition of global oceans is accepted for publication in Science Bulletin.
- September 2 2019, Dr. Feng Wang, an associate professor from Jilin University, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Feng!
- August 30 2019, PhD student Rick Berg’s work on the role of marine sediment diagenesis in the modern oceanic magnesium cycle is accepted for publication in Nature Communications.
- July 18 2019, Wenshuai Li, a PhD student from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Wenshuai!
- July 15 2019, PhD student Nick Cuozzo’s work on tracing silicate weathering in Antarctic Ice-rich permafrost by using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- July 2019, Ms. Katharine Zhang from Eastside Catholic High School starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Katharine!
- July 2019, Ms. Amanda Li from Bellevue High School starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Amanda!
- June 30 2019, Dr. Lie-Meng Chen, an associate professor from the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Lie-Meng!
- June 26-27 2019, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng attended the symposium on the 111 project: petrogenesis and continental crustal formation in collisonal zones, in Beijing, China.
- June 15 2019, Visiting scholar Dr. Ben-Xun Su’s manuscript on constraing effects of chromite crystallization on Mg isotopic composition of mantle-derived magmas is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- June 13 2019, Kai-Chen Xing, a PhD student from Jilin University, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Kai-Chen!
- June 2-5 2019, Dr. Yan Hu and Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng attended the Gordon Research Conference: The interior of the Earth!
- May 23 2019, Former Postdoc researcher Dr. Hui Huang’s work on discrepancy between bulk-rock and zircon Hf isotopes accompanying Nd-Hf isotope decoupling is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- May 14 2019, PhD student Tian-Yi Huang’s work on potassium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- May 10 2019, Former Postdoc researcher Dr. Yang Sun’s work on tracing subducted slab components in the mantle by K isotopes is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- May 9 2019, PhD student Tian-Yi Huang received the Robert and Nadine Bassett Fellowship at the ESS annual Awards ceremony. Congratulations, Tian-Yi!
- April 5 2019, Postdoc reseacher Dr. Xin-Yang Chen’s manuscript on fast and precise boron isotope analysis of carbonates and seawater using Nu Plasma II MC-ICPMS is accepted for publication in Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry.
- March 29 2019, Wan-Ting Ge, a PhD student from the Institute of Geochemistry, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Wan-Ting!
- March 2 2019, Xin Yang, an undergraduate student from the University of Science and Technology of China, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Xin!
- February 11 2019, Chris Defelice, a PhD student from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Chris!
- February 6 2019, Our collaborator Mr. Edward Inglis’s manuscript on Zr isotopic composition of the bulk silicate Earth is accepted for publication in Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta.
- February 4 2019, Visiting scholar Dr. Yongsheng He’s manuscript on tracing deep oxygen cycle by using Fe isotopic composition of continental basalts is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- Fang-Zhen Teng is on sabbatical leave. This website will not be updated regularly until 2020.
- January 1 2019, Happy New Year!
- December 20 2018, Ming-Zhu Liu, an associate professor from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Ming-Zhu!
- December 7 2018, PhD student Aaron Brewer successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Brewer!
- December 3 2018, PhD student Emma Yan Hu’s work on high-precision analysis of Li, Mg, Fe, Cu and Zn isotopes by MC-ICPMS is accepted for publication in Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.
- November 2018, Emily Bundick, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Emily!
- October 13 2018, PhD student Aaron Brewer’s work on Mg isotope fractionation during granite weathering is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- October 2018, Lucy Jiang, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Lucy!
- September 25 2018, Dr. Heng-Ci Tian, a research assistant professor in the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Heng-Ci!
- September 10 2018, Our collaborator, Mr. Shen's manuscript on tracing subducted carbonates in the mantle by using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- September 2018, Bing Yu Lee, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Bing Yu!
- August 13 - 17 2018, Yan Hu, Tian-Yi Huang, Jingjing Yan, Xinyang Chen, Maoyong He, Feng Wang, Shihong Tian and Fang-Zhen Teng attended Goldschmidt Conference at Boston.
- July 28 2018, Our collaborator, Mr. Zhang's manuscript on behaviors of stable Ca isotopesis during magmatic differentiation is accepted for publication in G-cubed.
- July 5 2018, Ms. Maggie Jiang from Juanita High School starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Maggie!
- July 5 2018, Ms. Mariya Haveliwala, a high school student from The Overlake School starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Mariya!
- July 2 2018, Dr. Yang Sun, a postdoc researcher in the Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yang!
- June 30 2018, Former PhD student Kang-Jun Huang’s work on constraing global Mg cycle by studies of Mg isotopic composition of altered oceanic crust is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- June 27 2018, Visiting scholar Dr. Wang-Ye Li’s manuscript on tracing subduction zone fluid-rock interactions by using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- June 5 2018, William L. Fleming, an undergraduate student from Columbia University starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Will!
- June 1 2018, Dr. Jin-Long Ma, a professor from Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Jin-Long!
- May 31 2018, PhD student Emma Yan Hu successfully defended her PhD dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Hu!
- May 22 2018, PhD student Emma Yan Hu’s work on high-precision analysis of K isotopes by MC-ICPMS is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- May 18 2018, Madeline Hille, Esten King and Yangfan Ling presented their work at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at UW.
- May 11 2018, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng is officially promoted to Professor.
- May 10 2018, at ESS annual Award, Ceremony, Yan Hu is the receipient of the 2018 David A. Johnston Award for Research Excellence! Congratulations, Yan!
- April 16 2018, Dr. Dong-Yong Li, a postdoc researcher from the University of Science and Technology of China, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Dong-Yong!
- March 29 2018, Dr. Yingkui Xu, an associate professor from Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yingkui!
- March 19 2018, Our collaborator, Ms. Amsellem's manuscript on stable Sr isotopic composition of mantle-derived magmas is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- March 16 2018, Congratulations to Madeline Hille for the Mary Gates fellowship!
- February 26 2018, PhD student Aaron Brewer’s work on tracing subducted crustal materials in the Northern Cascade Arc magmas by Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Frontiers in Earth Science.
- January 31 2018, Visiting scholar Dr. Lie-Meng Chen’s manuscript on magnesium isotopic evidence for chemical disequilibrium among cumulus minerals in layered mafic intrusion is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- January 20 2018, Pan Zhang, an undergraduate student from Northwestern University starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Pan!
- January 11 2018, Dr. Heng-Ci Tian, a postdoc researcher in the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Heng-Ci!
- January 1 2018, Happy New Year!
- December 31 2017, Martin Li, a graduate student from the University of Hong Kong, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Martin!
- December 30 2017, Dr. Mao-yong He, an associate professor from Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Mao-yong!
- December 30 2017, Dr. Feng Wang, an associate professor from Jilin University, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Feng!
- December 11-15 2017, Emma Hu and Aaron Brewer attended Fall AGU conference at New Orleans, LA.
- December 5 2017, Qian Ma, a graduate student from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Qian!
- December 4 2017, our former lab members Shui-Jiong Wang and Pingping Liu both have been awarded the “1000 Talents Plan” for Distinguished Young Scholars. Shuijiong will start his professor job at China University of Geosciences, Beijing in summer 2018 and Pingping has just started her job at Peking University. Congratulations!
- November 9 2017, visiting PhD student Hongjie Wu’s manuscript on diffusion-driven Mg-Fe isotope fractionation along a gabbro-granite boundary is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- November 4 2017, Xian-Fang Li, a graduate student from Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Xian-Fang!
- October 26 2017, Visiting scholar Dr. Ben-Xun Su’s manuscript on chromite-induced Mg isotope fractionation during mafic magma differentiation is accepted for publication in Science Bulletin.
- September 28 2017, Our collaborator, Mr. Badullovich's manuscript on tin isotopic fractionation during magmatic differentiation is accepted for publication in Geochemical Perspective Letters.
- September 26 2017, Jing-Jing Yan, a graduate student from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Jing-Jing!
- September 5 2017, Tian-Yi Huang, a PhD student from the Department of Earth and Space Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Tian-Yi!
- September 1 2017, Dr. Xin-Yang Chen starts working as a postdoc researcher in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Xin-Yang!
- September 2017, Yangfan Ling, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yangfan!
- August 29 2017, Former PhD student Yang Sun’s work on constraing the origins of LOMU volcanic rocks by Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in JGR-Solid Earth.
- August 24 2017, Dr. Yang Sun, a postdoc researcher in the Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yang!
- August 22 2017, Yu Li, a PhD student from Jilin University, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yu!
- August 18 2017, a research grant from the Natural Science Foundation of China is officially awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (sole PI: Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng).
- August 8 2017, Former PhD student Shui-Jiong Wang’s work on tracing fluid-rock interactions during subduction by Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Lithos.
- July 27 2017, Yong-Shu Huang, an undergraduate student from China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yong-Shu!
- July 21 2017, a research grant from the Division of Earth Sciences of the NSF is officially awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (sole PI: Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng).
- July 12 2017, Shihong Tian, a professor from Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Shihong!
- July 7 2017, Racheal Johnsen, a postdoc researcher from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Racheal!
- July 7 2017, Shelby Fitch, an undergraduate student from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Shelby!
- July 6 2017, Our collaborator Dr. Thomas Magna’s manuscript on magnesium isotope systematics in Martian meteorites is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- June 28 2017, Congratulations to Peiyu Wu and Madeline Hill for wining the Mineralogical Society of America Undergraduate Prize!
- June 26 2017, Elijah Lorraine Tugade, a student from the Rainier Beach High School starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Lorraine!
- June 12 2017, Chris Defelice, a PhD student from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Chris!
- June 6 2017, PhD student Emma Yan Hu’s work on Mg isotopic composition of the subducting marine sediments is accepted for publication as an "Invited research article" in Chemical Geology.
- May 30 2017, Visiting scholar Dr. Ben-Xun Su’s manuscript on tracing origins of continental basalts by using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- May 19 2017, Mary Benson and Peiyu Wu, Mary Gates Scholars, presented their work at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at UW.
- May 18 2017, at ESS annual Awards ceremony, Yan Hu received the Harry Wheeler Scholarship. Mary Benson received the Doug Merrill Service Award for Excellence, the Vance Endowed Student Support Fund and Geology Undergraduate Field & Research Fund. Peiyu Wu received the Geology Undergraduate Field & Research Fund, and the Afton Woolley & James William Crooks Scholarship. Madeline Hille received the Julian D. and Marajane Barksdale Endowed Fund in Earth and Space Sciences, and the Afton Woolley & James William Crooks Scholarship. Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng received the Bassett Teaching Award. Congratulations, everyone!
- April 15 2017, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s reviews on magnesium and magnesium isotopes are accepted for publication in Encyclopedia of Geochemistry.
- March 27 2017, Esten King, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Esten!
- March 24 2017, Congratulations to Mary Benson for being admitted to the MESSAGe program!
- March 9 2017, Congratulations to Peiyu Wu for the Mary Gates fellowship!
- February 16 2017, Postdoc visitor Pingping Liu’s manuscript on Mg isotope systematics of abyssal peridotites is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- January 19 2017, Dr. Kang-Jun Huang, a lecturer in the Department of Geology at Northwest University, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Kang-Jun!
- January 3 2017, Madeline Hille, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Madeline!
- January 1 2017, Happy New Year!
- December 12-16 2016, Emma Hu and Fang-Zhen Teng attended Fall AGU conference at San Francisco, CA.
- December 10-11 2016, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng and co-organizers held a two-day workshop at LBNL on Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes. The associated RIMG volume 82 "Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes" is also in print and the electroic version will be online at http://rimg.geoscienceworld.org/ soon.
- December 9 2016, Congratulations to Mary Benson for the Mary Gates fellowship!
- November 19 2016, Ning Yang, a PhD student from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Ning!
- November 16 2016, Our collaborator, Ms. Chizu Kato's manuscript on Ga isotopic composition of the silicate Earth is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- November 13 2016, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on non-traditional stable isotopes is accepted for publication in Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry.
- November 3 2016, Postdoc visitor Dr. Kang-Jun Huang’s manuscript on tracing the termination of the Marinoan glaciation by using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- November 1 2016, Yi-Hsuan Chiang, a research assistant in the Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yi-Hsuan!
- November 1 2016, Dr. Yingkui Xu, an associate professor from Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yingkui!
- October 14 2016, Yufei Liu, a PhD student from Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yufei!
- October 4 2016, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on magnesium isotope geochemistry is accepted for publication in Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry.
- October 2016, Peiyu Wu, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Peiyu!
- September 2016, Mary Benson, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Mary!
- August 31 2016, Dr. Ming-Xing Ling, an associate professor from Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Ming-Xing!
- July 22 2016, Undergraduates Melissa Harrington and Zhe Yang, PhD students Emma Yan Hu and Yang Sun’s work on evaluation of Mg isotopic homogeneity of San Carlos olivine is accepted for publication in Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.
- July 20 2016, Mr. Hebin Shao, a PhD candidate from WHOI/ Tongji University, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Hebin!
- July 18 2016, Graduate student Ting Gao’s manuscript on constraining behaviors of Mg isotopes during chemical weathering of dolostone is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- July 5 2016, Mark Liu, a student from Redmond High School starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Mark!
- July 5 2016, Kevin Ma, a student from Bellevue Senior High School starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Kevin!
- July 3 - 8 2016, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng attends the International Workshop on Multi-Well Deep Underground Laboratory in Eastern China at Changchun, China.
- June 26 - July 1 2016, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng attends Goldschmidt Conference at Yokohama, Japan.
- June 23 2016, Congratulations to PhD student Aaron Brewer, who is selected as a Lawrence Graduate Scholar through the Lawrence Graduate Scholar Program (LGSP) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The LGSP will fully fund Aaron for up to four years to carry out his research at LLNL while completing his thesis. Aaron's mentor at LLNL will be Dr. Yongqin Jiao.
- June 6 2016, Visiting scholar Dr. Bing Shen’s manuscript on constraining the 'dolomite problem' by using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- May 27 2016, Visiting scholar Dr. Wang-Ye Li’s manuscript on calibration of clinopyroxene-garnet magnesium isotope geothermometer and potential implications is accepted for publication in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.
- May 26 2016, at ESS annual Awards ceremony, Aaron Brewer received the Robert Winglee Graduate Research Fellowship and Emma Yan Hu received the Peter Misch Fellowship. Congratulations, guys!
- May 20 2016, Khadijah Homolka, Mary Gates Scholar, gave an oral presentation on her work at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at UW.
- May 12 2016, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on tracing subducted Mg in arc volcanism is accepted for publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- May 4 2016, Visiting scholar Dr. Shan Ke’s manuscript on tracing carbonate recycling by using Mg, Sr and O isotopes is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- April 1 2016, Congratulations to PhD student Emma Yan Hu, who won the Golden Pipette Award for best geochemistry talk at ESS Research Gala today!
- March 27 2016, Dr. Lie-Meng Chen, an associate professor from Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Lie-Meng!
- March 26 2016, Dr. Jin-Long Ma, an associate professor from Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Jin-Long!
- March 21 2016, Visiting scholar Dr. Wang-Ye Li’s manuscript on tracing carbonatite magmatic differentiation by using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- March 8 2016, Congratulations to PhD student Aaron Brewer, who passed his General Exam today!.
- March 1 2016, Our manuscript on Li isotope fractionation during differentiation of the lunar magma ocean is accepted for publication in Meteoritics & Planetary Science.
- February 25 2016, a research grant from Murdock Foundation is awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (Co-PI: Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng). It consists of funds to purchase a high-resolution ICPMS, a quadrupole ICPMS and a laser ablation system.
- February 15 2016, Visiting scholar Dr. Yan Xiao’s manuscript on constraining the origin of chemical heterogeneity in podiform chromitite by using Mg and Fe isotopes is accepted for publication in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
- February 2 2016, Dr. Yongsheng He, an associate professor from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yongsheng!
- January 28 2016, Dr. Zhuang Ruan, a postdoc researcher from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Zhuang!
- January 14 2016, Postdoc Shui-Jiong Wang’s manuscript on tracing origins of HIMU basalts by using Mg isotope systematics is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- January 1 2016, Happy New Year!
- December 14-18 2015, Fall AGU, PhD student Emma Yan Hu gave an oral presentation on Mg isotopic compositions of marine sediments.
- December 10 2015, Congratulations to PhD student Emma Yan Hu, who passed her General Exam today!
- November 25 2015, Dr. Pingping Liu, a postdoc researcher in the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Pingping!
- November 1 2015, PhD student Emma Yan Hu’s work on Mg isotopic composition of the metasomatic pyroxenites is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- November 1 2015, PhD student Fatah Sedaghaptour’s work on Mg isotopic composition of the achondrites is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- October 31 2015, Hongjie Wu, a PhD student from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Hongjie!
- October 8 2015, our Nu Plasam II MC-ICPMS arrived!
- October 7 2015, Exchange PhD student Shui-Jiong Wang’s work on tracing origins of cratonic eclogites by Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Geology.
- September 15 2015, Yang Sun, a PhD student from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yang!
- September 5 2015, Zhe Yang, an undergraduate student from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Zhe!
- September 4 2015, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on inter-lab comparison of Mg isotopic analysis of geostandards is accepted for publication in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems.
- September 3 2015, Our collaborator Dong Liu’s manuscript on tracing mantle carbonate metasomatism by using Os-Sr-Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- August 18 2015, Visiting scholar Dr. Ben-Xun Su’s manuscript on Mg and Fe isotopic composition of the oceanic crust is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- July 6 2015, a research grant from NASA is awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (Co- I: Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng).
- June 29 2015, Kevin Ma, a high school student from Bellevue Senior High School starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Kevin!
- June 26 2015, Dr. Hui Huang, a visiting postdoc associate, is awarded the inaugural postdoc fellowship from the International Exchange Plan funded by the Chinse Postdoc Association. This prestigious fellowship will support her for another two years to work in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Congratulations, Hui!
- June 17 2015, Exchange PhD student Shui-Jiong Wang’s manuscript on behaviors of Mg isotopes during low-grade metamorphosed mudrocks is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- June 8 2015, Grant Libby, a high school student from Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Grant!
- June 5 2015, Postdoc Shui-Jiong Wang’s manuscript on Mg isotope systematics of metasediments in the deep crust and implications for granite petrogenesis is accepted for publication in Geochemical Perspectives Letters.
- May 20 2015, at ESS annual Awards ceremony, Jiarui Zhou received the Geology Undergraduate Field and Research Fund, Aaron Brewer received the Peter Misch Fellowship, and Emma Yan Hu received the George Edward Goodspeed Geology Scholarship and the Kenneth C. Robbins Fellowship. Congratulations, guys!
- May 15 2015, Florence Yuen, Mary Gates Scholar, presented her work at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at UW.
- May 13 2015, Khadijah Homolka is selected to join the science crew of the VISIONS' 15 Expedition onboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson this summer! Congratulations, Khadijah!
- May 5 2015, Visiting scholar Dr. Wei Yang's manuscript on magnesium isotopic composition of the deep continental crust is accepted for publication in American Mineralogist.
- April 16-18 2015, Khadijah Homolka presented her work at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research in Eastern Washington University.
- April 16 2015, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng is the recipient of the College of the Environment's Exceptional Mentoring of Undergraduate Student Award.
- April 3 2015, PhD candidate Yan Hu received a graduate research grant from GSA. Congratulations, Yan!
- March 31 2015, Dr. Ming-Xing Ling, an associate professor from Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Ming-Xing
- March 30 2015, Congratulations to our alumni Melissa Harrington, who is a first-year graduate student at Univ. of Arizona now, being awarded a NSF GRFP Fellowship!
- March 13 2015, Congratulations to undergraduate student Khadijah Homolka for the Mary Gates fellowship!
- March 10 2015, Dr. Kwan-Nang Pang, an assistant research fellow in the Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Kwan-Nang!
- February 12 2015, Dr. Shui-Jiong Wang accepted a postdoc position at Indiana University and will start his new job in July 2015. Congratulations, Shui-Jiong!
- January 17 2015, Our collaborator, Dr. Lin Ma's manuscript on Mg isotope fractionation during weathering of shales is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- January 2015, Patrick Watts, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Patrick!
- January 2015, Joel Atwood, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Joel!
- January 1 2015, Happy New Year!
- December 15-19 2014, Drs. Shui-Jiong Wang and Fang-Zhen Teng attended Fall AGU conference at San Francisco, CA.
- December 5 2014, Congratulations to Florence Yuen for the Mary Gates fellowship!
- November 30 2014, Dr. Hui Huang, a postdoc researcher from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Hui!
- November 26 2014, Dr. Pingping Liu, a postdoc researcher in the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Pingping!
- November 14 2014, Dr. Kang-Jun Huang, a postdoc researcher in the School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Kang-Jun!
- November 2014, Daryn White, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Daryn!
- October 22 2014, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on Mg isotopic compositions of international geostandards is accepted for publication in Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research.
- September 28 2014, Former Exchange PhD student Dr. Sheng-Ao Liu manuscript on Cu and Fe isotope fractionation during continental weathering is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- September 19 2014, Exchange PhD student Shui-Jiong Wang’s manuscript on tracing carbonate-silicate interactions during subduction by using O and Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Nature Communications.
- September 5 2014, Our collaborator, Dr. Yong-Sheng He’s manuscript on high-precision analysis of Fe isotopes is accepted for publication in Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research.
- July 20-30 2014, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng led the “1st summer school on non-traditional isotope geochemistry” in China University of Geosciences, Beijing.
- July 18 2014, PhD student visitor Corliss Sio successfully defended her PhD dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Sio!
- July 8 2014, Melissa Harrington was selected for the Historic National Association of Geoscience Teachers/U.S. Geological Society Cooperative Summer Field training Program! Congratulations, Melissa!
- June 24 2014, Alex Yang, a high-school student from Inglemoor High School, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Alex!
- June 6 2014, a research grant from Royalty Research Fund is awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (sole PI: Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng).
- May 16 2014, Melissa Harrington, Mary Gates Scholar, presented her work at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at UW.
- May 15 2014, at ESS annual Awards ceremony, Florence Yuen received the Joseph Vance Endowed Student Support Award, Melissa Harrington received the Douglas E. Merrill Prize for Excellence, and Emma Yan Hu received Robert and Nadine Bassett Fellowship and Inquisitive Graduate Student Support Fund. Congratulations, ladies!
- May 2014, Jiarui Zhou, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Jiarui!
- May 2014, Khadijah Homolka, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Khadijah!
- April 11 2014, Yan Hu received a graduate research grant from GSA. Congratulations, Yan!
- March 21 2014, Exchange PhD student Shui-Jiong Wang’s manuscript on lack of Mg isotope fractionation during continental subduction is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- March 16 2014, PhD student visitor Xiao-Ming Liu’s manuscript on massive fractionation of Mg isotopes during extreme weathering of Columbia River Basalts is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- January 17 2014, Hai-Ou Gu, a Ph.D. student from the University of Science and Technology of China, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Hai-Ou!
- January 8 2014, Postdoc visitor Dr. Wang-Ye Li’s manuscript on lack of Mg isotope fractionation during metamorphic dehydration of metapelites is accepted for publication in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems.
- January 2014, Taylor Kenya, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Taylor!
- January 1 2014, Happy New Year!
- December 10 2013, Congratulations to Melissa Harrington for the Mary Gates fellowship!
- December 9-13 2013, Drs. Shui-Jiong Wang and Fang-Zhen Teng attended Fall AGU conference at San Francisco, CA.
- December 2 2013, Ms. Hui Huang, a PhD student in the Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Hui!
- November 24 2013, Ms. Li Zhao, a research assistant in the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Li!
- November 13 2013, Corliss Sio, a Ph.D. student in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences, The University of Chicago, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Corliss!
- October 27 2013, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng is the recipient of the 2014 Mineralogical Society of America Award!
- October 27 2013, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng is elected as a Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America.
- October 9 2013, Former exchange PhD student, Dr. Sheng-Ao Liu’s manuscript high-precision analysis of Cu and Fe isotopes is accepted for publication in Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry.
- October 2013, Florence Yuen, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Florence!
- September 27 2013, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on high-precision analysis of Mg isotopes by MC-ICPMS is accepted for publication in Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry.
- September 2013, Aaron Brewer, a PhD student from Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, starts working on his dissertation in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Aaron!
- August 6 2013, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on Mg isotopic composition of the lower crust is accepted for publication in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems.
- August 2013, Lucas Holloway, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Lucas!
- July 21 2013, Dr. Ben-Xun Su, an associate professor at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Ben-Xun!
- July 14 2013, Dr. Shui-Jiong Wang starts working as a postdoc researcher in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Shui-Jiong!
- July 9 2013, Johnnie Chamberlin, a PhD student from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Johnnie!
- June 19 2013, PhD student visitor Corliss Sio’s manuscript on discerning crystal growth from diffusion profiles in zoned olivines by using in-situ analyses of Mg and Fe isotopes is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- June 3 2013, PhD student Fatah Sedaghaptour’s manuscript on Mg isotopic composition of the Moon is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- May 24 2013, Exchange PhD student Shui-Jiong Wang successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Wang!
- May 16 2013, Exchange PhD student Kang-Jun Huang successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Huang!
- May 4 2013, Exchange PhD student Kang-Jun Huang’s manuscript on Mg isotopic systematics of global loess is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- May 2013, Melissa Harrington, an undergraduate student from University of Washington, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Melissa!
- April 18 2013, Fata Sedaghatpour, a PhD student from the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory, accepted a postdoc position at Harvard University. Congratulations, Fata!
- April 18 2013, Postdoc visitor Dr. Ming-Xing Ling’s manuscript on tracing the formation of the world’s largest REE deposit by using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.
- April 11 2013, Postdoc visitor Dr. Yan Xiao’s manuscript on large disequilibrium Mg isotope fractionation in metasomatic peridotites is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- February 28 2013, Our collaborator, Heng Chen, a PhD student from Washington University, reports Zn isotopic data of Kilauea Iki lava lake in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- January 1 2013, Happy New Year!
- January 1 2013, Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory is moved to the University of Washington, Seattle.
- December 24 2012, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on Fe isotopic systematics of global oceanic basalts is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- December 3-7 2012, Kang-Jun Huang and Shui-Jiong Wang attended Fall AGU conference at San Francisco, CA.
- November 20 2012, Visiting scholar Dr. Ming-Xing Ling's manuscript on destruction of the North China craton by ridge subduction is accepted for publication in Journal of Geology.
- November 12 2012, Fata Sedaghatpour successfully defended her PhD dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Sedaghatpour!
- October 16 2012, Dr. Qiuli Li, an associate professor at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Qiuli!
- October 13 2012, Exchange PhD student Shui-Jiong Wang’s manuscript on tracing origins of cratonic eclogites by using Mg isotopes is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- October 7 2012, Wang-Ye Li, an associate professor from the University of Science and Technology of China, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Wang-Ye!
- October 6 2012, Exchange PhD student Kang-Jun Huang’s manuscript on Mg isotope fractionation during extreme weathering of continental basalts is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- September 6 2012, Hai-Ou Gu, a Ph.D. student from the University of Science and Technology of China, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Hai-Ou!
- September 2012, Evan Thaler, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Evan!
- August 26 2012, Myriam Telus, a graduate student from Univ. of Hawaii, reports Mg isotopic data of granites and pegmatites produced in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- August 2012, Emma Yan Hu, a PhD student from Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, starts working on her dissertation in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Emma!
- June 24 - 30 2012, Johnnie Chamberlin and Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng attend Goldschmidt Conference at Montreal, Canada.
- June 18 2012, Dr. Weimin Feng, an assistant professor from Valdosta State University, starts visiting the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Weimin!
- June 7 2012, a research grant from the Division of Earth Sciences of the NSF is officially awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (sole PI: Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng).
- May 21 2012, Rodney Ballard, an REU student from University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Rodney!
- April 27 2012, Visiting scholar Dr. Wei Yang's manuscript on tracing subducted carbonate in the mantle by using Mg is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- April 9 2012, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng received the Robert C. and Sandra Connor Endowed Faculty Fellowship, which is "to support the career advancement of faculty who provide the highest quality teaching, research and service to the college".
- April 2 2012, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng is officially promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
- February 23 2012, a research grant from Arkansas Space Grant Consortium is awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (sole PI: Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng).
- February 22 2012, Congratulations to Fata Sedaghatpour for being the first-place winner in the From Abstract to Contract: Graduate Student Research Competition! See UARK news.
- February 20 2012, Xiao-Wei Li, a Ph.D. student from Peking University, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Xiao-Wei!
- January 2012, Ryan Rowley, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Ryan!
- January 1 2012, Happy New Year!
- December 5-9 2011, Kang-Jun Huang attended Fall AGU conference at San Francisco, CA.
- November 10 2011, Shui-Jiong Wang, a Ph.D. student from the China University of Geosciences, Beijing, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Shui-Jiong!
- September 2011, Gabby Salinas, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Gabby!
- September 2011, Melissa Hornick, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Melissa!
- August 13 - 19 2011, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng attends Goldschmidt Conference at Prague, Czech Republic.
- August 7-11 2011, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng attends "Teaching Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry in the 21st Century" workshop in Minneapolis, MN.
- August 2011, Johnnie Chamberlin, a PhD student from Environmental Dynamics Program, University of Arkansas, starts working on his dissertation in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Johnnie!
- July 2 2011, Postdoc visitor Dr. Ming-Xing Ling’s manuscript on Mg isotopic composition of global seawater is accepted for publication in Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.
- June 12 2011, Sheng-Ao Liu successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Liu!
- June 2 2011, Exchange PhD student Sheng-Ao Liu’s manuscript on large equilibrium Mg isotope fractionation between spinel and olivine in mantle peridotites is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- May 24 2011, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on diffusion-driven Mg and Fe isotope fractionation in Hawaiian olivines is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- May 23 2011, Brendan Clement, an REU student from Keene State College, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Brendan!
- May 17 2011, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng officially receives National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award.
- May 2 2011, Xiaoming Liu, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Xiaoming!
- May 2011, Eben Johns, a master student from University of Arkansas, starts working as a summer intern in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Eben!
- May 2011, Elvis Bello, a master student from University of Arkansas, starts working as a summer intern in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Elvis!
- April 18 2011, Corliss Sio, a Ph.D. student in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences, The University of Chicago, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Corliss!
- April 10 2011, Emma Y. Hu, a Ph.D. student in the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Emma!
- March 31 2011, Kang-Jun Huang, a Ph.D. student from the China University of Geosciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Kang-Jun!
- March 30 2011, Jeff Ward successfully defended his thesis! Congratulations, Jeff!
- March 7-11 2011, Fata Sedaghatpour and Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng attended LPSC at Houston, TX.
- February 1 2011, Postdoc visitor Dr. Wang-Ye Li’s manuscript on large equilibrium Mg isotope fractionation between garnet and omphacite in orogenic eclogites is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters. See UARK news.
- January 5 2011, Postdoc visitor Dr. Shan Ke’s invited review manuscript on magnesium isotope geochemistry is accepted for publication in Acta Petrologica Sinica.
- January 1 2011, Happy New Year!
- December 28 2010, Dr. Yan Xiao, a research associate at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Yan!
- December 13-17 2010, Drs. Wei Yang and Fang-Zhen Teng attended Fall AGU conference at San Francisco, CA.
- October 11 2010, Dr. Ming-Xing Ling, a postdoc researcher from Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Ling!
- October 2010, Janvier Kwizera, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Janvier!
- September 22 2010, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on Mg isotope fractionation during continental weathering of diabase is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- September 2010, Anthonini Francaviglia, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Anthonini!
- September 2010, Clara Kirk, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Clara!
- September 2010, Debra Davis, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Debra!
- August 19 2010, Postdoc visitor Dr. Wang-Ye Li’s manuscript on Mg isotopic composition of the upper continental crust is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- August 2010, Crystal Countee, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Crystal!
- August 2010, Chven Mitchell, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Chven!
- August 2010, David Nance, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, David!
- July 7 2010, Exchange PhD student Sheng-Ao Liu’s manuscript on Mg isotopic systematics of granites is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- July 2010, Anna Rouse, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Anna!
- June 14 - 18 2010, Wang-Ye Li, Sheng-Ao Liu, Shan Ke, Fata Sedaghatpour, Debra Wallace, Wei Yang and Fang-Zhen Teng attended Goldschmidt Conference at Knoxville and gave five oral presentations.
- June 6-11 2010, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng attends "Workshop for Early Career Faculty: Teaching, Research, and Managing Your Career" in Williamsburg, VA.
- June 2010, Dale Stendel, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Dale!
- May 25 2010, Two REU students, Addie Clark from Emory & Henry College and Suzi Gordon from Florida Institute of Technology start working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Addie & Suzi!
- May 2010, Julie Jacobs, a master student from University of Arkansas, starts working as a summer intern in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Julie!
- May 2010, Leiaka Welcome, a master student from University of Arkansas, starts working as a summer intern in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Leiaka!
- April 23 2010, Dr. Wang-Ye Li, a postdoc researcher from the University of Science and Technology of China, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Wang-Ye!
- April 19 2010, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng’s manuscript on Mg isotopic compositions of the Earth and chondrites is accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- April 16 2010, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng's research is featured in the Spring 2010 issue of the University of Arkansas' Research Frontiers magazine. See details here.
- March 29 2010, Dr. Wei Yang, an associate professor from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Wei!
- March 1-5 2010, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng presented Mg isotopic data on mantle rocks and chondrites generated in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory at LPSC, Houston, TX.
- January 25 2010, a research grant from Arkansas Space Grant Consortium is awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (sole PI: Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng).
- January 1 2010, Happy New Year!
- December 14-18 2009, Wang-Ye Li, Sheng-Ao Liu, Shan Ke, Wei Yang and Fang-Zhen Teng attended Fall AGU conference at San Francisco, CA. Fang-Zhen Teng also chaired the session on "Recent developments in non-traditional stable isotope geochemistry".
- October 9 2009, Postdoc visitor Dr. Wei Yang’s manuscript on chondritic Mg isotopic composition of the Earth is accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- September 9 2009, Sheng-Ao Liu, a Ph.D. student from the University of Science and Technology of China, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Sheng-Ao!
- September 2009, Fata Sedaghatpour, a PhD student from Space Sciences Program at University of Arkansas, starts working on her dissertation in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Fata!
- August 2009, Oanh Nguyen, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Oanh!
- August 2009, Misty Trinkle, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Misty!
- August 2009, Debra Wallace, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Debra!
- June 7 2009, Dr. Shan Ke, a postdoc researcher from China University of Geosciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Shan!
- June 2009, Colin Brooks, an undergraduate from University of Arkansas, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Colin!
- May 2009, Eric Grulke, a master student from University of Arkansas, starts working as a summer intern in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Eric!
- April 9 2009, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng's research is featured in the Spring 2009 issue of the University of Arkansas' Research Frontiers magazine. More details.
- March 15 2009, Dr. Wang-Ye Li, a postdoc researcher from the University of Science and Technology of China, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Wang-Ye!
- March 12 2009, Two research grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China have been officially awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (Co-PI: Fang-Zhen Teng).
- February 27 2009, A research grant from the Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) is officially awarded to the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory (sole PI: Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng).
- February 1-5 2009, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng‘s manuscript on Li isotopic composition of A-type granites and mafic enclaves is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- January 1 2009, Happy New Year!
- December 15-19 2008, Drs. Wei Yang and Fang-Zhen Teng attended Fall AGU conference at San Francisco, CA. Fang-Zhen Teng gave a presentation on Li isotopes in the deep continental crust and chaired a session on "Recent advances in Lithium isotope geochemistry".
- September 15 2008, Dr. Wei Yang, a postdoc researcher from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Wei!
- September 10-12 2008, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng gives a plenary lecture on iron isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiation and leads a workshop on MC-ICPMS theory and practical implications, at the 7th International SF-ICP-MS Conference.
- September 2008, Jeff Ward, a master student from University of Arkansas, starts working on his master thesis in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Jeff!
- July 15 2008, Kaia Mattioli, an undergraduate from Stanford University, starts working in the Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory. Welcome, Kaia!
- June 5 2008, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng's manuscript on Li isotopic composition of the deep continental crust is accepted for publication in Chemical Geology.
- May 12 2008, Dr. Fang-Zhen Teng's manuscript on Fe isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiation is accepted for publication in Science.
- January 1 2008, Happy New Year!
- January 1 2008, Non-Traditional Isotope Laboratory is founded at the University of Arkansas.