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Most people know that regular exercise is good for their health. Did you
know that an active lifestyle can also reduce your risk of an eye disease?
In fact, researchers at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and
Public Health found that regular exercise can reduce the risk of an eye
disease called age-related macular degeneration
The scientists studied 3,874 people over a 15-year period. They asked
each person about their physical activity such as how much they walked and
how many stairs they climbed each week. An active lifestyle was found to
reduce the risk of AMD by 70%; walking more reduced the risk of AMD by
The researchers stress that exercise may not be the only factor that was responsible for the reduced risk of AMD. Also, because the amount of exercise was measured using a simple questionnaire, it is not known how long each person participated in a regular exercise program. Nevertheless, this study shows that something as simple as regular exercise may protect eyesight.
References and more information, see:
Copyright © 1996-2006, Eric H. Chudler, University of Washington