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Neuroscience For Kids

2012 writing contest

The 2012 Neuroscience for Kids poetry writing contest is now closed and winners have been sent their prizes! However, the 2013 Neuroscience for Kids DRAWING CONTEST is NOW OPEN.

Here were the contest rules:

If you are in Kindergarten to Grade 2, your poem can be in any style; it doesn't even have to rhyme.

If you are in Grade 3 to Grade 5, your poem must rhyme. You can rhyme the last words on lines one and two; the last words on lines three and four, etc. or you can choose your own pattern.

If you are in Grade 6 to Grade 8, your poem must be in the form of a haiku. A haiku has only THREE lines. Also, haiku MUST use the following pattern: 5 syllables in the first line; 7 syllables in the second line; 5 syllables in the third line.

Example Haiku:
Three pounds of jelly
wobbling around in my skull
and it can do math.

If you are in Grade 9 to Grade 12, your poem must be in the form of a limerick. A limerick has 5 lines; lines one, two and five rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables; lines three and four rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables.

Example Limerick
The brain is important, that's true,
For all things a person will do,
From reading to writing,
To skiing to biting,
It makes up the person who's you.

If you are a college student, teacher, parent or someone else, your poem must rhyme and explain why it is important to learn about the brain.

Dr. Eric H. Chudler
Dept. of Bioengineering
BOX 355061
3720 15th Ave NE
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-5061


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