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Technical Communication 498
Digital Games
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Winter 2005
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Instructor Information

Instructor: Dr. Beth E. Kolko
Email: bkolko at u

Office: Engineering Annex 213
Office Hours: W 11-12 and by signup sheet on office door
Telephone: 206-685-3809

Course Information

Meeting Time: W 1:30-4:20
Classrooms: Loew 114 and Odegaard Collaboratory 1

Teaching Assistant: Carolyn Wei
Email: cwei at u dot washington dot edu

Office: Loew 13
Office Hours: M 1-2, Tu 12-1

Optional Movie/ Show-and-Tell Meetings

Extra Class Meeting: March 14, 6:30-9:30

Final Projects due March 14, 6:30 p.m. Class presentations and guest speaker.

As of Jan. 14, 2005, our optional meetings are scheduled for room EE1 031, 5 - 6:30.

Wed., Jan. 19: Show and Tell with Ario (Katamari Damacy and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for Playstation)

Tues., Jan. 25: War Games

Tues., Feb. 1: Show and Tell with Derek and John

Wed., Feb. 9: Last Star Fighter

Wed., Feb. 16: Show and Tell with Catherine (Stepmania) and Karla (Revolved)

Tues., Feb. 22: Tron - canceled as of Feb. 22

Wed., Mar. 2: Existenz

Class Resources