Refereed Journal Papers
- Yang, X.*, Ban, X., Mitchell, J., 2017. Modeling multimodal transportation network emergency evacuation considering evacuees’ cooperative behavior. Transportation Research, Part A, accepted.
- Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., 2017. Identifying multiclass vehicles using GPS data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Accepted.
- Ji. X.F.*, Ban, X., Zhang, J., Ran, B., 2017. Subjective-utility travel time budget modeling in the stochastic traffic network assignment. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, accepted.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., 2017. A Link-Based Dynamic Complementarity System Formulation for Continuous-time Dynamic User Equilibria with Queue Spillbacks. Transportation Science, accepted.
- Di, X., Liu, H, Ban, X., Yang, H., 2017. Ridersharing user equilibrium and its implications for High-Occupancy-Toll lane pricing. Transportation Research Record, accepted.
- Ji. X.F., Ban, X., Li, M., Zhang, J., Ran, B., 2017. Non-expected route choice model under risk on stochastic traffic networks. Networks and Spatial Economics, in press.
- Yang, X.*, Ban, X., Ma, R.*, 2017. Mixed equilibria with common constraints on transportation networks. Networks and Spatial Economics, in press.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Szeto, W.Y., 2017. Emission modeling and pricing on single-destination dynamic traffic networks. Transportation Research Part B 100, 255-283.
- Liu, J., Elrahman, S., Ban, X., 2016. Understanding social media program usage in public transit agencies. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 5 (2), 83-92.
- Luo, L., Ge, Y., Zhang, F., Ban, X., 2016. Real-Time Route Diversion Control in a Model Predictive Control Framework with Multiple Objectives: Traffic Efficiency, Emission Reduction and Fuel Economy. Transportation Research Part D, pp. 332-356
- Di, X., Liu, H., Ban, X., 2016. Second best toll pricing within the framework of bounded rationality. Transportation Research Part B 83, 74-90.
- Zhao, J., Li, W.*, Wang, J., Ban, X., 2015. Dynamic Traffic Signal Timing Optimization Strategy Incorporating Various Vehicle Fuel Consumption Characteristics. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, in press.
- Hao, P.*, and Ban, X., 2015. Long queue estimation using short vehicle trajectories for signalized intersections. Transportation Research Part B, 82, 54-73.
- Sánchez-Díaz, I., Holguin-Veras, J., Ban, X., 2015. A time-dependent freight tour synthesis model. Transportation Research Part B, 78, 144-168.
- Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., Hao, P.*, Yang, D., 2015. Trajectory-based vehicle energy/emission estimation for signalized arterials using mobile sensing data. Transportation Research Part D 34, 27-40.
- Yang, X.*, Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., Holguin-Veras, J., 2015. Urban freight delivery stop identification using GPS data. Transportation Research Record 2411, 55-61. Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, X., 2015. Approximating time delays in solving continuous-time dynamic user equilibria. Networks and Spatial Economics 15(3), 443-463.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, X., 2015. Time discretization of continuous-time dynamic network loading models. Networks and Spatial Economics 15(3), 419-441.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, X., 2015. Approximating time delays in solving continuous-time dynamic user equilibria. Networks and Spatial Economics 15(3), 443-463.
- Yushimito, W.*, Ban, X., Holguin-Veras, J., 2015. Correcting the market failure in work trips with work rescheduling: an analysis using bi-level models for the firm-workers interplay, Networks and Spatial Economics 15(3), 883-915.
- Ge, Y.E., Stewart, K., Sun, B., Ban, X., Zhang, S., 2014. Investigating undesired spatial and temporal boundary effects of congestion charging. Transportmetrica B: Dynamics, in press.
- Wang, X., Wang, J., Zhang, J., Ban, X., 2014. Lane-changing model with dynamic consideration of driver's propensity. International Journal of Modern Physics C: Computational Physics and Physical Computation, in press.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., 2014. Continuous-time dynamic system optimal for single-destination traffic networks with queue spillbacks. Transportation Research Part B 68, 98-122.
- Hao, P.*, Ban, X., Guo, D.*, and Ji, Q., 2014. Cycle by cycle intersection queue length distribution estimation using sample travel times. Transportation Research Part B 68, 185-204.
- Feng, F.L., Guo, X.F., Ban, X., 2014. Robust overbooking strategy of railway freight transport. Journal of Central South University (English), accepted.
- Di, X., Liu, H., Ban, X., and Yu, J.W., 2013. One the stability of a boundedly rational day to day dynamic. Networks and Spatial Economics, in press. DOI: 10.1007/s11067-014-9233-y.
- Sun, Z.*, and Ban, X., 2013. Vehicle classification using GPS Data. Transportation Research Part C 37, 102-117.
- Sun, Z.*, and Ban, X., 2013. Vehicle trajectory reconstruction for signalized intersections using mobile traffic sensors. Transportation Research Part C 36, 268-283.
- Hao, P.*, Ban, X., Yu, J.W., 2015. Kinematic equation based vehicle queue location estimation method for signalized intersections using mobile sensor data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 19(3), 256-272.
- Sun, Z.*, Zan, B., Ban, X., and Gruteser, M., 2013. Privacy protection method for fine-grained urban traffic modeling using mobile sensors. Transportation Research Part B 56(1), 50-69.
- Hao, P.*, Sun, X.*, Ban, X., Guo, D.*, and Ji, Q., 2013. Vehicle index estimation for signalized intersections using sample travel times. Transportation Research Part C 36, 513-529.
- Di, X., Liu, H., Pang, J.S., and Ban, X., 2013. Boundedly rational user equilibria (BRUE): Mathematical formulation and solution sets. Transportation Research Part B 57, 300-313.
- Yushimito, W.*, Ban, X., and Holguin-Veras, J., 2014. A two stage optimization model for staggered work hours. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 18(4), 410-425.
- Ban, X., Ferris, M.C., Tang, L., and Lu, S., 2013. Risk-neutral second best toll pricing. Transportation Research Part B, 48(2), 67-87.
- Holguin-Veras, J., Torres, C.A., and Ban, X., 2013. On the comparative performance of urban delivery vehicle classes. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 9(1), 50-73.
- Hao, P.*, Ban, X., Bennett, K., Ji, Q., and Sun, Z.*, 2012. Signal timing estimation using intersection travel times. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 13(2), 792-804.
- Hoh, B., Iwuchukwu, T., Jacobson, Q., Gruteser, M., Bayen, A., Herrera, J.C., Herring, R., Work, D., Annavaram, M., and Ban, X, 2012. Enhancing Privacy and Accuracy in Probe Vehicle Based Traffic Monitoring via Virtual Trip Lines. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 11(5), 849-864.
- Zhang, X., He, R., Shi, Q., Ban, X., Ran, B., 2013. Critical Traffic Control Locations for Emergency Evacuation. Journal of Transportation Engineering 139(10):1030-1038.
- Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, X., and Ma, R.*, 2012. Continuous-time Point-Queue Models in Dynamic Network Loading. Transportation Research Part B, 46(3), 360-380.
- Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, X., and Ma, R.*, 2012. Modeling and Solution of Continuous-Time Instantaneous Dynamic User Equilibria: A Differential Complementarity Systems Approach. Transportation Research Part B, 46(3), 389-408.
- Ban, X., Hao, P.*, and Sun, Z.*, 2011. Real time queue length estimation for signalized intersections using sample travel times from mobile sensors. Transportation Research Part C, 19(6), 1133-1156. (Most Cited Transportation Research Part C articles since 2011:
- Holguin-Veras, J., Jaller, M., Destro, L., Ban, X., and Lawson, C., 2011. Freight generation, freight trip generation, and the perils of using constant trip rates. Transportation Research Record 2224, 68-81.
- Ban, X., Chu, L., Herring, R., and Margulici, J.D., 2011. A sequential modeling framework for optimal sensor placement for multiple ITS applications. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 137(2), 112-120.
- Ban, X., Li, Y., Skabardonis, A., and Margulici, J.D., 2010. Performance evaluation of travel time estimation methods for real time traffic applications. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 14(2), 54-67.
- Herrera, J.C., Work, D.B., Herring, R., Ban, X., and Bayen, A., 2010. Evaluation of traffic data obtained via GPS-enabled mobile phones: the Mobile Century field experiment. Transportation Research Part C, 18(4), 568-583.
- Ban, X., Ferris, M., Liu, H., 2010. Numerical studies on reformulation techniques for continuous network design problems with asymmetric user equilibrium. International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems, 1(1), 52-72.
- Ban, X., and Liu, H., 2009. A link-node discrete-time dynamic second best toll pricing model with a relaxation solution algorithm. Networks and Spatial Economics 9(2), 243-267.
- Ban, X., Herring, R., Hao, P.*, and Bayen, A., 2009. Delay pattern estimation for signalized intersections using sampled travel times. Transportation Research Record 2130, 109-119.
- Margulici, J.D., and Ban, X., 2008. Benchmarking travel time estimates. IET Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 2(3), 228-237.
- Ban, X., Liu, H., Ferris, M.C., and Ran, B., 2008. A link-node complementarity model and solution algorithm for dynamic user equilibria with exact flow propagations. Transportation Research, part B, 42(9), 823-842.
- Ban, X., Chu, L., and Benouar, H., 2007. Bottleneck identification and calibration for corridor management planning. Transportation Research Record 1999, 40-53.
- Liu, H., Ban, X., Ma, W.T., and Mirchandani, P., 2007. Model reference adaptive control framework for real time traffic management under emergency evacuation. ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development 133(1), 43-50.
- Ban, X., Liu, H., Ferris, M., and Ran, B., 2006. A general MPCC model and its solution algorithm for continuous network design problem. Mathematical and Computer Modeling 43, 493-505.
- Ban, X., Liu, H, and Ferris, M.C., 2006. Decomposition scheme for continuous network design problem with asymmetric user equilibria. Transportation Research Record 1964, 185-192.
- Lu, J.G., Yang, F., Ban, X., and Ran, B., 2006. Moments analysis for improving decision reliability based on travel time. Transportation Research Record 1968, 109-116.
- Lu, J.G., Ban, X., Qiu, Z.J., Yang, F., and Ran, B., 2005. Robust route guidance model based on advanced traveler information systems. Transportation Research Record 1935, 1-7.
- Liu, H., Ban, X., Ran, B., and Mirchandani, P., 2003. Formulation and solution algorithm for fuzzy dynamic traffic assignment model. Transportation Research Record 1854, 114-123.
- Yang, F., Liu, H., H, R., Ban, X, and Ran, B., 2003. Bi-level formulation for optimal traffic information dissemination. Transportation Research Record 1836, 21-28.
- Liu, H., Ban, X., Ran, B., and Mirchandani, P., 2002. Analytical dynamic traffic assignment model with probabilistic network and travelers’ perceptions. Transportation Research Record 1783, 125-133.
- Zuo, L., Lian, X., Ban, X., and Jiang, X., 1999. Development of DDS-based arbitrary waveform generator PC-compatible card with double RAMs, Journal of Tsinghua University 39(2), 90-93.
- Zheng, S., Ban, X., Zou, X., and Lian, X., 2002. Research on creation of navigation road-net map based on GPS. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development 19(3), 115-118 (in Chinese).
Refereed Journal Papers Under Review
- Siddique, C.*, Ban, X., 2017. Self-adaptive sampling of GPS data. Submitted to the 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Chen, C., Ban, X., 2017. Transportation big data: promises, issues, and implications. Submitted to the 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Kim, J.*, Ban, X., 2017. WorkFlex: a study of workplace schedule flexibility practices in the Puget Sound, Washington. Submitted to the 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Li, W.*, Ban, X., 2017. Traffic signal timing optimization with connected vehicles. Submitted to the 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Liu, Y.*, Ban, X., Jiang, J., Zhang, Y.*, 2017. Optimal location distribution of fast charging station along a single highway based on minimum energy consumption. Submitted to the 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Fan, R.*, Ban, X., 2017. The first-mile transit problem on a traffic network with connected automated vehicles. Submitted to the 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Gao, Y., Ge. Y., Hu, H., Ban, X., 2017. CTM-based online estimation of traffic performances. Submitted to Journal of Transportation Engineering.
- Xu, B.*, Ban, X., Bian, Y., Li, W.*, Wang, J., Li, K., 2017. V2I based Cooperation between Traffic Signal and Approaching Automated Vehicles. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- Di., X., Ma, R.*, Liu, X., Ban, X., Yang, H., 2017. Network design for ridesharing user equilibrium. Submitted to Transportation Research, Part B.
- Ban, X., Dessouky, M., Pang, J.S., 2017. A general equilibrium model for transportation systems with e-hailing services and flow congestion. Submitted to Operations Research.
- Ji. X.F., Ban, X., Li, M., Zhang, J., Ran, B., 2016. Moment-based travel time reliability assessment with Lasserre’s relaxation. Submitted to Transpormetrica B: Dynamics (2nd revision).
Refereed Conference Proceeding
- Li, W.*, Ban, X., 2017. Traffic signal optimization under the connected vehicle environment. In Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Los Angeles, CA.
- Xu, B.*, Ban, X., Bian, Y., Wang, J., Li, K., 2017. V2I based Cooperation between Traffic Signal and Approaching Automated Vehicles. In Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, June 11-14, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA. (Selected for the Best Paper Award (2nd Prize) of the Symposium)
- Yang, X., Ban, X., Mitchell, J., 2017. Modeling multimodal transportation network emergency evacuation considering evacuees’ cooperative behavior. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Li, W., Ban, X., 2017. Big data analysis based decision-making tool for applying adaptive traffic control systems. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Siddique, C., Ban, X., 2017. Traffic state estimation based on vehicle trajectory segmentation. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ji, X., Ban, X., Qu, X., Zhang, J., and Ran, B., 2017. Impact on target on travelers’ multiple-criteria route choice decisions. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Di, X., Liu, H, Ban, X., Yang, H., 2017. Ridersharing user equilibrium and its implications for High-Occupancy-Toll lane pricing. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Li, W., Ban, X. J., & Wang, J., 2016. Traffic signal timing optimization incorporating individual vehicle fuel consumption characteristics under connected vehicles environment. In Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), 2016 International Conference on (pp. 13-18). IEEE, September, Seattle, WA, USA.
- Ji. X.F., Ban, X., Li, M., Zhang, J., Ran, B., 2016. Nonlinear-Expectation Risk-Averse User Equilibrium on Stochastic Traffic Networks. To be presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ji. X.F., Ban, X., Li, M., Zhang, J., Ran, B., 2016. Beyond Distribution: Realistic Assessment of System-Wide Travel Time reliability in the Stochastic Traffic Network. To be presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Yang, X.*, Ma. R.*, Ban, X., Ge, Y., 2016. Link Travel Time Approximation in Double Queue Traffic Model. To be presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Sun, Z.*, Hao, P.*, Ban, X., 2016. Data fusion and information integration for fine-Grained arterial traffic modeling. To be presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., 2015. Multiclass vehicle classification using GPS data. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board.
- Sun, Z.*, Hao, P.*, Ban, X., 2015. Fine-Grained modeling of arterial traffic: A data fusion and information integration approach. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board.
- Yang, X.*, Ma, R.*, Ban, X., 2015. Modeling Mixed Equilibria on Transportation Networks with Link Constraints. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., 2015. Continuous-time Instantaneous Dynamic User Equilibria on A Real World Traffic Network. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board.
- Sanchez, I., Holguin-Veras, J., and Ban, X., 2014. A time-dependent freight tour synthesis model. In Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Hao, P.*, Ban, X., 2014. Platoon based arterial corridor route travel time estimation using sample travel times. In Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Hao, P.*, Ban, X., Guo, D.*, and Ji, Q., 2014. Cycle by cycle intersection queue length distribution estimation using sample travel times. In Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Yang, X.*, Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., Wojtowicz, J., Holguin-Veras, J., 2014. Urban freight performance measurement using GPS data. In Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Zan, B., Sun, Z.*, Gruteser, M., Ban, X., 2013. Linking anonymous location traces through driving characteristics, In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY).
- Hao, P.*, and Ban, X., 2012. Long queue estimation using short vehicle trajectories for signalized intersections. In Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Richardson, E.*, Ban, X., and Holguin-Veras, J., 2013. Identifying and classifying freight trip stops from GPS data. In Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ban, X., and Gruteser, M., 2012. Towards fine-grained urban traffic knowledge extraction using mobile sensing. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Workshop on Urban Computing, pages 111-117.
- Cruz, T., Holguin-Veras, J., and Ban, X., 2012. Assessment of externality trade-offs among urban delivery vehicles. In Proceedings of the 91st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, X., 2012. Convergence of time discretization schemes for continuous-time dynamic network loading models. In Proceedings of the 91st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, X., Ma, R.*., 2012. Continuous-time dynamic user equilibria I: point-queue models for dynamic network loading. In Proceedings of the 91st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Hao, P.*, Guo, D.*, Ban, X., and Ji, Q., Sun, Z.*, 2012. Vehicle index inference for signalized intersections using sample travel times. In Proceedings of the 91st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Sun, Z.*, and Ban, X., 2012. Vehicle trajectory reconstruction for signalized intersections using mobile traffic sensors. In Proceedings of the 91st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Di, X., Liu, X., Pang, J.S., and Ban, X., 2012. On the mathematical properties of the boundedly rational user equilibria. In Proceedings of the 91st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Zan, B., Sun, Z.*, Gruteser, M., and Ban, X., 2011. VTL zone-based path cloaking algorithm. In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington, DC.
- Sun, Z.*, Zan, B., Ban, X., Gruteser, M., and Hao, P.*, 2011. Evaluation of privacy preserving algorithms using traffic knowledge based adversary models. In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington, DC.
- Ban, X., and Gruteser, M., 2010. Mobile sensors as traffic probes: addressing transportation modeling and privacy protection in an integrated framework. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Kunming, China.
- Ban, X., and Hao, P.*, 2010. Real time queue length estimation for signalized intersections using sampled travel times. In Proceedings of the 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (CD-ROM).
- Li, Y., Ban, X, Skabardonis, A., 2010. Survey analysis of travelers’ responses towards travel times displayed on changeable message signs. In Proceedings of the 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (CD-ROM).
- Ban, X., Chu, L., Herring, R., and Margulici, J.D., 2009. Optimal sensor placement for both traffic control and traveler information applications. In Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board.
- Liu, X., He, X., and Ban, X., 2009. A Cell-Based Many-to-One Dynamic System Optimal Model and Its Heuristic Solution Method for Emergency Evacuation. In Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board.
- Mortazavi, A., and Ban, X., 2008. Methods for generating travel time representation from probe vehicle data. In Proceedings of the 15th ITS World Congress (CD-ROM).
- Margulici, J.D. and Ban, X., 2008. Developing quality measures for evaluating travel time estimation methods. In Proceedings of the 15th ITS World Congress (CD-ROM).
- Amin, S., Andrews, S., Apte, S., Arnold, J., Ban, X., etc., 2008. Mobile century using gps mobile phones as traffic sensors: A field experiment. In Proceedings of the 15th ITS World Congress (CD-ROM).
- Alm, E., Lingham, V., Benouar, H., Ban, X., and Chu, L., 2008. An integrated methodology for corridor management planning. In Proceedings of the 87th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (CD-ROM).
- Hoh, B., Gruteser, M., Herring, R., Ban, X., Work, D., Herrera, J., and Bayen, A., 2008. Virtual trip lines for distributed privacy-preserving traffic monitoring. In Proceedings of The International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services.
- Ban, X., Chu, L., and Benouar, H., 2007. Bottleneck calibration in micro-simulation for corridor management using data from single loop detectors. In Proceedings of the 14th ITS World Congress (CD-ROM).
- Ban, X., Li, Y., and Skabardonis, A., 2007. Local MAD Method for Probe Vehicle Data Processing. In Proceedings of the 14th ITS World Congress.
- Ban, X., Liu, H., Ferris, M.C., and Ran, B., 2006. A link-node complementarity model and solution algorithm for dynamic user equilibria with exact flow propagations. In Proceedings of DTA 2006: the First International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Leeds, UK.
- Ban, X., Liu, H, and Ferris, M.C., 2006. A link-node based complementarity model and its solution algorithm for asymmetric user equilibria. In Proceedings of the 85th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (CD-ROM).
- Liu, H., Ban, X., Ma, M.T., and Mirchandani, P., 2006. Model reference adaptive control framework for real time traffic management under emergency evacuation. In Proceedings of the 85th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (CD-ROM).
- Liu, H., Ding, L., Ban, X., Chen, A., and Chootinan, P., 2006. A Streamlined Network Calibration Procedure for California SR41 Corridor Traffic Simulation Study. In Proceedings of the 85th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (CD-ROM).
- Ban, X., Liu, H., and Ran, B. (2005) A link based quasi-variational inequality model for dynamic user equilibria, towards real time traffic operations. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (CD-ROM).
- Liu, H., Ma., W., Ban, X., and Mirchandani, P., 2005. Dynamic equilibrium assignment with microscopic traffic simulation. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- Ban, X., Liu, H, and Ran, B., 2004. Traffic assignment model with fuzzy travel time perceptions. In Proceedings of 83rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (CD-ROM).
- Liu, H, Ban, X., Ran, B., and Mirchandani, P., 2002. Real-time dynamic network load management with variable message signs. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, pp.8-15, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Book Chapters
- Di, X., Liu, H.X, Pang, J.X., Ban, X., 2013. Boundedly rational user equilibria (BRUE): mathematical formulation and solution sets. In: Journal of Transportation and Traffic Theory (Hoogendoorn, S.P., Knoop, V.L., and Lint, H. eds), Elsevier, 473-490.
- Hao, P.*, Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., Guo, D.*, and Ji, Q., 2013. Vehicle index estimation for signalized intersections using sample travel times. In: Journal of Transportation and Traffic Theory (Hoogendoorn, S.P., Knoop, V.L., and Lint, H. eds), Elsevier, 473-490.
- Di, X., Liu, H., Pang, J.S., and Ban, X., 2013. Boundedly rational user equilibria (BRUE): Mathematical formulation and solution sets. In: Journal of Transportation and Traffic Theory (Hoogendoorn, S.P., Knoop, V.L., and Lint, H. eds), Elsevier, 231-248.
- Ban, X., Herring, R., Margulici, J.D., and Alex Bayen, 2009. Optimal sensor placement for freeway travel time estimation. Transportation and Traffic Theory, Chpt. 34 (W.H.K. Lam, S.C. Wong, H.K. Lo eds.), Springer, 697-721.
- Ban, X., Lu, S., Ferris, M.C., and Liu, H., 2009. Risk-averse second best toll pricing. Transportation and Traffic Theory, Chpt. 10 (W.H.K. Lam, S.C. Wong, H.K. Lo eds.), Springer, 197-218.
- Liu, H., Xin, W., Adam, Z.M., and Ban, X., 2007. A game theoretical approach for modeling merging and yielding behavior at freeway on-ramp section. In: Heydecker, G., Allsop, R.E. (Ed.), Transportation and Traffic Theory. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 197-211.
Research Reports
- Ban, X., Wojtowicz, J., Li, W.*, 2016. Decision-Making Tool for Applying Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System. Final Report to NYSERDA and NYSDOT.
- Ban, X., 2015. Network System Effects of Mileage Fee. Final Report Submitted to UTRC2 and USDOT/RITA.
- Ban, X., Kamga, C., Wang, X., Wojtowicz, J., Klepadlo, E.*, Sun, Z.*, Mouskos, K., 2014 Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System (ACS-Lite) for Wolf Road, Albany, New York. Final Report to NYSDOT and UTRC2.
- Ban, X., Sun, Z.*, 2013. Vehicle Classification Using Mobile Sensing. Final Report to UTRC2 and USDOT.
- Ban, X., Sun, Z.*, Yang, X.*, Wojtowicz, J., Holguin-Veras, J., 2013. Urban Freight Performance Evaluation Using GPS Data. Chapter 5 of the Final Report on Off-Hour Deliveries submitted to Federal Highway Administrations (FHWA), US Department of Transportation (USDOT).
- Ban, X., Sun, Z.*, 2013. Simulation-based Decision-making Tool for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control on Tarrytown Road in the City of White Plains. Fine Report Submitted to NYSERDA and NYSDOT.
- Dion, F., Sivakumaran, K., Ban, X., 2012. Evaluation of Utilization of Traffic Simulation Models in the Development of Corridor System Management Plans (CSMPs), California PATH Research Report, UCB-ITS-PRR-2012-2.
- Ban, X., Li, Y., and Margulici, J.D., 2009. Optimal Use of Changeable Message Signs for Displaying Travel Times. PATH Research Report ITS-PRR-2009-XX, Institute of Transportation studies, University of California, Berkeley.
- Ban, X., Bayen, A., and Chu, L., etc., 2009. Optimal Sensor Requirements. PATH Research Report ITS-PRR-2009-XX, Institute of Transportation studies, University of California, Berkeley.
- Ban, X., Khattak, A., 2008. ITS Decision Website Maintenance and Enhancement, Phase III: Expert System Module Development, Website Functionality Improvement, and Update of ITS Information Content. Final report for CCIT Task Order 8.
- Ban, X., Chu, L., Alm, E., and Benouar, H., 2006. Corridor management plan demonstration. Final report for CCIT Task Order 3.
- Margulici, J.D., Chiou, B., Yang, S., Ban, X., and Huey, B., 2006. Travel times on changeable message signs in District 4. Final report for CCIT Task Order 13.
- Ban, X., Tao, Y., Yang, F, and Parker, S.T., 2004. WisTransPortal project Phase I deployment overview. Technical Report for the Wisconsin Traffic OPerations and Safety Lab (TOPS).
- Yang, F, Tao, Y, Ban, X., Ran, B, and Liu, H., 2003. Traffic operations archived data management system (ADMS) business model analysis and recommendations. Technical Report for WisDOT.
Invited Talks
- Ban, X., 2017. Transportation big data: promises, issues, and implications. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois - Urbana Campaign, July 29 – August 01, 2017.
- Ban, X., 2017. Transportation big data: promises, issues, and implications. Michigan Innovative Mobility Symposium, USDOT Center for Connected Automated Transportation, University of Michigan, July 20 – 23, 2017.
- Ban, X., 2017. Network congestion effect of E-hailing transportation services. Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), University of California, Los Angeles, June 07th, 2017
- Ban, X., 2017. Network congestion effect of E-hailing transportation services. Portland State University, May 12th, 2017.
- Chen, C., Ban, X., 2017. Prevalence of selection bias in big data--Implications for transportation planning and operations. Special Topic Webinar, Federal Highway Administrators, US Department of Transportation, May 2nd, 2017.
- Ban, X., 2016. Urban traffic modeling with mobile sensing, Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, September 28, 2016.
- Ban, X., 2015. Urban traffic modeling with mobile sensing, Center for Environmental Research & Technology, University of California, Riverside, November 02, 2015.
- Ban, X., 2015. Modeling Dynamic User Equilibria as Differential Complementarity Systems (DCS). Workshop II: Traffic Estimation, Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), University of California, Los Angeles, October 13, 2015.
- Ban, X., 2015. Emission Modeling and Control on Dynamic Transportation Networks. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California, October 06, 2015.
- Ban, X., 2015. Transportation Network Emergency Evacuation Modeling of Lower Manhattan. New York City Office of Emergency Management, September 08, 2015.
- Ban, X., 2014. Future Transportation in A Connected World, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, October 30, 2014.
- Ban, X., 2014. Urban traffic modeling with mobile sensing, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rutgers University, October 08, 2014.
- Ban, X., 2014. Urban traffic modeling using mobile sensing, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, August 29, 2014.
- Ban, X., 2014. Urban traffic modeling using mobile sensing, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tsinghua University, July 02, 2014.
- Ban, X., 2013. Fine-grained urban traffic knowledge extraction from mobile sensing. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Buffalo, November 14, 2013.
- Ban, X., 2013. Fine-grained urban traffic knowledge extraction from mobile sensing. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, May 09, 2013.
- Ban, X., Liu, X., 2013. Modeling the dynamics of traffic user equilibrium using differential variational inequalities, BECS (Building Engineered Complex Systems) Workshop, National Science Foundation, January 25, 2013.
- Ban, X., 2012. Fine-grained urban traffic knowledge extraction from mobile sensing. Future Cities Laboratory, National University of Singapore, December 21, 2012.
- Ban, X., 2012. Fine-grained urban traffic knowledge extraction from mobile sensing. Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University, December 12, 2012.
- Ban, X., 2012. Fine-grained urban traffic knowledge extraction from mobile sensing. Invited talk at the Friday Seminar, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, October 05, 2012.
- Ban, X., 2012. Fine-grained urban traffic knowledge extraction from mobile sensing. Invited talk at the China Mobile Research Institute, Beijing, China, August 13, 2012.
- Ban, X., 2011. Traffic crowdsourcing using mobile sensors. Invited talk at the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC), RPI, Troy, NY, October 27, 2011.
- Ban, X., 2011. Modeling the dynamics of traffic user equilibrium using differential variational inequalities, BECS (building engineered complex systems) Workshop, National Science Foundation, March 29, 2011.
- Ban, X., 2011. Modeling and solving continuous-time dynamic user equilibria: A differential complementarity system approach. Invited talk at the Traffic Control and Simulation Symposium at TongJi University, Shanghai, China, August 18, 2011.
- Ban, X., 2011. Privacy-preserving IntelliDrive data for signalized intersection performance measurement. Invited talk at special session on Intellidrive: Data Management Research Needs and Emerging Solutions, 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 24, 2011.
- Ban, X., 2010. Signalized Intersection Delay Pattern and Queue Length Estimation Using Mobile Traffic Sensors. Invited talk at Dalian Jiaotong University, August 14, 2010.
- Ban, X., 2010. A Link-Node Complementarity Formulation and Solution Approach for Dynamic User Equilibria (DUE). Invited talk at Harbin Institute of Technology, August 10, 2010.
- Ban, X., 2010. Signalized Intersection Delay Pattern and Queue Length Estimation Using Mobile Traffic Sensors. Invited talk at China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center, August 05, 2010.
- Ban, X., 2010. Delay pattern and queue length estimation for signalized intersections using mobile sensors. Invited talk at the NSF Dynamic Route Guidance and Coordinated Traffic Control Workshop, Rutgers University, June 07 – 08, 2010.
- Ban, X., 2009. A Link-Node Dynamic User Equilibrium Model and Its Application to Dynamic Congestion Pricing. Invited talk at the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University (July 1, 2009).
- Ban, X., 2008. A traffic engineering perspective to PHEV modeling. Invited talk at GE Global Research Center, December 16, 2008.
- Ban, X., 2008. Optimal sensor placement for ITS applications. Invited talk at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, December 11, 2008.
- Ban, X., 2008. Towards Statewide Travel Times on Variable Message Signs. Invited talk at New York State Department of Transportation, September 10, 2008.
- Ban, X., 2007. Link-Node Complementarity Formulation and Solution Approaches for Dynamic User Equilibria. Invited talk at TOPL (Transportation Operations and Planning) Research Group, University of California, Berkeley.
- Ban, X., 2007. Modeling transportation network design problems while UE solution is not unique. Invited talk at Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of California, Davis.
- Ban, X., 2005. Quasi-variational inequality formulations and solution approaches for dynamic user equilibria. Presented at the Seminar on Doctoral Student Research in Transportation Modeling at the 84th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Conference Presentations
- Yang, X.*, Ban, X., Mitchell, J., 2017. Modeling multimodal transportation network emergency evacuation considering evacuee’s’ cooperative behavior. Presented (poster) at the 22nd Internal Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT), Chicago, IL, USA.
- Li, W.*, Ban, X., 2017. Traffic signal optimization under the connected vehicle environment. In Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Los Angeles, CA.
- Xu, B.*, Ban, X., Bian, Y., Wang, J., Li, K., 2017. V2I based Cooperation between Traffic Signal and Approaching Automated Vehicles. In Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, June 11-14, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA. (Selected for the Best Paper Award (2nd Prize) of the Symposium)
- Yang, X., Ban, X., Mitchell, J., 2017. Modeling multimodal transportation network emergency evacuation considering evacuees’ cooperative behavior. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Li, W., Ban, X., 2017. Big data analysis based decision-making tool for applying adaptive traffic control systems. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Siddique, C., Ban, X., 2017. Traffic state estimation based on vehicle trajectory segmentation. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ji, X., Ban, X., Qu, X., Zhang, J., and Ran, B., 2017. Impact on target on travelers’ multiple-criteria route choice decisions. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Di, X., Liu, H, Ban, X., Yang, H., 2017. Ridersharing user equilibrium and its implications for High-Occupancy-Toll lane pricing. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Li, W., Ban, X. J., & Wang, J., 2016. Traffic signal timing optimization incorporating individual vehicle fuel consumption characteristics under connected vehicles environment. In Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), 2016 International Conference on (pp. 13-18). IEEE, September, Seattle, WA, USA.
- Ji. X.F., Ban, X., Li, M., Zhang, J., Ran, B., 2016. Nonlinear-Expectation Risk-Averse User Equilibrium on Stochastic Traffic Networks. In Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ji. X.F., Ban, X., Li, M., Zhang, J., Ran, B., 2016.. Beyond Distribution: Realistic Assessment of System-Wide Travel Time reliability in the Stochastic Traffic Network. In Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Yang, X.*, Ma. R.*, Ban, X., Ge, Y., 2016. Link Travel Time Approximation in Double Queue Traffic Model. Presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Sun, Z.*, Hao, P.*, Ban, X., 2016. Data fusion and information integration for fine-Grained arterial traffic modeling. In Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ban, X., 2015. Mobile sensing and emissions. Presented at the 3rd Symposium of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Albany, NY, November 05, 2015.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Szeto, WY., 2015. Emission modeling and control on dynamic transportation networks. Presented (poster) at the 21st Internal Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT), Kobe, Japan, USA.
- Ban, X., 2015. Fusion of Mobile and Fixed-Location Traffic Data. Presented at the First TransInfo Symposium, August 13, 2015.
- Ban, X., 2015. Modeling Dynamic Traffic Assignment Problems as Differential Complementarity Systems (DCS). Presented at the 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, July 16, 2015.
- Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., 2015. Multiclass vehicle classification using GPS data. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Sun, Z.*, Hao, P.*, Ban, X., 2015. Fine-Grained modeling of arterial traffic: A data fusion and information integration approach. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Yang, X.*, Ma, R.*, Ban, X., 2015. Modeling Mixed Equilibria on Transportation Networks with Link Constraints. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., 2015. Continuous-time Instantaneous Dynamic User Equilibria on A Real World Traffic Network. Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ban, X., 2014. Urban traffic modeling using mobile sensing data. Presented at the 3rd Symposium of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Albany, NY, November 05, 2014.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., 2014. A link-based continuous-time dynamic user equilibrium model with departure-time choice and queue spillbacks. Presented at the 5th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Salerno, Italy, July, 2014.
- Ma, R.*, Earle, B.*, Wetmore, S.*, Ban, X., 2014. Modeling continuous-time dynamic system optimal and its applications to evacuation. Presented at the 5th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Salerno, Italy, July, 2014.
- Sun, Z.*, Hao, P.*, Ban, X., 2014. Trajectory-based energy/emissions estimation for signalized arterials using mobile sensing data. Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January, 2014.
- Yang, X.*, Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., Wojtowicz, J., Holguin-Veras, J., 2014. Urban freight performance evaluation using GPS data, Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January, 2014.
- Yang, X.*, Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., Holguin-Veras, J., 2014. Urban freight delivery stop identification using GPS data, Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC..
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., 2014. Continuous-time dynamic user equilibria with departure time choice and capacitated queues. Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Hao. P.*, Ban, X., 2013. Platoon-based arterial corridor route travel time estimation using sample travel times, Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January, 2014.
- Yang, X.*, Ban, X., Holguin-Veras, J., Wojtowicz, J., 2013. Urban freight performance measurement using GPS data, Presented at the INFORM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2013.
- Hao. P.*, Ban, X., 2013. Platoon-based arterial corridor route travel time estimation using sample travel times, Presented at the INFORM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2013.
- Sun, Z.*, Hao, P.*, Ban, X., 2013. Trajectory-based energy/emissions estimation for signalized arterials using mobile sensing data. Presented at the INFORM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2013.
- Hao, P.*, Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., Guo, D., and Ji, Q., 2013. Vehicle index estimation for signalized intersections using sample travel times. Presented at the 20th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, July, 2013.
- Ban, X., 2013. Freight performance measurement using GPS data. Presented at the GPS for Transportation Symposium, Hunter College, New York City, NY, May, 2013.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, H., 2013. Approximating time delays in solving continuous-time dynamic user equilibrium. Presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, H., 2012. Approximating time delays in solving continuous-time dynamic user equilibrium. Presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., 2012. Continuous-time dynamic user equilibrium model with departure-time choice and capacitated queues. Presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
- Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, H., Ma, R.*, 2012. Modeling and solving continuous-time dynamic user equilibria – A differential variational inequality approach. Presented at the 4th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Martia’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, June, 2012.
- Yushimito, W.*, Ban, X. (speaker), and Holguin-Veras, J., 2012. Correcting the effects of asymmetric interactions in work trips with staggered work hours. Presented at the 4th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Martia’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, June, 2012.
- Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, H., Ma, R.*, 2012. Continuous-time point queue model in dynamic network loading. Presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, H., 2012. Discretization and convergence of continuous-time dynamic network loading models. Presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ma, R.*, Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, H., 2011. Discretization and convergence of continuous-time dynamic network loading models. Presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
- Ban, X., Pang, J.S., Liu, H., Ma, R.*, 2011. Modeling and solving continuous-time dynamic user equilibria: A differential complementarity system approach. Presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
- Hao, P.*, Ban, X., Bennett, K., Ji, Q., and Sun, Z.*, 2011. Signal timing estimation using sample intersection travel times. Presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ma, R.*, and Ban, X., 2011. Realization probability of traffic user equilibria. Presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Sun, Z.*, and Ban, X., 2011. Vehicle trajectory reconstruction for signalized intersections using variational formulation of traffic flows. Presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Hao, P.*, and Ban, X., 2011. Vehicle queue location estimation for signalized intersections using sample travel times. Presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Ban, X., 2010. Link-Node Complementarity Model and Solution Algorithm for Dynamic User Equilibrium, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.
- Ban, X., 2010. Delay Pattern Estimation for Signalized Intersections Using Sample Travel Times, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.
- Ban, X., 2010. Signalized Intersection Delay Pattern and Queue Length Estimation Using Mobile Traffic Sensors. Presented at the 10th International Chinese Conference on Transportation Professionals, August 04 – August 08, 2010, Beijing, China.
- Ban, X. (speaker), and Gruteser, M., 2010. Mobile sensors as traffic probes: addressing transportation modeling and privacy protection in an integrated framework. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, August 03 – August 05, 2010, Kunming, China.
- Yushimito, W.F.*, Ban, X. (speaker), and Holguin-Veras, J., 2010. Modeling staggered work hours in a dominant firm with government intervention as a bi-level problem. Presented at the third International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, July 29 – July 31, 2010, Takayama, Japan.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Ma, R., 2010. Optimal mileage fee scheme – a network perspective. Presented at the Innovations in Pricing of Transportation Systems: Workshop and Conferences, May 13 – 14, 2010, Orlando, FL.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Ferris, M.C., Tang, L., 2010 Risk-neutral second best toll pricing. Presented at the 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board.
- Ban, X. (speaker), and Ma, R., 2009. Realization probability of user equilibria and implications to congestion pricing. Presented at INFORMS, San Diego, CA.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Lu, S., Ferris, M.C., and Liu, H., 2009. Risk averse second best toll pricing. Presented at the 18th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Hong Kong, China.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Ferris, M.C., Tang, L., 2009. Risk-neutral second best toll pricing. Presented at the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Chicago, August 2009.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Alexandre Bayen, Ryan Herring, JD Margulici, 2008. A Dynamic Programming Model for Optimal Sensor Placement for Providing Travel Times. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Ban, X., 2008. A Link-node Complementarity DUE Model with Departure Time Choice. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Ferris, M.C., and Tang, L., 2008. Risk-neutral Second Best Toll Pricing. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Ban, X. (speaker), and Lu, S., 2007. Risk taking behaviors in second best toll pricing. Presented at the 86th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Herring, R., Margulici, J.D., and Alex Bayen, 2007. Optimal sensor locations for providing freeway travel times. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- Ban, X. (speaker), and Lu, S., 2007. Considering risk taking behaviors in second best toll pricing. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- Ban, X. (speaker), and Liu, H., 2007. A link-node discrete-time dynamic second best toll pricing model with a relaxation solution algorithm. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Li, Y., Skabardonis, A., 2007. Performance evaluation for travel time estimation methods, Presented at the 11th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), University of California, Berkeley, 2007.
- Ban, X., 2007. Modeling route choice behavior under asymmetric user equilibria – A complementarity formulation and its solution algorithm, Presented at the 11th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), University of California, Berkeley, 2007.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Alkadri, M., Mikkelsen, P., and Benouar, H., 2007. Promoting ITS Deployment via ITS Decision Website, Presented at the ITS America Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, CA, 2007.
- Ban, X., 2007. Systematic Performance Evaluation of Travel Time Calculation Methods, Presented at the ITS America Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, CA, 2007.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Liu, H., Ferris, M.C., and Ran, B., 2005. A link-based quasi-VI formulation and solution algorithm for dynamic user equilibria. Presented at INFORMS, San Francisco, CA.
- Ferris, M.C., Liu, H., and Ban, X. (speaker), 2005. Solving asymmetric user equilibrium by decomposition and synchronization schemes. Presented at INFORMS, San Francisco, CA.
- Ban, X., 2005. An MPCC model for continuous network design problem with asymmetric user equilibrium. Presented at 12th ITS World Congress, San Francisco, CA.
- Ban, X., 2005. Using the temporal difference learning method in multi-step freeway speed prediction. Presented at 12th ITS World Congress, San Francisco, CA.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Ferris, M.C., and Liu, H.X., 2005. Decomposition and synchronization schemes for solving asymmetric user equilibrium. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Complementarity Problems (ICCP), Sanford University, CA.
- Ban, X. (speaker), Liu, H., and Ran, B., 2004. Quasi-variational inequality formulation for the network user equilibrium problem. Presented at INFORMS, Denver, Colorado.
Notes: * indicates graduate students Dr. Ban has advised at RPI or UW