The intelligent Urban Transportation Systems (iUTS) Lab focuses on the Monitoring, Mining, Modeling, and Managing (4M) of the Urban transportation Systems (UTS)
Monitoring: Under the era of new sensing/monitoring/communication technologies and emerging vehicle technologies (Connected/Autonomous Vehicles) and Big Data Analytics, what data to collect and how to use for UTS, in particular how to balance data needs in UTS applications and critical issues in data collection (such as privacy and security, etc.).
Mining: How new technologies may impact the fundamental behaviors of UTS components including vehicles, drivers of passenger and/or freight vehicles, as well as other key players such as policy makers and the industry sector.
Modeling: (i) How to use new data sources to properly model UTS such as performance measurement, pay particular attention to the possible behavior changes of system components. (ii) How to predict dynamic network traffic flow patterns in UTS, likely based on the multiple UTS data that are increasingly available?
Managing: Based on UTS modeling and predictions, how to develop system-wide strategies (traffic control, pricing/tolling, among others) to effectively/efficiently manage urban dynamic network traffic flow?