β-nuclear-recoil correlation from 6He decay in a laser trap

Laser setup

RF setup sketch Graduate students David Zumwalt and Yelena Bagdasarova near the 6He laser-trap setup

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  • Charge-state distribution of Li ions from the β decay of laser-trapped 6He atoms
    Phys. Rev. A 96, 053411 (2017).

  • Beta-nuclear-recoil correlation from 6He decay in a laser trap
    Accepted for Phys. Rev. Lett. (July, 2022)

    Sketch of 6He MOT trap and detectors
    Sketch of 6He MOT trap and detectors.
    Sample data: plot of Li ions TOF versus landing radial position at MCP. Left: data; Right: simulations.
    Sample data: plot of Li ions TOF versus landing radial position at MCP. The two groups correspond to the two charge states of Li ions as they emerge from the decay. Left: data; Right: simulations.