A collaboration working on using microwaves for precision beta-decay spectra measurements.
Main goal: sensitive searches for chirality-flipping interactions in 6He and 19Ne.

He6-CRES Collaboration Members

He6-CRES collaboration members

RF setup

RF setup sketch Radioactivity (6He or 19Ne) is injected via the turbo pump (top). The `6He monitor' is a high-stability scintillator detector, read by SiPMs, used to normalize spectra taken at different magnetic fields. The radioactivity inside the magnetic field produces microwaves (approx. 20 GHz) read via low-noise amplifiers (RF Amps), kept at approx. 5K.

Event tracking

Spectrograms 19Ne
RF-Amp signals are digitized at approx. 2 GHz and time slices of approx. 50 microsec are processed for FFTs. Sparse spectrograms are made taking points that show power above background. Points are grouped into tracks, and tracks into events. The initial frequency of an event, ω, yields the beta energy (E = q B c2/ω).

Experimental setup

He-CRES Setup Video

He6-CRES setup photo-01
Heather Harrington, Winston DeGraw, Drew Byron and Kris Knutsen near the He6-CRES apparatus. The radioactivity comes from the production room via the pipe barely visible on the top of the photo. It then gets compressed into the decay cell by a turbo pump.
He6-CRES setup photo-02
Closer view of decay cell: the three trap coils are used to produce a magnetic field of approx. a part per thousand of the main field, yielding a magnetic trap for betas.

He6-CRES setup photo-03
Heather Harrington busy aligning the NMR probe for mapping the superconducting solenoid (blue) magnetic field.
He6-CRES setup photo-04
Top right: Winston DeGraw and Savannah Hightower testing the SiPMs setup for the `6He monitor'.
Bottom left: Close-up on the SiPM readout board.

Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator

We use the local accelerator to produce 6He and 19Ne, which we use for precision measurements

Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator

Accelerator Video

Near Future Goals

First demonstration of cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy (CRES) for nuclear beta decays of 6He and 19Ne.

Recent News

First detection of CRES events from positrons from 19Ne.

He6-CRES comparison 83Kr-19Ne
Comparison of 83Kr versus 19Ne events.

Recent Presentations

  • Tylor--DNP 2021
  • Harrington-DNP 2021
  • Byron--DNP 2021
  • Graner--DNP 2021