Tuthill Lab Alumni

Brandon Pratt

Was: GRFP Fellow and PBio Graduate Student

Now: Starfish Neuroscience

Su-Yee Lee

Was: Neuroscience Graduate Student

Now: TBD

Ellen Lesser

Was: Neuroscience Graduate Student

Now: Postdoctoral Fellow, Heckscher and Carrillo Labs, UChicago

Lili Karashchuk

Was: GRFP Fellow and Neuroscience Graduate Student, jointly advised w Bing Brunton
Now: Scientist, Allen Institute for Brain Science

Dominic Golding

Was: Snowflyproject Research Technician
Now: Medical student at Northwestern University

Anthony Moussa

Was: Undergraduate Researcher
Now: Md/PhD student, UCSF

Chris Dallmann

Was: DFG Postdoctoral Fellow
Now: Marie Curie Fellow, Universität Würzburg
Lylah Deady

Lylah Deady

Was: NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
Now: Sales Specialist, Nikon, Inc

Sweta Agrawal

Was: Postdoctoral Fellow
Now: Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech

Sarah Walling-Bell

Was: Research Technician
Now: Scientist at Allen Institute for Brain Science

Chenghao Chen

Was: Postdoctoral Fellow and visiting scientist at HHMI/Janelia)
Now: Research Scientist, UMass-Amherst
Brandon Mark

Brandon Mark

Was: Postdoctoral Fellow
Now: Data Scientist, PitchBook, Seattle, WA

Sydney Brannoch

Was: Postdoctoral Fellow
Now: Entomologist, US Forest Service, Alaska

Evyn Dickinson

Was: Research Technician
Now: Neuroscience PhD student at Yale

Pralaksha Gurung

Was: Research Technician
Now: Neuroscience PhD student at UW

Bin Yu

Was: Masters Student (EE)
Now: PhD student in the Komiyama Lab at UCSD