WARPXM v1.10.0
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wxm::apps::functions::five_moment Namespace Reference


class  ConstantFluidIC
class  CouetteFlow
class  CylindricalCouetteFlow
class  EinIC
 Class to set IC for a simple flow problem. More...
class  ElectronZpinch1d
class  ElectronZpinch1dCar
class  ElectronZpinch2d
class  Euler1dArbitraryShocktube
 Euler Arbitrary Shocktube Function. More...
class  Euler1dDoubleRarefaction
 Double Rarefaction 1D Riemann Problem See: Buffard and Clain -> Monoslope and multislope MUSCL methods for unstructured meshes Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (2010) 3745-3376 https://ac.els-cdn.com/S0021999110000495/1-s2.0-S0021999110000495-main.pdf?_tid=e51b7b8a-8b83-4578-a6e6-e338b59cf38a&acdnat=1524338362_0ddf7d2efc1b73e6510cbe8f19b53250. More...
class  Euler1dShockEntropy
class  Euler2dForwardFacingStep
class  Euler2dRP1
class  FlowInit
 Class to set IC for a simple flow problem. More...
class  FlowInit2
 Class to set IC for a simple flow problem. More...
class  GEM
class  GEM1D
class  GEM2
class  HarrisCurrentSheet
class  IonZpinch1d
class  IonZpinch1dCar
class  IonZpinch2d
class  KH_Instability
 Initialization and boundary conditions for electromagnetic Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability defined using piecewise discontinuous values. More...
class  KH_Instability_Analytic
 Initialization and boundary conditions for electromagnetic Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability defined using analytic functions described in Vogman PoP 2020 Eqs. More...
class  Kinetics2d2vKelvinHelmholtzInstabilityFluidVariables
 2D2V Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability where the kinetic variables are converted to fluid Used in hybrid simulation where the domain in split into kinetic and fluid parts, with this function initilizing the fluid More...
class  LangmuirDispersion
class  ManualDensityAndPressureFluid5
 Function allowing density and pressure to be set by subfunctions. More...
class  PlasmaSwitch
 Initialize the simplified 2D plasma switch problem for a single 5 moment fluid. More...
class  PulseFluid5
class  PulsesFluid5
class  radial_slab
 A spherical slab of fluid with a given radius and center. More...
class  RTI_Instability
 I think this is a combination of hydrodynamic Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities?? More...
class  SetFloorsIonsElectrons
 Class to set Density and Pressure floors for ions and electrons for two-fluid case. More...
class  SetFloorsSingleSpecies
 Class to set Density and Pressure floors for a single species. More...
class  ShockTubeFluid5
class  SlabFluid5
class  two_stream
 Class to set IC for 1D counter-streaming electrons and ions. More...