WARPXM v1.10.0
No Matches
WARPXM Application Development Information

This document provides an explanation of adding a physics application through example. Here we discuss the augmentation of the ideal MHD equations for the inclusion of divergence cleaning, as per Dedner.

WARPXM is designed to solve partial differential equations describing flow a plasma in an from an Eulerian point of view, written in conservative form. Thus, for a conserved variable \(\boldsymbol{q}\), equations are written in the form

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial \boldsymbol{q}}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot \mathcal{F}(\boldsymbol{q}) =& \boldsymbol{S} \end{align*}

where \(\mathcal{F}\) represents a flux and \(\boldsymbol{S}\) represents a source. In terms of actual index notation this is written

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial q_{i}}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial \mathcal{F}_{ij}}{\partial x_{j}} =& S_{i} \end{align*}

These equations are solved on an unstructured grid, using the discontinuous Galerkin finite elmement method. When implementing a physics application, intimate details of the method are not required, but instead the flux and terms of the particular model must be written in. Specifically one needs to implement the flux term, dubbed "internal flux", tthe source term, and the "numerical flux". The numerical flux, as the name implies is the part that requires some understanding of the numerical method. This is a resolution of internal flux at element boundaries which must be consistent between elements.

Development Process

  1. Create a files generating internal flux, numerical flux, and sources
  2. Register the files
  3. Add to CMake
  4. Add to WARPY
  5. Add warpy function to init
  6. Add warpy function to CMake

Example 1 - Linear Advection

In this case our system for a single component q linearly advected with no source, written as:

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial q}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot \left(\boldsymbol{c}q\right) =& 0 \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \frac{\partial q}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial \left(\mathcal{c}_{1} q\right)}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial \left(\mathcal{c}_{2} q\right)}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial \left(\mathcal{c}_{3} q\right)}{\partial z} =& 0 \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \frac{\partial q}{\partial t} + \begin{pmatrix} c_{1}q & c_{2}q & c_{3}q \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \end{pmatrix} =& 0 \end{align*}

Implementation of the internal flux, \(\mathcal{F}\), looks is written as a function developing the 2-dimensinal flux array of [number of dimensions] x [number of conserved variables] for a given set of conserved variables \(q\) and auxialliary variables \(\text{aux}\). NOTE: This is actually the transpose of the form as written in the flux equation (i is conserved variables, j is dimensions).

  1. Internal and numerical flux


    // Wm includes
    namespace wxm
    namespace apps
    class advection_t : public WmApplication
    void setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc) override;
    const std::vector<int>& getInputVariableIndexes(int flag) const override
    return _variables;
    const std::vector<int>& getOutputVariableIndexes(int flag) const override
    return _variables;
    real numerical_flux(const real* q_l, const real* q_r, const real* aux_l,
    const real* aux_r, const solverVariables_t* pFV,
    real* numericalFlux) const override;
    real internal_flux(const real* q, const real* aux, const solverVariables_t* pSV,
    std::vector<std::vector<real>>& internalFlux) const override;
    std::vector<real> _velocity;
    std::vector<int> _variables;
    advection_t& operator=(const advection_t& var);
    advection_t(const advection_t& var);
    #endif // WXM_APPS_ADVECTION_H
    Base Class for physics applications.
    Definition: wmapplication.h:93
    WxCryptSet extends WxCrypt by providing, in addition to name-value pairs, an set of named WxCryptSets...
    Definition: wxcryptset.h:35
    std::vector< real > _velocity
    Definition: advection.h:43
    const std::vector< int > & getOutputVariableIndexes(int flag) const override
    Definition: advection.h:26
    void setup(const WxCryptSet &wxc) override
    real internal_flux(const real *q, const real *aux, const solverVariables_t *pSV, std::vector< std::vector< real > > &internalFlux) const override
    real numerical_flux(const real *q_l, const real *q_r, const real *aux_l, const real *aux_r, const solverVariables_t *pFV, real *numericalFlux) const override
    std::vector< int > _variables
    Definition: advection.h:45
    const std::vector< int > & getInputVariableIndexes(int flag) const override
    Definition: advection.h:21
    Base namespace for everything not included in the global namespace.
    Definition: field_source.h:8
    Definition: wmapplication.h:38
    #define real
    Definition: wmoclunstructuredreconstruction.h:11


    #include "advection.h"
    // STL includes
    #include <cmath>
    #include <iostream>
    // Wm includes
    namespace wxm
    namespace apps
    _velocity = wxc.getVec<real>("Velocity");
    _velocity.resize(3, 0.);
    real advection_t::numerical_flux(const real* q_l, const real* q_r, const real* aux_l,
    const real* aux_r, const solverVariables_t* pSV, real* numericalFlux) const
    real velocity_x = _velocity[0];
    real velocity_y = _velocity[1];
    real velocity_z = _velocity[2];
    const real nc =
    velocity_x * pSV->R[0][0] + velocity_y * pSV->R[0][1] + velocity_z * pSV->R[0][2];
    const real absc = fabs(nc);
    // upwinding
    numericalFlux[0] = 0.5 * (q_r[0] * (nc - absc) + q_l[0] * (nc + absc));
    // Rusanov
    // numericalFlux[0] =
    // 0.5 * nc * (q_l[0] + q_r[0]) - 0.5 * absc * (q_l[0] - q_r[0]);
    // // central difference
    // numericalFlux[0] = 0.5 * (q_r[0] + q_l[0] );
    return pSV->cfl_max * pSV->dxn / absc;
    const solverVariables_t* pSV, std::vector<std::vector<real>>& internalFlux) const
    for (size_t i = 0; i < pSV->num_dims; ++i)
    internalFlux[i][0] = _velocity[i] * q[0];
    // Numerical flux should return the suggested dt
    return INFINITY;
    // Add app to registry
    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
    std::vector< int > _allowedFlags
    Definition: wmapplication.h:234
    Application_Variable WmApplication_Variable
    Definition: wmapplication.h:95
    virtual void setup(const WxCryptSet &wxc)
    std::vector< VALUETYPE > getVec(const std::string &name) const
    Retrieve list of values associated with name.
    Definition: wxcrypt.h:162
    std::vector< int > getIndexes() const
    Definition: app_base.h:29
    Definition: advection.h:13
    warpy q
    Definition: lobc_advection_1D.py:51
    real R[3][3]
    Definition: wmapplication.h:43
    real dxn
    Definition: wmapplication.h:42
    real cfl_max
    Definition: wmapplication.h:44
    int num_dims
    Definition: wmapplication.h:48
    Definition: wmapplication.h:22
    Definition: wmapplication.h:19
    #define REGISTER_CREATOR(name, specialization, base)
    Definition: wxcreator.h:317
  2. Registration - The last lines in the advection.cc file registers the scheme:


    // Add app to registry
    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
  3. Add to Cmake


  4. Add to warpy


    from .application import application
    class advection(application):
    @brief Advection
    @param name Name of module
    @param variable Variable
    @param velocity Velocity (list of 1, 2, or 3 values)
    @param components Components of variable
    def __init__(self, name, velocity, variable, components=None):
    super(advection, self).__init__(
    req_attrs=[('Kind', 'advection'),
    ('Velocity', velocity)],
    variables=[('Density', variable, components)])
  5. Add warpy function to init


    from .simple import advection
  6. Add warpy function to CMake



Example 2 - Ideal MHD

WARPXM has an Ideal MHD module upon which additional terms can be added, such as resistive diffusion, Hall terms, divergence cleaning, viscous terms, etc. The base Ideal MHD equations can be written as as conservation of:


\begin{align*} \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot\left(\rho \boldsymbol{u}\right) =& 0 \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \frac{\partial\left(\rho \boldsymbol{u}\right)}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot \left[\rho \boldsymbol{u}\boldsymbol{u} + p \mathcal{I} - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\boldsymbol{B}-\frac{1}{2}B^{2}\mathcal{I}\right) \right] =& 0 \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \frac{\partial e_{t}}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot \left[\left(e_{t}+p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)\boldsymbol{u}-\left(\boldsymbol{u}\cdot\boldsymbol{B}\right)\boldsymbol{B} \right] =& 0 \end{align*}

Magnetic Field

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial \boldsymbol{B}}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot\left(\boldsymbol{u}\boldsymbol{B} - \boldsymbol{B}\boldsymbol{u} \right) =& 0 \end{align*}

where \(\boldsymbol{u}=\left(u,v,w\right)\) and \(\boldsymbol{B}=\left(B_{x},B_{y},B_{z}\right)\), total energy \(e_{t}\) is related to pressure, \(p\), by

\begin{align*} e_{t} =& \frac{p}{\gamma-1} + \frac{1}{2}\rho \boldsymbol{u}\cdot\boldsymbol{u} + \frac{1}{2}\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{B} = \frac{p}{\gamma-1} + \frac{1}{2}\rho \left(u^{2}+v^{2}+w^{2}\right) + \frac{1}{2}\left(B_{x}^{2}+B_{y}^{2}+B_{z}^2\right) \end{align*}

Altogether this is written

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \begin{pmatrix} \rho \\ \rho u \\ \rho v \\ \rho w \\ e_{t} \\ B_{x} \\ B_{y} \\ B_{z} \end{pmatrix} + \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \begin{pmatrix} \rho u \\ \rho u u - (B_{x} B_{x} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \rho u v - B_{x} B_{y} \\ \rho u w - B_{x} B_{z} \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)u - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{x} \\ 0 \\ u B_{y} - B_{x} v \\ u B_{z} - B_{x} w \\ \end{pmatrix} + \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \begin{pmatrix} \rho v \\ \rho v u - B_{y} B_{x} \\ \rho v v - (B_{y} B_{y} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \rho v w - B_{y} B_{z} \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)v - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{y} \\ v B_{x} - B_{y} u \\ 0 \\ v B_{z} - B_{y} w \\ \end{pmatrix} + \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \begin{pmatrix} \rho w \\ \rho w u - B_{z} B_{x} \\ \rho w v - B_{z} B_{y} \\ \rho w w - (B_{z} B_{z} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)w - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{z} \\ w B_{x} - B_{z} u \\ w B_{y} - B_{z} v \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} =& \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \begin{pmatrix} \rho \\ \rho u \\ \rho v \\ \rho w \\ e_{t} \\ B_{x} \\ B_{y} \\ B_{z} \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} \rho u & \rho v & \rho w \\ \rho u u - (B_{x} B_{x} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p & \rho v u - B_{y} B_{x} & \rho w u - B_{z} B_{x} \\ \rho u v - B_{x} B_{y} & \rho v v - (B_{y} B_{y} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p & \rho w v - B_{z} B_{y} \\ \rho u w - B_{x} B_{z} & \rho v w - B_{y} B_{z} & \rho w w - (B_{z} B_{z} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)u - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{x} & \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)v - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{y} & \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)w - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{z} \\ 0 & v B_{x} - B_{y} u & w B_{x} - B_{z} u \\ u B_{y} - B_{x} v & 0 & w B_{y} - B_{z} v \\ u B_{z} - B_{x} w & v B_{z} - B_{y} w & 0 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \end{pmatrix} =& \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} \end{align*}

NOTE: When we write the flux tensor in WARPXM we write its transpose (see code below).

  1. Writing Internal Flux and Numerical Flux


    // WarpM includes
    // IMHD includes
    #include "apps/imhd/imhd.h"
    class WmApplication_IMHD_Flux : public WmApplication
    void setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc) override;
    const std::vector<int>& getInputVariableIndexes(int flag) const override
    return _inputVariables;
    const std::vector<int>& getOutputVariableIndexes(int flag) const override
    return _outputVariables;
    // redefinition of fluxes from parent
    real numerical_flux(const real* q_l, const real* q_r, const real* aux_l,
    const real* aux_r, const solverVariables_t* pFV,
    real* numericalFlux) const override;
    real internal_flux(const real* q, const real* aux,
    const solverVariables_t* pSV,
    std::vector<std::vector<real>>& internalFlux) const override;
    real _gas_gamma;
    std::string _numerical_flux_type; // this is the type of numerical flux you want to use (rusanov, roe, hll, hlld, etc.)
    std::vector<int> _inputVariables;
    std::vector<int> _outputVariables;
    real _min_density_floor;
    real _min_pressure_floor;
    WmApplication_IMHD_Flux& operator=(const WmApplication_IMHD_Flux& var);
    WmApplication_IMHD_Flux(const WmApplication_IMHD_Flux& var);
    virtual real numerical_flux(const real *q_l, const real *q_r, const real *aux_l, const real *aux_r, const solverVariables_t *pFV, real *numericalFlux) const
    Definition: wmapplication.h:126
    virtual real internal_flux(const real *q, const real *aux, const solverVariables_t *pSV, std::vector< std::vector< real > > &internalFlux) const
    Definition: wmapplication.h:137
    virtual const std::vector< int > & getInputVariableIndexes(int flag=0) const
    Definition: app_base.h:37
    virtual const std::vector< int > & getOutputVariableIndexes(int flag=0) const
    Definition: app_base.h:42


    // STD libraries
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cmath>
    // Wm libraries
    WmApplication_IMHD_Flux::setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc)
    WmApplication_Variable field(wxc, "Fluid", 8);
    _gas_gamma = wxc.get<real>(GAS_GAMMA);
    _numerical_flux_type = "Rusanov";
    if (wxc.has("NumericalFluxType"))
    _numerical_flux_type = wxc.get<std::string>("NumericalFluxType");
    _min_density_floor = 0.0;
    if (wxc.has("MinDensity"))
    _min_density_floor = wxc.get<real>("MinDensity");
    _min_pressure_floor = 0.0;
    if (wxc.has("MinPressure"))
    _min_pressure_floor = wxc.get<real>("MinPressure");
    _inputVariables = field.getIndexes();
    _outputVariables = field.getIndexes();
    WmApplication_IMHD_Flux::numerical_flux(const real * q_l,
    const real * q_r,
    const real * aux_l,
    const real * aux_r,
    const solverVariables_t * pFV,
    real * numericalFlux) const
    // Define the constants
    constants_imhd_t pC;
    populate_constants_imhd_t(&pC, _gas_gamma);
    // ensure positivity of density and pressure
    real dens_q_l[8], dens_q_r[8];
    real mod_q_l[8], mod_q_r[8];
    real c = imhd_numerical_flux(&pC,mod_q_l, mod_q_r, aux_l, aux_r, pFV, _numerical_flux_type, numericalFlux);
    return pFV->cfl_max * pFV->dxn / fabs(c);
    WmApplication_IMHD_Flux::internal_flux(const real * q,
    const real * aux,
    // const elementGeometry_t * pEG,
    const solverVariables_t * pSV,
    // real *internalFlux[8]
    std::vector< std::vector<real> >& internalFlux
    ) const
    constants_imhd_t pC;
    populate_constants_imhd_t(&pC, _gas_gamma);
    // ensure positivity of density and pressure
    real dens_q[8];
    real mod_q[8];
    imhd_internal_flux(&pC, pSV, mod_q, internalFlux);
    // Speeds should be calculated in numerical flux
    return INFINITY;
    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
    // IMHD flux
    REGISTER_CREATOR("iMHDFlux", WmApplication_IMHD_Flux, WmApplication);
    bool has(const std::string &name) const
    Returns true if the 'name' exists in the crypt.
    VALUETYPE get(const std::string &name) const
    Retrieve the value associated with name.
    Definition: wxcrypt.h:80
    real imhd_numerical_flux(const real gas_gamma, const real *q_l, const real *q_r, const real *aux_l, const real *aux_r, const solverVariables_t *pFV, const std::string &flux_type, real *numericalFlux, const real rho_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon(), const real press_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon())
    IMHD numerical flux vector calculated in global frame.
    void imhd_internal_flux(const real gas_gamma, const solverVariables_t *pSV, const real *q, std::vector< std::vector< real > > &internalFlux, const real rho_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon(), const real press_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon())
    IMHD internal flux tensor calculated in global frame.
    void ensure_floor_pressure(const real *q, real num_q, real gas_gamma, real pressure_floor, real *mod_q)
    void ensure_floor_density(const real *q, real num_q, real density_floor, real *mod_q)
    warpy field
    Definition: ein_bm.py:101
    Definition: band_diagram_1d.py:67

    where we are using helper functions for internal and numerical fluxes. For the ideal mhd internal flux we have from the file (src/apps/imhd/imhd.

    void imhd_internal_flux(const constants_imhd_t * pC, const solverVariables_t * pSV, const real* q, std::vector< std::vector<real> >& internalFlux)
    real gas_gamma1 = pC->gas_gamma - 1;
    real rho = q[0];
    real u = q[1]/rho;
    real v = q[2]/rho;
    real w = q[3]/rho;
    real E = q[4];
    real bx = q[5];
    real by = q[6];
    real bz = q[7];
    real B2 = dot_product(q+5);
    real V2 = dot_product(q+1)/rho/rho;
    real BdotV = dot_product(q+1,q+5)/rho;
    real p = get_p(pC->gas_gamma,rho,E,V2,B2);
    real Eterm1 = E + p + 0.5*B2;
    real Eterm2 = BdotV;
    internalFlux[0][0] = rho*u;
    internalFlux[0][1] = rho*u*u - (bx*bx-0.5*B2) + p;
    internalFlux[0][2] = rho*u*v - bx*by;
    internalFlux[0][3] = rho*u*w - bx*bz;
    internalFlux[0][4] = Eterm1*u - Eterm2*bx;
    internalFlux[0][5] = 0; // u*bx - bx*u
    internalFlux[0][6] = u*by - bx*v;
    internalFlux[0][7] = u*bz - bx*w;
    if (pSV->num_dims > 1)
    internalFlux[1][0] = rho*v;
    internalFlux[1][1] = rho*v*u - by*bx;
    internalFlux[1][2] = rho*v*v - (by*by-0.5*B2) + p;
    internalFlux[1][3] = rho*v*w - by*bz;
    internalFlux[1][4] = Eterm1*v - Eterm2*by;
    internalFlux[1][5] = v*bx - by*u;
    internalFlux[1][6] = 0; // v*by - by*v
    internalFlux[1][7] = v*bz - by*w;
    } // NUM_DIMS > 1
    if (pSV->num_dims > 2)
    internalFlux[2][0] = rho*w;
    internalFlux[2][1] = rho*w*u - bz*bx;
    internalFlux[2][2] = rho*w*v - bz*by;
    internalFlux[2][3] = rho*w*w - (bz*bz-0.5*B2) + p;
    internalFlux[2][4] = Eterm1*w - Eterm2*bz;
    internalFlux[2][5] = w*bx - bz*u;
    internalFlux[2][6] = w*by - bz*v;
    internalFlux[2][7] = 0; // w*bz - bz*w
    } // NUM_DIMS > 2
    real dot_product(const real *v)
    Definition: geometry.h:64
    real get_p(real gas_gamma, real rho, real E, real V2, real B2)
    Calculate pressure from MHD total energy.
    The numerical flux for ideal mhd is given also with a helper
    const constants_imhd_t * pC,
    const real * q_l,
    const real * q_r,
    const real * aux_l,
    const real * aux_r,
    const solverVariables_t * pFV,
    const std::string& flux_type,
    real * numericalFlux)
    real r_q_l[8];
    real r_q_r[8];
    real r_flux[8];
    real r_flux_l[8];
    real r_flux_r[8];
    real c;
    /* initialize scalars rho and e. No need for vectors p and B since they get rotated in next step */
    r_q_l[0] = q_l[0]; /* initialize rho on left */
    r_q_l[4] = q_l[4]; /* initialize e on left */
    r_q_r[0] = q_r[0]; /* ditto rho left */
    r_q_r[4] = q_r[4]; /* ditto e right */
    /* local face frame rotation */
    rotate_vector(q_l+1, pFV, r_q_l+1);
    rotate_vector(q_l+5, pFV, r_q_l+5);
    rotate_vector(q_r+1, pFV, r_q_r+1);
    rotate_vector(q_r+5, pFV, r_q_r+5);
    /* calculate flux left and right */
    imhd_numerical_flux_local_frame(pC->gas_gamma, r_q_l, r_flux_l);
    imhd_numerical_flux_local_frame(pC->gas_gamma, r_q_r, r_flux_r);
    // decide which numerical flux to use
    // switch doesn't work readily with strings in c/c++
    if (flux_type == "Rusanov")
    // rusanov_flux
    c = rusanov_flux(pC, r_q_l, r_q_r, r_flux_l, r_flux_r, r_flux);
    else if (flux_type == "HLL")
    // hll flux
    c = hll_flux(pC, r_q_l, r_q_r, r_flux_l, r_flux_r, r_flux);
    else if (flux_type == "HLLD")
    // hlld flux
    c = hlld_flux(pC, r_q_l, r_q_r, r_flux_l, r_flux_r, r_flux);
    else if (flux_type == "Roe")
    // roe flux
    c = roe_flux(pC, r_q_l, r_q_r, r_flux_l, r_flux_r, r_flux);
    WxExcept wxe("Got bad IMHD Numerical Flux Name\n");
    throw wxe;
    /* rotate back momentum and mag field */
    antirotate_vector(r_flux+1, pFV, numericalFlux+1);
    antirotate_vector(r_flux+5, pFV, numericalFlux+5);
    /* apply calculation of scalars rho and e */
    numericalFlux[0] = r_flux[0];
    numericalFlux[4] = r_flux[4];
    return c;
    wxm::lib::Except is the class to use for creating and throwing exceptions.
    Definition: wxexcept.h:31
    void rotate_vector(const real v[3], const solverVariables_t *pSV, real Rv[3])
    Definition: geometry.h:6
    void antirotate_vector(const real Rv[3], const solverVariables_t *pSV, real v[3])
    Definition: geometry.h:14
    real rusanov_flux(const real gas_gamma, const real *ql, const real *qr, const real *F_L, const real *F_R, real *F_num, const real rho_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon(), const real press_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon())
    void imhd_numerical_flux_local_frame(const real gas_gamma, const real *q, real *f, const real rho_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon(), const real press_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon())
    IMHD numerical flux vector calculated in frame rotated to element boundary.
    real roe_flux(const real gas_gamma, const real *ql, const real *qr, const real *F_L, const real *F_R, real *F_num, const real rho_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon(), const real press_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon())
    real hll_flux(const real gas_gamma, const real *ql, const real *qr, const real *F_L, const real *F_R, real *F_num, const real rho_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon(), const real press_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon())
    real hlld_flux(const real gas_gamma, const real *ql, const real *qr, const real *F_L, const real *F_R, real *F_num, const real rho_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon(), const real press_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon())

    where the specific flux functions are also given in imhd.cc, which can be looked up. Options are Rusanov, HLL, HLLD, and Roe (which requires the addition of a source term). Note that numerical fluxes are written in terms of a local face frame, which requires a dot with a normal or equivalently, a rotation operation, which is what is going on in this function. The procedure is:

    1. Rotate vector componants (may need to copy scalars if the vectors are rotated to different variables) from global frame to local face frame
    2. Apply numerical flux function based on left and right rotated states
    3. Antirotate vector componants back to global frame (copy any scalars if required)
  2. Registration - this is at the bottom of wmapplication_imhd_flux.cc


    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
    // IMHD flux
    REGISTER_CREATOR("iMHDFlux", WmApplication_IMHD_Flux, WmApplication);
  3. Add to CMakeLists.txt


  4. Add to warpy


    class imhd(application):
    @brief Ideal MHD
    def __init__(self, name, gamma,
    variable, numerical_flux_type='Rusanov',floor_density=None, floor_pressure=None,components=None):
    super(imhd, self).__init__(
    req_attrs=[('Kind', 'iMHDFlux'),
    ('gamma', gamma),
    opt_attrs=[('MinDensity', floor_density),
    variables=[('Fluid', variable, components)])
  5. Add warpy function to init.py


    from .imhd import imhd
  6. Add warpy function to CMake



Example 3 Resistive MHD Formulation

Now we would like to add resistive diffusion terms. These appear in Ohm's law as an addition to the ideal term:

\begin{align*} \boldsymbol{E} =& -\boldsymbol{u}\times\boldsymbol{B} + \color{red}{\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta \boldsymbol{j}} \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \boldsymbol{j} =& \left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\nabla\times\boldsymbol{B} \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \eta =& K\frac{A_{e}^{\frac{1}{2}}}{T_{e}^{\frac{3}{2}}} \end{align*}

where for now \( KA_{e}^{\frac{1}{2}}\) is being lumped into the \(\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\) and

\begin{align*} T_{e} =& \frac{p}{2\rho} \end{align*}

where assumptions that \(T_{e}=T_{i}\) and singly-charged ions have been made.

Next, to actually incorporate these terms into the equation set we must notice where Ohm's Law fits into the MHD equations. This happens where \(\boldsymbol{E}\) appears, shows up in the energy and induction equation. The energy equation for the the electromagnetic terms

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial e_{em}}{\partial t} - \nabla \cdot\left(\boldsymbol{B}\times\boldsymbol{E}\right) =& 0 \end{align*}

and induction equation

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial \boldsymbol{B}}{\partial t} + \nabla \times \boldsymbol{E} =& 0 \end{align*}

where here we are adding the term \(\color{red}{\boldsymbol{E}=\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta \boldsymbol{j}}\).

We can write the energy equation as

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial e_{em}}{\partial t} -\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \begin{pmatrix} B_{y}E_{z} - B_{z}E_{y} \end{pmatrix} -\frac{\partial}{\partial y} \begin{pmatrix} B_{z}E_{x} - B_{x}E_{z} \end{pmatrix} -\frac{\partial}{\partial z} \begin{pmatrix} B_{x}E_{y} - B_{y}E_{x} \end{pmatrix} =& 0 \end{align*}

We can write the induction equation in divergence form

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \begin{pmatrix} B_{x}\\ B_{y}\\ B_{z} \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} \partial_{y}E_{z} - \partial_{z}E_{y}\\ -\partial_{x}E_{z} + \partial_{z}E_{x}\\ \partial_{x}E_{y} - \partial_{y}E_{x} \end{pmatrix} =& 0 \nonumber \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \begin{pmatrix} B_{x}\\ B_{y}\\ B_{z} \end{pmatrix} + \partial_{x} \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ -E_{z} \\ +E_{y} \end{pmatrix} + \partial_{y} \begin{pmatrix} +E_{z} \\ 0 \\ -E_{x} \end{pmatrix} + \partial_{z} \begin{pmatrix} -E_{y} \\ +E_{x} \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} =& 0 \nonumber \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \begin{pmatrix} B_{x}\\ B_{y}\\ B_{z} \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} 0 & +E_{z} & -E_{y} \\ -E_{z} & 0 & +E_{x} \\ +E_{y} & -E_{x} & 0 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \end{pmatrix} =& 0 \end{align*}

Altogether this is written for resitive MHD

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \begin{pmatrix} \rho \\ \rho u \\ \rho v \\ \rho w \\ e_{t} \\ B_{x} \\ B_{y} \\ B_{z} \end{pmatrix} + \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \begin{pmatrix} \rho u \\ \rho u u - (B_{x} B_{x} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \rho u v - B_{x} B_{y} \\ \rho u w - B_{x} B_{z} \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)u - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{x} \color{red}{- \left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta \left(B_{y}j_{z} - B_{z}j_{y}\right)}\\ 0 \color{red}{+ 0} \\ u B_{y} - B_{x} v \color{red}{-\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{z}}\\ u B_{z} - B_{x} w \color{red}{+\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{y}}\\ \end{pmatrix} + \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \begin{pmatrix} \rho v \\ \rho v u - B_{y} B_{x} \\ \rho v v - (B_{y} B_{y} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \rho v w - B_{y} B_{z} \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)v - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{y} \color{red}{- \left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta \left(B_{z}j_{x} - B_{x}j_{z}\right)}\\ v B_{x} - B_{y} u \color{red}{+\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{z}}\\ 0 \color{red}{+ 0}\\ v B_{z} - B_{y} w \color{red}{-\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{x}}\\ \end{pmatrix} + \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \begin{pmatrix} \rho w \\ \rho w u - B_{z} B_{x} \\ \rho w v - B_{z} B_{y} \\ \rho w w - (B_{z} B_{z} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)w - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{z} \color{red}{- \left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta \left(B_{x}j_{y} - B_{y}j_{x}\right)}\\ w B_{x} - B_{z} u \color{red}{-\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{y}}\\ w B_{y} - B_{z} v \color{red}{+\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{x}}\\ 0 \color{red}{+ 0} \end{pmatrix} =& \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \begin{pmatrix} \rho \\ \rho u \\ \rho v \\ \rho w \\ e_{t} \\ B_{x} \\ B_{y} \\ B_{z} \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} \rho u & \rho v & \rho w \\ \rho u u - (B_{x} B_{x} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p & \rho v u - B_{y} B_{x} & \rho w u - B_{z} B_{x} \\ \rho u v - B_{x} B_{y} & \rho v v - (B_{y} B_{y} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p & \rho w v - B_{z} B_{y} \\ \rho u w - B_{x} B_{z} & \rho v w - B_{y} B_{z} & \rho w w - (B_{z} B_{z} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)u - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{x} \color{red}{- \left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta \left(B_{y}j_{z} - B_{z}j_{y}\right)} & \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)v - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{y} \color{red}{- \left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta \left(B_{z}j_{x} - B_{x}j_{z}\right)} & \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)w - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{z} \color{red}{- \left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta \left(B_{x}j_{y} - B_{y}j_{x}\right)} \\ 0 \color{red}{+ 0} & v B_{x} - B_{y} u \color{red}{+\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{z}} & w B_{x} - B_{z} u \color{red}{-\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{y}} \\ u B_{y} - B_{x} v \color{red}{-\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{z}} & 0 \color{red}{+ 0} & w B_{y} - B_{z} v \color{red}{+\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{x}} \\ u B_{z} - B_{x} w \color{red}{+\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{y}} & v B_{z} - B_{y} w \color{red}{-\left(\frac{\delta_{p}}{L}\right)\left(\nu_{p}\tau\right)\eta j_{x}} & 0 \color{red}{+ 0} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \end{pmatrix} =& \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} \end{align*}

NOTE: When we write the flux tensor in WARPXM we write its transpose (see code below).

Now that we have the equations, we can add on these terms two ways:

  1. Write a single resistive mhd module that writes the entire equation set
  2. Make a module with only resistive diffusion and make a simulation solve both ideal mhd + resistive difffusion modules

Example 3.1 Resistive MHD in 1 module

In this example we write the resistive mhd module (wmapplication_rmhd.h/cc) using helpers rmhd.h/cc to write the entire resistive mhd equation set. It will consist of writing internal and numerical fluxes specifically for the resistive diffusion terms and adding them to the ideal mhd fluxes within the module.

  1. Internal Flux, Numerical Flux


    // WarpM includes
    class WmApplication_RMHD : public WmApplication
    void setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc) override;
    const std::vector<int>& getInputVariableIndexes(
    int flag) const override
    return _inputVariables;
    const std::vector<int>& getAuxiliaryVariableIndexes(
    int flag) const override
    return _auxVariables;
    const std::vector<int>& getOutputVariableIndexes(
    int flag) const override
    return _outputVariables;
    const std::vector<int>& getCrossVariableIndexes(
    int flag) const override
    return _inputVariables;
    // redefinition of fluxes from parent
    real numerical_flux(const real* q_l, const real* q_r, const real* aux_l,
    const real* aux_r, const solverVariables_t* pFV,
    real* numericalFlux) const override;
    real internal_flux(const real* q, const real* aux,
    const solverVariables_t* pSV,
    std::vector<std::vector<real>>& internalFlux) const override;
    real _gas_gamma;
    real _skin_depth_norm;
    real _nu_p_norm;
    std::string _imhd_numerical_flux_type; // this is the type of numerical flux you want to use (rusanov, roe, hll, hlld, etc.)
    std::vector<int> _inputVariables;
    std::vector<int> _auxVariables;
    std::vector<int> _outputVariables;
    real _min_density_floor;
    real _min_pressure_floor;
    WmApplication_RMHD& operator=(const WmApplication_RMHD& var);
    WmApplication_RMHD(const WmApplication_RMHD& var);
    virtual const std::vector< int > & getAuxiliaryVariableIndexes(int flag=WMAPPLICATIONFLAG_NONE) const
    Definition: wmapplication.h:106
    virtual const std::vector< int > & getCrossVariableIndexes(int flag=WMAPPLICATIONFLAG_NONE) const
    Definition: wmapplication.h:112
    #include "wmapplication_rmhd.h"
    #include "rmhd.h"
    // STD libraries
    #include <iostream>
    // Wm libraries
    WmApplication_RMHD::setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc)
    WmApplication_Variable field(wxc, "Fluid", 8);
    WmApplication_Variable gradient_field(wxc, "FluidGradient", 24);
    _gas_gamma = wxc.get<real>(GAS_GAMMA);
    _skin_depth_norm = wxc.get<real>(SKIN_DEPTH_NORM);
    _nu_p_norm = wxc.get<real>(NU_P_NORM);
    _min_density_floor = 0.0;
    if (wxc.has("MinDensity"))
    _min_density_floor = wxc.get<real>("MinDensity");
    _min_pressure_floor = 0.0;
    if (wxc.has("MinPressure"))
    _min_pressure_floor = wxc.get<real>("MinPressure");
    _imhd_numerical_flux_type = "Rusanov";
    if (wxc.has("ImhdNumericalFluxType"))
    _imhd_numerical_flux_type = wxc.get<std::string>("ImhdNumericalFluxType");
    _inputVariables = field.getIndexes();
    _outputVariables = field.getIndexes();
    _auxVariables = gradient_field.getIndexes();
    WmApplication_RMHD::internal_flux(const real * q,
    const real * aux,
    const solverVariables_t * pSV,
    // real *internalFlux[8]
    std::vector< std::vector<real> >& internalFlux
    ) const
    // q = [rho, px, py, pz, e, Bx, By, Bz]
    // aux = [rho_x, rho_y, rho_z,
    // px_x, px_y, px_z, py_x, py_y, py_z, pz_x, pz_y, pz_z,
    // e_x, e_y, e_z
    // Bx_x, Bx_y, Bx_z, By_x, By_y, By_z, Bz_x, Bz_y, Bz_z]
    // Initialize constants
    constants_rmhd_t pC;
    populate_rmhd_t(&pC, _gas_gamma, _skin_depth_norm, _nu_p_norm);
    // ensure positivity of density and pressure
    real dens_q[8];
    real mod_q[8];
    // Advective (IDEAL MHD) portion
    // output vector allocation is [num_dims] x [_num_output_Q_max]
    std::vector<real> N_output_dimension_vector(8, 0.);
    std::vector< std::vector<real> > internal_advective_flux(pSV->num_dims, N_output_dimension_vector);
    // calculate internal flux from ideal mhd, put into internal_advective_flux
    imhd_internal_flux(&(pC.imhd), pSV, q, internal_advective_flux);
    // Diffusive (Resistive Terms) portion
    // output vector allocation is [num_dims] x [_num_output_Q_max]
    N_output_dimension_vector.assign(8, 0.);
    std::vector< std::vector<real> > internal_diffusive_flux(pSV->num_dims, N_output_dimension_vector);
    // calculate resistivity
    real eta = get_resistivity(&pC, q);
    // calculate J
    // const real * dp[3] = {aux+3, aux+6, aux+9}; // dpx, dpy, dpz not needed
    // const real * de[3] = {aux+12}; // de not needed
    const real * dB[3] = {aux+15, aux+18, aux+21};
    real J[3];
    real abs_j_coeff = current_density(&pC,dB,J);
    /* calculate internal diffusion flux */
    real abs_diff_coeff = rmhd_internal_diffusion_flux(&pC,pSV,mod_q,J,eta,internal_diffusive_flux);
    /* Add the 2 fluxes together */
    for(int i=0;i<pSV->num_dims;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<8;j++)
    internalFlux[i][j] = internal_advective_flux[i][j] + internal_diffusive_flux[i][j];
    /* printf("advective_flux[%d][%d]=%f\n",i,j,internal_advective_flux[i][j]); */
    return set_time_step(pSV, abs_j_coeff, abs_diff_coeff, eta);
    /* return pSV->cfl_max * pSV->cfl_max * pSV->dxn * pSV->dxn / (abs_j_coeff * abs_diff_coeff * fabs(eta)); */
    WmApplication_RMHD::numerical_flux(const real * q_l,
    const real * q_r,
    const real * aux_l,
    const real * aux_r,
    const solverVariables_t * pFV,
    real * numericalFlux) const
    // q = [rho, px, py, pz, e, Bx, By, Bz]
    // aux = [rho_x, rho_y, rho_z,
    // px_x, px_y, px_z, py_x, py_y, py_z, pz_x, pz_y, pz_z,
    // e_x, e_y, e_z
    // Bx_x, Bx_y, Bx_z, By_x, By_y, By_z, Bz_x, Bz_y, Bz_z]
    /* advective part */
    // Define the constants
    constants_imhd_t pCi;
    populate_constants_imhd_t(&pCi, _gas_gamma);
    // pCi.gas_gamma = _gas_gamma;
    // ensure positivity of density and pressure
    real dens_q_l[8], dens_q_r[8];
    real mod_q_l[8], mod_q_r[8];
    /* allocate numerical advective flux */
    real numerical_advective_flux[8];
    for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { numerical_advective_flux[i] = 0; }
    real c = imhd_numerical_flux(&pCi, q_l, q_r, aux_l, aux_r, pFV, _imhd_numerical_flux_type, numerical_advective_flux);
    /* diffusive part */
    const real * dB_l[3] = {aux_l+15, aux_l+18, aux_l+21};
    const real * dB_r[3] = {aux_r+15, aux_r+18, aux_r+21};
    real J_l[3];
    real J_r[3];
    // Initialize constants
    constants_rmhd_t pC;
    populate_rmhd_t(&pC, _gas_gamma, _skin_depth_norm, _nu_p_norm);
    /* allocate numerical diffusive flux */
    real numerical_diffusive_flux[8];
    for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { numerical_diffusive_flux[i] = 0; }
    // calcualte resistivity
    real eta_l = get_resistivity(&pC, mod_q_l);
    real eta_r = get_resistivity(&pC, mod_q_r);
    /* calculate J */
    real abs_j_coeff_l = current_density(&pC,dB_l,J_l); // careful: we might have modded density and pressure but not their gradients...
    real abs_j_coeff_r = current_density(&pC,dB_r,J_r);
    /* calculate numerical diffusion flux */
    real abs_diff_coeff = rmhd_numerical_diffusion_flux(&pC,pFV,mod_q_l,mod_q_r,J_l,J_r,eta_l,eta_r,numerical_diffusive_flux);
    /* add the 2 fluxes together */
    for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
    numericalFlux[i] = numerical_advective_flux[i] + numerical_diffusive_flux[i];
    return set_time_step(pFV,fmax(abs_j_coeff_l,abs_j_coeff_r), abs_diff_coeff, fmax(eta_l,eta_r));
    /* return pFV->cfl_max * pFV->cfl_max * pFV->dxn * pFV->dxn / (max(abs_j_coeff_l,abs_j_coeff_r) * abs_diff_coeff * fabs(eta)); */
    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
    // RMHD
    REGISTER_CREATOR("rMHD", WmApplication_RMHD, WmApplication);
    Definition: kinetic_equilibrium.py:453
    real get_resistivity(const real *q, const real gas_gamma, const real lnlam=10, const real Ai=1.0, const real Zi=1.0, const real Ae=1.0/1836.0, const real rho_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon(), const real press_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon())
    Compute Spitzer-like resistivity.
    real set_time_step(const solverVariables_t *pSV, const real j_coefficient, const real diffusion_coefficient, const real eta, const real cfl_diff=0.5)
    Suggested time step calculation for RMHD resistive diffusion.
    real rmhd_internal_diffusion_flux(const real nu_p_norm, const real skin_depth_norm, const solverVariables_t *pSV, const real *q, const real *J, const real eta, std::vector< std::vector< real > > &internal_diffusion_flux)
    the resistive diffusion flux functions are written in rmhd.cc.  For internal flux of diffusive terms we have
    real rmhd_internal_diffusion_flux(
    const constants_rmhd_t * pC,
    const solverVariables_t * pSV,
    const real * q,
    const real * J,
    const real eta,
    // real * internal_diffusion_flux[8]
    std::vector< std::vector<real> >& internal_diffusion_flux
    real Bx = q[5], By = q[6], Bz = q[7];
    real Jx = J[0], Jy = J[1], Jz = J[2];
    // real norm_factor_energy = pC->nu_p_norm * pC->imhd.omega_c_norm * pC->imhd.skin_depth_norm * pC->imhd.skin_depth_norm;
    real norm_factor_energy = pC->nu_p_norm * pC->skin_depth_norm;
    // real norm_factor_induction = pC->nu_p_norm / pC->imhd.omega_c_norm; /* setting omega_c tau to 0 is gonna give problems */
    real norm_factor_induction = pC->nu_p_norm * pC->skin_depth_norm; // actually same factor
    /* clear the tensor */
    for (int i=0;i<pSV->num_dims;i++)
    for (int j=0;j<8;j++)
    internal_diffusion_flux[i][j] = 0.;
    /* add to specific components */
    /* solving dq_j/dt + dF_ij/dx_i = 0 */
    /* dx terms */
    internal_diffusion_flux[0][4] += -norm_factor_energy * eta * (By*Jz - Bz*Jy); /* energy */
    internal_diffusion_flux[0][5] += 0; /* Bx */
    internal_diffusion_flux[0][6] += -norm_factor_induction * eta * Jz; /* By */
    internal_diffusion_flux[0][7] += +norm_factor_induction * eta * Jy; /* Bz */
    /* printf("got to line 107 of internal diffusion flux\n"); */
    if (pSV->num_dims > 1)
    /* dy terms */
    internal_diffusion_flux[1][4] += -norm_factor_energy * eta * (Bz*Jx - Bx*Jz); /* energy */;
    internal_diffusion_flux[1][5] += +norm_factor_induction * eta * Jz; /* Bx */;
    internal_diffusion_flux[1][6] += 0; /* By */
    internal_diffusion_flux[1][7] += -norm_factor_induction * eta * Jx; /* Bz */;
    if (pSV->num_dims > 2)
    /* dz terms */
    internal_diffusion_flux[2][4] += -norm_factor_energy * eta * (Bx*Jy - By*Jx); /* energy */;
    internal_diffusion_flux[2][5] += -norm_factor_induction * eta * Jy; /* Bx */;
    internal_diffusion_flux[2][6] += +norm_factor_induction * eta * Jx; /* By */
    internal_diffusion_flux[2][7] += 0; /* Bz */;
    /* printf("got to line 123 of internal diffusion flux\n"); */
    return fmax(fabs(norm_factor_energy), fabs(norm_factor_induction));
    list Bx
    Definition: brio_wu_shocktube_hall.py:75
    list By
    Definition: brio_wu_shocktube_hall.py:76
    Definition: kinetic_equilibrium.py:441
    These terms also have a numerical flux defined, according to the Local Discontinuous Galerkin formulation
    real rmhd_numerical_diffusion_flux(
    const constants_rmhd_t * pC,
    const solverVariables_t * pSV,
    const real * q_l,
    const real * q_r,
    const real * J_l,
    const real * J_r,
    const real eta_l,
    const real eta_r,
    real * numerical_diffusion_flux
    // iman's version LDG
    // The numerical flux will be given by
    // F = (1/2-beta_times_common_n_dot_n) * (F_l dot n) + (1/2+beta_times_common_n_dot_n) * (F_r dot n) - eta * (q_l - q_r)
    // where l represents "inside" or "lambda" element, and r reppresents "outside" or gamma element
    // let alpha_l = (1/2-beta_times_common_n_dot_n)
    // let alpha_r = (1/2+beta_times_common_n_dot_n)
    const real * norm = pSV->R[0]; /* normal vector */
    const real alpha_l = 0.5 - pSV->beta_times_common_n_dot_n;
    const real alpha_r = 0.5 + pSV->beta_times_common_n_dot_n;
    const real eta = pSV->eta;
    /* calculate internal diffusion flux */
    /* memory allocation */
    // output vector allocation is [num_dims] x [_num_output_Q_max]
    std::vector<real> N_output_dimension_vector(8, 0.);
    std::vector< std::vector<real> > internal_diffusion_flux(pSV->num_dims, N_output_dimension_vector);
    /* Calculate left state */
    real abs_diff_coeff_l = rmhd_internal_diffusion_flux(pC,pSV,q_l,J_l,eta_l,internal_diffusion_flux);
    // Initialize the numerical flux vector with the left state
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
    numerical_diffusion_flux[i] = 0.;
    for(int j = 0; j < pSV->num_dims; j++)
    numerical_diffusion_flux[i] += alpha_l * internal_diffusion_flux[j][i] * norm[j];
    /* Right state */
    N_output_dimension_vector.assign(8, 0.);
    internal_diffusion_flux.assign(pSV->num_dims, N_output_dimension_vector);
    real abs_diff_coeff_r = rmhd_internal_diffusion_flux(pC,pSV,q_r,J_r,eta_r,internal_diffusion_flux);
    // Initialize the numerical flux vector with the left state
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < pSV->num_dims; j++){
    numerical_diffusion_flux[i] += alpha_r * internal_diffusion_flux[j][i] * norm[j];
    // Next we do the final penalty (don't apply to density)
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    // if( i != 0)
    numerical_diffusion_flux[i] -= eta * (q_l[i] - q_r[i]);
    // This probably needs to be a bit more restrictive
    return fmax(abs_diff_coeff_l,abs_diff_coeff_r);
    real eta
    Definition: wmapplication.h:45
    real beta_times_common_n_dot_n
    Definition: wmapplication.h:50
  2. Registration - this is at the bottom of wmapplication_rmhd.cc (src/apps/imhd/wmapplication_rmhd.cc)
    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
    // RMHD
    REGISTER_CREATOR("rMHD", WmApplication_RMHD, WmApplication);
  3. Add to CMakeLists.txt


  4. Add to warpy


    from ..application import application
    class rmhd(application):
    @brief Resistive MHD
    def __init__(self, name, skin_depth_norm,nu_p_norm, gamma,
    variable, gradient_variable, imhd_numerical_flux_type=None, floor_density=None, floor_pressure=None, components=None, gradient_variable_components=None):
    super(rmhd, self).__init__(
    req_attrs=[('Kind', 'rMHD'),
    ('skin_depth_norm', skin_depth_norm),
    ('nu_p_norm', nu_p_norm),
    ('gamma', gamma),
    opt_attrs=[('MinDensity', floor_density),
    variables=[('Fluid', variable, components),
    ('FluidGradient', gradient_variable, gradient_variable_components)])
  5. Add warpy function to init


    from . import rmhd


    from .rmhd import rmhd
  6. Add warpy function to CMake





Example 3.1.1 Initial Condition

In order to actually run a problem you'll want to set some intial condition and boundary conditions (unless periodic, which you set in the mesh). There is a library of initial conditions, many of which are for single variables, with various options, such as "set_to", "Heaviside", and "polynomial", while others are for equation sets, such as mhd. Here we will develop wmicfunction_mhd_custom. The steps are very similar to writing an application, but instead of writing functions for fluxes and sources, we write an "applyFunction", which for a given coordinate position \((x,y,z)\).

  1. Writing a function class for initial condition. Here I make a custom file, defining

    • Constructor
    • Destructor
    • setup
    • applyFunction
    • an required variables


    // std includes
    #include <vector>
    #include <string>
    // Wm includes
    void setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc);
    void applyFunction(const real * position, real * value) const;
    real _gas_gamma;
    real _skin_depth_param;
    Definition: wmicfunction_mhd_custom.h:12
    Create new WmICFunction_Mhd_Custom.
    void setup(const WxCryptSet &wxc)
    Setup WmICFunction_Mhd_Custom object using supplied cryptset.
    void applyFunction(const real *position, real *value) const
    Evaluate the function at a position and return the result through a pointer.
    Destroy WmICFunction_Mhd_Custom.
    Base class for functions used in generating initial conditions.
    Definition: wmicfunction.h:25

    Set the number of arguments, initialize variables from cryptset in setup, and define function in applyFunction. (src/initialConditions/wmicfunction_mhd_custom.cc)

    // STL includes
    #include <cmath>
    // Wm includes
    // #include "lib/wmpearsonIVfunctions.h"
    _numArgs = 8;
    _gas_gamma = wxc.get<real>(GAS_GAMMA);
    _skin_depth_param = wxc.get<real>(SKIN_DEPTH_NORM);
    WmICFunction_Mhd_Custom::applyFunction(const real * position, real * qc) const
    const real x = position[0];
    const real y = position[1];
    const real z = position[2];
    // Gaussian
    real min = 0.0;
    real max = 1.0;
    std::vector<real> average = std::vector<real>(3,0.);
    int numDims = average.size();
    real standardDeviation = 0.125;
    real C0 = _min;
    real C1 = (max - min);
    real C3 = 0.;
    for(int i = 0; i < numDims; i++){
    C3 += (position[i] - average[i]) * (position[i] - average[i]);
    real C2 = - C3 / (2. * standardDeviation * standardDeviation);
    real gaussian_value = C0 + C1 * exp(C2);
    // constant
    real constant_value1 = 1.0;
    real constant_value2 = 1.0;
    // Sine wave
    // real sinewave = std::cos(4*wxm::pi*x);
    real sinewave = std::sin(2*wxm::pi*x);
    real rho = constant_value1;
    real vx = 0.0;
    real vy = 0.0;
    real vz = 0.0;
    real P = constant_value2;
    real Bx = 0.0;
    real By = constant_value1;//gaussian_value; //sinewave;//
    real Bz = 0.0;
    // Convert to the output conserved variables
    real gamma1 = _gas_gamma - 1.0;
    real V2 = vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz;
    real B2 = Bx*Bx + By*By + Bz*Bz;
    real E = P/gamma1 + 0.5*rho*V2 + 0.5*B2;
    qc[0] = rho;
    qc[1] = rho*vx;
    qc[2] = rho*vy;
    qc[3] = rho*vz;
    qc[4] = E;
    qc[5] = Bx;
    qc[6] = By;
    qc[7] = Bz;
    // Register
    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
    int _numArgs
    Definition: wmicfunction.h:98
    virtual void setup(const WxCryptSet &wxc)
    Setup WmICFunction object using supplied cryptset.
    float P
    Definition: shock_tube.py:14
    list rho
    Definition: zpinch_5-moment_1D.py:239
    np x
    Definition: band_diagram_1d.py:62
    list vz
    Definition: dai_woodward_shocktube.py:73
    list vx
    Definition: dai_woodward_shocktube.py:71
    list vy
    Definition: dai_woodward_shocktube.py:72
    np y
    Definition: fvm_plotter_test.py:84
  2. Registration - The last lines in the wmicfunction_mhd_custom.cc file registers the scheme:


    // Register
    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
  3. Add to CMakeLists.txt


  4. Add to warpy


    from .. import generator as gen
    class custom_mhd(gen.warpy_obj):
    def __init__(self, name, skin_depth_norm, gamma):
    super(custom_mhd, self).__init__(name,
    ('Kind', 'custom_mhd'),
    ('skin_depth_norm', skin_depth_norm),
    ('gamma', gamma)])
  5. Add warpy function to init


    from .applicator import applicator
    from .custom_mhd import custom_mhd
  6. Add warpy function to CMake



Example 3.1.2 Boundary Condition

Boundary conditions are just another application, specific to a particular to a particular set of variables. Often they make sense physically for a specific equation set, e.g. no slip wall for Euler or Ideal MHD. One can also apply Dirichlet or Neumann conditions to particular variables. Here, I show a no-slip wall condition used by resistive mhd.

  1. Write boundary condition


    // WarpM includes
    class WmApplication_Rmhd_BC_NoslipWall : public WmApplication
    void setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc) override;
    const std::vector<int>& getInputVariableIndexes(int flag) const override
    return _inputVariables;
    const std::vector<int>& getOutputVariableIndexes(int flag) const override
    return _outputVariables;
    // redefinition of bc
    void bc_q(const real* q_in, const solverVariables_t* pFV,
    real* q_out) const override;
    real _gas_gamma;
    real _skin_depth_norm;
    real _nu_p_norm;
    std::vector<real> _wallVelocity;
    std::vector<real> _wallMagneticField;
    std::vector<int> _inputVariables;
    std::vector<int> _outputVariables;
    WmApplication_Rmhd_BC_NoslipWall& operator=(
    const WmApplication_Rmhd_BC_NoslipWall& var);
    const WmApplication_Rmhd_BC_NoslipWall& var);
    virtual void bc_q(const real *q_in, const real *aux_in, const real *aux_out, const solverVariables_t *pFV, real *q_out) const
    Boundary Condition Application which sets the boundary condition on ghost nodes.
    Definition: wmapplication.h:175
    #include "rmhd.h"
    // STD libraries
    #include <iostream>
    // Wm includes
    WmApplication_Rmhd_BC_NoslipWall::setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc)
    WmApplication_Variable fluid(wxc, "Fluid", 8);
    _gas_gamma = wxc.get<real>(GAS_GAMMA);
    _skin_depth_norm = wxc.get<real>(SKIN_DEPTH_NORM);
    _nu_p_norm = wxc.get<real>(NU_P_NORM);
    _wallVelocity = wxc.getVec<real>("WallVelocity");
    _wallMagneticField = wxc.getVec<real>("WallMagneticField");
    _inputVariables = fluid.getIndexes();
    _outputVariables = _inputVariables;
    WmApplication_Rmhd_BC_NoslipWall::bc_q(const real * q_in,
    /* const real * restrict aux, */
    const solverVariables_t * pFV,
    real * q_out) const
    /* calcualte numerical diffusive flux from rmhd */
    // Define the constants
    constants_rmhd_t pC;
    populate_rmhd_t(&pC, _gas_gamma, _skin_depth_norm, _nu_p_norm);
    real wall_vx = _wallVelocity[0], wall_vy = _wallVelocity[1], wall_vz = _wallVelocity[2];
    real wall_bx = _wallMagneticField[0], wall_by = _wallMagneticField[1], wall_bz = _wallMagneticField[2];
    // Apply boundary conditions
    noslipWallCondition_MHD(&pC, pFV, q_in, wall_vx, wall_vy, wall_vz, wall_bx, wall_by, wall_bz, q_out);
    // Register the class with wxcreator
    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
    REGISTER_CREATOR("rMHDNoSlipWall", WmApplication_Rmhd_BC_NoslipWall, WmApplication);
    warpy fluid
    Definition: shock_tube.py:22
    void noslipWallCondition_MHD(const real gas_gamma, const solverVariables_t *pSV, const real *QC, const real vx_w, const real vy_w, const real vz_w, const real bx_w, const real by_w, const real bz_w, real *QC_w, const real rho_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon(), const real press_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon())
    Definition: wmapplication.h:28
    where noslipWallCondition_MHD is defined with helper in rmhd.cc
    const constants_rmhd_t * pC,
    const solverVariables_t * pSV,
    const real * QC,
    const real vx_w,
    const real vy_w,
    const real vz_w,
    const real bx_w,
    const real by_w,
    const real bz_w,
    real * QC_w)
    // Allocate space for the nonconserved variables
    real QNC[8];
    // Calculate nonconserved variables
    // CtoNC_MHD(&(pC->imhd),QC,QNC);
    // We are assuming that the pressure and the density of the fluid in the wall is the same
    // FORM 0: This is the simple form - it works, but I can do better
    // The velocity in the wall is assumed to be the velocity of the wall
    QNC[1] = vx_w;
    QNC[2] = vy_w;
    QNC[3] = vz_w;
    QNC[5] = bx_w;
    QNC[6] = by_w;
    QNC[7] = bz_w;
    // // FORM 1: Slightly more complex, but it is derived from the kinetic expression when reflecting the distribution across the wall
    // QNC[1] = 2. * vx_w - QNC[1];
    // QNC[2] = 2. * vy_w - QNC[2];
    // QNC[3] = 2. * vz_w - QNC[3];
    // QNC[5] = 2. * bx_w - QNC[5];
    // QNC[6] = 2. * by_w - QNC[6];
    // QNC[7] = 2. * bz_w - QNC[7];
    // Convert the nonconserved variables into conserved variables
    // NCtoC_MHD(&(pC->imhd),QNC,QC_w);
    /* printf("rho= %f, px = %f, py = %f, pz = %f, e = %f, bx = %f, by = %f, bz = %f\n",QC_w[0],QC_w[1],QC_w[2],QC_w[3],QC_w[4],QC_w[5],QC_w[6],QC_w[7]); */
    void CtoNC_MHD(const real gas_gamma, const real QC[8], real QNC[8], const real rho_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon(), const real press_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon())
    Converts conserved variables to nonconserved (primitive) variables.
    void NCtoC_MHD(const real gas_gamma, const real QNC[8], real QC[8], const real rho_min=std::numeric_limits< real >::epsilon())
    Converts nonconserved (primitive) variables to conserved variables.
  2. Registration - this is at the bottom of wmapplication_rmhd_bc_noslipwall.cc


    // Register the class with wxcreator
    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
    REGISTER_CREATOR("rMHDNoSlipWall", WmApplication_Rmhd_BC_NoslipWall, WmApplication);
  3. Add to CMakeLists.txt


  4. Add to warpy


    from ..application import application
    class rmhd_noslip_wall(application):
    def __init__(self, name, on_boundaries, skin_depth_norm, nu_p_norm,gamma,
    variable, gradient_variable, wall_velocity=[0.0,0.0,0.0], wall_magnetic_field=[0.0,0.0,0.0], components=None, gradient_variable_components=None):
    @param name
    @param boundary_subdomains list of boundary subdomains this BC should be applied to
    @param skin_depth_norm
    @param gamma
    @param variable
    @param components
    super(rmhd_noslip_wall, self).__init__(
    req_attrs=[('Kind', 'rMHDNoSlipWall'),
    ('OnBoundaries', on_boundaries),
    ('skin_depth_norm', skin_depth_norm),
    ('nu_p_norm', nu_p_norm),
    ('gamma', gamma),
    variables=[('Fluid', variable, components),
    ('FluidGradient', gradient_variable, gradient_variable_components)])
  5. Add warpy function to init


    from . import rmhd


    from .rmhd_noslip_wall import rmhd_noslip_wall
  6. Add warpy function to CMake





Example 3.1.3 Putting it all together

Armed with an equation set, initial conditions, and boundary conditions, we can now write a python input file. Here we setup a simple 1D problem with constant density, pressure and By and set By to 0 at the boundaries. This is effectively running the diffusion equatoin on magnetic field where the boundary conditions are pulling down the magnetic field in the middle of the domain. The input file is written:


# helps with making this script work with Python 2 or 3
from __future__ import division, print_function
# all WARPXM Python interface is found in the warpy package
import warpy
# helpers for temporal and spatial order used later
torder = 'RK4'
sorder = 'secondOrder'
# normalization params
skin_depth_norm = 1.0
nu_p_norm = 1.0# 0.1
gamma = 2.0
penalty_beta = -0.5#0.0#-0.5# -1.0#0.0#0.0#
penalty_eta = 0.0
imhd_numerical_flux_type = "Rusanov"
cfl = 1.0
# Generate a 1D mesh
# For periodic FVM simulations, the mesh must be specified with no external ghost layers (GenLayers=0)
mesh = warpy.mesh.block(Bounds=[-.5, .5],
NodeSets=['leftWall', 'rightWall'],
# PeriodicBoundaries=['leftWall','rightWall'],
# Create a variable for the fluid
component_names = ['rho', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'e', 'Bx', 'By', 'Bz']
fluid = warpy.variable(name='fluid',components=component_names,basis_array_set=sorder)
gradient_component_names = [prefix+"_"+suffix for prefix in component_names for suffix in ['x','y','z']]
fluid_gradient = warpy.variable(name='fluid_gradient', components=gradient_component_names,basis_array_set=sorder)
# Initial conditions consist of a function and applicator
pure_diffusion_ic = warpy.functions.custom_mhd(name='pure_diffusion_ic',skin_depth_norm=skin_depth_norm,gamma=gamma)
# bandpass_ic = warpy.functions.bandpass(name='fluid_ic', width=[0.25])
# sinewave_ic = warpy.functions.fourier(name='sinewave',sine_amplitudes=1.0,sine_frequencies=2*3.1415)
# setto_ic = warpy.functions.set_to(name='setto',value=0.5)
# applicators:
ic_applicators = [warpy.applicator(spatial_order=sorder,
# ic_applicators = [warpy.applicator(spatial_order=sorder,fun=bandpass_ic,var=fluid,components=['By'],spatial_scheme='Nodal'),
# warpy.applicator(spatial_order=sorder,fun=setto_ic,var=fluid,components=['rho'],spatial_scheme='Nodal')]
# applications consist of equation sets and boundary conditions
apps = []
dirichlet_apps = []
# bc
on_boundaries=['leftWall', 'rightWall'],
# write out the fluid variable
writer = warpy.host_actions.writer(name='writer',
fluid_gradient] )
# Spatial Solver
spatial_solver = warpy.spatial_solvers.dg(name="dg",
# Variable adjusters
variable_adjusters = []
adjust_bc_apps = []
# Time integrator
ti = warpy.host_actions.erk(name="ti",
dt_controller = warpy.dt_calc.fixed_dt(init_dt=1.0e-6)
sim = warpy.dg_sim(name='test_rmhd_secondSorder',
# sim = warpy.dg_sim(name='test_imhd_plus_resistive_diffusion_secondSorder',
sim.run('mhd/resistive/jan26_2018', gen_xdmf=True, detect_nonscalar=True)
Dirichlet boundary condition.
Definition: simple.py:151
Discontinuous finite element RK simulation.
Definition: dg_sim.py:11
Definition: fixed_dt.py:4
Definition: custom_mhd.py:4
Explicit Runge-Kutta temporal solver Note: Dormand45 currently will not work correctly with limiters ...
Definition: erk.py:5
Writes out a list of variables.
Definition: writer.py:4
block mesh generator
Definition: mesh.py:87
Definition: variable.py:4
spatial solver - currently hardcoded for rk methods
Definition: boundary_conditions.py:4
dg_gradient solves for gradients for the dg interface
Definition: dg_gradient.py:4

Example 3.2 Resistive MHD in 2 modules

Instead of running 1 resitive mhd application which adds the ideal and resistive diffusion terms for you, you could also run these as separate applications stacked together. You need to write a specific resistive diffusion application with only those terms:

  1. Resistive Diffusion Application


    // WarpM includes
    class WmApplication_Resistive_Diffusion : public WmApplication
    void setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc) override;
    const std::vector<int>& getInputVariableIndexes(
    int flag) const override
    return _inputVariables;
    const std::vector<int>& getAuxiliaryVariableIndexes(
    int flag) const override
    return _auxVariables;
    const std::vector<int>& getOutputVariableIndexes(
    int flag) const override
    return _outputVariables;
    const std::vector<int>& getCrossVariableIndexes(
    int flag) const override
    return _inputVariables;
    // redefinition of fluxes from parent
    real numerical_flux(const real* q_l, const real* q_r, const real* aux_l,
    const real* aux_r, const solverVariables_t* pFV,
    real* numericalFlux) const override;
    // real internal_flux(const real * q, const real * aux, const
    // elementGeometry_t * pEG, real *internalFlux[8]) const;
    real internal_flux(const real* q, const real* aux,
    const solverVariables_t* pSV,
    std::vector<std::vector<real>>& internalFlux) const override;
    real _gas_gamma;
    real _skin_depth_norm;
    real _nu_p_norm;
    // std::string _imhd_numerical_flux_type; // this is the type of numerical flux you want to use (rusanov, roe, hll, hlld, etc.)
    std::vector<int> _inputVariables;
    std::vector<int> _auxVariables;
    std::vector<int> _outputVariables;
    real _min_density_floor;
    real _min_pressure_floor;
    WmApplication_Resistive_Diffusion& operator=(const WmApplication_Resistive_Diffusion& var);
    WmApplication_Resistive_Diffusion(const WmApplication_Resistive_Diffusion& var);
    #include "rmhd.h"
    // STD libraries
    #include <iostream>
    // Wm libraries
    WmApplication_Resistive_Diffusion::setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc)
    WmApplication_Variable field(wxc, "Fluid", 8);
    WmApplication_Variable gradient_field(wxc, "FluidGradient", 24);
    _gas_gamma = wxc.get<real>(GAS_GAMMA);
    _skin_depth_norm = wxc.get<real>(SKIN_DEPTH_NORM);
    _nu_p_norm = wxc.get<real>(NU_P_NORM);
    _min_density_floor = 0.0;
    if (wxc.has("MinDensity"))
    _min_density_floor = wxc.get<real>("MinDensity");
    _min_pressure_floor = 0.0;
    if (wxc.has("MinPressure"))
    _min_pressure_floor = wxc.get<real>("MinPressure");
    // _imhd_numerical_flux_type = "Rusanov";
    // if (wxc.has("ImhdNumericalFluxType"))
    // {
    // _imhd_numerical_flux_type = wxc.get<std::string>("ImhdNumericalFluxType");
    // }
    _inputVariables = field.getIndexes();
    _outputVariables = field.getIndexes();
    _auxVariables = gradient_field.getIndexes();
    WmApplication_Resistive_Diffusion::internal_flux(const real * q,
    const real * aux,
    const solverVariables_t * pSV,
    // real *internalFlux[8]
    std::vector< std::vector<real> >& internalFlux
    ) const
    // q = [rho, px, py, pz, e, Bx, By, Bz]
    // aux = [rho_x, rho_y, rho_z,
    // px_x, px_y, px_z, py_x, py_y, py_z, pz_x, pz_y, pz_z,
    // e_x, e_y, e_z
    // Bx_x, Bx_y, Bx_z, By_x, By_y, By_z, Bz_x, Bz_y, Bz_z]
    // Initialize constants
    constants_rmhd_t pC;
    populate_rmhd_t(&pC, _gas_gamma, _skin_depth_norm, _nu_p_norm);
    // Diffusive portion only
    // calculate resistivity
    real eta = get_resistivity(&pC, q);
    // calculate J
    // const real * dp[3] = {aux+3, aux+6, aux+9};
    const real * dB[3] = {aux+15, aux+18, aux+21};
    real J[3];
    real abs_j_coeff = current_density(&pC,dB,J);
    // calculate internal diffusion flux
    real abs_diff_coeff = rmhd_internal_diffusion_flux(&pC,pSV,q,J,eta,internalFlux);
    return set_time_step(pSV, abs_j_coeff, abs_diff_coeff, eta);
    WmApplication_Resistive_Diffusion::numerical_flux(const real * q_l,
    const real * q_r,
    const real * aux_l,
    const real * aux_r,
    const solverVariables_t * pFV,
    real * numericalFlux) const
    // q = [rho, px, py, pz, e, Bx, By, Bz]
    // aux = [rho_x, rho_y, rho_z,
    // px_x, px_y, px_z, py_x, py_y, py_z, pz_x, pz_y, pz_z,
    // e_x, e_y, e_z
    // Bx_x, Bx_y, Bx_z, By_x, By_y, By_z, Bz_x, Bz_y, Bz_z]
    // diffusive part only
    const real * dB_l[3] = {aux_l+15, aux_l+18, aux_l+21};
    const real * dB_r[3] = {aux_r+15, aux_r+18, aux_r+21};
    real J_l[3], J_r[3];
    // Initialize constants
    constants_rmhd_t pC;
    populate_rmhd_t(&pC, _gas_gamma, _skin_depth_norm, _nu_p_norm);
    // calculate resistivity
    real eta_l = get_resistivity(&pC, q_l);
    real eta_r = get_resistivity(&pC, q_r);
    // calculate J
    real abs_j_coeff_l = current_density(&pC,dB_l,J_l); // careful: we might have modded density and pressure (in imhd part) but not their gradients...
    real abs_j_coeff_r = current_density(&pC,dB_r,J_r);
    // calculate numerical resistive diffusion flux
    real abs_diff_coeff = rmhd_numerical_diffusion_flux(&pC,pFV,q_l,q_r,J_l,J_r,eta_l,eta_r,numericalFlux);
    return set_time_step(pFV,fmax(abs_j_coeff_l,abs_j_coeff_r), abs_diff_coeff, fmax(eta_l,eta_r));
    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
    // Resistive_Diffusion
    REGISTER_CREATOR("resistive_diffusion", WmApplication_Resistive_Diffusion, WmApplication);
  2. Registration - this is at the bottom of wmapplication_resistive_diffusion.cc (src/apps/imhd/wmapplication_resistive_diffusion.cc)
    // Resistive_Diffusion
    REGISTER_CREATOR("resistive_diffusion", WmApplication_Resistive_Diffusion, WmApplication);
  3. Add to CMakeLists.txt


  4. Add to warpy


    from ..application import application
    class resistive_diffusion(application):
    @brief Resistive Diffusion Terms for MHD Only
    def __init__(self, name, skin_depth_norm,nu_p_norm, gamma,
    variable, gradient_variable, floor_density=None, floor_pressure=None, components=None, gradient_variable_components=None):
    super(resistive_diffusion, self).__init__(
    req_attrs=[('Kind', 'resistive_diffusion'),
    ('skin_depth_norm', skin_depth_norm),
    ('nu_p_norm', nu_p_norm),
    ('gamma', gamma)],
    opt_attrs=[('MinDensity', floor_density),
    variables=[('Fluid', variable, components),
    ('FluidGradient', gradient_variable, gradient_variable_components)])
  5. Add warpy function to init


    from . import rmhd


    from .rmhd import rmhd
    from .rmhd import resistive_diffusion
  6. Add warpy function to CMake





Example 3.2.1 Putting it together

Now we can use the same in put file as in the previous example, except that we swap the rmhd app:



for an imhd app followed by a resistive_diffusion app: (examples/dg/mhd/resistive_mhd_pure_diffusion.py)


Example 4 - Ideal MHD with Divergence Cleaning

The ideal mhd equations ammended with divergence cleaning terms (in green), as coded in WARPXM are as follows:


\begin{align*} \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot\left(\rho \boldsymbol{u}\right) =& 0 \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \frac{\partial\left(\rho \boldsymbol{u}\right)}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot \left[\rho \boldsymbol{u}\boldsymbol{u} + p \mathcal{I} - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\boldsymbol{B}-\frac{1}{2}B^{2}\mathcal{I}\right) \right] =& 0 \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \frac{\partial e_{t}}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot \left[\left(e_{t}+p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)\boldsymbol{u}-\left(\boldsymbol{u}\cdot\boldsymbol{B}\right)\boldsymbol{B} \right] =& 0 \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \frac{\partial \boldsymbol{B}}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot\left(\boldsymbol{u}\boldsymbol{B} - \boldsymbol{B}\boldsymbol{u} {\color{green}{+\psi\mathcal{I}}} \right) =& 0 \end{align*}

\(\boldsymbol{B}\) advection

\begin{align*} \color{green} { \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot\left(c_{h}^{2}\boldsymbol{B}\right) } =& \color{green} { -\frac{c_{h}^{2}}{c_{p}^{2}}\psi } \end{align*}

Altogether this is written

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \begin{pmatrix} \rho \\ \rho u \\ \rho v \\ \rho w \\ e_{t} \\ B_{x} \\ B_{y} \\ B_{z} \\ \color{green}{\psi} \end{pmatrix} + \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \begin{pmatrix} \rho u \\ \rho u u - (B_{x} B_{x} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \rho u v - B_{x} B_{y} \\ \rho u w - B_{x} B_{z} \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)u - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{x} \\ 0 \color{green}{+\psi}\\ u B_{y} - B_{x} v \\ u B_{z} - B_{x} w \\ \color{green}{c_{h}^2 B_{x}} \end{pmatrix} + \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \begin{pmatrix} \rho v \\ \rho v u - B_{y} B_{x} \\ \rho v v - (B_{y} B_{y} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \rho v w - B_{y} B_{z} \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)v - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{y} \\ v B_{x} - B_{y} u \\ 0 \color{green}{+\psi} \\ v B_{z} - B_{y} w \\ \color{green}{c_{h}^2 B_{y}} \end{pmatrix} + \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \begin{pmatrix} \rho w \\ \rho w u - B_{z} B_{x} \\ \rho w v - B_{z} B_{y} \\ \rho w w - (B_{z} B_{z} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)w - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{z} \\ w B_{x} - B_{z} u \\ w B_{y} - B_{z} v \\ 0 \color{green}{+\psi} \\ \color{green}{c_{h}^2 B_{z}} \end{pmatrix} =& \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \color{green}{-\frac{c_{h}^{2}}{c_{p}^{2}}\psi} \end{pmatrix} \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \begin{pmatrix} \rho \\ \rho u \\ \rho v \\ \rho w \\ e_{t} \\ B_{x} \\ B_{y} \\ B_{z} \\ \color{green}{\psi} \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} \rho u & \rho v & \rho w \\ \rho u u - (B_{x} B_{x} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p & \rho v u - B_{y} B_{x} & \rho w u - B_{z} B_{x} \\ \rho u v - B_{x} B_{y} & \rho v v - (B_{y} B_{y} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p & \rho w v - B_{z} B_{y} \\ \rho u w - B_{x} B_{z} & \rho v w - B_{y} B_{z} & \rho w w - (B_{z} B_{z} - \frac{1}{2}B^{2}) + p \\ \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)u - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{x} & \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)v - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{y} & \left(e_{t} + p + \frac{1}{2}B^{2}\right)w - \left(\boldsymbol{B}\cdot\boldsymbol{u}\right)B_{z} \\ 0 \color{green}{+\psi} & v B_{x} - B_{y} u & w B_{x} - B_{z} u \\ u B_{y} - B_{x} v & 0 \color{green}{+\psi} & w B_{y} - B_{z} v \\ u B_{z} - B_{x} w & v B_{z} - B_{y} w & 0 \color{green}{+\psi} \\ \color{green}{c_{h}^2 B_{x}} & \color{green}{c_{h}^2 B_{y}} & \color{green}{c_{h}^2 B_{z}} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \end{pmatrix} =& \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \color{green}{-\frac{c_{h}^{2}}{c_{p}^{2}}\psi} \end{pmatrix} \end{align*}

NOTE: When we write the flux tensor in WARPXM we write its transpose (see code below).

  1. Internal Flux, Numerical Flux, and Source


    // WarpM includes
    // IMHD includes
    #include "apps/imhd/imhd.h"
    class WmApplication_IMHD_MIXED_GLM : public WmApplication
    void setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc) override;
    const std::vector<int>& getInputVariableIndexes(int flag) const override
    return _inputVariables;
    const std::vector<int>& getOutputVariableIndexes(int flag) const override
    return _outputVariables;
    // const std::vector<int>& getAuxiliaryVariableIndexes(int flag) const override
    // {
    // return _aux_variables;
    // }
    // redefinition of fluxes from parent
    real numerical_flux(const real* q_l, const real* q_r, const real* aux_l,
    const real* aux_r, const solverVariables_t* pFV,
    real* numericalFlux) const override;
    real internal_flux(const real* q, const real* aux,
    const solverVariables_t* pSV,
    std::vector<std::vector<real>>& internalFlux) const override;
    real source(const real* q, const real* aux, const elementGeometry_t* pEG,
    real* source) const override;
    real _gas_gamma;
    std::string _numerical_flux_type; // this is the type of numerical flux you want to use (rusanov, roe, hll, hlld, etc.)
    std::vector<int> _inputVariables;
    std::vector<int> _outputVariables;
    // std::vector<int> _aux_variables;
    real _c_h, _c_p, _c_r;
    real _min_density_floor;
    real _min_pressure_floor;
    WmApplication_IMHD_MIXED_GLM& operator=(const WmApplication_IMHD_MIXED_GLM& var);
    WmApplication_IMHD_MIXED_GLM(const WmApplication_IMHD_MIXED_GLM& var);
    virtual real source(const real *q, const real *aux, const elementGeometry_t *pEG, real *source) const
    Definition: wmapplication.h:146


    #include "wmapplication_imhd_mixed_glm.h"
    #include "imhd_glm.h"
    // STD libraries
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cmath>
    // Wm libraries
    WmApplication_IMHD_MIXED_GLM::setup(const WxCryptSet& wxc)
    WmApplication_Variable field(wxc, "Fluid", 9);
    _gas_gamma = wxc.get<real>(GAS_GAMMA);
    _numerical_flux_type = "Rusanov";
    if (wxc.has("NumericalFluxType"))
    _numerical_flux_type = wxc.get<std::string>("NumericalFluxType");
    _min_density_floor = 0.0;
    if (wxc.has("MinDensity"))
    _min_density_floor = wxc.get<real>("MinDensity");
    _min_pressure_floor = 0.0;
    if (wxc.has("MinPressure"))
    _min_pressure_floor = wxc.get<real>("MinPressure");
    _c_h = 1.0;
    if (wxc.has("C_H"))
    _c_h = wxc.get<real>("C_H");
    _c_r = 0.18;
    _c_p = std::sqrt(_c_r*_c_h);
    _inputVariables = field.getIndexes();
    _outputVariables = field.getIndexes();
    WmApplication_IMHD_MIXED_GLM::numerical_flux(const real * q_l,
    const real * q_r,
    const real * aux_l,
    const real * aux_r,
    const solverVariables_t * pFV,
    real * numericalFlux) const
    // Define the constants
    constants_imhd_glm_t pC;
    populate_constants_imhd_glm_t(&pC, _gas_gamma, _c_h, _c_p, _c_r);
    real initial_flux[8];
    real dens_q_l[9], dens_q_r[9];
    real positivized_q_l[9], positivized_q_r[9];
    // lets assign Bxm as the value for the numerical flux to use
    // First need to rotate
    real r_q_l[9]; // rotated q_l
    real r_q_r[9]; // rotated q_r
    /* initialize scalars rho and e. No need for vectors p and B since they get rotated in next step */
    r_q_l[0] = positivized_q_l[0]; /* initialize rho on left */
    r_q_l[4] = positivized_q_l[4]; /* initialize e on left */
    r_q_l[8] = positivized_q_l[8]; // initialize psi on left
    r_q_r[0] = positivized_q_r[0]; /* ditto rho left */
    r_q_r[4] = positivized_q_r[4]; /* ditto e right */
    r_q_r[8] = positivized_q_r[8]; // initialize psi on right
    /* local face frame rotation */
    rotate_vector(q_l+1, pFV, r_q_l+1);
    rotate_vector(q_l+5, pFV, r_q_l+5);
    rotate_vector(q_r+1, pFV, r_q_r+1);
    rotate_vector(q_r+5, pFV, r_q_r+5);
    real Bxm = calc_Bxm(r_q_l,r_q_r,_c_h);
    r_q_l[5] = r_q_r[5] = Bxm; // apply new Bx here
    real mod_q_l[9];
    real mod_q_r[9];
    mod_q_l[0] = r_q_l[0];
    mod_q_l[4] = r_q_l[4];
    mod_q_l[8] = r_q_l[8]; // not really going to be used
    mod_q_r[0] = r_q_r[0];
    mod_q_r[4] = r_q_r[4];
    mod_q_r[8] = r_q_r[8]; // not really going to be used
    real c = imhd_numerical_flux(&(pC.imhd),mod_q_l, mod_q_r, aux_l, aux_r, pFV, _numerical_flux_type, initial_flux);
    real dedner_flux[9];
    imhd_glm_numerical_flux(&pC,positivized_q_l, positivized_q_r, aux_l, aux_r, pFV, dedner_flux); // should be based on unmodified q
    // add up initial imhd flux and Dedner correction flux in global frame
    for (int i =0;i<8;i++)
    numericalFlux[i] = initial_flux[i] + dedner_flux[i];
    numericalFlux[8] = dedner_flux[8]; // incorporate the last component as this is not in initial_flux
    return pFV->cfl_max * pFV->dxn / std::max(fabs(c),fabs(_c_h));
    WmApplication_IMHD_MIXED_GLM::internal_flux(const real * q,
    const real * aux,
    // const elementGeometry_t * pEG,
    const solverVariables_t * pSV,
    // real *internalFlux[8]
    std::vector< std::vector<real> >& internalFlux
    ) const
    // q = [rho, px, py, pz, e, Bx, By, Bz, psi]
    constants_imhd_glm_t pC;
    populate_constants_imhd_glm_t(&pC, _gas_gamma, _c_h, _c_p, _c_r);
    // ensure positivity of density and pressure
    real dens_q[9];
    real positivized_q[9];
    /* Ideal portion */
    // output vector allocation is [num_dims] x [_num_output_Q_max]
    std::vector<real> N_output_dimension_vector(9, 0.);
    std::vector< std::vector<real> > internal_ideal_flux(pSV->num_dims, N_output_dimension_vector);
    // apply flux (only first 8 components will be filled)
    imhd_internal_flux(&(pC.imhd), pSV, positivized_q, internal_ideal_flux);
    /* GLM portion */
    // output vector allocation is [num_dims] x [_num_output_Q_max]
    N_output_dimension_vector.assign(9, 0.);
    std::vector< std::vector<real> > internal_glm_flux(pSV->num_dims, N_output_dimension_vector);
    // apply glm flux
    imhd_glm_internal_flux(&pC, pSV, positivized_q, internal_glm_flux); // the postiived part doesnt affect the glm flux so doesnt matter if use q or positivized_q
    /* Add the 2 fluxes together */
    for(int i=0;i<pSV->num_dims;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<9;j++)
    internalFlux[i][j] = internal_ideal_flux[i][j] + internal_glm_flux[i][j];
    // Speeds should be calculated in numerical flux
    return INFINITY;
    const real* q, const real* aux, const elementGeometry_t* pEG, real* source) const
    // q = [rho, px, py, pz, e, Bx, By, Bz, psi]
    real psi = q[8];
    source[0] = 0.0;
    source[1] = 0.0;
    source[2] = 0.0;
    source[3] = 0.0;
    source[4] = 0.0;
    source[5] = 0.0;
    source[6] = 0.0;
    source[7] = 0.0;
    source[8] = -_c_h*_c_h/(_c_p*_c_p)*psi;
    // Use the check frequency application
    return INFINITY;
    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
    // IMHD flux
    REGISTER_CREATOR("iMHD_MIXED_GLM", WmApplication_IMHD_MIXED_GLM, WmApplication);
    void imhd_glm_internal_flux(const real c_h, const solverVariables_t *pSV, const real *q, std::vector< std::vector< real > > &internalFlux)
    real calc_Bxm(const real *r_q_l, const real *r_q_r, real c_h)
    void imhd_glm_numerical_flux(const real c_h, const real *q_l, const real *q_r, const real *aux_l, const real *aux_r, const solverVariables_t *pFV, real *numericalFlux)
    Definition: wmapplication.h:26

    where we are using helper functions for internal fluxes for both the ideal and divergence cleaning corrections. For the ideal mhd internal flux we reuse the the function shown above for ideal mhd in (src/apps/imhd/imhd.cc). For the divergence cleaning we write another function specifically for those terms

    const constants_imhd_glm_t * pC,
    const solverVariables_t * pSV,
    const real* q,
    std::vector< std::vector<real> >& internalFlux
    // add div (psi * I) term and flux for psi equation which is c_h^2 * div (B)
    real psi = q[8];
    real bx = q[5];
    real by = q[6];
    real bz = q[7];
    real ch_factor = pC->c_h*pC->c_h;
    /* clear the tensor */
    for (int i=0;i<pSV->num_dims;i++)
    for (int j=0;j<9;j++)
    internalFlux[i][j] = 0.;
    // add components
    internalFlux[0][5] += psi; // induction term
    internalFlux[0][8] = ch_factor * bx; // psi term
    if (pSV->num_dims > 1)
    internalFlux[1][6] += psi; // induction term
    internalFlux[1][8] = ch_factor * by; // psi term
    if (pSV->num_dims > 2)
    internalFlux[2][7] += psi;
    internalFlux[2][8] = ch_factor * bz; // psi term

    The numerical flux for ideal mhd again done with a reuse from (src/apps/imhd/imhd.cc) where the specific flux functions are also given in (src/apps/imhd/imhd.cc), which can be looked up. The divergence cleaning addition is added in a file

    const constants_imhd_glm_t * pC,
    const real * q_l,
    const real * q_r,
    const real * aux_l,
    const real * aux_r,
    const solverVariables_t * pFV,
    real * numericalFlux)
    // add correction of Dedner:
    // First need to rotate
    real r_q_l[9]; // rotated q_l
    real r_q_r[9]; // rotated q_r
    real r_dedner_flux[9]; // rotated flux
    // real dedner_flux[9]; // antirotated flux
    /* initialize scalars rho and e. No need for vectors p and B since they get rotated in next step */
    r_q_l[0] = q_l[0]; /* initialize rho on left */
    r_q_l[4] = q_l[4]; /* initialize e on left */
    r_q_l[8] = q_l[8]; // initialize psi on left
    r_q_r[0] = q_r[0]; /* ditto rho left */
    r_q_r[4] = q_r[4]; /* ditto e right */
    r_q_r[8] = q_r[8]; // initialize psi on right
    /* local face frame rotation */
    rotate_vector(q_l+1, pFV, r_q_l+1);
    rotate_vector(q_l+5, pFV, r_q_l+5);
    rotate_vector(q_r+1, pFV, r_q_r+1);
    rotate_vector(q_r+5, pFV, r_q_r+5);
    // calculate intermediate states as per Dedner
    // real Bxm = r_q_l[5] + 0.5*(r_q_r[5]-r_q_l[5]) - 0.5/pC->c_h * (r_q_r[8]-r_q_l[8]);
    real Bxm = calc_Bxm(r_q_l,r_q_r,pC->c_h);
    // real Bxm = 0.5*(r_q_l[5]+r_q_r[5]);
    real psi_m = r_q_l[8] + 0.5*(r_q_r[8] - r_q_l[8]) - 0.5*pC->c_h*(r_q_r[5]-r_q_l[5]);
    // calculate in-frame flux terms, first initialize to 0
    for (int i=0;i<9;i++)
    r_dedner_flux[i] = 0.0;
    numericalFlux[i] = 0.0; // this is the dedner flux after rotation
    // apply Dedner numerical fluxes on local Bx and psi
    r_dedner_flux[5] = psi_m;
    r_dedner_flux[8] = pC->c_h*pC->c_h*Bxm;
    /* rotate back momentum and mag field */
    antirotate_vector(r_dedner_flux+1, pFV, numericalFlux+1);
    antirotate_vector(r_dedner_flux+5, pFV, numericalFlux+5);
  2. Registration - this is at the bottom of wmapplication_imhd_mixed_glm.cc


    #include "lib/wxcreator.h"
    // IMHD flux
    REGISTER_CREATOR("iMHD_MIXED_GLM", WmApplication_IMHD_MIXED_GLM, WmApplication);
  3. Add to CMakeLists.txt


  4. Add to warpy


    class imhd_mixed_glm(application):
    @brief Ideal MHD with Mixed GLM formulation as per Dedner
    def __init__(self, name, gamma,
    variable, c_h=1.0,numerical_flux_type='Rusanov',components=None, floor_density=None, floor_pressure=None):
    super(imhd_mixed_glm, self).__init__(
    req_attrs=[('Kind', 'iMHD_MIXED_GLM'),
    ('gamma', gamma),
    ('C_H', c_h),
    opt_attrs=[('MinDensity', floor_density),
    variables=[('Fluid', variable, components)])
  5. Add warpy function to init


    from . import imhd


    from .imhd import imhd_mixed_glm
  6. Add warpy function to CMake



