WARPXM v1.10.0
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blackbody.h File Reference

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class  wxm::apps::mhd::radiation::BlackBody
 Class used to implement blackbody radiative cooling de/dt = - C n T^4 This can be related to a volumetric cooling rate defined in Mikellides MRNAS2011 de/dt = - a c rho chi_p T^4 Here: a = Stefan's constant, a = 4 sigma / c = 7.565767E-16 [J m^-3 K^-4] / kB^4 where kB = 1.380649E-23 J K^-1 to express a in units of [m^-3 J^-3] c = speed of light [m s^-1] rho = mass density [kg m^-3] chi_p = mean Planck opacity [m^2 kg^-1] such that photon mean-free-path is 1/chi_p T = temperature in [J] This gives units of [W m^-3] for de/dt Equating this formulation of de/dt = - C n T^4 for a chosen C C = a c rho chi_p / n * chosen_factor [J^-3 s^-1] This C constant is passed into this class and should be normalized (multiplied by T0_J^3 * tau) More...


namespace  wxm
 Base namespace for everything not included in the global namespace.
namespace  wxm::apps
namespace  wxm::apps::mhd
namespace  wxm::apps::mhd::radiation