WARPXM v1.10.0
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wxm::apps::mhd::radiation Namespace Reference


class  BlackBody
 Class used to implement blackbody radiative cooling de/dt = - C n T^4 This can be related to a volumetric cooling rate defined in Mikellides MRNAS2011 de/dt = - a c rho chi_p T^4 Here: a = Stefan's constant, a = 4 sigma / c = 7.565767E-16 [J m^-3 K^-4] / kB^4 where kB = 1.380649E-23 J K^-1 to express a in units of [m^-3 J^-3] c = speed of light [m s^-1] rho = mass density [kg m^-3] chi_p = mean Planck opacity [m^2 kg^-1] such that photon mean-free-path is 1/chi_p T = temperature in [J] This gives units of [W m^-3] for de/dt Equating this formulation of de/dt = - C n T^4 for a chosen C C = a c rho chi_p / n * chosen_factor [J^-3 s^-1] This C constant is passed into this class and should be normalized (multiplied by T0_J^3 * tau) More...
class  Bremsstrahlung
 Class used to implement Bremsstrahlung radiative cooling de/dt ~ -n^2 T^0.5 Specifically see Goldston & Rutherford (1995) Sec. More...
class  LineRadiation
 Class used to implement an approximate impurity line radiative cooling model. More...
class  VacuumRadiation
 Class used to implement "vacuum radiation", i.e., radiation that is large where density is less than user-specified vacuum density de/dt = - C f_vacrad where f_vacrad = 0.5 * (1 - cos((T - T0) / (T1 - T0))) : T0 > T > T1 f_vacrad = 1 : T >= T1 f_vacrad = 0 : T <= T0. More...