Ruth Vanderpool's Research & Activities:

  • Contact
  • Teaching
  • TMath 171
  • TMath 344
  • Activities

  • Some cool things I have worked on:

    Work in low dimensional topology is introduced in this presentation.

    Connect with local highschools and middle schools with Creative Educational Experience, STEM nights at Totem Middle School, or Seattle Expanding Your Horizons (SEYH).

    Some of my workshops with brief descriptions are listed below.
    A finite, infinite sum Patterns on the Plane Folding Surface Areas

    Go to Mathematical Association of America conferences (and even help host one here at UWT!).

    Work with technology! A few workshops I enjoyed are linked below.
    Techology Fellows Institute Sage Workshop
    (run through UWT) (offered through MAA)

    Develop Interdiscpilinary classes such as Origami Math for Core.

    Some projects resulting from 2011's Origami Math classes are pictured below.

    student projects
    student projects
    student projects