
Kot, M. 2014.
A First Course in the Calculus of Variations.
American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, ix + 298 pp.

Kot, M. 2001.
Elements of Mathematical Ecology.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, x + 453 pp.
(2nd corrected printing in 2003)
Published Papers
Gilbertson, N. M. and Kot, M. 2023.
Block-pulse integrodifference equations.
Journal of Mathematical Biology, 87, 57 (1-50).
Stafford, E. and Kot, M. 2022.
Optimal reduced-mixing for an SIS infectious-disease model.
Journal of Biological Dynamics, 16, 746-765.
Gilbertson, N. M. and Kot, M. 2021.
Dynamics of a discrete-time pioneer-climax model.
Theoretical Ecology, 14, 501-523.
Marcinko, K. and Kot, M. 2020.
A comparative analysis of host-parasitoid models with density dependence preceding parasitism.
Journal of Biological Dynamics, 14, 479-514.
Kot, M. and Dimitrov, D. T. 2020.
The dynamics of a simple, risk-structured HIV model.
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17, 4184-4209.
Liu, B. R. and Kot, M. 2019.
Accelerating invasions and the asymptotics of fat-tailed dispersal.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 471, 22-41.
Harsch, M. A., Phillips, A., Zhou, Y., Leung, M.-R., Rinnan, D. S., and Kot, M. 2017.
Moving forward: insights and applications of moving-habitat models for climate change ecology.
Journal of Ecology, 105, 1169-1181.
Phillips, A. and Kot, M. 2015.
Persistence in a two-dimensional moving-habitat model.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 77, 2125-2159.
Leung, M.-R. and Kot, M. 2015.
Models for the spread of white pine blister rust.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 382, 328-336.
Kot, M. and Phillips, A. 2015.
Bounds for the critical speed of climate-driven moving-habitat models.
Mathematical Biosciences, 262, 65-72.
Harsch, M., Zhou, Y., HilleRisLambers, J., and Kot, M. 2014.
Keeping pace with climate warming: stage-structured moving-habitat models.
American Naturalist, 184, 25-37.
Zhou, Y. and Kot, M. 2013.
Life on the move: modeling the effects of climate-driven range shifts with integrodifference equations.
In, M. A. Lewis, P. K. Maini, and S. V. Petrovskii (eds.),
Dispersal, Individual Movement and Spatial Ecology: A Mathematical Perspective,
Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 263-292.
Kot, M., Lewis, M. A., and Neubert, M. G. 2012. Integrodifference equations.
In, A. Hastings and L. Gross (eds.), Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology,
University of California Press, Berkeley, California, pp. 382-384.
Zhou, Y. and Kot, M. 2011. Discrete-time growth-dispersal models with shifting species ranges.
Theoretical Ecology, 4, 13-25.
Seo, G. and Kot, M. 2009. The dynamics of a simple laissez-faire model with two predators.
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 6, 145-172.
Kot, M. and Neubert, M. G. 2008. Saddle-point approximations, integrodifference equations, and invasions.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 70, 1790-1826.
Seo, G. and Kot, M. 2008
A comparison of two predator-prey models with Holling's type I functional response.
Mathematical Biosciences, 212, 161-179.
Toth, D. and Kot, M. 2006.
Limit cycles in a chemostat model for a single species with age structure.
Mathematical Biosciences, 202, 194-217.
Kot, M. 2005.
Torus bubbling in a discrete-time predator-prey model.
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 11, 431-441.
Kot, M., Medlock, J., Reluga, T., and Walton, D. B. 2004.
Stochasticity, invasions, and branching random walks.
Theoretical Population Biology, 66, 175-184.
Medlock, J. and Kot, M. 2003.
Spreading disease: integro-differential equations old and new.
Mathematical Biosciences, 184, 201-222.
Kot, M., Silverman, E., and Berg, C. A. 2003.
Zipf's law and the diversity of biology newsgroups.
Scientometrics, 56, 247-257.
Kot, M. 2002.
Do invading organisms do the wave?
Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 10, 139-170.
Wang, M.-H., Kot, M., and Neubert, M. G. 2002.
Integrodifference equations, Allee effects, and invasions.
Journal of Mathematical Biology, 44, 150-168.
(Erratum: 66 (2013), 1339)
Silverman, E. D., Kot, M. and Thompson, E. 2001.
Testing a simple stochastic model for the dynamics of waterfowl aggregations.
Oecologia, 128, 608-617.
Wang, M.-H. and Kot, M. 2001.
Speeds of invasion in a model with strong or weak Allee effects.
Mathematical Biosciences, 171, 83-97.
Neubert, M. G., Kot, M., and Lewis, M. A. 2000.
Invasion speeds in fluctuating environments.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 267, 1603-1610.
(Errata: 267, 2568-2569).
Silverman, E. and Kot, M. 2000.
Rate estimation for a simple movement model.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 62, 351-375.
Kot, M., Lewis, M., and van den Driessche, P. 1996.
Dispersal data and the spread of invading organisms.
Ecology, 77, 2027-2042.
King, A. A., Schaffer, W. M., Gordon, C., Treat, J., Kot, M. 1996.
Weakly dissipative predator-prey systems.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 58, 835-859.
Gittleman, J. L., Anderson, C. G., Kot, M. and Luh, H.-K. 1996.
Comparative tests of evolutionary lability and rates using molecular phylogenies.
In, New Uses for New Phylogenies
(P. H. Harvey, A. J. Leigh Brown, J. Maynard Smith, and S. Nee, eds.),
pages 289-307. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Gittleman, J. L., Anderson, C. G., Kot, M., Luh, H.-K. 1996.
Phylogenetic lability and rates of evolution: A comparison of behavioral, morphological, and life history traits.
In, Phylogenies and the Comparative Method in Animal Behavior (E. P. Martins, ed.),
pp. 166-205. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Neubert, M. G., Kot, M., and Lewis, M. A. 1995.
Dispersal and pattern formation in a discrete-time predator-prey model.
Theoretical Population Biology, 48, 7-43.
Edwards, S. and Kot, M. 1995.
Comparative methods at the species level: geographic variation in morphology and group size in Grey-crowned Babblers (Pomatostomus temporalis).
Evolution, 49, 1134-1146.
Funasaki, E. and Kot, M. 1993.
Invasion and chaos in a pulsed mass-action chemostat.
Theoretical Population Biology, B44, 203-224.
Neubert, M. and Kot, M. 1992.
Subcriticality and population collapse in some simple discrete-time predator-prey models.
Mathematical Biosciences, 110, 45-66.
Kot, M., Sayler, G. S., and Schultz, T. W. 1992.
Complex dynamics in a model microbial system.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 54, 619-648.
Kot, M. 1992.
Discrete-time travelling waves: ecological examples.
Journal of Mathematical Biology, 30, 413-436.
Gittleman, J. L. and Kot, M. 1990.
Adaptation: statistics and a null model for estimating phylogenetic effects.
Systematic Zoology, 39, 227-241.
Stafford, S. A., Kot, M., and Roth, J. R. 1990.
Investigation of the nonlinear behavior of a partially ionized, turbulent plasma in a magnetic field.
Journal of Applied Physics, 68, 488-499.
Bingham, S. and Kot, M. 1989.
Multidimensional trees, range searching, and a correlation dimension algorithm of reduced complexity.
Physics Letters A, 140, 327-330.
Kot, M. 1989.
Diffusion-driven period-doubling bifurcations.
BioSystems, 22, 279-287.
Kot, M., Schaffer, W. M., Truty, G. L., Graser, D. J., and Olsen, L. F. 1988.
Changing criteria for imposing order.
Ecological Modelling, 43, 75-110.
Kot, M. and Schaffer, W. M. 1986.
Discrete-time growth-dispersal models.
Mathematical Biosciences, 80, 109-136.
Schaffer, W. M., Ellner, S., and Kot, M. 1986.
Effects of noise on some dynamical models in ecology.
Journal of Mathematical Biology, 24, 479-523.
Schaffer, W. M. and Kot, M. 1986.
Differential systems in ecology and epidemiology.
In Chaos, A. V. Holden (Ed.), pp. 158-178.
Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Schaffer, W. M. and Kot, M. 1986.
Chaos in ecological systems: the coals that Newcastle forgot.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 1, 58-63.
Schaffer, W. M. and Kot, M. 1985.
Nearly one-dimensional dynamics in an epidemic.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 112, 403-427.
Schaffer, W. M. and Kot, M. 1985.
Do strange attractors govern ecological systems?
Bioscience, 35, 342-350.
Kot, M. and Schaffer, W. M. 1984.
The effects of seasonality on discrete models of population growth.
Theoretical Population Biology, 26, 340-360.