I have taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Washington.
These courses include:
I still regularly teach the starred (*) courses.
Amath 351
Amath 351 is
- Introduction to Differential Equations and Applications
Please see
for the current course web page.
Amath 353
Amath 353 was
- Fourier Series and Partial Differential Equations
but it is now
Amath 383
Amath 383 is
Please follow the above link for the most recent web page.
Amath 401
Amath 401 is
Please follow the above link for the most recent web page.
Amath 402
Amath 402 was
- Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations
but it is now
- Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Please see
for the current course web page.
Amath 422
Amath 422 was
- Introduction to Mathematical Biology
but it is now
- Computational Modeling of Biological Systems
Please see
for the current course web page.
Amath 423
Amath 423 was
- Mathematical Biology: Stochastic Models
but it is now
Please follow the above link for the most recent web page.
Amath 500 C
Amath 500 C is the
- Mathematical Biology Journal Club
Please see
for the current course web page.
Amath 500 I
Amath 500 I is the
- Mathematical Ecology Journal Club
Please see
for the most recent journal club schedule.
Amath 501
Amath 501 is
Please follow the above link for the most recent web page.
Amath 504
AMath 504 was
This course no longer exists.
Please seefor an old web page.
Amath 507
Amath 521
Amath 521 is
- Special Topics in Mathematical Biology
Please see
for the current course web page.
Amath 522
Amath 522 was
- Introduction to Mathematical Biology
but it is now
- Computational Modeling of Biological Systems
Please see
for the current course web page.
Amath 523
Amath 523 is
Please follow the above link for the most recent web page.
Amath 535
Amath 536
Amath 536 is
Please follow the above link for the most recent web page.
Amath 550
Amath 550 was an old course on
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
that I taught back in 1993. It is now lost in the mists of time.
Amath 569
Amath 569 is
Please follow the above link for the most recent web page.