
The SEE Lab conducts research in Security of Emerging Environments. We are working to develop both practical technologies and theoretical results that enhance the security of currently emerging systems such as smart cities and crowd sensing applications. The software we develop is available on GitHub.
Some of our research interests include:
  • Secure machine learning
  • Privacy in sensor-rich environments
  • Enhancing opportunities for crowd sensing
  • Utilizing cloud computing to enhance system security
  • Distributed trust in pervasive computing environments
  • Security mechanisms for resource constrained networks and systems
  • Cyber Security Education

Recent and Ongoing Projects

Security and AI Education
Hidden Webcam Detection
Privacy-Perserving Video Sharing
Secure Crowdsensing


Brent Lagesse

Current Research Students
Neil Prakasam
Nicholas Handaja - LinkedIn

Kevin Sutanto (BSCSSE, 2013)
John Paul Quicksall (BSCSS, 2014), currently employed at EMC
Jacky Wong (BSCSSE, 2014)
Paul Pierot (BSCSSE, 2014)
Steve Morgan (BSCSSE, 2014), currently enrolled in the MSCSE program at UWB
Julio Perez (BSCSSE, 2016), currently enrolled in the MSCSE program at UWB
Gautam Kumar (MSCSSE, 2017), currently employed at Amazon
Ruth Ogunnaike (MSCSSE, 2017), currently employed at Microsoft
Cody Burkard (MSCSE, 2017), currently employed by Casaba Security
Pankaj Maheshwari (MSCSSE, 2018)
Kevin Wu (MSCSE, 2018)
Ajay Kesavan (MSCSSE, 2018)
Zealous Zhu (BSCSSE, 2019)
Ambika Hegde (MSCSSE, 2019)
Andrew Williams (MSCSE, 2019)
Gabriel Nguyen (BS PHYSICS, 2019)

Interested in joining? Contact Brent Lagesse -- lagesse [at] uw [dot] edu