Neural Networks and Deep Learning for Dynamical Systems

Lecture 1


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Neural Networks Basics: This lecture provides an introduction to neural networks. A simple classification of dogs vs cats is demonstrated.



Lecture 2


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MULTI-LAYER NETWORKS AND ACTIVATIONS: The role of multiple layers and nonlinear activation functions are explored.


Lecture 3


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BACKPROPAGATION ALGORITHM: The underlying architecture is formulated for optimizing over the NN weights: Backprop.




Lecture 4


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STOCHASTIC GRADIENT DESCENT: The innovation of stochastic into gradient descent is considered.


Lecture 5


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DEEP CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS: The role of convolution and deep architectures is explored for vision applications.


Lecture 6


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NEURAL NETWORKS FOR DYNAMICS: This lecture provides an introduction to neural networks and their use for time-series data. A predictor for the Lorenz ODE system is developed.





Lecture 7


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NEURAL NETWORK ZOO: This lecture highlights the diversity of neural networks is use in modern data science.


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