CLASSIC CURVE FITTING METHODS: The basic theory of curve fitting and least-square error is developed.
NONLINEAR REGRESSION AND GRADIENT DESCENT: Derivative-based methods are some of the work-horse algorithms of modern optimization, including gradient descent.
OVER- AND UNDER-DETERMINED SYSTEMS: We consider regression on classical Ax=b problems in the over- and under-determined scenarios. Regularizers are considered.
OPTIMIZATION AS THE CORNERSTONE OF REGRESSION: The role of regularization on regression is considered in the context of an associated optimization formulation.
PARETO FRONTS: The concept of the Pareto frontier and Pareto optimal solutions is considered along with parsimony of solutions.
MODEL SELECTION: CROSS-VALIDATION: The critical concept of cross-validation is considered for establishing models that are not over-fit.
MODEL SELECTION: INFORMATION CRITERIA: The AIC and BIC in evaluating the relative fit of models is considered.