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Huntington = Ruhl; student and postdoc authors are underlined
Submitted for Peer Review
.Hodson KR, Crider JG, Huntington KW, Segment-scale controls and diagenetic conditions associated with protracted post-deformation fluid migration along the Moab Fault, UT. In revision.
Andrew BS, Barker SLL, Dipple GM, Waring CL, Huntington KW, Schauer AJ, Mering JA, Rea P. Structurally controlled fluid-rock interaction during development of the Mount Isa copper deposit. Submitted to Economic Geology.
Published or in press - Peer Reviewed
51. Kelson JR, Huntington KW, Breecker DO, Burgener LK, Gallagher T, Hoke G, and Petersen SV. (2020). A proxy for all seasons? A synthesis of clumped isotope data from Holocene soil carbonates. In Press, Quaternary Science Reviews.
50. Turzewski MD, Huntington KW, Licht A, and Lang KA (2020). Provenance and erosional impact of Quaternary megafloods through the Yarlung-Tsangpo Gorge from zircon U-Pb geochronology of flood deposits, Eastern Himalaya. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 535, 116113, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116113. [PDF]
49. Brogi A, Liotta D, Capezzuoli E, Matera PF, Kele S, Soligo M, Tuccimei P, Ruggieri G, Yu T-L, Shen C-C, and Huntington KW. (2020). Travertine deposits constraining transfer zone neotectonic activity in geothermal areas: an example from the inner Northern Apennines (Bagno Vignoni-Val d’Orcia area, Italy), Geothermics 85, 101763, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2019.101763. [PDF]
48. Wang Z, Nelson DD, Dettman DL, McManus BJ, Quade J, Huntington KW, Schauer AJ, and Sakai S (2019). Rapid and Precise Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Clumped Isotopic Composition by Tunable Infrared Laser Differential Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b04466. [PDF]
47. Torok A, Claes H, Brogi A, Liotta D, Tóth A, Mindszenty A, Kudó I, Kele S, Huntington KW, Shen C-C, and Swennen R (2019). A multi-methodological approach to reconstruct a dismantled travertine fissure ridge: the case of the Cukor quarry (Süttő, Gerecse Hills, Hungary). Geomorphology 345, 106836, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.106836. [PDF]
46. Petersen SV, Defliese WF, Saenger C, Daëron M, John CM, Huntington KW, Kelson JR, Bernasconi SM, Colman AS, Kluge T, Olack GA, Schauer AJ, Bajnai D, Bonifacie M, Breitenbach SFM, Fiebig J, Fernandez AB, Henkes GA, Hodell D, Katz A, Kele S, Lohmann KC, Passey BH, Peral M, Petrizzo DA, Rosenheim BE, Tripati A, Venturelli R, Young ED, Wacker U and Winkelstern IZ (2019). Effects of improved 17O correction on interlaboratory agreement in clumped isotope calibrations, estimates of mineral‐specific offsets, and temperature dependence of acid digestion fractionation. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 3495–3519. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GC008127. [PDF]
45. Turzewski MD, Huntington KW, LeVeque RJ (2019). The geomorphic impact of outburst floods: Integrating observations and numerical simulations of the 2000 Yigong flood, eastern Himalaya. JGR-Earth Surface 124. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JF004778. [PDF]
44. Mering J, Barker S, Huntington KW, Simmons S, Dipple G, Andrew B, Schauer A. (2019). Taking the temperature of hydrothermal ore deposits using clumped isotope thermometry. Economic Geology 113 (8): 1671-1678. https://doi.org/10.5382/econgeo.2018.4608. [PDF]
43. Ning Z, Zhang L, Huntington K, Wang C, Dai J, Han Z, Passey B, Qian X, Zhang J. (2019). The burial and exhumation history of the Liuqu Conglomerate, southern Tibet: insights from clumped isotope thermometry. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 174, 205-217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2018.12.009 [PDF]
42. Page M, Licht A, Dupont-Nivet G, Meijer N, Barbolini N, Hoorn C, Schauer A, Huntington K, Bajnal D, Fiebig J, Mulch A, Guo Z (2019). Synchronous cooling and decline in monsoonal rainfall in northeastern Tibet during the fall into the Oligocene Icehouse. Geology, doi.org/10.1130/G45480.1. [PDF]
41. Burgener LK, Hyland E, Huntington KW, Kelson JR, Sewall JO. (2019). Revisiting the Equable Climate Problem During the Late Cretaceous Greenhouse Using Paleosol Carbonate Clumped Isotope Temperatures from the Campanian Western Interior Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 516, 244-267. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.12.004. [PDF]
40. Kelson JR, Watford D, Bataille C, Huntington KW, Hyland E, Bowen GJ, (2018). Warm terrestrial subtropics during the Paleocene and Eocene: Carbonate clumped isotope (∆47) evidence from the Tornillo Basin, Texas (USA). Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 33, https://doi.org/
10.1029/2018PA003391. [PDF]
39. Hyland EG, Huntington KW, Sheldon ND, Reichgelt T. (2018). Temperature seasonality in the North American continental interior during the early Eocene climatic optimum. Climate of the Past 14, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-14-1391-2018. [PDF]
38. Ji S, Lechler AR, Huntington KW, Heitmann, EO, Breecker DO (2018). A symmetrical CO2 peak and asymmetrical climate change during the middle Miocene. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 499, 134-144, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.07.011. [PDF]
37. Lechler AR, Huntington KW, Breecker DO, Sweeney MR, Schauer AJ. (2018). Carbonate clumped isotope record of LGM-Holocene climate change in the Palouse loess, USA. Quaternary Research, doi:10.1017/qua.2018.47. [PDF]
36. Burgener LK, Huntington KW, Sletten R, Watkins JM, Quade J, Hallet B (2018). Clumped isotope constraints on equilibrium formation and kinetic isotope effects in soil carbonates from freezing soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 235, 402-430. doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2018.06.006. [PDF]
35. Hudson A., Quade J, Ali G, Boyle DP, Bassett S, Huntington KW, De los Santos MG, Cohen AS, Lin K, Wang X. (2017). Stable C, O and clumped isotope systematics and 14C geochronology of carbonates from the Quaternary Chewaucan closed-basin lake system, Great Basin, USA: implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions using carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 212, 274–302. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2017.06.024. [PDF]
34. Quade J, Rasbury ET, Huntington K, Hudson A, Vonhof H, Anchukaitis K, Betancourt J, Latorre C, Pepper M. (2017). Isotopic characterization of late Neogene travertine deposits at Barrancas Blancas in the eastern Atacama Desert, Chile. Chemical Geology. In press. [PDF]
33. Licht A, Quade J, Kowler A, De Los Santos M, Hudson A, Schauer A, Huntington K, Copeland P, Lawton T. (2017). Impact of the North American monsoon on isotope paleoaltimeters: implications for the paleoaltimetry of the American Southwest. American Journal of Science 317, 1-33. doi: 10.2475/01.2017.01. [PDF]
32..Kelson JR, Huntington KW, Schauer A, Saenger C, Lechler A. (2017). Towards a universal carbonate clumped isotope calibration: diverse synthesis and preparatory methods suggest a single temperature relationship. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 197, 104-131. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.10.010. [PDF]
31. Schauer AJ, Kelson J, Saenger C, Huntington KW. (2016). Choice of 17O correction affects clumped isotope (D47) values of CO2 measured with mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 30, 2607-2616. doi: 10.1002/rcm.7743. [PDF]
30. Luetkemeyer PB, Kirschner DL, Huntington KW, Chester JS, Chester FM, Evans JP. (2016). Constraints on paleofluid sources using the clumped-isotope thermometry of carbonate veins from the SAFOD (San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth) borehole. Tectonophysics (Special Issue: Faults, Fractures, Fluids). doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.05.024. [link]
29. Hodson K, Crider J, Huntington K. Multi-stage cementation and paleo fluid temperature in a faulted sandstone reservoir, Moab Fault, Utah, USA. (2016). Tectonophysics Special Issue: Faults, Fractures, Fluids. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.04.032. [link]
28. Lang KA, Huntington KW, Burmister R, Housen B. (2016). Rapid exhumation of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis since the Late Miocene. GSA Bulletin 128, doi:10.1130/B31419.1. [link]
27. Burgener L, Huntington KW, Hoke GD, Schauer A, Ringham M, Latorre C, Díaz F. (2016). Variations in soil carbonate formation and seasonal bias over >4 km of relief in the western Andes (30 °S) revealed by clumped isotope thermometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 441, 188-199. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.033. [link]
26. Ringham MC, Hoke GD, Huntington KW, Aranibar JN. (2016). Influence of vegetation type and site-to-site variability on soil carbonate clumped isotope records, Andean piedmont of Central Argentina (32-34 °S). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 40, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.003. [link]
25. Huntington KW, Lechler AR (2015). Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry in continental tectonics. Invited Review, Tectonophysics 647, 1-20, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.02.019. [link]
24. Quade J, Dettinger MP, Carrapa B, DeCelles P, Murray KE, Huntington KW, Cartwright A, Canavan RR, Gherels G, Clementz M. (2015). The Growth of the Central Andes, 22-26°S. In: DeCelles PG, Ducea MN, Carrapa B, and Kapp PA, eds., Geodynamics of a Cordilleran Orogenic System: The Central Andes of Argentina and Northern Chile. Geological Society of America Memoir 212, doi:10.1130/2015.1212(15). [link]
23. Huntington KW, Saylor J, Quade J, and Hudson AM (2015). High Late Miocene-Pliocene elevation of the Zhada basin, SW Tibetan plateau, from clumped isotope thermometry. Geological Society of America Bulletin 127, 181-199, doi: 10.1130/B31000.1. [link]
22. Carrapa B, Huntington KW, Clementz M, Quade J, Bywater-Reyes S, Schoenbohm LM, Canavan RR (2014). Uplift of the Central Andes of NW Argentina associated with upper crustal shortening, revealed by multi-proxy isotopic analyses. Tectonics, 33, 1039-1054, doi: 10.1002/2013TC003461. [link]
21. Lang KA, Huntington KW (2014). Antecedence of the Yarlung-Siang-Brahmaputra River, eastern Himalaya. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v 397, 145-158. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.04.026. [link]
20. Lang KA, Huntington KW, Montgomery DR (2013). Erosion of the Tsangpo Gorge by megafloods, eastern Himalaya. Geology, v. 41, doi:10.1130/G34693.1. [link]
19. Bergman SC, Huntington KW, Crider JG (2013). Tracing paleofluid sources using clumped isotope thermometry of diagenetic cements along the Moab Fault, Utah. American Journal of Science 313, 490-515, doi: 10.2475/05.2013.03. [link]
18. Budd DA, Frost III EL, Huntington KW, Allwardt PF (2013). Syndepositional deformation features in high-relief carbonate platforms: Long-lived conduits for diagenetic fluids. J Sedimentary Res. 82, 12-36, doi: 10.2110/jsr.2013.3. [link]
17. Peters NA, Huntington KW, Hoke GD, (2013). Hot or not? Impact of seasonally variable soil carbonate formation on paleotemperature and O-isotope records from clumped isotope thermometry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 361, 208-218. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.10.024. [link]
16. Adlakha V, Lang KA, Patel, R.C., Lal, N., and Huntington KW (2012). Rapid long-term erosion in the rain shadow of the Shillong Plateau, Eastern Himalaya, Tectonophysics 582, 76-83. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.09.022. [link]
15. Huntington KW, DA Budd, BP Wernicke, and JM Eiler (2011) Use of clumped-isotope thermometry to constrain the crystallization temperature of diagenetic calcite, J Sedimentary Res. 81, 656-669, doi: 10.2110/jsr.2011.51. [link] (Best Paper Award, SEPM)
14. Schmidt (née Henck) A*, Montgomery DR, Huntington KW, Liang C (2011) The question of communist land degradation: new evidence from local erosion and basin-wide sediment yield in SW China and SE Tibet, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 101(3), 1-20, doi: 10.1080/00045608.2011.560059. [link]
13. Henck A*, Huntington KW, Stone JO, Montgomery DR, Hallet B (2011). Spatial controls on erosion in the Three Rivers Region, southeastern Tibet and southwestern China, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 303, 71-83, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.12.038. [link]
12. Henck A*, Montgomery DR, Huntington KW, Liang, C. (2010). Monsoon control of effective discharge, Yunnan and Tibet, Geology 38(11), 975-978, doi: 10.1130/G31444.1. [link]
11. Huntington KW*, Wernicke BP, and Eiler JM. (2010). The influence of climate change and uplift on Colorado Plateau paleotemperatures from carbonate 'clumped isotope' thermometry, Tectonics 29, TC3005, doi: 10.1029/2009TC002449. [link]
10. Huntington KW*, JM Eiler, HP Affek, W Guo, M Bonifacie, LY Yeung, N Thiagarajan, B Passey, A Tripati, M Daëron, R Came (2009). Methods and limitations of 'clumped' CO2 isotope (Δ47) analysis by gas-source isotope-ratio mass spectrometry, Journal of Mass Spectrometry 44, 1318-1329. doi: 10.1002/jms.1614. [link]
9. Huntington KW*, Bourgeois J, Gelfenbaum G, Lynette P, Jaffe B, Yeh H., and Weiss R. (2007). Sandy signs of a tsunami's onshore depth and speed, EOS, Trans., AGU. Lead article, v. 88(52), 577-578. [link]
8. Huntington KW*, Ehlers TA, Hodges KV, Whipp DM, Jr. (2007). Topography, exhumation pathway, age uncertainties, and the interpretation of thermochronometer ages, Tectonics 26, TC4012, doi: 10.1029/2007TC002108. [link]
7. Huntington KW*, Hodges K (2006), A comparative study of detrital mineral and bedrock age-elevation methods for estimating erosion rates, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface 111, F03011, doi: 10.1029/2005JF000454. [link]
6. Huntington KW*, Blythe A, and Hodges K. (2006). Climate change and Late Pliocene acceleration of erosion in the Himalaya, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 252, 107-118, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.09.031. [link]
5. Whipp DM*, Ehlers TA, Blythe A, Huntington KW, Hodges KV, Burbank DW. (2006). Plio-Quaternary erosion and kinematic history of the central Himalaya: Thermo-kinematic model of thermochronometer exhumation, Tectonics 26, TC3003, doi: 3010.1029/2006TC001991. [link]
4. Hodges K*, Ruhl K, Wobus C, and Pringle M. (2005). 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of detrital minerals, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 58, 239-257, doi: 10.2138/rmg.2005.58.9. [link]
3. Ruhl KW. (2005). Teaching geologic time and rates of landscape evolution with dice, SERC On the Cutting Edge teaching activity collection (Peer Reviewed). [link]
2. Ruhl KW*, and Hodges KV. (2005). The use of detrital mineral cooling ages to evaluate steady-state assumptions in active orogens: An example from the central Nepalese Himalaya, Tectonics 24, TC4015, doi: 10.1029/2004TC001712. [link]
1. Hodges K*, Wobus C, Ruhl K, Schildgen T, Whipple K. (2004). Quaternary deformation, river steepening, and heavy precipitation at the front of the Higher Himalayan ranges, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 220, 379-389, doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(04)00063-9. [link]
Other Publications
7. Huntington KW, and Klepeis, K.A., with 66 community contributors (2018). Challenges and opportunities for research in tectonics: Understanding deformation and the processes that link Earth systems, from geologic time to human time. A community vision document submitted to the U.S. National Science Foundation. University of Washington, 84 pp, available for download: https://doi.org/10.6069/H52R3PQ5. Chinese translation [PDF].
6. Sumner KK, Camp ER, Huntington KW, Cladouhos TC, Uddenberg M. (2015). Assessing fracture connectivity using stable and clumped isotope geochemistry of calcite cements. Proceedings, Fortieth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, SGP-TR-204. p. 1-12. [link]
5. Ballard A, Turzewski MD, Huntington KW (2018). K-12 Topographic Maps and Hydrology Lesson 1: How to Read and Use Topographic Maps, EarthRef Database, https://earthref.org/ERDA/2378/ [link].
4. Ballard A, Turzewski MD, Huntington KW (2018). K-12 Topographic Maps and Hydrology Lesson 2: K-12 Topographic Maps and Hydrology Lesson 2: Using Topography and an Augmented Reality Sandbox to Design Solutions to a Dam Break Problem, EarthRef Database, https://earthref.org/ERDA/2379/ [link].
3. Huntington KW. (2016). K-12 Teacher Lab and Field Externships, Hosted by University Researchers, SERC On the Cutting Edge teaching activity collection [link]; EarthRef Database, https://earthref.org/ERDA/2204/ [link].
2. Huntington KW. (2016). Lab Field Trip Program for K-12 Students, Hosted by University Researchers, SERC On the Cutting Edge teaching activity collection [link]; EarthRef Database, https://earthref.org/ERDA/2205/ [link].
1. Ruhl KW. (1998) Honor Society Service Requirements, in Elements of Writing, Revised Edition (Fifth Course), James L. Kinneavy and John E. Warriner, eds., Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc: Austin, TX, p. 311.
Selected Conference Abstracts
Hyland EG, Huntington KW, Sheldon ND, Smith SY, Strömberg CAE (2016). Comparing floral and isotopic paleoelevation estimates: Examples from the western United States. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Kelson JR, Schauer A, Huntington KW, Saenger C, Lechler A (2016). Choice of 17O Abundance Correction Affects Δ47 and Thus Calibrations for Paleothermometry. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Turzewski MD, Huntington KW, LeVeque RJ (2016). The geomorphic impact of outburst floods: integrating field observations and numerical flood simulations of an extreme flood event, eastern Himalaya. Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, Denver, CO.
Hyland EG, Huntington KW, Sheldon ND, Smith SY, Strömberg CAE (2016). Comparing floral and isotopic paleoelevation estimates: Examples from the western United States. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Huntington KW, Sumner KK, French C, Cladouhos TC, Camp E, Uddenberg M, Swyer M (2016). Stable and clumped isotope record of fault-related fluid flow and mineralization in the Blue Mountain geothermal field, Basin and Range, Nevada USA. Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, Denver, CO.
Hodson KR, Crider JG, Huntington KW (2016). Clumped isotopes reveal temporal variability in permeability distribution at the fault-segment scale on the Moab Fault, Utah. Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, Denver, CO.
Hodson KR, Crider JG, Huntington KW (2016). Parsing the structurally-controlled fluid migration history of the Moab Fault, UT, with carbonate clumped isotope thermometry. 4th Biennial Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum, Sonoma State University, CA.
Turzewski MD, Huntington KW, LeVeque RJ (2016). Reconciling geomorphic observations with simulations of a modern landslide-dam outburst flood using GeoClaw software, eastern Himalaya. CSDMS Conference, Boulder, CO.
Schauer A, Kelson J, Saenger C, Huntington K (2016). Is the absolute reference frame absolute? An apparent dependency of D47 on d13C in CO2. 5th International Clumped Isotope Workshop, Miami, FL, USA.
Hodson KR, Crider JG, Huntington KW, Luetkemeyer BP (2015). Concurrent evolution of structural deformation and carbonate diagenesis within the Moab Fault, UT. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA, USA.
Hyland EG, Huntington KW (2015). Resolving paleo-floral temperatures using the clumped isotope (D47) thermometrt: implications for Colorado plateau uplift. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA USA.
Kelson JR, Huntington KW, Schauer A, Saenger C, Lechler A (2015). Reconciling Empirical Carbonate Clumped Isotope Calibrations: A Comparison of Calcite Precipitation and Acid Digestion Methods. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA, USA.
Lang K, Huntington K (2015). Clumped isotope paleothermometry of the Mio-Pliocene freshwater Lake Mohave, Lower ancestral Colorado River, USA. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA, USA.
Hudson AM, Quade J, Ali G, Bassett S, Boyle DP, Huntington KW (2015). 14C/U-Th series geochronology and stable/clumped isotope geochemistry of MIS 2 lacustrine tufas of pluvial Lake Chewaucan, southern Oregon, USA. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA, USA.
Burgener L, Huntington KW, Hoke GD, Schauer A, Ringham M, Latorre C, Diaz F (2015). Clumped isotope thermometry reveals variations in soil carbonate seasonal biases over >4 km of relief in the semi-arid Andes of central Chile. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA, USA.
Turzewski MD, Huntington KW, LeVeque RJ (2015). Reconciling geomorphic observations with simulations of a modern landslide-dam outburst flood using GeoClaw software, eastern Himalaya. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA, USA.
Hyland E, Huntington KW, Sheldon ND (2015). Temperature seasonality in continental North America during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum. GSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD, USA.
Williams R, Goodwin LB, Mozley PS, Beard BL, Johnson CM, Huntington KW (2015). Tectonic controls on fault-zone flow pathways in the Rio Grande Rift: insights from C, O, Sr and clumped isotope analyses of syntectonic calcite cement. GSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD, USA.
Ringham MC, Hoke GD, Huntington KW (2015). Timing of pedogenic carbonate formation in arid soils in relation to clumped isotope temperature records. GSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD, USA.
Crider JG, Hodson KR, Huntington KW (2015). Fluids in the damage zone: Insights from clumped isotope thermometry of fault-hosted carbonate cements. European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
Luetkenmeyer PB, Kirschner DL, Huntington KW (2015). Fracture-controlled fluid flow in the Farnham Dome anticline: Insights from combined fluid-inclusion analysis and clumped-isotope thermometry of carbonate veins. European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
Lang KA, Huntington KW, Burmester RF, Housen BA (2014). River antecedence and the onset of rapid exhumation in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA.
Luetkenmeyer PB, Kirschner DL, Huntington KW (2014). Clumped-isotope thermometry of carbonate veins from the SAFOD borehole. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA.
Ringham MC, Hoke GD, Huntington KW, Aranibar JN (2014). Influence of environment on soil carbonate clumped isotope records, Andean piedmont of Central Argentina (32-34°S). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA.
Turzewski MD, Huntington KW, LeVeque RJ, Feathers JK, Larsen I, Montgomery D (2014). Megaflood erosion of the Tsangpo gorge constrained by hydraulic modeling, geochronology and geochemical fingerprinting, Eastern Himalaya. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA.
Huntington KW, Lechler AR, Burgener L, Hoke G (2014). Impact of carbonate depositional setting and seasonality on clumped isotope records of topography and climate. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver Canada.
Huntington K, Lang K (2014). The persistence of rapid, focused exhumation in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver Canada.
Lechler AR, Huntington KW, Breecker DO, Sweeney MR, and Schauer AJ (2014). Systematic variability in clumped isotope temperatures of loess carbonates during Late Pleistocene climate change, Palouse loess, USA. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver Canada.
Hodson KR, Crider JG, Huntington KW (2014). Identifying structural controls on diagenetic fluid migration using carbonate clumped isotope geochemistry: application to the Moab Fault, Utah. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver Canada.
Huntington KW (2014). Clumped isotope thermometry in continental tectonics. Clumped Isotopes Workshop, Zurich Switzerland.
Kelson J, Lechler AR, Huntington K, Schauer AJ, Smith R (2014). Constraining the seasonality of soil carbonate formation using clumped-isotope paleothermometry. Clumped Isotopes Workshop, Zurich Switzerland.
Burgener L, Huntington K, Hoke G, Schauer A (2014). Constraining the seasonality of soil carbonate formation using clumped-isotope paleothermometry. Clumped Isotopes Workshop, Zurich Switzerland.
Lang K, Huntington K, Montgomery D (2014). Quaternary erosion of the Tsangpo gorge by megafloods, eastern Himalaya. AMQUA Biennial Meeting.
Turzewski M, Huntington K, Feathers J, Larsen I, Montgomery D (2014). Quaternary megaflood chronology from luminescence and radiocarbon dating of flood sands, eastern Himalaya. AMQUA Biennial Meeting.
Huntington K (2014). Clumped isotope paleothermometry in soil carbonate. Goldschmidt, Sacramento, CA.
Breecker D, Driese SG, Nordt LC, Beverly E, Huntington KW (2013). Seasonal variations in the carbon isotope composition of soil-respired CO2 and the dominance of root/rhizsophere respiration in desert soils. AGU Fall Meeting.
Burgener L, Huntington KW, Hoke GD, Schauer A, Samek K (2013). Precipitation season as a control on the timing of pedogenic carbonate growth in the central Andes. AGU Fall Meeting
Huntington KW, Saylor J, Quade J (2013). New constraints on Tibetan plateau uplift from carbonate clumped isotope thermometry. AGU Fall Meeting.
Lang K, Huntington KW (2013). A record of Yarlung-Tsangpo river reorganization since the middle Miocene: evidence for a Himalayan-Tibetan connection. AGU Fall meeting.
Huntington KW (2013). Paleotopography from stable isotopes and clumped isotope thermometry. Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, Pardee Keynote Symposium.
Frost, EL, Budd DA, Kerans C, Huntington KW (2013). Syndepositional fault and fracture control on diagenetic fluid-flow, Tansil Carbonates (Permian), Dark Canyon, Guadalupe Mountain, New Mexico. GSA South-Central Section Annual Meeting.
Lang K, Huntington KW (2012). Erosion of the Yarlung-Tsangpo Gorge sustained by episodic megaflooding, AGU Fall Meeting.
Huntington KW, Bergman SC, Crider JG (2012). Clumped isotopes reveal the influence of deformation style on fluid flow and cementation along the Moab Fault, Paradox Basin, Utah. AGU Fall Meeting.
Huntington KW, Bergman SC, Crider JG (2012). Use of carbonate clumped isotope thermometry to study interactions of structures and fluid flow, Moab Fault, Paradox Basin, Utah. Geological Society of America Fall Meeting.
Huntington KW (2012). Orogens, isotopes, and the evolution of Earth's surface. Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, Gold Medal Lecture.
Huntington KW, Peters N, Hoke GD (2012). Impact of seasonally variable soil carbonate formation on paleotemperature records from clumped isotopes. Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Peters N, Huntington KW, Hoke GD (2011). Seasonal bias in pedogenic carbonate formation: implications for interpreting paleosol temperatures from clumped isotopes. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Lang K, Huntington KW, Larsen IJ, Atakturk KR, Montgomery DR.(2011). Sediment mixing and the interpretation of detrital cosmogenic radionuclide and thermochronology data, NE Indian Himalaya. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Huntington KW (2011). Topographic evolution of the Colorado Plateau: mechanisms, timing, and open questions. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Huntington KW, Adlakha V, Lang KA, Patel RC, Singh P, Lal N (2011). Rapid long-term erosion in the rain shadow of the Shillong Plateau, NE Indian Himalaya. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Carrapa B, DeCelles P, Bywater S, Mortimer E, Huntington K, Clementz M (2011). Cenozoic record of paleotopography and paleoenvironment in the Central Andes of NW Argentina. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Budd DA, Huntington KW, Frost EL (2011). Clumped-isotope thermometry: a new tool to delineate diagenetic temperatures and fluids of calcite phases. AAPG/SEPM Meeting.
Huntington KW, Peters N, Roe G, Hoke G, Eiler J (2010). Impact of surface processes and climate variability on clumped isotope thermometry of soil carbonates, southern Central Andes, Argentina. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Bergman S, Huntington K, Winterleitner G (2010). Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry as a tool to constrain thermal conditions in the shallow crust during deformation and diagenesis, Paradox Basin, Utah. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Denver, CO.
Lang K, Larsen I, Huntington K (2010). Integrating petrographic data with detrital-mineral investigations of erosion over multiple timescales in the Tsangpo-Siang-Brahmaputra river system, NE Indian Himalaya. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Denver, CO.
Peters N, Huntington K, Hoke G (2010). Clumped-isotope thermometry of pedogenic carbonates: quantifying the influence of climate, seasonality, and altitude in the south central Andes, Argentina. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Denver, CO.
Huntington KW, Battisti DS, Roe G, Wernicke BP, Eiler JM (2009). Terrestrial climate reconstructions from carbonate clumped-isotope thermometry, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Carrapa B, Schoenbohm L, DeCelles P, Clementz M, Huntington K (2009). Surface response to lithospheric delamination: an example from the Puna Plateau of NW Argentina. Geological Society of America National Meeting (Portland).
Huntington KW, Wernicke BP, Eiler JM (2009). Constraints on Late Tertiary elevation of the Colorado Plateau from carbonate clumped-isotope thermometry, AGU Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada.
Huntington, K.W., Mohrig, D. (2009). Submarine currents and subaerial intuition: comparing flow characteristics inferred from deposit morphology to constraints from inverted grain-size data, AGU Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada.
Hodges, K.V., Huntington, K.W., Heimsath, A. (2009). Erosion rates over multiple timescales: the power and perils of integrated detrital-mineral thermochronology and cosmogenic-nuclide dating, AGU Joint Assembly, Toronto, Canada.
Huntington, K.W., Wernicke, B.P., Eiler, J.M. (2008). The influence of climate change and uplift on Colorado Plateau paleotemperatures from clumped isotope (D47) carbonate thermometry, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Huntington, K.W., Wernicke, B.P., Eiler, J.M., Flowers, R.M. (2008). Temperature and timing of diagenesis from carbonate clumped isotope thermometry and thermochronology. Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Eiler, J., Affek, H., Daeron, M., Ferry, J., Guo, W., Huntington, K., Thiagarajan, N., Tripati, A. (2008). Carbonate 'clumped isotope' thermometry: A status report. Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Huntington, K.W., Mohrig, D. (2007). Characterizing Turbidity Current Flow Conditions From Turbidite Grain Size Distributions, Capistrano Formation, San Clemente, CA, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Huntington, K.W., Wernicke, B.P., Eiler, J. (2007). Paleoaltimetry from “clumped” 13C-18O bonds in carbonates, Colorado Plateau. Goldschmidt Conference, Cologne, Germany.
Huntington, K.W., Ehlers, T.A., Hodges, K.V., Whipp, D.M. Jr. (2006). Age Uncertainties, Topography, Exhumation Pathway, and the Interpretation of Erosion Rates and Exhumation Kinematics from Thermochronometer Age-Elevation Data, AGU Fall Meeting (Poster), San Francisco, CA.
Wobus, C., Pringle, M., Hodges, K.V., Whipple, K.X., Huntington, K.W. (2006). Miocene exhumation of the Himalayan metamorphic core: new thermochronologic constraints from the Langtang Valley, Nepal. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Huntington, K.W., Hodges, K.V. (2005). Detrital thermochronology as a tool for studying the evolution of transient landscapes. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
Ruhl, K., Blythe, A., Hodges, K. (2005). Accelerated Late-Pliocene Himalayan erosion from fission-track and 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology and the possible role of climate change. GSA National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Ruhl, K., Ruhl, S. (2005). Teaching geologic time and rates of landscape evolution with dice, sandboxes, and cutting-edge thermochronology. Geological Society of America National Meeting (Poster), Salt Lake City, UT.
Whipp, D., Ehlers, T., Blythe, A., Ruhl, K., Hodges, K., Burbank, D. (2005). Kinematic and erosion history of the Greater Himalayan Sequence, Central Nepal, from integrated thermochronology and numerical modeling, Geological Society of America National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Hodges, K., Ruhl, K., Wobus, C., Pringle, M. (2005). 40Ar/39Ar detrital mineral thermochronology in active fluvial systems. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
Hodges, K., Ruhl, K., Wobus, C., Boyce, J. (2005). Detrital mineral thermochronology in active fluvial systems and the evolution of modern orogenic landscapes. Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow, ID.
Ruhl, K., and Hodges, K. (2004). Exhumation rates from bedrock and detrital cooling-age elevation signals: effects of post-closure deformation in the Marsiyandi Valley, Central Nepal. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Ruhl, K., Hodges, K., and Schildgen, T. (2003). Detrital mineral cooling-age signal variability and erosion rates, Marsyandi Valley, central Nepal. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Hodges, K., Ruhl, K., Whipple, K., Wobus, C., (2003). Evidence for neotectonic activity on the Main Central Thrust system, central Nepal, and coordination of erosion and deformation in the Himalayan orogenic system, Himalayan-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, Ascona, Switzerland.
Hodges, K., Ruhl, K., Whipple, K., Wobus, C. (2002). History of the Main Central Thrust system in the Marsyandi Valley, central Nepal: evidence for steady-state orogenesis in the Himalaya? Geological Society of America National Meeting, Denver, CO.