An International Conference

WTO, China, 

and the Asian Economies, III:

Economic Integration and Economic Development

Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China June 25-26, 2005

Downloadable Papers

The followings are some of the papers scheduled to be presented in the conference. They are posted for the convenience of the participants and those who are interested in these papers.

Copyrights of the papers are owned by the authors. For the latest version of the papers, please contact the authors directly.

To read and print the following files, you need Acrobat Reader version 5 or higher. If you do not have the software installed, you can download a free copy of it.

Jin-Li Hu and Chih-Hung Kao

Energy saving Targets for APEC Economies: An Application of DEA Approach

Tran Van Hoa

Impact of Economic Policy Reform and Shocks on Trade and Growth in Asia: Econometric Evidence for China

Nobuhiro Takahashi

Intra-industry Trade and National Energy Policy

Joanne Cutler, Kevin Chow, Carrie Chan, and Unias Li


Mesut Saygili and Kar-yiu Wong

Unilateral and Regional Trade Liberalization: China’s WTO Accession and FTA with ASEAN

Chuntao Li, Frank M. Song, and Sonia M. L. Wong

Audit Firm Size Effects in China’s Emerging Audit Market

Kevin Honglin Zhang

How Does FDI Affect a Host Country’s Export Performance? The Case of China

Hee-seok Bang and Keun-sik Park

Factors to be considered for Improving Free Economic Zone in Korea

Ying Ge The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Urban Wage: An Empirical Examination
Xiaoling Hu and Hua Ping

Globalisation and China’s Iron and Steel Industry Modelling China’s Demand for Steel Importation

Chul Chung and Alan Deardorff

Specialization, Fragmentation, and Factor Intensities: Evidence from Chilean plant-level data

Yuqing Xing and Guanghua Wan Exchange Rates and Competition for FDI in Asia
Zongxian Feng and Jun Dang

The effects of Antidumping Measures on the FDI:A Pre-marketing Behavior Aspect Analysis in China

Henry Wan, Jr. and Yinggang Zhou

Globalization, Trade Adjustment and Gradualism: An Exploratory Note in a Ricardian model with Overlapping Generations

Mukhriz Izraf Azman Aziz and Nor’ Aznin Abu Bakar

The Export Competition Between China and ASEAN-5 Countries in the U.S and Japan:  A Survey on Manufacturing Sectors
Tadashi Inoue

On the Role of Government Expenditure in a Growing Economy  with Endogenous Labor Supply

ZHUO Jun, HU Danting, and LI Hongyi A Cluster Analysis of the Impacts of Different Trade Policies
Chia-Ching Lin, Kun-Ming Chen, and Hsiu-Hua Rau The Impact of Exchange Rate Movements on Foreign Direct Investment: Market-oriented versus Cost-oriented
Kun-Ming Chen, Hui-Kuan Tseng, and Chia-Ching Lin Does International Trade Stabilize Exchange Rate Volatility?

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