DGRL v 18.5: Getting Close to the 18,000 References Mark

Version 18.5 of the Digital Government Reference Library (DGRL) has been published as of December 15, 2022. The library now contains 17,987 references of predominantly English-language, peer-reviewed work in the study domains of digital government, digital governance, and digital democracy.

This marks a 4.7% increase in references from version 18.0 (June of 2022) and a 8.8% increase from version 17.5 (December of 2021). This past publication period has yet been another good one for Digital Government-related publishing adding another 4-digit number (1,456) of new peer-reviewed academic references within the past 12 months.

The DGRL has become an indispensable tool for Digital Government scholars. In particular, reviewers of paper submissions are reported to rely heavily on this reference library. Packaged in a zip file, bibTeX, RIS, and Endnote (package) versions are available. Mendeley or Zotero versions can easily be created by importing from RIS or bibTeX files. Please get back to us in case of any errors or omissions. Next scheduled update: 06/15/2023. Thank you for your interest and cooperation. 

Acknowledgement: No curator can do her work alone. Under the curator and editorship of Hans Jochen Scholl, the DGRL has been maintained and expanded over the years with the help of teams led by Jan Boyd and Galen Guffy and graduate student team members Colin Anderson, Andrea Berg, Emily Cunningham, Erika Deal, Gary Gao, Leslie Harka, Kreg Hasegawa, Jackie Holmes, Julia Hon, Christine Lee, Andrew Mckenna-Foster, Jessie Novotny, Marie Peeples, Hannah Robinson, Richard Robohm, Kelle Rose, Stephanie Rossi, Christopher Setzer, and Daniel Wilson.

Citation: Scholl, H. J. (2022). The Digital Government Reference Library (DGRL). Versions 18.0—18.5. Retrieved from http://faculty.washington.edu/jscholl/dgrl/

4,502 References in the Latest DIRL Version (5.0)

The Disaster Information Reference Library (DIRL) is further expanding

Version 5.0 is the most recent update of this reference library. It has been published as of November 15, 2022 as a regular semiannual update. The library now contains 4,502 references of predominantly English-language, peer-reviewed work in the study domains of disaster information and information technologies and their uses in the context of disasters. This represents an increase over the previous version of 403 references, or 9.8%.

The DIRL is becoming an indispensable tool for Disaster Information and Technology-interested scholars. In particular, peer reviewers of paper submissions may want to rely on this reference library.

Packaged in a zip file, bibTeXRIS as well as an Endnote package (enlp) versions are available. Mendeley or Zotero versions can easily be created by importing from RIS or bibTeX files. Please get back to us in case of any errors or omissions. Thank you for your interest and cooperation.

Acknowledgement: No curator can do the work alone. Under the curator and editorship of Hans Jochen Scholl, the DIRL has been maintained and expanded over the years with the help of teams led by Jan Boyd, Galen Guffy, and Matthew Unruh and graduate student team members Andrea Leigh Berg, Leslie Harka, Andrew Mckenna-Foster, Jessie Novotny, Marie Peeples, and Hannah Robinson.

Citation: Scholl, H. J. (2022). The Disaster information Reference Library (DIRL). Versions 4.4—5.0. Retrieved from: http://faculty.washington.edu/jscholl/dirl/

Please also note: The DIRL is provided on basis of self-service. Do not request any support.

Digital Government Reference Library (DGRL) Version 18.0 Released

Now Listing 17,184 References of Peer-reviewed Research Articles in the English Language

Version 18.0 of the Digital Government Reference Library (DGRL) has been published as of June 17, 2022. The library now contains 17,184 references of predominantly English-language, peer-reviewed work in the study domains of digital government, digital governance, and digital democracy.

This marks a 4.0% increase in references from version 17.5 (December of 2021) and a 9.2% increase from version 17.0 (July of 2021). This past publication period has yet been another good one for Digital Government- related publishing adding another 4-digit number (1,453) of new peer-reviewed academic references within the past 12 months.

The DGRL has become an indispensable tool for Digital Government scholars. In particular, reviewers of paper submissions are reported to rely heavily on this reference library. Packaged in a zip file, bibTeX, RIS, and Endnote (package) versions are available. Mendeley or Zotero versions can easily be created by importing from RIS or bibTeX files. Please get back to us in case of any errors or omissions. Next scheduled update: 12/15/2022.

Thank you for your interest and cooperation.

Please also note: The DGRL is provided on basis of self- service. Do not request any support.

No curator can do her work alone. Under the curator and editorship of Hans Jochen Scholl, the DGRL has been maintained and expanded over the years with the help of teams led by Jan Boyd and Galen Guffy and graduate student team members Colin Anderson, Andrea Berg, Emily Cunningham, Erika Deal, Gary Gao, Kreg Hasegawa, Jackie Holmes, Julia Hon, Christine Lee, Andrew Mckenna-Foster, Jessie Novotny, Marie Peeples, Hannah Robinson, Richard Robohm, Kelle Rose, Stephanie Rossi, Christopher Setzer, and Daniel Wilson.

Citation: Scholl, H. J. (2022). The Digital Government Reference Library (DGRL). Versions 18.0—18.5. Retrieved from http://faculty.washington.edu/jscholl/dgrl/

The DGRL can be downloaded following this link: http://faculty.washington.edu/jscholl/dgrl/download.php

DIRL Version 4.4 Released

Version 4.4 is another semi-annual update of the Disaster Information Reference Library (DIRL). It has been published as of May 09, 2022, as a minor update. Another minor update will follow during this summer. The library now contains 4,099 references of predominantly English-language, peer-reviewed work in the study domains of disaster information and information technologies and their uses in the context of disasters. This represents an increase over the previous version of 166 references, or 4,2%.

The DIRL is intended to become an indispensable tool for Disaster Information and Technology-interested scholars. In particular, reviewers of paper submissions may want to rely on this reference library.

Packaged in a zip file, bibTeX, RIS as well as an Endnote package (enlp) versions are available for downloading. Mendeley or Zotero versions can easily be created by importing from RIS or bibTeX files. Please get back to us in case of any errors or omissions. Thank you for your interest and cooperation.

Please also note: The DIRL is provided on basis of self-service. Do not request any support.

Research Presentation at the World Summit on the Information Society —WSIS Forum 2022

The IFIP WG 5.15 (Information Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction—ITDRR) held a session at the WSIS Forum 2022 on the subject matter (recording-60:41 min). The Forum was organized and held under the auspices of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva Switzerland. My presentation was entitled “Identifying Topical Directions in the Current Body of Knowledge in ITDRR: The Role of the Curated Disaster Information Reference Library (DIRL).”

https://faculty.washington.edu/jscholl/talks/WSIS 2022 WG 5.15 Panel.pdf