University of Washington
Human Centered Design & Engineering
Information Design HCDE 510
Professor David K. Farkas
Course Readings and Course Downloads
See the Course Readings section of this web page for the assigned reading as well as numerous other readings that you may find worthwhile. See the Course Downloads section of this web page for course materials that are not published readings, including a printable syllabus.
Course Readings
Aguera y Aracas, Blaise, Photosynth Demo, TED Conference (March) 2007.
Allen, Patrick, John Bateman, and Judy Delin, “Genre and Layout Design in Multimodal Documents: Towards an Empirical Account,” American Association for Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium on Using Layout for the Generation, Analysis, or Retrieval of Documents, Cape Cod, Autumn 1999.
Analore, Andrew, “GM Uses Wiki to Tell its Story.” Ragan.com, August 29, 2008.
Hal, “A
Cyberpublishing Manifesto,” Communications
of the ACM, 44 (3), 2001, pp.
Bernstein, Mark, HypertextGardens.
Mark., Kato, Hirkazu., and Poupyrev,
Ivan, “The
MagicBook - Moving Seamlessly between
Reality and Virtuality,” Computer
Graphics and Applications, 21(3),
2001, pp. 2-4.
Bosman, J., “E-Books Fly Beyond Mere Text,”New York Times (NYTimes.com), July 29, 2010. https://catalyst.uw.edu/sharespaces/space/farkas/7457
Bush, Vannevar, “As
We May Think,” Atlantic Monthly 176.1
(July), 1945, pp. 101-108. A version
with valuable commentary was reprinted
in the ACM magazine Interactions,
3 (2), March 1996, pp. 35-46. Sections 6-8 are
the key sections in Bush’s
Cawsey, Alison, Floriana Grasso, and Cecile Paris, “Adaptive Information for Consumers of Healthcare,” in P. Brusilovsky, A. Kobsa, and W. Nejdl (eds.), The Adaptive Web, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2007, pp. 465–484, 2007.
Daniel, “An
Introduction to Genre Theory,” posted
to the Web on August 7, 1997.
Daniel. “Montaigne
and the Word Processor,” posted
on the Web on May 26,1997.
Clark, Ruth, “Six
Principles of Effective e-Learning:
What Works and Why.” The
eLearning Developers’ Journal, September
10, 2002, pp. 1-8. (A summary of
research by Richard Mayer.)
Communications of the ACM, The Adaptive Web, 45:5, (May 2002). Available from the ACM Digital Library at www.acm.org (Brusilovsky, Bental, Billsus, Cheverst, de Bra, and Andre).
Cooke, Lynne, "Information Acceleration and the Evolution of Visual Trends Within a Media Context." Technical Communication Quarterly 12 (2), 2003, pp. 155-181.
Cotton, Bob and Richard Oliver, “Hypermedia Applications: Education” from Understanding Hypermedia, London: Phaidon Press, 1993, pp. 88-89.
De Bra, Paul, “Adaptive Educational Hypermedia on the Web,” Communications of the ACM 45 (1), 2002, pp. 60-61. Available from the ACM Digital Library at www.acm.org. Also see other articles on the Adaptive Web by Brusilovsky, Bental, Billsus, Cheverst, and Andre.
De Bra, Paul, “Adaptive Hypermedia,” in Kinshuk, Sampson, Adelsberger and Pawlowski (Eds.), Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2008, pp. 29-46.
Delin, Judy, John Bateman, and Patrick Allen. "A Model of Genre in Document Layout," Information Design Journal 11(1), 2002-3, pp. 54–66.
Ding, Huiling, "Genre analysis of personal statements: Analysis of Moves in Application Essays to Medical and Dental Schools," English for Specific Purposes, 26 (2007) 368–392.
Erickson, Thomas, “Social Interaction on the Net: Virtual Community as Participatory Genre,” Proceedings of the Thirtieth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 6-10, 1997, Maui, Hawaii.
Farkas, David K., “The Linear Hierarchical Model,” unpublished course material, 2010.
Farkas, David K. and Christopher Raleigh, "Designing Documents for Selective Reading," forthcoming, Information Design Journal.
Farkas, David K., “Managing Three Mediation Effects that Influence PowerPoint Deck Authoring,” Technical Communication, 56 (1), 2009.
Farkas, David K., “A Heuristic for Reasoning about PowerPoint Deck Design," Proceedings of the 2008 International Professional Communication Conference, Montreal, Canada, July 13-16.
Farkas, David K., “Toward a Better Understanding of PowerPoint Deck Design,”IDJ+DD (Information Design Journal + Document Design), 14 (2), 2006, pp. 162-71.
Farkas, David K., "Explicit Structure of Print and On-Screen Documents," Technical Communication Quarterly, 14 (1), 2005, pp. 9-30.
Farkas, David
K., “Understanding
and Using PowerPoint,” Proceedings of
the Society for Technical Communication
52nd Annual Conference,
Seattle, WA, May 8-11, 2005, pp.
Farkas, David K., “Hypertext and Hypermedia,” Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, Berkshire Publishing 2004, pp. 332-336.
Farkas, David K. “Managing Headings in Print and Online Documents,” Proceedings of the 2002 IPCC Conference, Portland, OR, September 17-20.
Farkas, David K. and Farkas, Jean B., “Writing for the Web" (Chapter 10), in Principles of Web Design. Longman, 2002, pp. 220-240.
Farkas, David K. and Farkas, Jean B., “An Introduction to Copyright Law (Appendix B),” in Principles of Web Design. Longman, 2002.
Farkas, David K. and Farkas, Jean B., “Graphic Design,” in Principles of Web Design. Longman, 2002.
Farkas, David K., Jerrod Larson, and Steven J. Naranjo, "LabelPatterns.Org: A Comprehensive Pattern Library for Consumer-Decision Labels," Proceedings of the 2011 IPCC Conference.
Farkas, David K. and Christopher Raleigh, "Designing Documents for Selective Reading," forthcoming 2012, Information Design Journal.
Fisher, Lori, “Moving
from Single Sourcing to Reuse with
XML DITA,” Best Practices (Comtech),
June 2003, pp. 63-68.
FLOSS Manuals Community Members, FLOSS Manuals, 2008
French, Howard W., “U.N. Congo Report Offers New View on Genocide,” New York Times (NYTimes.com), August 27, 2010.
Malcolm, "The
Social Life of Paper: Looking for
Method in the Mess," The
New Yorker, March 25, 2002,
pp. 92-96.
Gold, Rich, “Reading PowerPoint,” in Working With Words And Images: New Steps in an Old Dance, Nancy J. Allen (ed). Ablex, 2002.
Graham, S. Scott and Brandon Whalen, “Mode, Medium, and Genre.A Case Study of Decisions in New-Media Design,” Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 22 (1), 2008, pp. 65-91.
Gruman, Galen, “How Mobile Will Kill Off Microsoft Office.” InfoWorld, September 3, 2010.
Harrill, Rob, “Readers
Become Part of the Action through
High-Tech Mixture of Traditional
Storytelling and Virtual Reality
in UW's ‘Magic
Book,’ ” University
of Washington press release, September
12, 2000.
Hartley, James, "Text Design," in Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, ed. David H. JonassenNew York, Macmillan, 1996.
Steven, “Tom Suzuki,
76, a Designer Who Transformed Textbooks,
Dies,” New York Times (NYTimes.com),
September,12, 2006.
Horn, Robert E., “Interactive Visual Scenario for the PanDefense 1.0 Conference,” 2006.
Horn, Robert E., “Mega-Flu Pandemic: Not Quite the Worst Case Scenario V.2”, 2005.
Horn, Robert
E., “What
Kinds of Writing Have a Future?” Presentation
at the ACM SigDOC Conference, October
22, 2001.
Horn, Robert
E., “Knowledge
Mapping for Complex Social Messes,” Presentation
at the David and Lucile Packard Foundation,
July 16, 2001.
Horn, Robert
E. “Structured
Writing as a Paradigm,” in Instructional
Development: State of the Art,
Alexander Romiszowski and Charles
Dills (eds). Englewood Cliffs, N.
J., Educational Technology Publications,
Hyde, Adam, Book Sprints Face-2-Face, 2009. http://en.flossmanuals.net
Jackson, Randolph L. and Eileen Fagan, “Collaboration and Learning within Immersive Virtual Reality,” Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Collaborative Virtual Environments 2000, San Francisco, California. Available from the ACM Digital Library at ACM.org.
Jansen, Carel, “Reflecting on Information Mapping: Does the Method Live Up to the Expectations?” Proceedings of the 2002 IPCC Conference.
Keep, Christopher, McLaughlin, Tim,
and Parmar, Robin, The
Electronic Labyrinth (written
in 1993 and adapted for the World
Wide Web in November 1995).
Kiernan, Vincent, “Multimedia Data Base at Carnegie Mellon Lets You ‘Interview’ Albert Einstein,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 9, 1998, p. A27.
Klemmer, Scott R., Jamey Graham, Gregory J. Wolff, and James A. Landay, “Books with Voices: Paper Transcripts as a Physical Interface to Oral Histories.” Proceedings of the ACM CHI 2003, pp. 89-96, 2003.
Larson, Jerrod and David K. Farkas, "Indicating Impact: The Environmental Life-Cycle Rating Label, Proceedings of the 2011 IPCC Conference.
Larson, Jerrod, Indicating Impact: The Design of an Environmental Labeling System for Consumer Goods, doctoral dissertation, University of Washington, 2009.
Lee, Moon, J., “Expanding Hypertext: Does It Address Disorientation? Depends on Individuals' Adventurousness.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(3).
Marcus Aaron, “Patterns within Patterns: ”Introduction to Design Patterns,” Interactions, March-April 2004, pp. 39-34.
Marinelli, Donald and Scott Stevens, Scott, "Synthetic interviews: the Art of Creating a 'Dyad' between Humans and Machine-Based Characters", In IVTTA (Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications) '98, pp. 1998,.43-48.
Marlow, Cameron, Mor Naaman, danah boyd, Marc Davis, “Position Paper, Tagging, Taxonomy, Flickr, Article, ToRead.” Proceedings Hypertext ’06 Conference.
Mayer, Richard E. and Roxana Moreno, "Nine Ways to Reduce Cognitive Load in Multimedia Learning, Educational Psychologist, 38(1), pp. 43-52, 2003.
McCloud, Scott, “Follow that Trail” (I Can’t Stop Thinking #4). http://www.scottmccloud.com/1-webcomics/icst/index.html
Scott. “Zot
Online: Hearts and Minds” (Part
McCloud, Scott, Google Chrome: Behind the Open Source Browser Project. http://www.google.com/googlebooks/chrome/index.html
National Endowment for the Arts, Reading on the Rise: A New Chapter in American Literacy. Washington, DC Undated/2009.
Nelson, Theodor Holm (“Ted”), Excerpt from Computer Lib/Dream Machines, from The New Media Reader, ed. Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Nick Montfort, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003.
Nelson, Theodor Holm (“Ted”), “Xanadu: Document Interconnection Enabling Re-use with Automatic Author Credit and Royalty Accounting,” Information Services & Use, 14 (1994), pp. 255-265.
Nielsen, Jacob, "Transmedia Design for the 3 Screens (Make That 5)," Alertbox, August 29, 2011.
Nielsen, Jakob, “How Little Do Users Read?” Alertbox, May 6, 2008.
Jakob, "Reviving
Advanced Hypertext.” Alertbox,
January 3, 2005.
Nielsen, Jakob, “The End of Legacy Media" (Newspapers, Magazines, Books, TV Networks).” Alertbox, August 23, 1998.
Onion, The, “Nation Shudders At Large Block of Uninterrupted Text,” Science & Technology, March 9, 2010 (issue 46-10).
Peters, Jeremy W., “For New Yorker on iPad, Words Are the Thing,” New York Times (NYTimes.com), July 31, 2011.
Raban, Jonathan, Excerpt about modular writing from “The Nuclear Threat,” a review of The Atomic Bazaar by William Langewiesche, New York Times, May 20, 2007.
Ramaswami, Rama, “Best of Both Worlds,” Campus Technology, September 1, 2009, pp. 24-31.
Redish, Janice (Ginny) Letting Go of the Words, Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier, 2007.
Redish, Janice (Ginny), “Writing for the Web, Letting Go of the Words", Intercom, June 2004, pp. pp. 4-10.
Rich, Motoko, “Curling Up With Hybrid Books, Videos Included,” New York Times online (NYTimes.com), October 1, 2009.
Rockley Group, “Preparing for DITA: What You Need to Know,” white paper, Markham, Ontario, Canada, 2005.
Rockley, Ann, “Dynamic Content Management,” Intercom, February 2001, pp. 28-32 and 42.
Schmandt-Besserat, Denise, "Signs of Life". Archaeology Odyssey, Jan-Feb 2002, 6–7, 63.
Self, Tony, “What If Readers Can’t Read?” Intercom, February 2009, pp. 10-14.
Snyder, Carolyn, “Online Video: The Book Was Better,” Eye for Design, July/August, 1998, pp. 8-10.
Steuer, Jonathan, "Defining Virtual Reality: Dimensions Determining Telepresence," Journal of Communication, 4(24) (Autumn, 1992), 73-93. Graphic of Steuer's model adapted by Clement Mok, Designing Business: Multiple Media, Multiple Disciplines
San Jose, CA: Adobe Press, 1996.
Tracey, J. R., D.E. Rugh, and W.S. Starkey, Sequential Thematic Organization of Publications (STOP), Internal report for the Hughes Aircraft Company, 1965, reprinted in the Journal of Computer Documentation, 23 (3), August 1999. Available from the ACM Digital Library at ACM.org.
Tversky, B., J .B. Morrison, & M. Betrancourt, “Animation: Can it facilitate?” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 57, 2002, pp. 247-262.
University of Washington, Biological Information Handling: Essentials for Engineers, multimedia tutorial, 2004. http://www.biologyforengineers.org/ (Click Get the CD and look for downloads).
Walker, Randall C., Phil Schloss, Charles A. Vogel, Adam S. Gordon, Charles R. Fletcher, and Stan Walker, “Visual-Syntactic Text Formatting: Theoretical Basis and Empirical Evidence for Impact on Human Reading.” Proceedings of the 2007 International Professional Communication Conference, Seattle, Washington, October 1-3. See also the annotated PowerPoint deck WalkerVSTF-IPCC07.
Weiss, Edmond, H., “Bits, Atoms, and the Technical Writer: The Rhetoric of STOP, adapted from The Journal of Computer Documentation, 23 (3), 1999, pp. 95-101.
Wikipedia, "Origin of Language."
Wikipedia, "Writing Systems."
Wortham, Jenna, “Shorter E-Books for Smaller Devices,” New York Times (NYTimes.com), February 12, 2011.
Zhou, Quan and David K. Farkas, “QuikScan: Formatting Documents for Better Comprehension and Navigation,” Technical Communication, 57 (2), 2010, pp. 197-209.
Course Downloads
Below are course materials that are not published readings. This includes a printable syllabus and slideware presentations that will be used in class. Slide decks are PPTX files. Most other files are PDFs.
Problem-Solution Structure slide deck
Basic Communication Concepts slide deck
Medium and Genre slide deck
Format and Behaviors slide deck
Farkas, "Navigation vs. Scent" slide deck
Horn, Social
Messages Missile Defense
Horn, Social
Messes Multnomah