Brain Jokes
I hope you find these jokes funny. Yes, I know that many are corny. Click on the "answer button" to see the answer and the to see a page that explains the answer (or gives a hint).

  • What is a sleeping brain's favorite musical group (rock band)?

  • How does a brain say "Hello?"

  • Where does a brain go on vacation?

  • What type of EEG signal can you record from the brain of an ant?

  • What do you call a group of brains who form a singing group at school?

  • Where do brains go for vacation in Massachusetts?

  • Why did the brain go to the gym?

  • Why did the brain visit a psychiatrist?

  • Why are sponges and brains similar?

  • What part of the brain makes the best music?

  • What do you call a skull without 86 billion neurons?

  • What did the skull say to the pencil?

  • Why do neurons go to the gym?

  • What has a head but no brain?

  • What has heads and tails, but no brains?

  • What happens when you bother the parietal lobe?

  • What is a brain's favorite kind of boat?

  • What did the angry brain say to the nociceptor?

  • What did the brain say after it got an electrical shock?

  • What do you call a brain that likes to read fiction?

  • What do you get when you cross a brain with a clock?

  • When does a brain get afraid?

  • What did the doctor say to the man who had an elephant sitting on his brain?

  • What did the man say after the elephant got off of his brain?

  • What does a brain wear in a rainstorm?

  • Why didn't the brain want to take a bath?

  • What did the mother brain say to her oldest child when it was bothering her youngest child?

  • What is the brain's favorite television channel?

  • What is the name of the Hollywood movie that stars an "outlaw" brain and an "outlaw" woman on a road trip?

  • Why did the brain plant a garden?

  • What is the best toothpaste for the brain?

  • What did the developing brain say to the other brain?

  • When does it rain brains?

  • What do you call a hat for the brain?

  • Why can't a brain be 12 inches long?

  • What reassuring advice did the meninges give to the brain?

  • Why did the band call themselves "The Meninges?"

  • What is a pirate's favorite layer of the meninges?

  • What do you call a brain connected to three eyes?

  • Why does it sound like brains and aquarium fish are similar?

  • Why does the brain have so many wrinkles?

  • What does a brain use to clean its sulci?

  • What part of the brain is in a computer?

  • Why are sulci so "cool?"

  • What is a brainy snake's favorite subject?

  • How do you turn a brain into water?

  • Why do brains use cosmetics?

  • Why was the brain sad when it lost its locomotive?

  • Why don't creative people like to learn in small rooms?

  • How does a brain know what time it is?

  • Why did the brain take a wrong turn?

  • What is located in the center of the brain?

  • What is the brain's favorite card game?

  • Why do brains make the most dedicated employees?

  • Who has the most important job at the brain bank?

  • What do you call the main office at a brain bank?

  • Which side of the brain is better to write with?

  • What do you call a group of brains that can rely on each other?

  • Which side of the brain has the most neurons?

  • Why do brains get tired in the evening?

  • What do you call a militarized brain?

  • Why does the amygdala always carry a suitcase?

  • Why did the brain refuse to use lipstick and eyeliner?

  • How did the brain cheat during the race?

  • What did the brain say when it saw a group of friends talking?

  • Why did the brain get a speeding ticket?

  • Why did the neuroscientist take the picture of a brain off the wall?

  • Where does a neuron keep its money?

  • Where are neurons put in jail when they commit a crime?

  • What do you call two neurons in jail?

  • Why did the neuron cross the microscope?

  • What do neurons do on their birthdays?

  • When are neurons most contagious?

  • What do you get when you cross a thought with a light bulb?

  • Why do neurons like e-mail?

  • Why don't neurons get along with each other?

  • What did the Hollywood film director say to the young neuron that wanted to be an actor?

  • Why should you keep matches away from a neuron?

  • Why are action potentials so decisive?

  • Why should you never trust an action potential?

  • What type of photos do neurons post to Facebook?

  • What do you get when you cross a "bad idea for using fur" with 86 billion neurons?

  • What do neurons use to talk to each other?

  • What type of neurons are the most dominant?

  • What do neurons use to get around during development?

  • Why are most adult neurons poor at math?

  • Why are glial cells better than neurons at math?

  • What type of cell is a neuron's best friend?

  • What is a neuron's favorite type of cookie?

  • What happened with the synapse lost its phone?

  • Where do synapses buy their clothes?

  • Why don’t synapses use glasses?

  • Why did the axon terminal break up with the dendrite?

  • How do you fix a broken ion channel?

  • What do ion channels like to talk about?

  • What did the confident sodium ion say when asked if it was going through the correct ion channel?

  • Why do brain cells grown in a dish attend the ballet and opera?

  • Why was the neuron sent to the principal's office?

  • Why did the neuron like to sleep in the top bunk bed?

  • Why is it good to think about of potassium, calcium and sodium ions?

  • When is a synapse like a tree?

  • What directions do you give to get to a neuron?

  • Where is the best place to get a book about dendrites?

  • What dinner dish does a developing neuron use?

  • What is an average-sized porcupine's favorite neuron?

  • What is the former Chancellor of Germany's favorite type of cell?

  • When are neurons lazy?

  • Why do neurons have so many friends?

  • Why did the pre-synaptic membrane break up with the post-synaptic membrane?

  • Why do dendrites have so many friends?

  • What did the angry neuron say to another neuron?

  • What has branches, but no leaves or fruit?

  • Why can't you borrow money from local interneurons?

  • What do you call two very compassionate, supportive networks of neurons?

  • Why are robots so brave?

  • What nerves are used to lift the brain?

  • Which cranial nerve would be right at home in a well-known city in Nevada?

  • Which cranial nerve should you avoid using when writing a paper?

  • Which cranial nerve can you get rid of?

  • What did the dendrite do when the brain bank closed?

  • What do dendrites drink when they are removing extra synaptic connections?

  • How do axons stay warm in the winter?

  • What goes all around a neuron but never moves?

  • What do you always find at the end of an axon?

  • What is a sodium ion's favorite water sport?

  • What is a neuron's favorite dessert?

  • What is a neuron's favorite vegetable?

  • Why did the nervous system visit a psychologist?

  • What is the nervous system's favorite Gene Kelly movie?

  • What did the hippocampus say during its retirement speech?

  • What did the right hemisphere say to the left hemisphere when they could not agree on anything?

  • Why is the left cerebral cortex always wrong?

  • What street does the hippocampus live on?

  • What did parietal say to frontal?

  • Why are neuroanatomy classes the smartest?

  • What do you call a confusing neuroscience class?

  • Why did the students take umbrellas to their neuroanatomy class?

  • Why did the student arrive early for the brain dissection class?

  • What part of the brain has the same name as a famous site in Egypt?

  • How are brains like race courses?

  • What did the corpus callosum say to the right and left hemispheres when they were all arguing?

  • What did the brain say after the action potential traveled from the right hemisphere to the left hemisphere?

  • What part of the brain has been knighted?

  • What is the cheapest part of the brain?

  • What happened to the man who had a left hemispherectomy?

  • How do brains relax?

  • Why was the brain sent to the principal's office?

  • Why doesn't cerebrospinal fluid sit in one place at a party?

  • What do you call a neuroscientist who studies dizziness?

  • What is the slipperiest part of the brain?

  • What part of the nervous system is never alone?

  • What do you call the fear of being trapped between the insular cortex and the putamen?

  • What type of music is played by the band named "Myelin?"

  • Why were the axons bothered by myelin?

  • What did the Hollywood film director say after he finished making a movie about myelin?

  • What words of thanks did the neuron give to the glia cell?

  • What do you call glia when it is happy?

  • Why do mummies like myelin?

  • Why doesn't myelin like its birthday?

  • What do you call a meeting of myelin sheaths?

  • What show do glial cells see when they go to the ballet?

  • Why doesn't myelin like to go on vacation?

  • What do you call a glial cell in a spacesuit?

  • Why did the action potential cross the corpus callosum?

  • Why was the action potential so upset when it went from the optic nerve to the optic tract?

  • What did the stimulus do to the neuron after they got married?

  • What starts to work after it is fired?

  • Why are action potentials so well behaved?

  • Why do neurons have trouble finding work?

  • What do you call a trout that studies the function of the nervous system?

  • Why do action potentials make good volleyball players?

  • How are trains similar to neurons?

  • What did the axon terminal say to the receptor when they broke up?

  • What does a jellyfish use to catch fish?

  • Why can't jellyfish be neurosurgeons?

  • Why did the jellyfish refuse to parachute?

  • Why didn't the action potential want to be around the IPSP (inhibitory post-synaptic potential)?

  • Why did the neuroscientist steal the North Pole?

  • What happens if you break the brain scanner?

  • If your dog was a neurologist, what would it do all day?

  • What is the best medical device to use to find a lost kitten?

  • What happened when the technician mixed up the MRI images?

  • What did the technician give to the patient when they found the MRI machine was broken?

  • Why did the lab technician avoid using pipettes?

  • Why do cats make the best brain scan technologists?

  • Why is it a good idea to use chickens in motion capture experiments?

  • Why did the neuroscientist decide to study olfaction?

  • What sign was placed outside the olfaction lab with broken equipment?

  • What do you call a large dog that helps with experiments?

  • How many neuroscientists does it take to change a lightbulb?

  • What type of neuroscientist charts a route to their lab?

  • Where do neuroscientists who live in Hawaii work?

  • When are statistics confusing to neuroscientists?

  • Why did the statistician join the softball team when the team was missing a player?

  • What is a cat's favorite type of neuron?

  • What happened when the neuroscientist taught a bird how to talk?

  • Why are neuroscientists such good learners?

  • What do you call an African antelope that studies the brain?

  • What do you call male neuroscientists who are best friends?

  • What do you call a neuroscientist who studies the sense of taste?

  • Why did the neuroscientist bring a ladder to the lab?

  • What kind of fish performs brain surgery?

  • What Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist worked in a very dark lab?

  • Where did the neuroscientist see his work in the newspaper?

  • Who is the famous neuroscientist who studies balance and posture?

  • What type of arrangement did Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientists Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley have with a fisherman?

  • Where do the happiest neuroscientists publish their research?

  • What is the most recent subfield of brain research?

  • Why don't neuroscientists carry luggage on their way to optogenetics conferences?

  • How can you tell when an optogenetics research gets a new piece of equipment?

  • Why are optogenetics researchers so optimistic?

  • How do optogenetics researchers decide on their next experiments?

  • Why did the optogenetics researcher eat a lamp?

  • What period of time is it when the optogenetics equipment breaks?

  • Why did the neuroscientist spend so much time with filter paper?

  • What programming language do snakes use for their neuroscientific experiments?

  • What technique do rabbits use when they control neuronal activity with light?

  • How do neuroscientists who use optogenetics explain what they do?

  • How do you calm down optogenetics researchers?

  • What programming language do pirates use for statistical analysis of their data?

  • Why do swimmers make the best neurologists?

  • How did the mother know her child would become a neuroanatomist?

  • Why did the neuroanatomist have a difficult time publishing her discovery about a new type of neuron?

  • Why did the baby become a neurochemist?

  • What birthday present did the neuropsychologist give to her baby?

  • What did the optometrist say to the distracted students?

  • Why is a relationship between a neuroanatomist and a neurosurgeon certain to fail?

  • Where do neurosurgeons graduate?

  • Why should neurosurgeons avoid wearing headlights?

  • Why did the neurosurgeon stop using her drill during the procedure?

  • Why did the neurosurgeon consider switching to a career in comedy?

  • What type of neurosurgeon is best at brain surgery?

  • Why did the medical student decide to be a neurosurgeon?

  • When do neurosurgeons get dizzy?

  • Why would Heidi Klum and Naomi Campbell make great computational neuroscientists?

  • What do you call an ophthalmologist who can see the future?

  • What kind of car does an ophthalmologist drive?

  • Why are ophthalmologists so fashionable?

  • Why kind of web page did the ophthalmologist create?

  • What is an ophthalmologist's favorite font?

  • What did the patient say after hearing the ophthalmologist's diagnosis?

  • What is the smartest piece of equipment in a neuroscientist's laboratory?

  • What is a neuroscientist's favorite type of dog?

  • What is a neuroscientist's second favorite type of dog?

  • Why did the auditory neuroscientist buy new lab equipment?

  • What is a neuroscientist's favorite American folk song?

  • What is a EEG technician's favorite time of day?

  • What is an EEG technologist's favorite part of a football game?

  • What type of EEG headset does a snowman wear?

  • Why did the alpha brainwave breakup with the delta brainwave?

  • Why do people who participate in sleep studies have the best jobs?

  • What might happen if you read "The Hobbit" at bedtime?

  • Why should students sleep in an herb garden?

  • Why do people who are 6 feet tall spend more time sleeping than people who are 5 feet tall?

  • What happened to the student who accidentally deleted the recording of the professor’s lecture?

  • Why did the shrub visit the sleep research center for treatment?

  • Why did the car wheel visit the sleep research center for treatment?

  • What is the best advice you can give to someone with insomnia?

  • Why should it be so easy to sleep?

  • What is the best way to startle a lab manager?

  • How did the burglar wake up the bicycle repair worker?

  • Why are circadian rhythms like fads?

  • What type of people sleep on chandeliers?

  • How do sleep researchers celebrate?

  • What type of vehicle does a sleep researcher ride?

  • What happens if a janitor moves from the day shift to the night shift?

  • What does a sleep researcher use to tell time?

  • What instrument does Santa the Neuroscientist play?

  • Who is Santa's most intelligent holiday helper?

  • Why did the cow drop out of graduate school?

  • What do cows use to analyze their data?

  • What is a common reason why students who study neuroscience drop out of graduate school?

  • Why did the comment from one neuroscientist make the other neuroscientist so angry?

  • What makes a neuroscientist really smile?

  • Why was it so easy for the Australian marsupial to get into graduate school?

  • Why did the neuroscientist take a book to the hospital?

  • Why are neuroscientists who research optogenetics hungry in the afternoon?

  • What did the optogenetics researcher eat just before dinner?

  • Why can't optogenetics researchers join forces with Darth Vader?

  • What do neuroscientists who study Alzheimer's disease get when they retire?

  • Why did the neuroscientist want to use a patch clamp?

  • What did the neuroscientist say after using a patch clamp to record some strange data from small, raisin-like fruits?

  • Why do neuroanatomists like small books?

  • Why do neurosurgeons dip their hands in oil before they perform brain surgery?

  • When should a book go to a neurosurgeon?

  • Why did the plumber interrupt the neurosurgeon?

  • Where is the best place to grow MRI machines?

  • What type of people are best suited to work with MRI machines?

  • Why did the man quit his job as an MRI technician?

  • Why was the patient so comfortable with the neurosurgeon who was about to perform a craniotomy?

  • Why did the neuroscientist rip up the first draft of the paper?

  • Why did the neuroscientist dislike switching to piped in oxygen gas?

  • Why do neurosurgeons always get the best jobs at their hospitals?

  • Why are neurosurgeons often upset when they perform surgery on the spinal cord?

  • Why did the microscopist lose his job?

  • Why do neuroscientists who study myelin have no hobbies?

  • Why did the neuroscientist rip up the first draft of her paper?

  • What type of business sells microscopes?

  • Why are the brain and spinal cord such good friends?

  • What do you call the physician who assists the spinal cord surgeon?

  • Why do some doctors prefer to use local anesthetics?

  • Why are neurosurgeons who work on the spinal cord so impolite?

  • What is a neuroengineer's favorite letters?

  • What type of wild cat roams around the lab of Elon Musk’s neural engineering company?

  • Who is the singer/songwriter, former child star, brain researcher?

  • Why do neuroanatomists like baseball?

  • Where does a neuroanatomist sit in a theater?

  • What do you call a senior neuroscientist who eats everything at the buffet table?

  • Why are neuroanatomists so happy?

  • Why is it so confusing to see two neuroscientists walking side by side?

  • What should neurosurgeons say when someone insults their profession?

  • What did the neuroanatomy professor say to the students who wanted to know about the pons?

  • What do you call a cow that also does brain research?

  • What do brainy magicians say when they perform their tricks?

  • What magic words do other brainy magicians use?

  • Why did the neuroscientist remove his doorbell?

  • What is a car mechanic's favorite type of neuron?

  • What type of neuroscientists live outside big cities?

  • If the Karate Kid was a neuroscientist, how would he train?

  • What did the lumberjack say to the brain?

  • What happened when the neuroscientist got a new centrifuge?

  • What did the ophthalmologist tell her patient who had a dream that his eye changed color?

  • What type of person makes the best ophthalmologist?

  • What do you call an ophthalmologist who has a second job as a detective?

  • When is someone considered to be an expert at reading Braille?

  • Why did the student fail his test at acupuncture school?

  • Why should you always take advice from an acupuncturist?

  • Why did the patient stop disagreeing with the acupuncturist?

  • Why do acupuncturists enjoy their jobs so much?

  • Why do acupuncturists wear suits made from their needles?

  • What do you call a good day for acupuncturist?

  • What do you call an acupuncturist who always procrastinates?

  • What happened to the optometrist who magically turned into a lens?

  • Why did the optometrist lose his job?

  • What do you call a rabbit who finishes medical school with a specialty in treating eye disorders?

  • What do you call an alligator who studies the brain?

  • What do neuroscientists use to record from tiny brains?

  • How do you find a lost microelectrode?

  • Why was there thunder and lightning in the neuroscientist's lab?

  • What do neuroscientists use to record from amphibian neurons?

  • Where do neuroscientists publish their research about bee brains?

  • Where do the happiest neuroscientists publish their research?

  • Why are mannequins bad neuroscientists?

  • Why did Alessandro Volta go to jail?

  • Why should you never lie to a neuroradiologist?

  • What do neuroscientists take for bad breath?

  • How are stem cell researchers like farmers?

  • What did the neuroaudiologist say when she saw a strange research result?

  • Why do neuroaudiologists make such good pool players?

  • Why do neuroaudiologists avoid working on the bones in the middle ear?

  • What type of information do audiologists provide their patients?

  • Why did the fisherman visit the audiologist?

  • What do you can a mirage in Alaska?

  • Why are neuroscientists who study the visual system so good at explaining their work?

  • What do you call researchers who study the activity of honey-producing insects?

  • Why are some neuroscientists scared of cresyl violet?

  • What do neuroscientists who use fluorescent microscopes say to start a race?

  • What did the EEG say to the neuroscientist?

  • Dr. Jones is a neuropharmacologist who is 5 feet, 6 inches tall and wears a size 8 shoe. What does she weigh?

  • Why are doctors so fond of testing a patient's patellar (knee-jerk) reflex?

  • What is an audiologist's favorite instrument?

  • What kind of ears do people in the field of neurotechnology have?

  • What did Galvani say when he stimulated a frog leg with electricity?

  • What did early neuroscientists invent when they crossed an electric eel with a sponge?

  • What has the most education in a neuroscientist's laboratory?

  • Why were the students confused about the EEG joke?

  • Why did the two neuropharmacologists get married?

  • Why did the neuroscientist forget about the old electrode?

  • Why was the neuroscientist arrested when she was introduced at the convention?

  • What happened when the neuroscientist forgot to words for his presentation?

  • What do you call someone who works in the purchasing office in the Department of Neuroscience?

  • What is the opposite of neuroscience?

  • What do neuroscientists collect at the beach?

  • Why do lab directors take their students to railroad stations?

  • What did the student say when he couldn't remember the answer to the test question about Ivan Pavlov?

  • What product did Ivan Pavlov use after he shampooed his hair?

  • Why would two neuroscientists, both with the first name Ed, do better research together than alone?

  • Why did the neuroscientist display the lab’s budget on a screen?

  • What is an visual neuroscientist’s favorite place to go in Paris?

  • What is a visual neuroscientist’s favorite dessert?

  • Why are neuroscientists who study vision such good learners?

  • Why did the neuroscientist insist on studying hearing?

  • What was Alessandro Volta’s favorite car?

  • Why should you be suspicious of neuroscientists who are creating graphs?

  • How did the neuroscientist celebrate a successful deep brain stimulation experiment?

  • Why did the neuroscientist break a window before writing a paper?

Brain Chemistry
  • If some of Fred Flintstone's neurotransmitters could talk, what would they say?

  • What is a pirate's favorite brain chemical?

  • What happens when a neurotransmitter falls in love with a receptor?

  • Why isn't glutamate very nice?

  • Why should you be quiet around barbituates?

  • Which neurotransmitter makes the best adhesive?

  • Why did the neurotransmitter bring super glue into the synapse?

  • What do you call two excitatory neurotransmitters when they get married?

  • Why didn’t the serotonin molecule like the group of dopamine receptors?

  • Why was the discovery of L-dopa (levodopa) so emotional?

  • What type of chemical blocks the action of small insect neurotransmitters?

Spinal Cord
  • Why does the spinal cord belong in the brass section of an orchestra?

  • Why was the spinal cord disappointed when it tried to buy a new disc?

  • Why is a bundle of nerve fibers in the spinal cord always so happy?

  • What type of dances do spinal cords like?

  • How does the spinal cord hammer a nail into a wall?

  • How did the patella apologize to the hammer?

  • Why would the ventral horn and dorsal horn make a good married couple?

  • What is a cervical vertebra's favorite fruit?

  • Where do the lower vertebrae shop for wood?

  • Why do vertebrae like horror movies?

  • What do you call an ancient Egyptian chemical substance that is released by one animal to stimulate another animal?

The Senses
  • Why were the two retinas such good friends?

  • What has an eye but cannot see?

  • Why don't the ear and nose get along with the eye?

  • Why did one nose give a gift to another nose?

  • What is the best food to maintain eye health?

  • Why does your nose like to be in the middle of your face?

  • What do you call a flying ear?

  • Where do they make all of the books about the sense of smell?

  • What do call it when a nose loses it ability to smell?

  • What did people say after Linda Buck and Richard Axel won the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for their work on the olfactory system?

  • What did one eye say to the other eye?

  • What tastes better than it smells?

  • What do you call two friendly sensory receptors on the tongue?

  • How did the brain complement the tongue?

  • Why did the brain like the ear so much?

  • Why are eyes so funny?

  • How are eyes and schools similar?

  • How much money do you have when you combine touch, vision, smell, hearing and taste?

  • Why did the nose become a comedian?

  • What does the visual system use to play basketball?

  • What has four eyes but cannot see?

  • Why did the web developer get a new pair of glasses?

  • Why do glaciers have such good vision?

  • What is a nose's favorite Christmas song?

  • Why are bloodhounds so rich?

  • What does the skin put on its bathroom floor?

  • Why did the neuroscientist give up on studying mechanoreceptors?

  • Why did the neuroscientist give up on studying muscle spindles?

  • What do you call it when muscle spindles, neurons and the spinal cord all work together?

  • Why did the man who lost all of his Pacinian corpuscles go to the doctor?

  • What did one mechnoreceptor say to the other mechnoreceptor when they met at the knee?

  • Why are mechanoreceptors so good with dealing with stress?

  • Why don't people have the sense of electroreception?

  • What is a Pacinian corpuscle's favorite sport?

  • Why did the hand refuse to wear a glove?

  • Which sensory receptors are the least expensive?

  • Why are dissections of the visual system so surprising?

  • What do you call the feeling that you have already been sick?

  • What do you call the feeling that you have already had dinner?

  • What do you call the feeling that you have already made coffee?

  • Where does the cochlea like to swim?

  • What is the name of the condition when a fish enters someone's ear?

  • Of all of the lobes, why is the occipital lobe most important for vision?

  • What do you call a photoreceptor that is attracted to electrical storms?

  • What is a thermoreceptor's favorite song?

  • Why is your sense of touch so bad when you are sick?

  • What game do eyes play outside?

  • Why is an ice cream shop like the retina?

  • What did the rod photoreceptor say to scold the other type of photoreceptor?

  • Why is a sports car dealership like a warm retina?

  • What do you call a Tyrannosaurus under stress?

  • Why are fish so smart?

  • What question can you never truthfully answer "Yes"?

  • What mountain gets the most sleep?

  • How do you put boulders to bed?

  • Why is it best to sleep in the forest?

  • Which dinosaur was the loudest sleeper?

  • Why was the man who refused to sleep put in jail?

  • Where did the brain go to get some sleep?

  • Why did the brain go running?

  • What do you get when a German sausage hits you in the head?

  • What do you call a compulsion to purchase carpet?

  • What problem do people have when all they can see are printers, monitors, keyboards and scanners?

  • What type of headache do people get if they are allergic to wheat, barley, oats or rice?

  • What do you call a bee with decision-making problems?

  • What should you do if your data analysis program is running?

  • Why should you sleep with music on?

  • What did one EEG electrode say to the other EEG electrode?

  • How did the EEG describe its symptoms of an illness?

  • What did the professor say to the student who wanted to be a sleep researcher?

  • Why was the professor accused of stealing at the faculty meeting?

  • What sleep disorder is especially common in pirates?

  • What do you call an abominable snowman with amnesia?

  • Why did the man purchase 25 white bears from the Arctic?

  • Why should you sleep next to a ruler?

  • Why should you put candy under your pillow when you go to sleep?

  • Where do the smartest tree frogs live?

  • What do you call an extinct animal that sleeps a lot?

  • What do you call a bad dream about a horse?

  • What is the condition when someone stir fry cooks while they are asleep?

  • What is changed every night, but returns every morning?

  • What does every experiment end with?

  • What do you get when you cross a sandwich with a great idea?

  • When does a "Discussion" come before an "Introduction"?

  • What type of orange juice is best for the brain?

  • Why is studying the brain so interesting?

  • What do you call an intelligent duck?

  • What’s wrong with telling someone they scored a 100 on an IQ test?

  • Where should a bird go when it has an addiction problem?

  • What happens when you give a test of balance to people who have had too much alcohol to drink?

  • What is a common side effect of repeated drug administration to small insects?

  • What do you call a mood disorder medication made from a small insect?

  • Why weren't the benzodiazepines and the opioids friends?

  • What happens if a dog is given too many sleeping pills?

  • What form of music does lead, a neurotoxic chemical element, enjoy most?

  • What do you get when you cross a salmon with a machine programmed to think like a person?

  • Why don't people get a concussion after they are hit in the head with a can of soda?

  • What neurological disease affected Robin Hood's merry men?

Brain Rhyme Time

The answers to each of the next questions rhyme with the word "brain." For example, for the question, "A brain on the tracks," the answer is Brain Train. [Brain Rhyme Time Worksheet]
In a storm?
Made a spot?
When it hurts?
Most important?
In a BIG storm?
Most logical?
Used as a walker?
A Scandinavian?
Used for bread?
Used to pick things up?
Where it lives?
It flies!
It is linked.
A blood vessel.
A fake.
Get more.
A Northeastern one.
Just regular.
It rules.
Western European
When injured.
It's a gas.
On drugs.
It's still here.
Hold back.
Most conceited?
When grumbling.
A headache.
Before an election.
It's hairy.

Books and authors you will never see (except here)

Sent in by Sarah S.

Sent in by Isaac M.

Sent in by Bill J.

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