- A broad view of nonparametric methods:
- All of Nonparametric Statistics by Larry Wasserman
- As along as you have background in mathematical statistics (upper level undergraduate), this book should be easy to follow.
- All of Statistics by Larry Wasserman
- This book also covers part of the nonparametric approach; this book is featured with an elegent overview on most modern statistical methods (e.g. graphical model).
- More specialized to density estimation (and kernel density estimator):
- Multivariate Density Estimation: theory, practice, and visualization by David Scott
- One of the best book for density estimation; definitely worth reading it if you are interested in nonparametric statistics.
- More about nonparametric theory:
- Introduction to Nonparametric Estimation by A.B. Tsybakov
- This book is a bible for nonparametric methods and theories; a great book for PhD students.
- Asymptotic Statistics by van der Vaart
- This is a bible for asymptotic theory (also covers some nonparametric theory); I would recommend reading this book after taking all the statistics PhD theory courses.
- Specialized theory books:
- I would not recommend to read through any of the following books unless you have lots of time. These books are excellent references but they might be too technical.
- Combinatorial Methods in Density Estimation by Luc Devroye and Gabor Lugosi
- This book dedicates more on “concentration inequality”-type method for density estimation theory; I would recommend to read Book #4 first.
- A probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition by Luc Devroye, Laszlo Gyorfi, and Gabor Lugosi
- This book has many theories about k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) method. If you want to learn theory about k-NN, this will be the right reference.
- A Distribution-Free Theory of Nonparametric Regression by Laszlo Gyorfi, Michael Kohler, Adam Krzyzak, and Harro Walk
- This book focuses on theory of nonparametric regression. It has many useful contents on least square estimator (and penalized version). If you work on nonparametric regression, this will be a great reference.
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