Professor of Modern Japanese Literature, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures
Director, Center for Japanese Studies
Adjunct, Dept of Cinema & Media Studies
Adjunct, Dept of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
Affiliate, Textual Studies Program
248 Gowen Hall
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3521
+1 (206) 543-4356
My research interests: Modern Japanese-language prose; art and capitalism; the flow of literary works throughout the larger Japanese linguistic community; the function of power in the literary field; and theories of diaspora and heterogeneity, particularly as they challenge culturalist concepts of national identity.
My first book, Manufacturing Modern Japanese Literature: Publishing, Prizes, and the Ascription of Literary Value (Duke University Press, 2010), examines the relationship between the concept of a national literature and the publishing industry. It looks at the Great Kantō Earthquake of 1923, Kaizō-sha’s Gendai Nihon bungaku zenshū, the establishment of the Akutagawa Prize for literature, and contemporary debates about literary value.
My second book, Acquired Alterity: Migration, Identity, and Literary Nationalism (University of California Press, 2022) explores the literary activities of Japanese migrants to Brazil prior to the Second World War and complicates the received paradigm of national literatures. It is available in paperback and as a free PDF to download from the UC Press site.
In addition, I have been working on Asian American cultural history, with a focus on Japanese-language discourse and literary production. I edited the 28-volume Shiatoru-ban Nihongo tokuhon (reproduction of the textbook series produced in Seattle from 1920-38), and the 16-volume Kashū-ban Nihongo tokuhon (reproduction of the textbook series produced in California from 1924-39). Both were published by Bunsei Shoin (Tokyo), the first in 2012 and the second in 2014.
My complete curriculum vitae (PDF) is available and should be more-or-less up-to-date.
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