SISG 2017 |
Association Mapping: GWAS and Sequencing Data Instructors: Timothy Thornton and Michael Wu This page will feature slides, exercises, and some solutions (all to follow). Prior to the module, please install up-to-date versions of R and Plink on the laptop you will use during the summer institute. Both are free.
TODAY'S CLASS (Wednesday, July 19) will be in K069 in the HEALTH SCIENCES BUILDING The following R packages from CRAN will be used and should be installed:
install.packages("qqman") install.packages("GenABEL") install.packages("SKAT") The following R packages from Bioconductor will be used and should be installed prior to the module
source("") biocLite("GWASTools") biocLite("gdsfmt") biocLite("SNPRelate") Slides and Exercises: For each exercises performed in R, script files be posted following. To make them work on your computer, remember to modify file names and locations appropriately. Also note that many different 'correct' solutions are possible.
All of the data files below can be downloaded as a single zipped folder from dropbox. Before trying to read data into an R or PLINK session, we recommend looking at it first, in a text editor. Is the data comma- or tab-delimited? Does it have a 'header' row containing variable names?
Other Resources
Send mail to: see Tim or Mike in class
Last modified: 7/16/2017 |