"4000 atoms counted so far this quarter"*


Cosmogenic nuclide papers

Articles for homework and research project reading are in the ESS 460-560 reading directory. To comply with copyright restrictions, you'll need a UW netID to access them. Many of the articles in the lists below were published in the Pliocene (some of the best are even older), before the pdf era. I've scanned a lot of these so they're available online (and you get my marginal comments as a bonus). For the rest, you'll have to visit the library, or come see me and I'll fish them out of my filing cabinet.

The aim of the problem sets is to emphasize material covered in lectures. Many things sound simple in the abstract atmosphere of an afternoon lecture, but there's nothing like actually working some problems to find out whether you really understood the material.

Some of the problems will be easier to do with a computer. For these, you can use MATLAB or EXCEL spreadsheets, but be sure to include enough working to let me know how you solved the problem.

Homework schedule

Date Problem set Materials Due date
24 Sept Review and warm-up exercises Week 1 review (pdf) 1 Oct
1 Oct Nuclear physics Problems Week 2 (pdf) 8 Oct
8 Oct Research report - meteoric nuclides Meteoric nuclides (pdf) 15 Oct