Electron Densities and Structure Factors:
The big question is "What do molecules look like?" We'd like to scatter radiation (X-
rays) off the
atoms (electron density) and use a microscope to reformulate the image. However, atoms
are too small.
Optical methods don't work because at the wavelengths necessary to see small things like
atoms (
=1-2 Å ) there aren't optical elements like
lenses that can be used to
reconstruct the image of the scattering objects.
Instead, we can use computational methods to take the effects of X-ray diffraction from crystals and generate the electron densities giving rise to the scattering of X-rays. For examples, see the diffraction photos and the electron density map sectioned on plastic sheets.
Here's the basic equation we'll try to understand as the term progresses.
This is a Fourier series relating the electron density, , and
information from the
diffraction pattern,
Electron density
copyright © Ron Stenkamp stenkamp@u.washington.edu Most recent update 1/7/97