

  • U19 AG074879                                                        N. E-Taner, A. J. Saykin, K. Nho (multiple PIs)
    NIH/NIA                                                            09/01/23 - 08/31/28
    Centrally-linked Longitudinal pEripheral biomARkers of Alzheimer's disease (CLEAR-AD) in multi-ethnic populations.
    Role: Co-Investigator (UW Subcontract PI).

  • R01 AG082730                                                        S. Mukherjee, D .W. Fardo (multiple PIs)
    NIH/NIA                                                            09/01/23 - 05/31/28
    Genetic architecture of pure AD and mixed pathology.
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • U24 AG074855                                                        T .J. Hohman, M. L. Cuccaro, A. W. Toga (multiple PIs)
    NIH/NIA                                                            09/30/21 - 08/30/26
    Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project - Phenotype Harmonization Consortium.
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • R01 AG073439                                                        L. Dumitrescu (PI)
    NIH/NIA                                                            09/15/21 - 06/30/26
    Sex-Specific Genetic Drivers of Alzheimer's Disease Endophenotypes.
    Role: Co-Investigator (UW Subcontract PI).

  • U19 AG066567                                                        L. K. McEvoy, P. K. Crane, A. Lacroix (multiple PIs)
    NIH/NIA                                                                   05/15/21 - 04/30/26
    Cognitively Defined Alzheimer's Subgroups: Natural History, neuropathology, and life course ramifications.
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • U01 AG068057                                                        P. Thompson, C. Davatzikos, H. Huang, A. J. Saykin, L. Shen (multiple PIs)
    NIH/NIA                                                            09/15/20 - 08/31/25
    Ultrascale Machine Learning to Empower Discovery in Alzheimer's Disease Biobanks.
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • U19 AG060909                                                        E. Lein, J. L. Close, M. Hawrylycz, R. D. Hodge, C. D. Keene (multiple PIs)
    NIH/NIA                                                            05/15/20 - 04/30/25
    A platform for cell type-level transcriptomic, epigenomic and spatial interrogation of Alzheimer's disease.
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • R01 AG061028                                                        K. Dams O-Connor, J. Mez (multiple PIs)
    NIH/NIA                                                            03/15/19 - 11/30/24
    Leveraging Existing Aging Research Networks to Investigate TBI and AD/ADRD Risk.
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • K25 AG055620                                                        S. Mukherjee (PI)
    NIH/NIA                                                                   05/15/18 - 04/31/24
    Molecular mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease neuropathological endophenotypes.

  • R01 AG029672                                                        P. Crane (PI)
    NIH/NIA                                                                   05/15/18 - 04/31/24
    ADNI Psychometrics.
    Role: Co-Investigator.


  • R01 ES026187                                                        G. Li, and L. Sheppard (multiple PIs)
    NIH/NIEHS                                                            07/01/16 - 06/30/21
    Air pollution and the aging brain.
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • U01 AG006781                                                        E. B. Larson, and P. K. Crane (multiple PIs)
    NIH/NIA                                                                   05/15/15 - 04/30/20
    Alzheimer's Disease Patient Registry (ADPR).
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • R01 AG051170                                                        R. N. Jones (PI)
    NIH/NIA                                                                   09/15/15 - 09/14/20
    Psychometric Integrative Technology for Cognitive Health Research.
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • R01 AG042437                                                        P. Crane (PI)
    NIH/NIA                                                                   09/01/14 - 08/31/18
    Genetic architecture of memory and executive functioning in Alzheimer's disease.
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • U01 NS086625                                                        K. Dams-O'Connor (PI)
    NIH/NINDS                                                             01/01/14 - 12/31/17
    Neuropathology of CTE & delayed effects of TBI: towards in vivo diagnostics .
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • R21 AG049196                                                        S-I. Lee (PI)
    NIH/NIA                                                                   09/01/15 - 08/31/17
    A machine learning approach to identify Alzheimer's disease therapeutic targets.
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • EDU_R_FY2014_Q1_UW_Mukherjee                   S. Mukherjee (PI)
    AWS in Amazon Research Grant                              03/31/14 - 03/31/16
    Genetic Analyses of Late-onset Alzheimer's Disease.
    Role: Principal Investigator.

  • 11688                                                                        R. Ellenbogen (PI)
    The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation                     11/01/13 - 11/01/15
    Structural and biological changes in TBI-related neurodegeneration.
    Role: Fellow.

  • U01 HG006375                                                        E. Larson, G. Jarvik (multiple PIs)
    NIH/NHGRI                                                             08/01/12 - 07/31/15
    Development and Use of Network Infrastructure for High-Throughput GWA Studies.
    Role: Co-Investigator.

  • NO NAME                                                               S. Mukherjee (PI)
    Microsoft Azure Research Grant                             05/15/14 - 05/15/15
    A systems-biology approach to identify candidate genes for Late-onset Alzheimer's Disease by integrating protein-protein interaction network.
    Role: Principal Investigator.

  • U01 AR057954                                                        H. Crane, P. Crane, and D. Patrick (multiple PIs)
    NIH/NIAMS                                                            09/30/09 - 07/31/14
    Patient reported outcomes in routine clinical care of patients infected with HIV.
    Role: Biostatistician.

  • R01 AG029672                                                        P. Crane
    NIH/NIA                                                                  09/15/07 - 08/03/13
    Improving cognitive outcome precision & responsiveness with modern psychometrics.
    Role: Biostatistician.

  • R01 AG010220                                                        D. Mungas (PI)
    NIH/NIA                                                                  08/15/08 - 05/31/13
    English and Spanish assessment of cognition in elderly.
    Role: Biostatistician/Psychometrician.