Philosophy 320
History of Ancient Philosophy
University of Washington
Lecture Schedule
Click on the links to read the lecture notes for the highlighted topics.
- Introduction to the Presocratics; Thales
- Anaximander
- Anaximenes
- Heraclitus
- Heraclitus (cont'd.)
- Parmenides: Stage 1
- Parmenides: Stage 2
- Zenos Paradoxes: The Race Course
- Zenos Paradoxes: Plurality
- Zeno: Race course, conclusion;
Zenos Paradoxes: The Arrow
- Empedocles
- Anaxagoras
- Atomism
- Socrates and Plato: Introduction
- Platos Euthyphro and Meno: Socratic
- Plato: Menos Paradox, Doctrine of Recollection
- Plato: Theory of Forms;
Platos Phaedo: Argument from imperfection
- Platos Republic: Argument from knowledge
- Platos Republic: One-Over-Many agument;
Allegory of the Cave
- Platos Parmenides: Dilemma of Participation
- Platos Parmenides: Third Man argument
- Platos Timaeus: Cosmology
- Aristotles Categories: Theory of Predication
- Aristotles Categories: Response
to Dilemma of Participation
- Aristotles Physics: Change
- Aristotles Physics: the Four Causes,
from Physics to Metaphysics
- Aristotles Metaphysics, Bks. 7 & 8: Matter, Form and Substance
- Aristotles Metaphysics, Bks. 7 & 8 (cont'd.)
- Aristotles De Anima: On the Soul
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