Robert Mohr
University of Washington
Department of Psychology
408 Guthrie Hall
Seattle, WA 98195

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Rob Mohr was a UW Biology undergraduate researcher in the Sisneros lab from 2009-2010. He joined the lab as a graduate student in the Fall 2011. Rob graduated with a Ph.D. in Psychology (Animal Behavior) in Autumn 2017. Currently he is employed at Amazon Spheres.

Rob's research focuses on the role of the swim bladder for sound reception and communication in the plainfin midshipman. His work involves a combination of field work and controlled laboratory experiments that investigates the neural basis of communication in the soniferous midshipman.


Mohr RA, Chang Y, Bhandiwad AA, Forlano PM, and JA Sisneros. In Press. Brain activation patterns in response to conspecific and heterospecific social acoustic signals in female plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus. Brain, Behavior and Evolution.

Mohr RA, Whitchurch EA, Anderson RD, Forlano PM, Fay RR, Ketten DR, Cox TC, and JA Sisneros. 2017. Intra- and Intersexual swim bladder dimorphisms in the plainfin midshipman (Poricthyths notatus): implications of swim bladder proximity to the inner ear for sound pressure detection. Journal of Morphology 278: 1458-1468.

Coffin AB, Zeddies DG, Fay RR, Brown AD, Alderks PW, Bhandiwad AA, Mohr RA, Gray MD, Rogers PH and JA Sisneros. 2014. Use of the swim bladder and lateral line in near-field sound source localization by fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology.

Petersen CL, Timothy M, Kim DS, Bhandiwad AA, Mohr RA, Sisneros JA, and PM Forlano. 2013. Exposure to advertisement calls of reproductive competitors activates vocal-acoustic and catecholaminergic neurons in the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus. Public Library of Science One 8(8):e70474

Coffin AB, Mohr RA, and JA Sisneros. 2012. Saccular-specific hair cell addition correlates with reproductive state-dependent changes in the auditory saccular sensitivity of a vocal fish. Journal of Neuroscience 32:1366-1376.


Last updated 1-25-18