N1d1v_double_rarefaction | |
Nadvection_squares | |
Ncube_basis | |
Ndory_guest_harris_instability | |
Nduoprism_34_basis | |
►Nexamples | |
►Ndg | |
►N13-moment | |
Nshock_tube | |
►N5-moment | |
►Nartificial_dissipation | |
Navisc_artificial_dissipation_1d | |
Nq_h_artificial_dissipation_1d | |
Nq_h_artificial_dissipation_2d | |
Ncouette_flow | |
Nein_bm | |
Nfive-moment_config | |
Nflow | |
Nflow_ei | |
Nforward_facing_step | |
Nimplicit_shock_tube | |
Nkhi_5moment | |
Nmhd_shock | |
Nrp1 | |
Nsheath | |
Nshock2d | |
Nshock2d_sq | |
Nshock_1d_sod | |
Nshock_entropy_problem | |
Nshock_tube | |
Ntf_shock | |
Nzpinch_5-moment_1D | |
►Nadvection | |
Nadvection | |
Nadvection2d | |
Nadvection2d_conservation | |
Nadvection3d | |
Nadvection_first_order_plotter | |
Nadvection_heaviside | |
Nadvection_squares | |
Nadvection_test | |
Nanim_1d | |
Nanim_2d | |
Nimplicit_advection | |
Nlinear_acoustics | |
Nmulti_subdomain | |
Npostproc_1d | |
Npostproc_2d | |
►Ndiffusion | |
Ndiffusion | |
Ndiffusion2d | |
Ndiffusion_config | |
Nfloquet | -bloch_bc::band_diagram_1d Create band diagram from data set and save to top level folder |
►Nfloquet-bloch_bc | |
Nband_diagram_1d | |
Nbloch_periodic_1D | |
Nbloch_periodic_2D | |
►Nmaxwell | |
Nlight_prop | |
Nlight_prop_config | |
Nlight_reflect | |
►Nmhd | |
Nbrio_wu_shocktube_hall | |
Nbrio_wu_shocktube_test1 | |
Ndai_woodward_shocktube | |
Nfvm_plotter_test | |
Ngem_challenge_hall | |
Ngem_challenge_hall2 | |
Ngem_challenge_hall_1D | |
Ngem_challenge_imhd | |
Ngem_challenge_imhd2 | |
Ngem_challenge_rmhd | |
Nhartmann_flow_mhd | |
Nmhd_config | |
Norszag_tang | |
Npn_test | |
Nresistive_mhd_pure_diffusion | |
Nshock_1d_brio-wu | |
Nshock_2d_brio-wu | |
Nzpinch_imhd_1D | |
Nzpinch_imhd_2D | |
►Nopen_bc | |
Nlobc_advection_1D | |
Nlobc_maxwell_1D | |
Nlobc_maxwell_2D | |
►Nplasma | |
►Nbrio_wu | |
Nbrio_wu_13moment | |
Nbrio_wu_13moment_old | |
Nbrio_wu_5moment | |
Nbrio_wu_5moment_old | |
Nimplicit_brio_wu_5moment | |
►Ndispersion | |
Nlangmuir_oscillation_static_ions_13moment | |
Nlangmuir_oscillation_static_ions_13moment_old | |
Nlangmuir_oscillation_static_ions_5moment | |
Nlangmuir_oscillation_static_ions_5moment_old | |
Nplasma_array_5moment | |
Nplasma_array_5moment_old | |
Nwhistler_wave_5moment | |
Nwhistler_wave_5moment_old | |
►Ngem_challenge | |
Nconfig | |
Nfluxcalc | |
Ngem_13moment | |
Ngem_13moment_multi | |
Ngem_5moment | |
Ngem_5moment_1D | |
Ngem_5moment_iman | |
►Nhartmann_flow | |
Nhartmann_flow_13moment | |
Nhartmann_flow_13moment_old | |
►Ninstabilities | |
Nharris_current_sheet_drift_instability_5moment | |
Nkhi_5moment | |
Nrti_5moment | |
►Nlangmuir | |
Nimplicit_langmuir | |
Nlangmuir | |
►Nlangmuir_postproc | |
Cfreq_analysis | |
►Npinch | |
Nz_pinch_5moment | |
►Nfvm | |
Nlight_prop | |
Nlight_prop_config | |
Nsodshock | |
►Ntwofluid | |
►Nbraginskii | |
Nhartmann | |
Nlangmuir | |
►Nuc | |
Nread_mesh1d | |
Nread_mesh2d | |
►Ngeometry | |
►Nphase_space | |
CPhaseSpaceDGGeometry | Defines the global nodal DG phase space geometry at the patch level, given a WmUDGGeometry object that describes the patch level physical space nodal DG geometry and structured velocity space information |
►Nphase_space_element | |
CPhaseSpace34Duoprism | Child PhaseSpaceElement class for 2D2V PhaseSpace34Duoprism |
CPhaseSpaceCube | Child PhaseSpaceElement class for 1D2V PhaseSpaceCube |
CPhaseSpaceElement | Base class used for generating phase space element information for kinetic phase space calculations |
CPhaseSpaceFace | PhaseSpaceFace Class used by PhaseSpaceElements |
CPhaseSpaceSquare | Child PhaseSpaceElement class for 1D1V PhaseSpaceSquare |
►Nkhi_casedata | |
CCase | |
CPositionSpace | |
CVelocitySpace | |
NkhiA1_hybrid | |
NkhiA1_mixed_ion_kinetic_electron | |
►Nkinetic_equilibrium | |
CKineticEquilibrium | |
Nlandau_damping | |
►Nline_basis | |
CLineBasis | |
Nmain | |
Nprint_floats_nicely | The point of this script is to load and then spit back out a basis file, with all numbers in a fixed format |
Nprint_simplex_bases | |
Nsheath | |
Nsheath_flux_bc | |
►Nsimplex_basis | |
CBasis | |
CLineBasisTest | |
CQuadratureRule | |
Nsimplex_nodes | |
Nsquare_basis | |
►Ntf_equilibrium | |
CTwoFluidEquilibrium | |
►Ntriangle_basis | |
CTriangleBasis | |
CTrianglePPQuadratureTest | |
Ntriangle_optimal_gq | |
Ntwo_stream_instability | |
►Nwarpy | |
►Napps | |
►Napplication | |
Capplication | |
Capplications_container | Applications_container is used as a storage mechanism for applications |
►Ncoupled_diffusion | |
Ccoupled_diffusion | Coupled diffusion |
►Nfive_moment | |
►Nfive_moment | |
Cartificial_dissipation | Artificial dissipation, including density, momentum, and energy diffusion |
Cartificial_dissipation_cyl_source | Cylindrical source terms for artificial dissipation, including density, momentum, and energy diffusion |
Cartificial_viscosity_limiter | Artificial Viscosity Limiter |
Cartificial_viscosity_limiter_historical | Artificial Viscosity Limiter Historical |
Cartificial_viscosity_limiter_meier | Artificial Viscosity Limiter using formulation by Eric Meier (Phd Thesis, 2011, Univ |
Caxis_5moment | Axis boundary condition |
Caxis_5moment_gradients | |
Caxisymmetric_field_source_1D | Lorentz force operator for 5-moment model with geometric source terms (axisymmetric assumptions) in 1D |
Caxisymmetric_field_source_2D | Lorentz force operator for 5-moment model with geometric source terms (axisymmetric assumptions) in 2D |
Caxisymmetric_phfield_source_1D | Lorentz force operator for 5-moment model with geometric source terms (axisymmetric assumptions) in 1D |
Ccopyout_5moment | |
Cdensity_diffusion_cyl_source | Density diffusion cylindrical source |
Cdensity_diffusion_flux | Density diffusion flux |
Cein_bc | General electron-ion-neutral boundary conditions |
Ceuler | Euler fluid flux |
Ceuler1d_riemann_problem_analytic_solution | Exact Riemann solution for a 1D Euler |
Ceuler_cyl_source | Source terms required for modeling in a cylindrical coordinate system |
Ceuler_freeslip_wall_bc_flux | Euler fluid flux |
Cfield_source | Lorentz force operator for 5-moment model |
Cfive_moment_conserved_primitive_conversion | 5 Moment Conserved Primitive Variable conversion |
Cfreeslip_wall | Freeslip wall boundary condition |
Cfreeslip_wall_gradients | |
Cfreeslip_wall_gradients_yu | |
Cfreeslip_wall_yu | Freeslip wall boundary condition |
Cgeneral_source | Source terms associated with electron-ion-neutral model |
Cgeometric_source_1D | Lorentz force operator for 5-moment model with geometric source terms (axisymmetric assumptions) in 1D |
Cinterspecies_collisions | Basic resistive operator between 5-moment fluids |
Cintraspecies_collisions | Navier-Stokes style collisions |
Cintraspecies_cyl | Cylindrical source terms for Navier-Stokes style collisions |
Ckinetic_to_5moment | Kinetic to 5-moment |
Ckinetic_to_five_moment_flux_bc | Kinetic to Five Moment Flux boundary Condition |
Cnavier_stokes | Navier-Stokes solver (euler + intraspecies collisions) |
Cnoslip_wall | Noslip wall boundary condition |
Cnoslip_wall_gradients | |
Cq_h_artificial_dissipation | Artificial Viscosity and Heat Flux |
Creaction_source | Source terms associated with atomic neutral fluid model |
Creaction_source_mol | Source terms associated with molecular fluid model |
Creflecting_wall | Reflecting wall boundary condition (may only be good for 2 dimension) |
Csheath_bc | Sheath BC for electron-ion-neutral model |
►Nfunctions | |
►Narbitrary | |
Cbandpass | Sets a non-axis aligned cuboid region to inside_value and everywhere else to outside_value |
Cbump | Multi-dimensional isotropic bump function of the form exp{-1/(1-x^2)} with given min/max values |
Ccopy_vals | Calls function_evaluator to copy values |
Cfourier | Fourier series |
Cgaussian | Multi-dimensional isotropic normal distribution function with capped min/max values |
Cget_source | Writes output of source sub app to speceified output variable |
Cheaviside | Heaviside step function |
Clinear_interpolation_1d | Calculates f(t) using linear interpolation using arrays for t and f |
Cmultiplier | Function which multiplies the field by a given multiplier |
Cpolynomial | C_i ((x - center)/norm)**i |
Cset_to | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Csine2d | 2D sine function |
Cstationary_cylindrical_hyperdiffusion_bump | |
CTE_TM_mode | Bessel functions |
Ctrapezoid | Initializes a trapezoid shaped object |
►Nfive_moment | |
Cconstant_ic5 | |
Ccouette_flow_5moment | Initializes a 5 momment |
Ccylindrical_couette_flow_5moment | Initializes a 5 momment |
Cein_ic_5moment | Function which sets IC for 5-moment electron-ion-neutral problem |
Ceuler1d_arbitrary_shocktube_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions arbitrary riemann problem |
Ceuler1d_double_rarefaction_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions double rarefaction problem |
Ceuler1d_shock_entropy_problem_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions for shock entropy problem as described by Moe and Rossmanith (A simple and effective high-order shock-captutring limiter for discontinuous galerkin methods: http://arxiv.org/abs/1507.03024 ) |
Ceuler2d_forward_facing_step_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid forward facing step problem as defined in: "Hesthaven pg 233 |
Ceuler2d_rp1_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid RP1 problem as defined in: "A Simple and Effictive High-Order Shock-Capturing Limiter for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods" by Scott Moe, James Rossmanith, and David Seal, arXiv 1507.03024v1, 2015 |
Cflow_init2_5moment | Function which sets IC for simple 5-moment fluid flow problem |
Cflow_init_5moment | Function which sets IC for simple 5-moment fluid flow problem |
Cgem_5moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cgem_5moment_1D | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cgem_5moment_new | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Charris_current_sheet_5moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Ckhi_5moment | Function which sets fields for the generic KHI problem |
Ckhi_5moment_analytic | Function which sets fields for the analytic KHI problem |
Ckhi_5moment_kinetic_fluid_vars | Function which sets fields for the KHI problem, grabbing the fluid vars from the kinetic equibrium |
Clangmuir_dispersion_5moment | |
Cmanual_density_and_pressure_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid variables with density and pressure set by subapplications, velocities set to 0 |
Cplasma_switch_5moment | Initializes a 2D plama switch pillar |
Cpulse_fluid5 | |
Cpulses_fluid5 | Function which creates gaussian, polynomial, or uniform columns in a fluid |
Cradial_slab | |
Cramp | Defines a linear ramp along a given direction |
Crti_5moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cset_density_and_pressure_floors_ions_electrons_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment ion and electron density and pressure floors |
Cset_density_and_pressure_floors_single_species_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment single species density and pressure floors |
Cshock_tube_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions |
Cslab_fluid5 | |
Ctwo_stream | |
Czpinch_5moment_electron_1D | |
Czpinch_5moment_electron_1D_Car | |
Czpinch_5moment_electron_2D | |
Czpinch_5moment_ion_1D | |
Czpinch_5moment_ion_1D_Car | |
Czpinch_5moment_ion_2D | |
►Nkinetics | |
Ccounter_streaming_beams_2d2v | Function which sets two maxwellian streams |
Ccustom_vlasov | Velocity distribution initialization routine |
Cdrifting_maxwellian | Function for a general drifting maxwellian with perturbation |
Cfive_moment_to_kinetic | 5-moment to Kinetic |
Cgeneral_maxwellian_two_stream | Function which sets two maxwellian streams |
Cinitial_constant | Function that sets a constant distribution in phase space |
Ckinetics1d1v_arbitrary_shocktube | Function which sets 1d1v kinetics fluid to shock tube conditions arbitrary riemann problem |
Ckinetics1d1v_double_rarefaction | Function which sets kinetic shock tube conditions double rarefaction problem |
Ckinetics1d2v_dory_guest_harris | Function which sets a Dory-Guest-Harris Initial Condition See Genia Vogman Dissertation equation 5.28 / JCP 2014 equation 29 |
Ckinetics2d2v_dory_guest_harris | Function which sets a Dory-Guest-Harris Initial Condition for 2D2V See Genia Vogman Dissertation equation 5.28 / JCP 2014 equation 29 |
Ckinetics2d2v_kelvin_helmholtz_instability | Function which sets a Kelvin Helmholtz Instability Initial Condition See Vogman PoP 2020 and PoP 2019 |
Ckinetics2d2v_kelvin_helmholtz_instability_fluid_maxwellian | Function which sets a Kelvin Helmholtz Instability Initial Condition See Vogman PoP 2020 and PoP 2019 This actually takes the fluid initial condition and converts that to Maxwellians instead of using the Poission-solved non-maxwellian initial condition |
Cmaxwellian | Function which sets a maxwellian distribution |
Cpressure_equilibrium | Function for a drifting maxwellian in pressure equilbrium with a density gradient |
Cvlasov_1d1v_landau_damping | Velocity distribution initialization routine for the 1d1v Landau Damping |
Cvlasov_1d1v_two_stream | Velocity distribution initialization routine for the 1d1v Two stream Instability |
Cvlasov_2d2v_landau_damping | Velocity distribution initialization routine for the 2d2v Landau Damping |
Cweibel_custom | Calculates the difference between a fed-in IC and a General Maxwellian Two-Stream conditions, weights this difference, and adds it back |
►Nmaxwell | |
Ccustom_maxwell | Velocity distribution initialization routine |
Cein_ic_EM_5moment | Function which sets IC for EM fields in 5-moment electron-ion-neutral problem |
Cfield_1d1v_landau_damping | Velocity distribution initialization routine |
Cfield_2d2v_landau_damping | Velocity distribution initialization routine |
Cflow_init_EM_5moment | Sets IC for EM fields in a simple 5-moment fluid flow problem |
Cgem_field | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cgem_field_1D | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Charris_current_sheet_field | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Chartmann_field | |
Ckhi_maxwell | Function which sets fields for the generic KHI problem |
Ckhi_maxwell_2d2v_kinetic_setup | Function which sets fields for the analytic KHI problem for the 2d2v kinetic setup |
Ckhi_maxwell_analytic | Function which sets fields for the analytic KHI problem |
Clangmuir_dispersion_field | |
Cplasma_switch_fields | Initializes a 2D plama switch pillar |
Crti_field | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Csinc_field | Function which creates sinc function in EM field |
Csinc_field_2d | Function which creates sinc function in EM field |
Csine_field | Function which creates sine function in EM field |
Cuniform_maxwell | Maxwell field initialization routine |
Czpinch_field_1D | |
Czpinch_field_1D_Car | |
Czpinch_field_2D | |
Czpinch_field_test_1D | |
►Nmhd | |
Caccel1d_mhd | Function which sets IC for MHD 1d acceleration problem |
Cbennett_equilibrium | Function which sets IC for MHD Bennett Equilibrium in Cylindrical and Cartesian Coordinates |
Cbriowu_mhd | |
Ccopy_pressure | Calls function_evaluator to copy mhd pressure |
Ccustom_mhd | |
Cdaiwoodward_mhd | |
Cgem_mhd | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cgem_mhd_1D | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Chartmann_flow_mhd | Initializes a MHD hartmann flow |
Corszagtang_mhd | |
Cpulse_mhd | |
Cset_density_and_pressure_floors_mhd | Function which sets mhd density and pressure floors |
Czpinch_imhd_1D | |
Czpinch_imhd_2D | |
►Nphmaxwell | |
Cein_ic_phEM_5moment | Function which sets IC for EM fields in 5-moment electron-ion-neutral problem |
Czpinch_phfield_1D | |
►Nthirteen_moment | |
Ccouette_flow_13moment | Initializes 13 momment |
Ccustom_13moment | |
Celectromagnetic_shock_tube_13moment | Function which sets 13-moment fluid to brio wu shock tube conditions |
Cgem_13moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Charris_current_sheet_13moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Chartmann_flow_13moment | |
Cplasma_switch_13moment | Initializes a 2D plama switch pillar |
Cpulse_fluid13 | |
Cpulses_fluid13 | |
Crandom_velocity_fluid13 | |
Cshock_tube_13moment | Function which sets 13-moment fluid to shock tube conditions |
Csinc_13moment | Function which sets 13-moment fluid to shock tube conditions |
►Nunique_variable | |
Cadder | Function which adds unique variables |
Ccircuit_ic | Function which sets IC circuit |
Cdouble_module_rlc_with_load_rhs | Function which calculates rhs for a double module rlc circuit with voltage load |
Ciload | Function which sets Iload in circuit |
Cseries_rlc_with_load_rhs | Function which calculates rhs for a series rlc circuit with voltage load |
Csubmodule_rlc_with_load_rhs | Function which calculates rhs for a double module rlc circuit with voltage load |
►Ngeneral_apps | |
►Ngeneral_apps | |
Cbloch_periodic_bc | Virtual boundary condition for Bloch periodic boundary conditions |
Clobc_source | Lacuna-based open boundary condition source term for exterior variables in the transition region |
►Nintegrate | |
►Nintegrate | |
Cint_DDn_dv_cylindrical_mhd | Integrate the DDn reactivity over domain volume, given MHD variables |
Cint_Ex2_dv | Integrate the field energy of component x over the domain volume |
Cint_ke_comp_dv | Integrate a kinetic energy component over the domain volume |
Cint_KEx_dv | Integrate the kinetic energy of component x over the domain volume |
Cint_q2_dv | Integrate the variable q^2 over the domain volume |
Cint_q_dv | Integrate the variable q over the domain volume |
Cint_q_dv_cylindrical | Integrate the variable q over the domain volume |
Cmax_diff | Computes the max value |
Cp_norm_diff | Integrate the p_norm |
Cp_norm_diff_analytic | Integrate the p_norm vs against analytic solution |
Cvolume_integrator | Integrate the volume |
►Nmaxwell | |
►Nmaxwell | |
Cantenna_single_freq_bc | Single frequency antenna boundary condition |
Caxis_maxwell | Axis boundary condition |
Caxis_maxwell_gradient | Axis boundary condition for gradients |
Caxisymmetric_fluid_source_1D | Fluid source for Maxwell's equations with geometric source terms (axisymmetric assumptions) in 1D |
Caxisymmetric_fluid_source_2D | Fluid source for Maxwell's equations with geometric source terms (axisymmetric assumptions) in 2D |
Cconducting_wall | Conducting wall boundary condition |
Cconducting_wall_gradient | Conducting wall boundary condition for gradients |
Cconducting_wall_gradient_yu | Conducting wall boundary condition for gradients |
Cconducting_wall_yu | Conducting wall boundary condition |
Ccopyout_maxwell | |
Ccyl_source | Source terms required for modeling in a cylindrical coordinate system |
Cdivergence_error | Calculation of divergence error |
Cfluid_source | Fluid source for Maxwell's equations |
Cflux | Maxwell flux |
Cgeometric_source_1D | Fluid source for Maxwell's equations with geometric source terms (axisymmetric assumptions) in 1D |
Cimhd_to_maxwell | Virtual boundary condition for converting ideal MHD variables to Maxwell variables |
Cmaxwell_to_maxwell | Virtual boundary condition for passing field values across subdomain boundaries |
Coscillating_wall | Oscillating wall boundary condition (based on set of sine waves) |
Csinc_absorbing_wall | Sinc wall (with zero dirchlet) boundary condition |
Csinc_wall | Sinc wall (also conducting wall) boundary condition |
Czpinch_1D_field_analytic_solution | Exact EM field solution for a 1D Zpinch |
►Nmhd | |
►Nboundary_conditions | |
►Nboundary_conditions | |
Caxis_bc | Axis boundary conditions at r=0 for axisymmetric cylindrical geometry |
Caxis_bc_gradients | Axis boundary conditions for gradients at r=0 for axisymmetric cylindrical geometry |
Cminus_electric_field_dot_tangent | Calculates E dot t, used for calculating potential, phi = -\int_a^b(E dot t)dl for a unique variable |
►Ndivergence_cleaning | |
►Ndivergence_cleaning | |
Cmixed_glm | Mixed GLM divergence cleaning for MHD as formulated by Dedner |
Cparabolic | Parabolic Diverence Cleaing |
►Nhallmhd | |
►Nhallmhd | |
Cconducting_wall_freeslip_gradients | Boundary Condition on gradients for conducting walls for Hall MHD |
Ccyl_source | Source terms required for modeling in a cylindrical coordinate system |
Challmhd | Hall MHD |
►Nhyperresistivity | |
►Nhyperresistivity | |
Celectric_field_effect | Applies hyperresistive electric field term (for hyperresisitivity) to mhd equations (goes into energy and induction) |
Celectric_field_effect_cyl_source | Applies hyperresistive electric field cylindrical source term (for hyperresisitivity) to mhd equations (goes into energy and induction) |
Cohms_law | Defines Hyperresistivity term of Ohms Law used for Hall MHD stabilization (eta * H == eta * grad J) |
Cohms_law_cyl_source | Defines source term for Hyperresistivity term of Ohms Law used for Hall MHD stabilization (eta * H == eta * grad J) |
►Nimhd | |
►Nimhd | |
Cartificial_dissipation | Artificial dissipation, including density, momentum, and energy diffusion |
Cartificial_dissipation_cyl_source | Artificial dissipation, including density, momentum, and energy diffusion |
Cartificial_viscosity_limiter | Artificial Viscosity Limiter |
Cartificial_viscosity_limiter_meier | Artificial Viscosity Limiter using formulation by Eric Meier (Phd Thesis, 2011, Univ |
Caxisymmetric_imhd_1D | Ideal MHD in cylindrical coordinates with axisymmetric assumptions |
Caxisymmetric_imhd_2D | Ideal MHD in cylindrical coordinates with axisymmetric assumptions |
Ccyl_source | Source terms required for modeling in a cylindrical coordinate system |
Cimhd | Ideal MHD |
Cimhd_arbitrary_source | Ideal MHD arbitrary Source |
Cimhd_conserved_primitive_conversion | Ideal MHD Conserved Primitive Variable conversion |
Cimhd_powell_source | Ideal MHD Powell Source |
Cinjection_source | Injection source for a 2d z-r cynlindrical simulation at (z,r) |
Creaction_source | Plasma source terms associated with atomic neutral fluid model |
Ctimed_source | |
Ctwofluid_to_imhd | Two fluid to IMHD |
Ctwofluid_to_imhd_consistent_assumption | Two fluid to IMHD |
►Nimhd_conducting_wall | |
Cimhd_conducting_wall_freeslip | |
Cimhd_conducting_wall_freeslip_gradients | |
Cimhd_conducting_wall_freeslip_with_subapp | |
Cimhd_conducting_wall_freeslip_yu | |
Cimhd_conducting_wall_noslip | |
Cimhd_conducting_wall_noslip_gradients | |
Cimhd_conducting_wall_noslip_yu | |
►Nimhd_copyout | |
Cimhd_copyout | |
Cimhd_copyout_gradients | |
►Nimhd_freeslip_wall | |
Cimhd_freeslip_wall | |
►Nimhd_pulse_inlet | |
Cpulse_inlet | |
►Nimhd_pulse_outlet | |
Cpulse_outlet | |
►Nradiation | |
►Nradiation | |
Cblackbody | Blackbody radiation model |
Cbremsstrahlung | Bremsstrahlung radiation model |
Cimpurity_line | Impurity line radiation model |
Cvacuum | Vacuum radiation model |
►Nrmhd | |
►Nrmhd | |
Ccurrent_density | Calculates Current Density |
Ccyl_source | Source terms required for modeling in a cylindrical coordinate system |
Cdensity_diffusion_cyl_source_mhd | Density diffusion cylindrical source |
Cdensity_diffusion_flux_mhd | Density diffusion flux |
Celectric_field | Calculates = E = -u x B + (dp/L) * (nupt) * J |
Cinsulator_inlet_2d_cyl_bc | Sets inlet insulator BC in 2D z-r axisymmetric zpinch |
Cinsulator_inlet_2d_cyl_bc_gradients | Sets gradients for inlet insulator BC in 2D z-r axisymmetric zpinch |
Cohmic_source_mhd | Source associated with reduced Ohmic heating |
Cpn_bc | General plasma-neutral boundary conditions |
Cpn_bc_gradients | General plasma-neutral gradient boundary conditions |
Cporous_insulator_inlet_2d_cyl_bc | General plasma-neutral boundary conditions |
Cporous_insulator_inlet_2d_cyl_bc_gradients | General plasma-neutral gradient boundary conditions |
Cresistive_diffusion | Resistive Diffusion Terms for MHD Only |
►Nrmhd_conducting_wall | |
Cflowthrough_wall | |
Cflowthrough_wall_gradients | |
Crmhd_conducting_wall_freeslip_gradients | |
►Nrmhd_noslip_wall | |
Crmhd_noslip_wall | |
►Nviscousmhd | |
►Nviscousmhd | |
Cintraspecies_collisions_mhd | Intraspecies collision terms for MHD Only |
Cintraspecies_cyl_source | Source terms required for modeling in a cylindrical coordinate system |
►Nmhd_analytic | |
Chartmann_problem_analytic_solution | Hartman problem analytic solution for MHD |
►Npcmaxwell | |
►Npcmaxwell | |
Cconducting_wall | Conducting wall boundary condition |
Cconducting_wall_neumann | Conducting wall boundary condition |
Cfluid_source | Fluid source from density gradient for PCMaxwell's equations |
Cflux | PCMaxwell flux |
►Nphmaxwell | |
►Nphmaxwell | |
Caxisymmetric_fluid_source_1D | Fluid source for PHMaxwell's equations |
Cconducting_wall | Conducting wall boundary condition |
Cconducting_wall_gradient | Conducting wall boundary condition for gradients |
Cconducting_wall_yu | Conducting wall boundary condition |
Ccopyout_phmaxwell | |
Ccyl_source | Source terms required for modeling in a cylindrical coordinate system |
Cfluid_source | Fluid source for PHMaxwell's equations |
Cflux | PHMaxwell flux |
Coscillating_wall | Oscillating wall boundary condition (based on set of sine waves) |
Csinc_wall | Sinc wall (also conducting wall) boundary condition |
►Nplasma | |
►Nplasma | |
Cfrequency_check_13moment | Module that checks plasma frequency, cyclotron frequency, and collision frequency |
Cfrequency_check_5moment | Module that checks plasma frequency, cyclotron frequency, and collision frequency |
Cimhd_to_twofluid | Boundary condition for converting ideal MHD variabls to two-fluid variables |
Cpulse_inlet | Boundary condition for Plasma pulse inlet to fix Bz, density, and pressure |
Cpulse_outlet | Boundary condition for Plasma pulse inlet to fix Bz, density, and pressure |
►Nsimple | |
Cadvection | Advection |
Cadvection_analytic | Advection |
Cadvection_bc_flux | Single variable bc flux for advection |
Cbc_dirichlet | Dirichlet boundary condition |
Cbc_neumann | Homogeneous Neumann boundary condition |
Cbc_oscillating | Dirichlet boundary condition that oscillates in time |
Cbc_pulse | Dirichlet boundary condition that pulses from 0 to to amplitude in given time interval |
Cbc_ramp | Dirichlet boundary condition that ramps from 0 to final value in time |
Cdecay | Decay |
Cdiffusion | Diffusion |
Cdiffusion_analytic | Diffusion |
Clinear_acoustics | Linear Advection (Assuming 1D for pressure and velocity perturabations) |
Cmultiplier_bc | Boundary condition a = b*multiplier |
Cnonlinear_diffusion | Nonlinear diffusion |
►Nthirteen_moment | |
►Nthirteen_moment | |
Cfield_source | Lorentz force operator for 5-moment model |
Cfreeslip_wall | Noslip wall boundary condition |
Cinterspecies_collisions | Basic resistive operator between 13-moment fluids |
Cintraspecies_collisions | Collisions within a species (BGK collision operator) |
Cintraspecies_collisions_parabolic | Parabolic collision operator for 13-moment model |
Cnoslip_wall | Noslip wall boundary condition |
Cpearsoniv | Pearson-IV flux |
►Nvlasovmaxwell | |
►Nvlasovmaxwell | |
Cactionmoment | Takes the "action moment" of a wave energy distribution |
Cbgk | BGK Collision Operator |
Cenergy_fluxmoment | Energy Moment Function of the Distribution |
Cfirstmoment | First Moment Function of the Distribution |
Cfive_moment_to_kinetic | 5-moment to Kinetic |
Cfull_dyadic_secondmoment | Full Dyadic Second Moment Function of the Distribution |
Clangmuir_diffusion_coefficient | Determines diffusion coefficient for turbulent ensemble of langmuir waves |
Clangmuir_energy_source | Calculates the source term for the wave kinetic equation for langmuir waves |
Clangmuir_wave_kinetic_eqn | Does fluxes for the wave kinetic equation for langmuir waves |
Cmaxwellian_distance_metric | Maxwellian distance metric chi = int(abs(f - fM))dv /n calculated using a moment taker |
Coutflow_bc_1d1v | Applys Outflow Boundary Condition for 1D1V cases |
Csecondmoment | Second Moment Function of the Distribution |
Cvlasov_diffusion | Adds the flux for diffusion term in vlasov equation |
Cvlasov_ponderomotive_force | Adds the acceleration term due to ponderomotive force of a turbulent ensemble of waves |
Cvlasovmaxwell | Vlasov-Maxwell |
Czerothmoment | Zeroth Moment Function of the Distribution |
►Nclusters | |
►Nbugs | |
Cbugs | |
►Ncentennial | |
Ccentennial | |
►Ncerberus | |
Ccerberus | |
►Ncluster_info | |
Ccluster_info | |
►Ncori | |
Ccori | |
►Nhyak | |
Chyak | |
►Nhyak_klone | |
Chyak_klone | |
►Nhyak_mox | |
Chyak_mox | |
►Nmustang | |
Cmustang | |
►Nonyx | |
Conyx | |
►Nperlmutter | |
Cperlmutter | |
►Nzaphpc | |
Czaphpc | |
Ncolormaps | |
►Ndataset | WARPXM data reader helper tools for post-processing in Python |
Cdataset | Represents a single simulation's dataset |
Cfield | Represents a single tensor field on a subdomain at a single time |
CMultiDataset | Represents a collection of datasets from similar simulations |
CProbeDataset | A set of probe_field objects for one simulation |
CProbeField | Represents a single probe variablefield |
CProbeMultiDataset | Represents a collection of probe_datasets from similar simulations |
Csubdomain | Represents a single subdomain geometry |
►Ndg_sim | DG simulation using RKDG |
Cdg_sim | Discontinuous finite element RK simulation |
►Ndt_calc | |
►Nconvergence_dt | |
Cconvergence_dt | |
►Nfixed_dt | |
Cfixed_dt | |
►Nintegrating_controller | |
Cintegrating_controller | |
►Nstability_dt | |
Cstability_dt | |
►Nfunctions | |
►Napplicator | |
Capplicator | Initial condition applicator |
►Nbandpass | |
Cbandpass | Sets a non-axis aligned cuboid region to inside_value and everywhere else to outside_value |
►Nbump | |
Cbump | Multi-dimensional isotropic bump function of the form exp{-1/(1-x^2)} with given min/max values |
►Ncouette_flow | |
Ccouette_flow_13moment | Initializes a 5 momment |
Ccouette_flow_5moment | Initializes a 5 momment |
Ccylindrical_couette_flow_5moment | Initializes a 5 momment |
Chartmann_flow_mhd | Initializes a MHD hartmann flow |
►Ncustom_mhd | |
Ccustom_mhd | |
►Ncustom_vlasovmaxwell | |
Ccustom_maxwell | Velocity distribution initialization routine |
Ccustom_vlasov | Velocity distribution initialization routine |
►Nein_ic | |
Cein_ic_5moment | Function which sets IC for 5-moment electron-ion-neutral problem |
►Nein_ic_EM | |
Cein_ic_EM_5moment | Function which sets IC for EM fields in 5-moment electron-ion-neutral problem |
►Nein_ic_phEM | |
Cein_ic_phEM_5moment | Function which sets IC for EM fields in 5-moment electron-ion-neutral problem |
►Nflow_init | |
Cflow_init_5moment | Function which sets IC for simple 5-moment fluid flow problem |
►Nflow_init2 | |
Cflow_init2_5moment | Function which sets IC for simple 5-moment fluid flow problem |
►Nflow_init_EM | |
Cflow_init_EM_5moment | Sets IC for EM fields in a simple 5-moment fluid flow problem |
►Nforward_facing_step | |
Ceuler2d_forward_facing_step_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid forward facing step problem as defined in: "Hesthaven pg 233 |
►Nfourier | |
Cfourier | Fourier series |
►Ngaussian | |
Cgaussian | Multi-dimensional isotropic normal distribution function with capped min/max values |
►Ngem | |
Cgem_13moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cgem_5moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cgem_5moment_1D | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cgem_5moment_new | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cgem_field | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cgem_field_1D | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cgem_hallmhd | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Cgem_hallmhd_1D | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
►Nharris_current_sheet | |
Charris_current_sheet_13moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Charris_current_sheet_5moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Charris_current_sheet_field | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
►Nheaviside | |
Cheaviside | Heaviside step function |
►Nkh_instability | |
Ckhi_13moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Ckhi_5moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Ckhi_maxwell | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
►Nkinetics | |
Cfield_1d1v_vlasov_cases | Velocity distribution initialization routine |
Cmaxwellian | Function which sets a maxwellian distribution |
Cvlasov_1d1v_landau_damping | Velocity distribution initialization routine for the 1d1v Landau Damping |
Cvlasov_1d1v_two_stream | Velocity distribution initialization routine for the 1d1v Two stream Instability |
►Norszagtang_mhd | |
Corszagtang_mhd | |
►Nplasma_switch | |
Cplasma_switch_13moment | Initializes a 2D plama switch pillar |
Cplasma_switch_5moment | Initializes a 2D plama switch pillar |
Cplasma_switch_fields | Initializes a 2D plama switch pillar |
Cplasma_switch_imhd | Initializes a 2D plama switch pillar |
►Npolynomial | |
Cpolynomial | C_i ((x - center)/norm)**i |
►Npulse_fluid5 | |
Cpulse_fluid5 | |
►Npulse_imhd | |
Cpulse_imhd | |
►Npulses_fluid5 | |
Cpulses_fluid5 | Function which creates gaussian, polynomial, or uniform columns in a fluid |
►Nramp | |
Cramp | Defines a linear ramp along a given direction |
►Nrp | |
Ceuler2d_rp1_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid RP1 problem as defined in: "A Simple and Effictive High-Order Shock-Capturing Limiter for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods" by Scott Moe, James Rossmanith, and David Seal, arXiv 1507.03024v1, 2015 |
►Nrti_instability | |
Crti_13moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Crti_5moment | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
Crti_field | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
►Nset_to | |
Cset_to | Function which sets field to a given uniform value |
►Nshock_tube | |
Celectromagnetic_shock_tube_13moment | Function which sets 13-moment fluid to brio wu shock tube conditions |
Ceuler1d_arbitrary_shocktube_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions arbitrary riemann problem |
Ceuler1d_double_rarefaction_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions double rarefaction problem |
Ceuler1d_shock_entropy_problem_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions for shock entropy problem as described by Moe and Rossmanith (A simple and effective high-order shock-captutring limiter for discontinuous galerkin methods: http://arxiv.org/abs/1507.03024 ) |
Ckinetics1d1v_arbitrary_shocktube | Function which sets 1d1v kinetics fluid to shock tube conditions arbitrary riemann problem |
Ckinetics1d1v_double_rarefaction | Function which sets kinetic shock tube conditions double rarefaction problem |
Cshock_tube_13moment | Function which sets 13-moment fluid to shock tube conditions |
Cshock_tube_5moment | Function which sets 5-moment fluid to shock tube conditions |
►Nshocktube_mhd | |
Cbriowu_mhd | |
Cdaiwoodward_mhd | |
►Nsinc_field | |
Csinc_field | Function which creates sinc function in EM field |
►Nsinc_field_2d | |
Csinc_field_2d | Function which creates sinc function in EM field |
►Nsine_field | |
Csine_field | Function which creates sine function in EM field |
►Nslab_fluid5 | |
Cslab_fluid5 | |
►NTE_TM_mode | |
CTE_TM_mode | Bessel functions |
►Ntrapezoid | |
Ctrapezoid | Initializes a trapezoid shaped object |
►Nzpinch | |
Czpinch_5moment_electron_1D | |
Czpinch_5moment_electron_1D_Car | |
Czpinch_5moment_electron_2D | |
Czpinch_5moment_ion_1D | |
Czpinch_5moment_ion_1D_Car | |
Czpinch_5moment_ion_2D | |
Czpinch_field_1D | |
Czpinch_field_1D_Car | |
Czpinch_field_2D | |
Czpinch_field_test_1D | |
Czpinch_imhd_1D | |
Czpinch_imhd_2D | |
Czpinch_phfield_1D | |
►Nfvm_sim | Finite volume simulation using RK Reconstruction |
Cfvm_sim | Higher order FVM K-Exact reconstruction RK simulation |
►Ngenerator | |
Cblock | Represents a block element in the input file |
Cwarpy_obj | Base class for all warpy objects |
►Nhelpers | |
►Nbloch | |
CBlochVar | A supervariable that contains real and imaginary variables for each region specified |
►Nlobc | |
Clobc | A class that automates Lacuna based open boundary (LOBC) setup |
►Nhost_actions | |
►Napplicator_set | |
Capplicator_set | |
►Nboundary_conditions | |
►Nboundary_condition | |
Cboundary_condition | |
►Ncombo_bc | |
Ccombo_bc | |
►Ndata_loader | |
Cdata_loader | Loads arbitrary data from a file into a variable |
►Ndiagnostics_writer | |
Cdiagnostics_writer | |
►Nerk | |
Cerk | Explicit Runge-Kutta temporal solver Note: Dormand45 currently will not work correctly with limiters on (limiters overwrite the stage variable data in-place) |
►Nfill_value | |
Cfill_value | The WmFillValue class fills all components of a variable with a specified fill value from the input parameters |
►Ngsync | |
Cgsync | Ghost sync step |
►Nhost_action | |
Chost_action | |
►Nic_generate | |
Cic_generate | |
►Nintegrator | |
Cintegrator | |
►Nirk | |
Cirk | Implicit Runge-Kutta temporal solver Note: currently will not work correctly with limiters on (limiters overwrite the stage variable data in-place) |
►Nprobe | |
Cprobe | Writes out variables for single node at each time point into single file |
►Nprobe_diagnostic | |
Cprobe_diagnostic | Writes out variables for single node at each time point into single file |
►Nrk_reconstruction | |
Crk_reconstruction | RK Reconstruction finite volume scheme |
►Nrkdg | |
Crkdg | RK DG scheme |
►Nswapper | |
Cswapper | |
►Ntest_sugdt | |
Ctest_sugdt | Suggested dt calculation for FVM |
►Ntimed_swapper | |
Ctimed_swapper | Swaps two like variables, internalized storage remains, while outer shell naming is swapped |
►Nunique_variable_diagnostic | |
Cunique_variable_diagnostic | Writes out variables for unique variable at each time point into single file |
►Nva_runner | |
Cva_runner | Runs a list of host actions |
►Nvariable_loader | |
Cvariable_loader | Loads a variable |
►Nwriter | |
Cwriter | Writes out a list of variables |
►Nhyperapps | |
►Nbraginskii | Braginskii related hyperapps |
Cbraginskii_flux | |
Cbraginskii_source | |
►Neuler_roe | |
Ceuler_roe | |
►Nfield_source_5mom | |
Cfield_source_5mom | |
►Nhyperapp | |
Chyperapp | |
►Npcmaxwell | |
Cpcmaxwell | |
►Nintegrators | |
►Nintegrators | |
Cdg_integrator | Dg_integrator This integrator takes into account element geometry and sums for integrating a function spatially |
Cdg_max_integrator | Dg_max_integrator This integrator ignores element geometry and simply finds the max |
Cpatch_process_integrator | Patch_process dg_integrator |
►Nmesh | |
Carbitrary | General unstructured mesh |
Cblock | Block mesh generator |
Cmesh | Unstructured mesh |
►Npost_processing | |
►Nband_diagrams | |
►Nanalytical_1d | |
CBands1D | Base class for 1D photonic band objects |
►Nanalytical_2d | |
CBands2D | Base class for 2D photonic band objects UNFINISHED!!! Needs to be generalized to more than just 2D sine functions |
►Ndensity_profiles | Classes for density profiles used in analytical band diagram calculations |
CDensity1D | Density profile base class |
CDensity1DArb | Child of Density1D for arbitrary density functions |
CDensity1DBox | Child of Density1D for box car density functions |
CDensity1DDirichlet | Child of Density1D for Dirichlet density functions |
CDensity1DFourierArb | Child of Density1D for Dirichlet density functions |
CDensity1DSine | Child of Density1D for sine wave density functions |
Nsimulation_1d | A collection of methods for processing multi-simulation probe datasets |
►Npost1d | |
Cpost_process_1d | Post processing utilities for 1D simulations |
►Npost2d | |
Cpost_process_2d | Post processing utilities for 2D simulations |
►Nprobes | |
CProbePostProc | Post processing utilities for probes |
►Nrkdg_sim | DG simulation using RKDG |
Crkdg_sim | Discontinuous finite element RK simulation |
►Nsimulation | |
Csimulation | Simulation base class |
►Nsolver_sequence | Solver sequence |
Csequence_group | |
Csolver_sequence | |
►Nspatial_solvers | |
►Nndg | |
Cndg | Nodal discontinuous galerkin method |
Cndg_kinetic | Discontinuous galerkin method applied to kinetic problems |
Cndg_kinetic_old | Discontinuous galerkin method applied to kinetic problems |
Cunique_variable_solver | Calculates RHS for a unique variable ODE advance |
►Nspatial_solver | |
Cspatial_solver | Spatial solver - currently hardcoded for rk methods |
►Nvariable | |
Cunique_variable | |
Cvariable | |
►Nvariable_adjusters | |
►Nauxiliary_variables | |
►Nauxiliary_variables | |
Cdivergence_integral_by_parts | Divergence_integral_by_parts solves for v in v + div(F) = S in weak form by splitting the flux integral into parts like in dg |
►Nboundary_conditions | |
Cboundary_conditions | Spatial solver - currently hardcoded for rk methods |
Ckinetic_boundary_conditions | Spatial solver - currently hardcoded for rk methods |
Ckinetic_boundary_conditions_old | Spatial solver - currently hardcoded for rk methods |
►Ndg_gradient | |
Cdg_gradient | Dg_gradient solves for gradients for the dg interface |
Cdg_gradient_interior_penalty_internal_approximation | Dg_gradient solves for gradients for the dg interface |
Cphase_space_gradient | Phase_space_gradient solves for gradients for the dg interface in phase space |
►Ndiffusion_coefficient | |
Ccalculate_diffusion_coefficient | Calculate a a diffusion coefficient in QL approximation |
►Nfunction_evaluation | |
Cfunction_evaluator | Function evaluator |
Cphase_space_function_evaluator | Phase_space function evaluator |
Cunique_variable_function_evaluator | Unique variable function evaluator |
►Nlimiters | |
►Ndg_ceno | |
Cdg_ceno | Dg_ceno is a limiting scheme for the dg method |
►Ndg_moe_rossmanith | |
Cdg_moe_rossmanith | Dg_moe_rossmanith is a limiting scheme for the dg method |
►Ndg_positivity_enforcing_limiter | |
Cdg_euler_positivity_enforcing_limiter | |
Cdg_mhd_positivity_enforcing_limiter | |
►Ndg_tu_alibadi | |
Cdg_tu_alibadi | Dg_tu_alibadi is a limiting scheme for the dg method |
►Nmoment_takers | |
Cvelocity_space_moment_taker | Velocity_space_moment_taker takes moments in velocity space |
Cvelocity_space_moment_taker_old | Velocity_space_moment_taker takes moments in velocity space |
►Nunique_variable_adjuster | |
Cboundary_flux_integral | Boundary flux integral for unique variables |
Cboundary_line_integral | Boundary line integral for unique variables |
►Nvariable_adjuster | |
Cvariable_adjuster | Spatial solver - currently hardcoded for rk methods |
Nwarpy_config | Configuration file for WARPy |
Nwarpy_user_config | User configuration file for WARPy |
►Nxdmf | |
►Ngenerator | |
Cattribute | Some sort of attribute/variable on a grid |
Cblock | Represents some Xdmf block |
Centity | An entity wrapper |
Cgrid | Some sort of xdmf |
Citem | Some sort of xdmf item |
Ctime | |
Ctopology | |
Cxdmf | Root XDMF block |
Nxdmf_gen | |
NWmIOInterface | |
NWmPearsonIVFunctions | |
►NWmUDGFunctions | |
CtypeString | |
CtypeString< double > | |
CtypeString< float > | |
CtypeString< int > | |
CtypeString< unsigned > | |
Nwrite_fit_coeff_csv | |
►Nwxm | Base namespace for everything not included in the global namespace |
►Napps | |
►Nanalytic_solutions | |
CAdvection | Class that calculates the analytic solution Advection Equation |
CDiffusion | Class that calculates the analytic solution Diffusion Equation |
►Nbc | |
►Nflux_bc | |
►Nadvection | |
CAdvectionBCFlux | Flux Bounary Condition for Advection Equation This boundary condition is meant to set the boundary condition for the advection equation It should just choose the upwinding solution for the flux |
►Nfive_moment | |
CFiveMomentFreeslipWallBCFlux | Freeslip Wall Flux Boundary Condition This boundary condition is meant to set the boundary condition on a freesslip wall for 5-Moment This just sets the local x momentum flux to the presssure This isn't really correct as it is not the solution to the Riemann problem in which the velocity is supposed to flip signs from left to right, so really you need to solve the Riemann problem properly (which will depend on weather you get 2 shocks, 2 rarefaction waves, or some other combination) or put in the soluition of a approximate Riemann Solve directly |
CKineticToFiveMomentFluxBC | Kinetic to 5 Moment Flux Boundary Condition This sets the numerical flux that for the fluid model at the boundary interface between the fluid and kinetic model |
Cantenna_single_freq_bc_t | |
Cdirichlet_t | |
Cneumann_t | |
Coscillating_t | |
CPulse | |
Cramp_t | |
►Nfive_moment | |
►Nbc | |
Caxis_5moment | Five moment axis boundary condition |
Caxis_5moment_gradients | |
CEinBc | |
Cfreeslip_wall | Five moment free slip wall boundary condition |
Cfreeslip_wall_gradients_yu | |
Cfreeslip_wall_yu | Five moment free slip wall boundary condition |
CFreeslipWallGradients | |
Cimhd_to_twofluid | Boundary condition for converting ideal MHD variabls to two-fluid variables |
Ckinetic_to_5moment | |
Cnoslip_wall | |
Cnoslip_wall_gradients | |
Cpulse_inlet | Plasma slug acceleration inlet boundary condition for two-fluid |
Cpulse_outlet | Plasma slug acceleration outlet boundary condition for two-fluid Same as pulse_inlet, except has Neumann BC for B |
Creflecting_wall | |
Csheath_bc | |
CWmApplication_5Moment_BC_Copyout | |
►Nlimiters | |
Cartificial_viscosity_limiter_historical_t | Class used implementing artificial viscosity limiter based on velocity divergence Adds a diffusion term to the equation based on the compressibility of the fluid Applied on the momentum equation for p=(px,py,pz) Uses Local Discontinuous Galerkin or Interior Penalty d/dt (p) + div (-nu * m * grad u) = 0 where nu is the viscosity coefficient m is an extra multiplier which is either: |div u|, or (div u)^2 |
Cartificial_viscosity_limiter_meier | Class used implementing artificial viscosity limiter based on velocity gradient as desribed in Eric Meier Dissertation (2011, Univ |
Cartificial_viscosity_limiter_t | Class used implementing artificial viscosity limiter based on velocity divergence Adds a diffusion term to the equation based on the compressibility of the fluid Applied on the momentum equation for p=(px,py,pz) Uses Local Discontinuous Galerkin or Interior Penalty d/dt (p) + div (-nu * m * grad u) = 0 where nu is the viscosity coefficient m is an extra multiplier which is either: |div u|, or (div u)^2 |
CArtificialDissipation | Class used implementing artificial dissipation limiter that uses divergence of velocity as a shock sensor, similar to Von Neumann and Richtmyer, J |
CArtificialDissipationCylSource | Implements the source terms for artificial dissipation limiter arising from a cylindrical geometry |
Cq_h_artificial_dissipation | Implements artificial viscosity and heat flux for the 5 moment Euler/Navier Stokes equations |
CAppSetupHelper | Helper class that automates common setup tasks for 5-moment fluid physics applications |
Cbraginskii_flux | |
CConservedPrimitiveConversion | |
CDensityDiffusionCylSource | |
CDensityDiffusionFlux | |
CEuler | Euler flux |
CEuler1D_Riemann_Problem_Analytic_Solution | Class that calculates the analytic solution to the Riemann Problem for the Euler Equations |
CEulerCylSource | Implements the source terms in the Euler equations arising from a cylindrical geometry |
Cfield_source_t | |
Cfive_moment_to_kinetic | 5-Moment to Kinetic Boundary Condition App |
Cgeneral_source_t | |
CInterspeciesCollisions | |
CIntraspeciesCollisions | Implements Navier-Stokes style collisions |
CIntraspeciesCyl | Implements the source terms for intraspecies collisions arising from a cylindrical geometry |
Cnavier_stokes_t | |
Creaction_source_mol_t | |
Creaction_source_t | Implements source terms for atomic reactions |
►Nfunctions | |
►Narbitrary | |
CBandpass | |
CBump | |
CCopyVals | This function simply copies input to output |
CFourier | |
CGaussian | |
CGetSource | This function takes any source app and writes source to a specified output variable |
CHeaviside | |
CLinearInterpolation1D | Given a set of monotonically increasing time values and a corresponding set of field values \(f(t)\), this class will return an estimated value of \(f(t)\), given an arbitrary \(t\), using linear interpolation |
CMultiplier | |
CPolynomial | |
CRamp | |
CSetTo | |
CSine2D | |
CStationaryCylindricalHyperdiffusionBump | The StationaryCylindricalHyperdiffusionBump is the stationary solution to |
CTE_TM_Mode | |
CTrapezoid | Initializes a trapezoidal shape |
►Nfive_moment | |
CConstantFluidIC | |
CCouetteFlow | |
CCylindricalCouetteFlow | |
CEinIC | Class to set IC for a simple flow problem |
CElectronZpinch1d | |
CElectronZpinch1dCar | |
CElectronZpinch2d | |
CEuler1dArbitraryShocktube | Euler Arbitrary Shocktube Function |
CEuler1dDoubleRarefaction | Double Rarefaction 1D Riemann Problem See: Buffard and Clain -> Monoslope and multislope MUSCL methods for unstructured meshes Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (2010) 3745-3376 https://ac.els-cdn.com/S0021999110000495/1-s2.0-S0021999110000495-main.pdf?_tid=e51b7b8a-8b83-4578-a6e6-e338b59cf38a&acdnat=1524338362_0ddf7d2efc1b73e6510cbe8f19b53250 |
CEuler1dShockEntropy | |
CEuler2dForwardFacingStep | |
CEuler2dRP1 | |
CFlowInit | Class to set IC for a simple flow problem |
CFlowInit2 | Class to set IC for a simple flow problem |
CGEM | |
CGEM1D | |
CGEM2 | |
CHarrisCurrentSheet | |
CIonZpinch1d | |
CIonZpinch1dCar | |
CIonZpinch2d | |
CKH_Instability | Initialization and boundary conditions for electromagnetic Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability defined using piecewise discontinuous values |
CKH_Instability_Analytic | Initialization and boundary conditions for electromagnetic Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability defined using analytic functions described in Vogman PoP 2020 Eqs |
CKinetics2d2vKelvinHelmholtzInstabilityFluidVariables | 2D2V Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability where the kinetic variables are converted to fluid Used in hybrid simulation where the domain in split into kinetic and fluid parts, with this function initilizing the fluid |
CLangmuirDispersion | |
CManualDensityAndPressureFluid5 | Function allowing density and pressure to be set by subfunctions |
CPlasmaSwitch | Initialize the simplified 2D plasma switch problem for a single 5 moment fluid |
CPulseFluid5 | |
CPulsesFluid5 | |
Cradial_slab | A spherical slab of fluid with a given radius and center |
CRTI_Instability | I think this is a combination of hydrodynamic Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities?? |
CSetFloorsIonsElectrons | Class to set Density and Pressure floors for ions and electrons for two-fluid case |
CSetFloorsSingleSpecies | Class to set Density and Pressure floors for a single species |
CShockTubeFluid5 | |
CSlabFluid5 | |
Ctwo_stream | Class to set IC for 1D counter-streaming electrons and ions |
►Nkinetics | |
CCounterStreamingBeams2d2v | |
CGeneralMaxwellianTwoStream | General Maxwellian Two-Stream Instability Initial Condition We initialize 2 counterstreaming Maxwellian plasma beams: f(x,v_x, v_y) = 1/2 * n_0/((2pi)^0.5*v_th) * (exp(-(v_x-v')^2/(2 v_th^2)) + exp(-(v_x+v')^2/(2 v_th^2))) f(x,v) = fM_1 + fM_2 where fM_i == n_i * (1/2pi / v_th_i^2)^d/2 * exp( -1/2 / v_th_i^2 (|v-V_i|^2)) |
CKinetics1d1vArbitraryShocktube | Double Rarefaction 1D Riemann Problem See: Buffard and Clain -> Monoslope and multislope MUSCL methods for unstructured meshes Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (2010) 3745-3376 |
CKinetics1d1vDoubleRarefaction | Double Rarefaction 1D Riemann Problem See: Buffard and Clain -> Monoslope and multislope MUSCL methods for unstructured meshes Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (2010) 3745-3376 |
CKinetics1d1vLandauDamping | 1D1V Landau Damping Initial Condition This is a Maxwellian distribution of f in velocity space multiplied by a sinusoidal variation in position space, given by the form: f(x,v_x) = n_0/((2pi)^0.5*v_th) exp(-v_x^2/(2v_th)^2) * (1 + alpha cos(kx)) See the paper: Physics-Based-Adaptive Plasma Model for High-Fidelity Numerical Simulations https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphy.2018.00105/full Equation 119 |
CKinetics1d1vTwoStream | 1D1V Two-Stream Instability Initial Condition We initialize 2 counterstreaming plasma beams: f(x,v_x) = 1/2 * n_0/((2pi)^0.5*v_th) * (exp(-(v_x-v')^2/(2 v_th^2)) + exp(-(v_x+v')^2/(2 v_th^2))) * (1 + alpha cos(kx)) See the paper: Physics-Based-Adaptive Plasma Model for High-Fidelity Numerical Simulations https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphy.2018.00105/full Equation 122 |
CKinetics1d2vDoryGuestHarris | 1D2V Dory-Guest-Harris Initial Condition We initialize a ring distribution with a perturbation, equations 29 and 30 in Vogman JCP2014 f(x, v_{x}, v_{y}) = \frac{1}{\pi \alpha_{\perp}^2 j!} \left(\frac{v_{x}^2+v_{y}^2}{\alpha_{\perp}^2}\right)^j \exp\left(-\frac{v_{x}^2+v_{y}^2}{\alpha_{\perp}^2}\right) \left(1 + \epsilon \sin\left(4\theta -\frac{\tilde{k}\Omega_{c}}{v_{\perp 0}}x\right)\right) |
CKinetics2d2vDoryGuestHarris | 2D2V Dory-Guest-Harris Initial Condition We initialize a ring distribution with a perturbation, extending the 1d2v form given equations 29 and 30 in Vogman JCP2014 to 2D2V f(x, y, v_{x}, v_{y}) = \frac{1}{\pi \alpha_{\perp}^2 j!} \left(\frac{v_{x}^2+v_{y}^2}{\alpha_{\perp}^2}\right)^j \exp\left(-\frac{v_{x}^2+v_{y}^2}{\alpha_{\perp}^2}\right) \left(1 + \epsilon \sin\left(4\theta -\boldsymbol{k}_{\perp} \cdot{\boldsymbol{r}}\right)\right) |
CKinetics2d2vKelvinHelmholtzInstability | 2D2V Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Based on calculated kinetic equilibrium |
CKinetics2d2vKelvinHelmholtzInstabilityFluidMaxwellian | 2D2V Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability using the Maxwellians as the initial condition for the distributions |
CKineticsDriftingMaxwellian | A drifting maxwellian with perturbation initial condition |
CKineticsInitialConstant | An initial constant initial condition for the wave energy distribution IC |
CKineticsPressureEquilibrium | A drifting maxwellian with density variation in pressure equilibrium |
CLandauDamping2d2v | 2D2V Landau Damping Initial Condition This is a Maxwellian distribution of f in velocity space multiplied by a sinusoidal variation in position space, given by the form: f(x,y,v_x,v_y) = n_0/((2pi)*v_th^2) exp(-(v_x^2 + v_y^2)/(2v_th)^2) * (1 + alpha_x cos(kx) + alpha_y cos(ky)) |
CMaxwellian | Initailize Maxwellian Distribution |
CVlasovMaxwellCustom | Initailize VlasovMaxwellCustom Distribution |
CWeibelCustom | Calculates the difference between a fed-in IC and a General Maxwellian Two-Stream conditions, weights this difference, and adds it back |
►Nmaxwell | |
CCustomMaxwell | |
CDivergenceError | Divergence Error Calculation This calculates the divergence error for diagnostic purposes THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE AN INITIAL CONDITION PsiE = 1/(omega_p tau)^2 * (L / dp) * Div(E) - rho_c PsiB = Div(B) |
CEinICEM | Class to set IC on EM fields in 5-moment problem |
CFieldZpinch1d | |
CFieldZpinch1dCar | |
CFieldZpinch2d | |
CFieldZpinchTest1d | |
CFlowInitEM | Class to set IC for electromagnetic fields in a simple flow problem |
CGEM | |
CGEM1D | |
CHarrisCurrentSheet | |
CHartmannField | |
CKH_Instability | Initialization and boundary conditions for electromagnetic Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability defined using piecewise discontinuous values |
CKH_Instability_Analytic | Initialization and boundary conditions for electromagnetic Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability defined using analytic functions described in Vogman PoP 2020 Eq |
CKHInstability2d2vKineticSetup | 2D2V Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability for Fields Based on calculated kinetic equilibrium Should be consistent with 2d2v_kh_instability.h/cc in function_evaluators/kinetics |
CKinetics1d1vLandauDampingField | 1D1V Landau Damping Initial Condition for the Fields This is an Ex (1D Electric) Field consistent with a Maxwellian distribution with sinusoidally-varying spatial variation with a uniformly-distributed opposite chage: E_x(x) = +Z_i n_0 (omega_p tau)^2 (delta_p/L) (alpha/k) sin(kx) See the paper: Physics-Based-Adaptive Plasma Model for High-Fidelity Numerical Simulations https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphy.2018.00105/full Equation 121 |
CKinetics2d2vLandauDampingField | 2D2V Landau Damping Initial Condition for the Fields This is an (Ex, Ey) (2D Electric) Field consistent with a Maxwellian distribution with sinusoidally-varying spatial variation with a uniformly-distributed opposite charge: E_x(x) = +Z_i n_0 (omega_p tau)^2 (delta_p/L) (alpha_x/k_x) sin(k_x * x) E_y(y) = +Z_i n_0 (omega_p tau)^2 (delta_p/L) (alpha_y/k_y) sin(k_y * y) |
CLangmuirDispersionField | |
CPlasmaSwitchFields | Initialize the EM fields for the simplified 2D plasma switch problem with a normalized Poynting vector [1,0,0] |
CRTI_Instability | Field setup for combination of hydrodynamic Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities?? |
CSincField | |
CSincField2d | |
CSineField | |
CUniformMaxwell | Input uniform field values |
►Nmhd | |
CAccel1d | |
CBennettEquilibrium | Bennett Equilibrium for Ideal MHD Should Work for Cylindrical and Cartesian cases Ref |
CBrioWuShockTube | |
CCopyPressure | Implements a calculation of MHD pressure |
CDaiWoodwardShockTube | |
CGEM | |
CGEM1D | |
CHartmannMHD | |
CMHD_Custom | |
COrszagTang | Orszag-Tang Problem setup for MHD See: http://www.csun.edu/~jb715473/examples/mhd2d.htm |
CPlasmaPulse | Initializes a simple plasma pulse |
CSetFloors | Class to set density and pressure floors for MHD fluid |
CZpinch1d | |
CZpinch2d | |
►Nphmaxwell | |
CEinICphEM | Class to set IC on EM fields in 5-moment problem |
CZpinch1d | |
►Nthirteen_moment | |
CBrioWu | |
CCouetteFlow | Initialize the simplified 2D plasma switch problem for a single 5 moment fluid |
CFluid13Custom | |
CGEM | |
CHarrisCurrentSheet | |
CHartmannFluid13 | |
CPlasmaSwitch | Initialize the simplified 2D plasma switch problem for a single 5 moment fluid |
CPulseFluid13 | |
CPulsesFluid13 | |
CRandomVelocityFluid13 | |
CShockTubeFluid13 | |
CSincFluid13 | |
►Nunique_variable | |
CAdder | Add unique variables together |
CCircuitIC | Class to set initial condition of a circuit with 2 variables: [Q0, Qdot0] for a charge solve, or possibly [I0, Idot0] for a current solve |
CDoubleModuleRLCWithLoadRHS | Class to set RHS for double module RLC circuit with discharging capacitor, resistance, and inductance, out of each module |
CIload | Class to calculate Iload = sum I_modules = - sum Qdot_modules It assumes a currents in number of modules add up together to a load current using Kirchoff's Circuit Law |
CSeriesRLCWithLoadRHS | Class to set RHS for RLC circuit with discharging capacitor and a load voltage Kirchoff's Voltage Law (KVL): V_C - V_L - V_R - V_load = 0 I = -Qdot V_C = Q / C V_L = Idot L = -Qdouble_dot L V_R = I R = -Qdot R Substitution leads to Qdouble_dot = V_load / L - Qdot R / L - Q / L / C We are solving: dqdt = RHS(t) where q = [Q, Qdot] then dqdt = [Qdot, Qdouble_dot] = [Qdot, V_load / L - Qdot R / L - Q / L / C] |
CSubmoduleRLCWithLoadRHS | Class to set RHS for N-module RLC circuit with discharging capacitor, resistance, and inductance, out of each module |
►Nhallmhd | |
►Nbc | |
CConductingWallFreeslipGradients | Class to set gradient variables for conducting wall for Hall MHD |
►Nhyperresistivity | |
CElectricFieldEffect | Takes an Electric field term in Ohms Law as defined by the user and applies this to the Hall MHD equations (energy and B induction equations) |
CElectricFieldEffectCylSource | Cylindrical Source Term companion to ElectricFieldEffect |
COhmsLaw | Calculates the internal (or analytic) flux term for the hyperresistive term of Ohm's Law: E + nu nabla^2 J = 0, or E_i |
COhmsLawCylSource | Calculates the Cylindrical Source term for the hyperresistive term of Ohm's Law: |
CCylSource | Implements the source terms in the Hall terms that are added to Ideal MHD to produce the Hall MHD equations arising from a cylindrical geometry |
CWmApplication_HALLMHD | |
►Nimhd | |
►Nbc | |
CConductingWallFreeslip | This applies the Conducting Wall Freeslip using a subapplication function around a WmICFunction which dictates the magnetic field so that we can set Bnormal to constant |
Cfreeslip_wall | Ideal mhd free slip wall boundary condition |
CImhdBCCopyoutGradients | |
Cpulse_inlet | Plasma slug acceleration inlet boundary condition for ideal MHD |
Cpulse_outlet | Plasma slug acceleration outlet boundary condition for ideal MHD Only difference between this and pulse_inlet is this has Neumann B |
CWmApplication_Imhd_BC_ConductingWallFreeslip | |
CWmApplication_Imhd_BC_ConductingWallFreeslip_Gradients | |
CWmApplication_Imhd_BC_ConductingWallNoslip | |
CWmApplication_Imhd_BC_ConductingWallNoslip_Gradients | |
CWmApplication_Imhd_BC_Copyout | |
CConservedPrimitiveConversion | |
CCylSource | Implements the source terms in the Ideal MHD equations arising from a cylindrical geometry |
CInjectionSource | Plasma source injection source for ideal MHD |
Creaction_source_t | Implements source terms for atomic reactions |
CTimedSource | This plasma source allows for plasma between times t_start and t_end using the same bump function style as the injection_source |
Ctwofluid_to_imhd | Boundary condition for converting two-fluid variables to ideal MHD variables |
Ctwofluid_to_imhd_consistent_assumption | Boundary condition for converting two-fluid variables to ideal MHD variables |
CWmApplication_IMHD_Flux | |
►Nkinetics | |
►Nboundary_conditions | |
COutflowBC1d1v | |
►Nmaxwell | |
Nboundary_condition | |
Caxis_maxwell_gradient_t | |
Caxis_maxwell_t | |
Caxisymmetric_fluid_source_1D_t | |
Caxisymmetric_fluid_source_2D_t | |
Cconducting_wall_gradient_t | |
Cconducting_wall_gradient_yu_t | |
Cconducting_wall_t | |
Cconducting_wall_yu_t | |
CCylSource | Implements the source terms in Maxwell equations arising from a cylindrical geometry |
Cfluid_source_t | |
Cgeometric_source_1D_t | |
Cimhd_to_maxwell | Virtual boundary condition for converting ideal MHD variables to Maxwell variables |
Cmaxwell_t | |
Cmaxwell_to_maxwell | Virtual boundary condition for passing Maxwell field variables to Maxwell variables |
Coscillating_wall_t | |
Csinc_absorbing_wall_t | |
Csinc_wall_t | |
CWmApplication_Maxwell_BC_Copyout | |
CZpinch_1D_Field_Analytic_Solution | |
►Nmhd | |
►Nanalytic_solutions | |
CHartmann_flow | Class that calculates the analytic solution to the Hartmann Flow Problem for the MHD Equations |
►Nbc | |
CAxisBC | |
CAxisBCGradients | |
CMinusElectricFieldDotTangent | Class that calculates E dot t Used for calculating potential, phi = -\int_a^b(E dot t)dl |
►Ndivergence_cleaning | |
CDednerMixedGLM | Implements the mixed Generalized-Lagrange Multiplier version of divergence cleaning in: Dedner et al., JCP 175, 645-673 (2002) |
CParabolic | Class used to parabolic divergence cleaning |
►Nlimiters | |
CArtificialDissipation | An artificial dissipation limiter for MHD that uses divergence of velocity as a shock sensor |
CArtificialDissipationCylSource | Cylindrical source terms for the MHD artificial dissipation limiter |
CArtificialViscosityLimiter | Class used implementing artificial viscosity limiter based on velocity divergence Adds a diffusion term to the equation based on the compressibility of the fluid Applied on the momentum equation for p=(px,py,pz) Uses Local Discontinuous Galerkin or Interior Penalty d/dt (p) + div (-nu * m * grad u) = 0 where nu is the viscosity coefficient m is an extra multiplier which is either: |div u|, or (div u)^2 |
CArtificialViscosityLimiterMeier | Class used implementing artificial viscosity limiter based on velocity gradient as desribed in Eric Meier Dissertation (2011, Univ |
►Nradiation | |
CBlackBody | Class used to implement blackbody radiative cooling de/dt = - C n T^4 This can be related to a volumetric cooling rate defined in Mikellides MRNAS2011 de/dt = - a c rho chi_p T^4 Here: a = Stefan's constant, a = 4 sigma / c = 7.565767E-16 [J m^-3 K^-4] / kB^4 where kB = 1.380649E-23 J K^-1 to express a in units of [m^-3 J^-3] c = speed of light [m s^-1] rho = mass density [kg m^-3] chi_p = mean Planck opacity [m^2 kg^-1] such that photon mean-free-path is 1/chi_p T = temperature in [J] This gives units of [W m^-3] for de/dt Equating this formulation of de/dt = - C n T^4 for a chosen C C = a c rho chi_p / n * chosen_factor [J^-3 s^-1] This C constant is passed into this class and should be normalized (multiplied by T0_J^3 * tau) |
CBremsstrahlung | Class used to implement Bremsstrahlung radiative cooling de/dt ~ -n^2 T^0.5 Specifically see Goldston & Rutherford (1995) Sec |
CLineRadiation | Class used to implement an approximate impurity line radiative cooling model |
CVacuumRadiation | Class used to implement "vacuum radiation", i.e., radiation that is large where density is less than user-specified vacuum density de/dt = - C f_vacrad where f_vacrad = 0.5 * (1 - cos((T - T0) / (T1 - T0))) : T0 > T > T1 f_vacrad = 1 : T >= T1 f_vacrad = 0 : T <= T0 |
CAppSetupHelper | Helper class that automates common setup tasks for mhd physics applications |
►Npcmaxwell | |
Cconducting_wall_neumann | |
CFluidSource | |
Cpcmaxwell_t | |
►Nphmaxwell | |
Caxisymmetric_fluid_source_1D_t | |
Cconducting_wall_gradient_t | |
Cconducting_wall_t | |
Cconducting_wall_yu_t | |
CCylSource | Implements the source terms in phMaxwell equations arising from a cylindrical geometry |
Cfluid_source_t | |
Coscillating_wall_t | |
Cphmaxwell_t | |
Csinc_wall_t | |
CWmApplication_PHMaxwell_BC_Copyout | |
►Nplasma | |
Cfrequency_check_13moment_t | |
Cfrequency_check_5moment_t | |
►Nrmhd | |
►Nbc | |
CConductingWallFreeslipGradients | |
CFlowthroughWall | |
CFlowthroughWallGradients | |
CInsulatorInlet2DCyl | Sets inlet insulator BC in 2D z-r axisymmetric zpinch |
CInsulatorInlet2DCylGradients | Sets gradients for inlet insulator BC in 2D z-r axisymmetric zpinch |
Cpn_bc | |
Cpn_bc_gradients | |
CPorousInsulatorInlet2DCyl | |
CPorousInsulatorInlet2DCylGradients | |
CWmApplication_Rmhd_BC_NoslipWall | |
CCurrentDensity | Class that calculates the current gradient J from deritives of B: That is, J = skin_depth_norm * curl(B) |
CCylSource | Implements the source terms in the resistitive diffusion terms that are added to Ideal MHD to produce the resistive MHD equations arising from a cylindrical geometry |
CDensityDiffusionCylSource | Cylindrical source for density diffusion in the MHD model |
CDensityDiffusionFlux | Density diffusion flux for the MHD model |
CElectricField | Class that calculates the electric field from Ohm's Law using ideal and resistive terms E = -u x B + (dp/L) * (nupt) * eta * J |
Cohmic_source_t | Class that calculates a source associated with reduced Ohmic heating |
CWmApplication_Resistive_Diffusion | |
►Nthirteen_moment | |
Cfield_source_t | |
Cfreeslip_wall_t | |
Cinterspecies_collisions_t | |
Cintraspecies_collisions_parabolic_t | |
Cintraspecies_collisions_t | |
Cnoslip_wall_t | |
Cpearsoniv_t | |
►Nviscousmhd | |
Cintraspecies_collisions_t | Intraspecies collisions for MHD |
CIntraspeciesCyl | Implements the source terms for intraspecies collisions arising from a cylindrical geometry |
►Nvlasovmaxwell | |
CDyadicMonomialMoments | |
CEnergyFluxMoment | Computes the moment which becomes the Fluid Energy Flux Gamma = Full velocity space integral of vec{v}(1/2 A_{alpha} vec{v}^2 f_{alpha}) d^{3}vec{v} or \Gamma = \iiint \boldsymbol{v} \left(\frac{1}{2} A_{\alpha} v^2 f_{\alpha}\right) d^3\boldsymbol{v} where alpha is the species We find from moments of the Boltzmann equation: Gamma = e_{alpha} vec{v}_{alpha} + P_{alpha}vec{v}_{alpha} + \vec{h}_{alpha} or \Gamma = e_{\alpha} \boldsymbol{v}_{\alpha} + P_{\alpha} \boldsymbol{v}_{\alpha} + \boldsymbol{h}_{\alpha} |
CFullDyadicSecondMoment | Computes the Full Dyadic Second Moment which becomes the Fluid Momentum Flux Gamma = Full velocity space integral of vec{v}(A_{alpha} vec{v} f_{alpha}) d^{3}vec{v} or \Gamma = \iiint \boldsymbol{v} \left(A_{\alpha} \boldsymbol{v} f_{\alpha}\right) d^3\boldsymbol{v} where alpha is the species We find from moments of the Boltzmann equation: Gamma = A_{alpha}n_{alpha} vec{v}_{alpha}vec{v}_{alpha} + P_{alpha} or \Gamma = A_{\alpha}n_{\alpha} \boldsymbol{v}_{\alpha}\boldsymbol{v}_{\alpha} + P_{\alpha} |
CMaxwellianDistanceMetric | Computes the Maxwellian Distance Metric chi = int(abs(f - fM))dv / n |
Cadvection_t | |
Cbloch_periodic_bc | Virtual Bloch-Floquet periodic boundary condition for an arbitrary variable |
Cdecay_t | |
Cdiffusion_t | |
Clinear_acoustics_t | |
Cmultiplier_bc | |
Cnonlinear_diffusion_t | |
►Narray | |
Carray_allocation_t | |
Cpatch_array_t | |
Nbasis | |
►Ndetail | |
Ccreator_base | Implementation detail so deletion happens correctly |
Cwxany_arithmetic_caster | Helper for casting any arithmetic type to any other arithmetic type |
Cwxany_avector_caster | Helper for casting to a vector of arithmetic types from other vectors of arithmetic types or from a single arithmetic type |
Cwxany_caster | Helper for casting between various types |
Cwxany_caster< bool > | |
Cwxany_caster< char > | |
Cwxany_caster< double > | |
Cwxany_caster< float > | |
Cwxany_caster< int > | |
Cwxany_caster< long > | |
Cwxany_caster< long long > | |
Cwxany_caster< short > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::string > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< bool > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< char > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< double > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< float > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< int > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< long > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< long long > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< short > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< std::string > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< unsigned char > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< unsigned int > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< unsigned long > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< unsigned long long > > | |
Cwxany_caster< std::vector< unsigned short > > | |
Cwxany_caster< unsigned char > | |
Cwxany_caster< unsigned int > | |
Cwxany_caster< unsigned long > | |
Cwxany_caster< unsigned long long > | |
Cwxany_caster< unsigned short > | |
Cwxany_string_caster | Helper for casting to a string type |
Cwxany_svector_caster | Helper for casting to a vector of strings |
►Ndfem | |
►Narray | |
Cpatch_array_t | Defines a dataset associated with a patch of the domain This class will be used for discontinuous FEM methods |
Csubdomain_array_t | Used to represent a scalar existing on a basis within a portion of the domain (subdomain) |
CUniquePatchArray | Defines a dataset associated with a patch of the domain which has a single value This class will be used for discontinuous FEM methods |
CUniqueSubdomainArray | Used to represent a scalar existing within a portion of the domain (subdomain) where vector size is 1 |
►Nsolver | |
►Ndg | |
Cndg_t | Used for solving the discontinuous Galerkin method |
CNDGKinetic | Used for solving the discontinuous Galerkin method for kinetic problems |
CUniqueVariableSolver | Used for solving the RHS for a unique variable for some time integrator advance |
Cspatial_solver_t | The WmSpatialSolver class is a base class for spatial sovers |
►Nsync | |
►Ntools | |
Ccomponent_exchange_t | Used to exchange a component between two sets of patches |
Ccomponent_patch_exchange_t | Used to exchange information between two patches |
Cpatch_exchange_t | Used to exchange sets of components existing between two patches |
Crank_exchange_t | Used to exchange sets of components existing between sets of patches on different ranks |
Csync_chunk_t | |
Csync_link_t | |
Cpatch_synchronizer_t | |
Crank_synchronizer_t | |
CUniqueVariablePatchSynchronizer | Class for Unique Variable Patch Synchronizer This is basically empty because this is not synchronized, instead some MPI barrier is used such as allreduce to get the value on all processes |
CUniqueVariableRankSynchronizer | Class for Unique Variable Rank Synchronizer This is basically empty because this is not synchronized, instead some MPI barrier is used such as allreduce to get the value on all processes |
►Ntools | |
Cscope_t | |
►Nvariable | |
Cdistributed_component_t | |
Cdistributed_variable_t | |
CUniqueDistributedComponent | Class for Unique Distributed Component |
CUniqueDistributedVariable | Class for Unique Distributed Variable |
►Nvariable_adjuster | |
►Nauxiliary_variables | |
CDivergenceIntegralByParts | This class solves: \(\boldsymbol{v} + \nabla\cdot \bar{\bar{F}} =
\boldsymbol{S}\) in weak form for auxiliary variable \(\boldsymbol{v}\) by parts in same manner as with DG |
►Nboundary_condition | |
Cboundary_condition | Applies boundary conditions to a dataset |
CKineticBoundaryCondition | The Kinetic Boundary Condition class applies phase space boundary conditions The logic of this module is to apply phase space boundary conditions by identifying boundary nodes in physical space and projecting these up into phase space and applying the phase space boundary conditions according to given apps |
►Ndiffusion_coefficient | |
CCalcDiffusionCoefficient | This diffusion coefficient class calculates QL diffusion coefficients based on integrals over wavenumber space of certain classes of waves the waves are classified by dispersion relations which are app-specific |
►Nfunction_evaluation | |
Cfunction_evaluator | |
CPhaseSpaceFunctionEvaluator | |
►Ngradient | |
Cgradient | The WmVariableAdjusterGradient class is a gradient adjuster |
Cgradient_interior_penalty_internal_approximation | The WmVariableAdjusterGradient class is a gradient interior penalty approximation variable adjuster |
►Nlimiter | |
►Npositivity_enforcing | |
CEulerLimiterHelper | Helper class for the NDGEulerPositivityPreservingLimiter |
CMHDLimiterHelper | Helper class for the NDGMHDPositivityPreservingLimiter |
CNDGEulerPositivityPreservingLimiter | Simple scaling limiter which enforces positivity of density and pressure while preserving cell averages |
CNDGMHDPositivityPreservingLimiter | Simple scaling limiter which enforces positivity of density and pressure while preserving cell averages |
Cndg_moe_rossmanith | Applies limiters to a dataset |
Cndg_moment_slope_limiter_base | The ndg_moment_slope_base class is a base to apply slope-based limiting to dataset |
Cndg_tu_alibadi | The ndg_tu_alibdi class applies limiters to a dataset This is my attempt at implementation of DG limiter presented by Tu and Alibadi for Warpxm It is the "2D Limiter" presented in "Nodal Discontinuous Galerki Methods" by by Hesthaven and Warbarton |
►Nmoment_taker | |
CVelocitySpaceMomentTaker | The velocity space moment taker class takes moments in velocity space to calculate variables such as: n(x) = \int f(x,v) dv nv(x) = \int f(x,v)v dv etc |
►Nphase_space_gradient | |
CPhaseSpaceGradient | The velocity space gradient class determines the gradient in velocity space for DG calculation of diffusion terms |
►Nunique_variable_adjuster | |
CBoundaryFluxIntegral | Calculates the line integral of the numerical flux along a boundary and saves it to a unique_distributed_variable |
CBoundaryLineIntegral | Calculates a line integral along a boundary and applies it to a unique_distributed_variable which should be of size 1 |
CUniqueVariableFunctionEvaluator | Evaluates a function and applies it to a unique_distributed_variable which should be of size 1 |
Cvariable_adjuster_t | The WmVariableAdjuster class is a base class for variable adjusters |
Cdg_integrator | |
Cdg_max_integrator | Useful for computing an L-infinity norm where you're interested in the max value |
►Ndiagnostics | |
CDiagnostic | A simulation diagnostic |
CDiagnosticsWriter | Writes a collection of diagnostics to a CSV file |
CProbe | This probes a location in the domain and gets the values of the associated variables |
CUniqueVariable | This probes a location in the domain and gets the values of the associated variables |
CWmIntegrator | Integrates something over the entire domain or a subdomain (DG) Useful base class for sub-classes to call integrate() |
►Ndt_calc | |
Cconvergence_dt | Basic time stepper which tries to grow the time step by a given rate if possible, or uses the sugg_dt if an implicit solve fails |
Cfixed_dt | |
Cintegrating_controller | |
Cstability_dt | A time step calculator that uses the smallest global physics suggested dt and the result of the previous time step to determine the next time step size |
Ctime_stepper_base | |
►Nfunctions | |
►Nfive_moment | |
Cein_ic | Class to set IC for a simple flow problem |
Cein_ic_EM | Class to set IC on EM fields in 5-moment problem |
Cein_ic_phEM | Class to set IC on EM fields in 5-moment problem |
Ceuler1d_arbitrary_shocktube | Arbitrary 1D Shocktube given: [density_left, x_velocity_left, pressure_left], [density_right, x_velocity_right, pressure_right] |
Ceuler1d_double_rarefaction | Double Rarefaction 1D Riemann Problem See: Buffard and Clain -> Monoslope and multislope MUSCL methods for unstructured meshes Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (2010) 3745-3376 https://ac.els-cdn.com/S0021999110000495/1-s2.0-S0021999110000495-main.pdf?_tid=e51b7b8a-8b83-4578-a6e6-e338b59cf38a&acdnat=1524338362_0ddf7d2efc1b73e6510cbe8f19b53250 |
Ceuler1d_shock_entropy | |
Ceuler2d_forward_facing_step | Class to run initial function of RP1 Problem as defined in "A Simple and Effictive High-Order Shock-Capturing Limiter for Discontinuous Galerkin
Methods" by Scott Moe, James Rossmanith, and David Seal, arXiv 1507.03024v1, 2015 |
Ceuler2d_rp1 | Class to run initial function of RP1 Problem as defined in "A Simple and Effictive High-Order Shock-Capturing Limiter for Discontinuous Galerkin
Methods" by Scott Moe, James Rossmanith, and David Seal, arXiv 1507.03024v1, 2015 |
Cflow_init | Class to set IC for a simple flow problem |
Cflow_init2 | Class to set IC for a simple flow problem |
Cflow_init_EM | Class to set IC for electromagnetic fields in a simple flow problem |
Cgem | |
Cgem1D | |
Cgem2 | |
Charris_current_sheet | |
CPlasmaSwitch | Initialize the simplified 2D plasma switch problem for a single 5 moment fluid |
Crti_instability | |
►Nhallmhd | |
Cgem | |
Cgem1D | |
►Nimhd | |
CPlasmaPulse | Initializes a simple plasma pulse |
►Nkinetics | |
Ckinetics1d1v_arbitrary_shocktube | Double Rarefaction 1D Riemann Problem See: Buffard and Clain -> Monoslope and multislope MUSCL methods for unstructured meshes Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (2010) 3745-3376 |
Ckinetics1d1v_double_rarefaction | Double Rarefaction 1D Riemann Problem See: Buffard and Clain -> Monoslope and multislope MUSCL methods for unstructured meshes Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (2010) 3745-3376 |
Cmaxwellian | Initailize Maxwellian Distribution |
►Nmaxwell | |
CCustomMaxwell | |
CField1D1VVlasovCases | |
Cgem | |
Cgem1D | |
Charris_current_sheet | |
Crti_instability | |
►Nthirteen_moment | |
Cbrio_wu | |
Ccouette_flow | Initialize the simplified 2D plasma switch problem for a single 5 moment fluid |
Cgem | |
Charris_current_sheet | |
Cplasma_switch | Initialize the simplified 2D plasma switch problem for a single 5 moment fluid |
Cplasma_switch_fields | Initialize the EM fields for the simplified 2D plasma switch problem with a normalized Poynting vector [1,0,0] |
Ctrapezoid | Initializes a trapezoidal shape |
►Nfvm | Base namespace for K-exact higher order finite volume |
Cdecay | Adds a linear decay \(\partial_{t} q = a q\) |
►Nhost_actions | |
Cdata_loader | Suplements WmVariableLoader by allowing you to load "arbitrary" data to variable subdomains |
►Nlib | Various utilities and helpful classes used throughout warpxm |
CExcept | Wxm::lib::Except is the class to use for creating and throwing exceptions |
►Nmesh | Input mesh capabilities |
Carb_mesh | Handles reading in input meshes from disk |
Cblock_mesh | Generates axis aligned uniform unstructured block meshes including a NumLayers padding of boundary ghost layers |
Cmesh | Base class for handling input meshes |
►Nmeta | |
Call | Determines if all predicated values are true or not |
Call< false, Vals... > | |
Call< true, Vals... > | |
Nroot_finders | |
Nspline | |
►Nsync | |
Cpatch_synchronizer_t | |
Crank_synchronizer_t | |
►Ntemporal | |
Cimplicit | Fully implicit temporal solver |
CImplicitRKScheme | Handles basic singly implicit RK time integration |
►Ntimer | |
CWmTimer | Parameters for the walltime report |
►Nvariable | |
Cdistributed_variable_t | Defines an interface for variables that exits over distributed memory |
Cvariable_t | |
►Capp_base | |
CApplication_Variable | |
Cint_DDn_dv_cylindrical_mhd | Computes the integral of DDn reactivity over domain volume, given MHD variables @params Vars |
Cint_Ex2_dv | Computes the integral of component of field energy over domain volume @params Vars |
Cint_KEx_dv | Computes the integral of x component of kinetic energy over domain volume @params Vars |
Cint_q2_dv | Computes the integral of variable q^2 over domain volume @params Vars |
Cint_q_dv | Computes the integral of variable q over domain volume @params Vars |
Cint_q_dv_cylindrical | Computes the integral of variable q over domain volume @params Vars |
Cintegrate_app | Base class for performing a volume integral |
CintegrateVariables | |
CIntKeComponentdv | Computes the integral of of kinetic energy component over domain volume |
Cmax_diff | Computes max(|a-b|) |
Cmulti_iterator | A multi-dimensional iterator Stores the index in each dimension, as well as a global flattened index |
Cp_norm_diff | Computes |a-b|^p, for finite p |
Cp_norm_diff_analytic | Computes |a-b|^p, for finite p @params Vars |
Craii_base | |
Craii_base< T, T, T > | |
►Ctemporal_solver | Base class for all temporal solvers |
Ctemporal_var | |
Cva_runner | Runs a set of variable adjusters |
Cvolume_integrator | Computes the volume (i.e |