WARPXM v1.10.0
No Matches
examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D Namespace Reference


str torder = 'RK4'
str sorder = 'secondOrder'
bool useLimiter = False
int limiter_alpha = 5
float cfl = 0.8
str imhd_numerical_flux_type = "HLLD"
float penalty_beta = 0.0
float penalty_eta = -1.0
str gradient_method = "ldg"
float perturbation = 0.1
float floor_density = 1.0E-2
float floor_pressure = 1.0E-2
float skin_depth_norm = 1.0
None nu_p_norm = None
int gamma = 5./3.
int z_i = 1
int A_i = 1
int theta = 1
int di_L = 1.
int Lx = 4*math.pi*di_L
int Ly = 8*math.pi*di_L
float sheet_width = 0.5
float n0 = 1.0
float n_inf = 0.2
float B0 = 1.0
float Ti_Te = 1.0/theta
float Te = B0**2/2.0/n0/(Ti_Te + 1.0)
float Ti = Ti_Te * Te
list T = [Ti, Te]
warpy mesh
list component_names = ['rho', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'e', 'Bx', 'By', 'Bz','psi']
warpy fluid
list gradient_component_names = [prefix+"_"+suffix for prefix in component_names for suffix in ['x','y','z']]
warpy fluid_gradient
warpy fluid_gradient2
warpy gem_ic
list applicators
list apps = []
list dirichlet_apps = []
list neumann_apps = []
float c_h = 1.0
list limiter_apps = []
warpy writer
warpy spatial_solver
list variable_adjusters = []
warpy ti = warpy.host_actions.erk(name="rk", scheme=torder, spatial_solvers=[spatial_solver], variable_adjusters=variable_adjusters)
warpy dt_controller = warpy.dt_calc.stability_dt(init_dt=1e-5)
warpy sim
datetime now = datetime.datetime.now()

Variable Documentation

◆ A_i

int examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.A_i = 1

◆ applicators

list examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.applicators
Initial value:
1= [warpy.applicator(spatial_order=sorder,
2 fun=gem_ic,
3 var=fluid,
4 spatial_scheme='Nodal',
5 components=component_names[0:8])]

◆ apps

list examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.apps = []

◆ B0

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.B0 = 1.0

◆ c_h

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.c_h = 1.0

◆ cfl

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.cfl = 0.8

◆ component_names

list examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.component_names = ['rho', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'e', 'Bx', 'By', 'Bz','psi']

◆ detect_nonscalar


◆ di_L

int examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.di_L = 1.

◆ dirichlet_apps

list examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.dirichlet_apps = []

◆ dt_controller

warpy examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.dt_controller = warpy.dt_calc.stability_dt(init_dt=1e-5)

◆ floor_density

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.floor_density = 1.0E-2

◆ floor_pressure

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.floor_pressure = 1.0E-2

◆ fluid

warpy examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.fluid
Initial value:
1= warpy.variable(name='fluid',
2 components=component_names,
3 basis_array_set=sorder)
Definition: variable.py:4

◆ fluid_gradient

warpy examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.fluid_gradient
Initial value:
1= warpy.variable(name='fluid_gradient',
2 components=gradient_component_names,
3 basis_array_set=sorder)

◆ fluid_gradient2

warpy examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.fluid_gradient2
Initial value:
1= warpy.variable(name='fluid_gradient2',
2 components=gradient_component_names,
3 basis_array_set=sorder,
4 explodable=False)

◆ gamma

int examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.gamma = 5./3.

◆ gem_ic

warpy examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.gem_ic
Initial value:
2 gamma=gamma,
3 mass=A_i,
4 temperature=Ti+Te,
5 sheet_width=sheet_width,
6 number_density=n0,
7 number_density_infinity=n_inf,
8 B0=B0,
9 Lx=Lx,
10 Ly=Ly,
11 perturbation=perturbation)
Function which sets field to a given uniform value.
Definition: gem.py:300

◆ gen_xdmf


◆ gradient_component_names

list examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.gradient_component_names = [prefix+"_"+suffix for prefix in component_names for suffix in ['x','y','z']]

◆ gradient_method

str examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.gradient_method = "ldg"

◆ imhd_numerical_flux_type

str examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.imhd_numerical_flux_type = "HLLD"

◆ limiter_alpha

int examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.limiter_alpha = 5

◆ limiter_apps

list examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.limiter_apps = []

◆ local_path


◆ Lx

int examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.Lx = 4*math.pi*di_L

◆ Ly

int examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.Ly = 8*math.pi*di_L

◆ mesh

warpy examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.mesh
Initial value:
1= warpy.mesh.block(Bounds=[-Lx/2.,Lx/2],
2 NumCells=[128],NodeSets=["Lower","Upper"],
3 NumLayers=1,
4 basis_array_set=sorder)
block mesh generator
Definition: mesh.py:87

◆ n0

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.n0 = 1.0

◆ n_inf

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.n_inf = 0.2

◆ neumann_apps

list examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.neumann_apps = []

◆ now

datetime examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.now = datetime.datetime.now()

◆ nu_p_norm

None examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.nu_p_norm = None

◆ penalty_beta

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.penalty_beta = 0.0

◆ penalty_eta

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.penalty_eta = -1.0

◆ perturbation

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.perturbation = 0.1

◆ sheet_width

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.sheet_width = 0.5

◆ sim

warpy examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.sim
Initial value:
1= warpy.dg_sim(name='test',
2 meshes=[mesh],
3 initial_conditions=applicators,
4 temporal_solvers=[ti],
5 writers=[writer],
6 time=[0,0.13],
7 # time=[0,40.0],
8 dt_controller=dt_controller,
9 write_steps=100,
10 verbosity='info'
11 )
Discontinuous finite element RK simulation.
Definition: dg_sim.py:11

◆ skin_depth_norm

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.skin_depth_norm = 1.0

◆ sorder

str examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.sorder = 'secondOrder'

◆ spatial_solver

warpy examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.spatial_solver
Initial value:
1= warpy.spatial_solvers.dg(name="dg",
2 spatial_order=sorder,
3 applications=apps,
4 on_subdomains=['all'],
5 penalty_beta=penalty_beta,
6 penalty_eta=penalty_eta,cfl=cfl)

◆ T

list examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.T = [Ti, Te]

◆ Te

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.Te = B0**2/2.0/n0/(Ti_Te + 1.0)

◆ theta

int examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.theta = 1

◆ Ti

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.Ti = Ti_Te * Te

◆ ti

warpy examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.ti = warpy.host_actions.erk(name="rk", scheme=torder, spatial_solvers=[spatial_solver], variable_adjusters=variable_adjusters)

◆ Ti_Te

float examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.Ti_Te = 1.0/theta

◆ torder

str examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.torder = 'RK4'

◆ True


◆ useLimiter

bool examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.useLimiter = False

◆ variable_adjusters

list examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.variable_adjusters = []

◆ writer

warpy examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.writer
Initial value:
1= warpy.host_actions.writer(name='writer',
2 ReadVars=[fluid,
3 fluid_gradient])
Writes out a list of variables.
Definition: writer.py:4

◆ z_i

int examples.dg.mhd.gem_challenge_hall_1D.z_i = 1