WARPXM v1.10.0
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wxm::functions::five_moment Namespace Reference


class  ein_ic
 Class to set IC for a simple flow problem. More...
class  ein_ic_EM
 Class to set IC on EM fields in 5-moment problem. More...
class  ein_ic_phEM
 Class to set IC on EM fields in 5-moment problem. More...
class  euler1d_arbitrary_shocktube
 Arbitrary 1D Shocktube given: [density_left, x_velocity_left, pressure_left], [density_right, x_velocity_right, pressure_right]. More...
class  euler1d_double_rarefaction
 Double Rarefaction 1D Riemann Problem See: Buffard and Clain -> Monoslope and multislope MUSCL methods for unstructured meshes Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (2010) 3745-3376 https://ac.els-cdn.com/S0021999110000495/1-s2.0-S0021999110000495-main.pdf?_tid=e51b7b8a-8b83-4578-a6e6-e338b59cf38a&acdnat=1524338362_0ddf7d2efc1b73e6510cbe8f19b53250. More...
class  euler1d_shock_entropy
class  euler2d_forward_facing_step
 Class to run initial function of RP1 Problem as defined in "A Simple and Effictive High-Order Shock-Capturing Limiter for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods" by Scott Moe, James Rossmanith, and David Seal, arXiv 1507.03024v1, 2015. More...
class  euler2d_rp1
 Class to run initial function of RP1 Problem as defined in "A Simple and Effictive High-Order Shock-Capturing Limiter for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods" by Scott Moe, James Rossmanith, and David Seal, arXiv 1507.03024v1, 2015. More...
class  flow_init
 Class to set IC for a simple flow problem. More...
class  flow_init2
 Class to set IC for a simple flow problem. More...
class  flow_init_EM
 Class to set IC for electromagnetic fields in a simple flow problem. More...
class  gem
class  gem1D
class  gem2
class  harris_current_sheet
class  PlasmaSwitch
 Initialize the simplified 2D plasma switch problem for a single 5 moment fluid. More...
class  rti_instability