Brief biography:
B.S. General Engineering, Harvey Mudd College, 1983
M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, 1987
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, 1992
Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Radiology, University of Washington, 1992-1994
Research Scientist, Department of Radiology, University of Washington, 1994-2001
Research Assistant Professor of Radiology, University of Washington, 2001-2005
Research Associate Professor of Radiology, University of Washington, 2005-present

Selected publications:
Miyaoka RS, Lewellen TK, Yu H, McDaniel DL. Design of a Depth of Interaction (DOI) PET detector module. IEEE Trans Nuc Sci. 1998 45:3 940-943. PDF

Miyaoka RS, Kohlmyer SG, Lewellen TK. Performance characteristics of micro cyrstal element (MiCE) detectors. IEEE Trans Nuc Sci. 2001 45:4 1403-7. PDF

Joung J, Miyaoka RS, Lewellen TK. CMiCE: A high resolution animal PET using continuous LSO with a statistics based positioning scheme. NIM Section A. 2002 489:1-3 474-88. PDF

Miyaoka RS, Janes ML, Lee K, Park B. Kinahan PE, Lewellen TK. Development of a single detector ring micro crystal element scanner (MiCES): Quick PET II. Molecular Imaging. 2005 4:117-127. PDF

Ling T, Lee K, Miyaoka, RS. Performance comparisons of continuous miniature cyrstal element (cMiCE) detectors. IEEE Nuclear Sci Symp & Medical Imag Conference. 2006. 53:5 2513-2518. PDF

Ling T, Lewellen TK, Miyaoka RS. Depth of interaction decoding of a continuous crystal detector module. Phys Med Biol. 2007 52:2213-2228. PDF