The Color CCD Image Gallery

M8 - The Lagoon Nebula

A 45 second of this HII region in Sagittarius. Note the bright nebulosity in the upper part of the nebula. This region, known as "The Hourglass is a region of intense star formation.

Credit: Rory Barnes, James Pizagno


This is a 5 second exposure of Uranus. Although it appears mostly white, there is some green visible in this picture.

Credit: Rory Barnes, Marcel Geltner, Jessica Brown


This is a .01 second exposure of the planet Jupiter. This image was taken on September 29, 1996. Unfortunately the Great Red Spot was not visible at the time of this picture.

Credit: Rory Barnes, Marcel Geltner, Jessica Brown


This is a 45 second CMYK exposure of the second largest star forming refion known. This nebula is in the galaxy M33 in Triangulum, approximately 3.5 million light-years away.

Credit: Rory Barnes, Marcel Geltner

Comet Hale-Bopp

This is a 15 second CMYK image of comet Hale-Bopp taken on October 8, 1996. The blue light is the water and gas vapor in the comet. If you compare this image to the one from August 18, 1996 you can see what an imporvement the 4 colors make compared to 3.

Credit: Rory Barnes, Marcel Geltner, James Pizagno

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