The Color CCD Image Gallery
This is a 100 second CMYK exposure of a planetary nebula in Perseus.
This is an unusual planetary in that it is so red. The central star is one
of the hottest stars known at 60,000K (approxiamately 110,000 degrees
Credit: Rory Barnes, Marcel Geltner
NGC6826 "The Blinking Nebula"
This is a 60 second exposure of a planetary nebula in Cygnus. The
green color of this nebula results from high amounts of ionized oxygen.
Credit: Rory Barnes, Marcel Geltner
NGC7009 "The Saturn Nebula"
A 30 second exposure of this planetary nebula in Aquarius.
Credit: Rory Barnes, Marcel Geltner
NGC2392 "The Eskimo Nebula"
A 24 second exposure of this planetary nebula in Gemini.
Credit: Marcel Geltner, Rory Barnes
M42 "The Orion Nebula"
A 5 second exposure of this nebula in Orion. This image is centered on
the Trapezium, a region of intense star formation.
Credit: Marcel Geltner, Rory Barnes
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